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7249777 No.7249777 [Reply] [Original]

>want to kill myself
>put money into crypto
>double my initial investment
>still want to kill myself
>crypto crashes
>half my initial investment
>want to kill myself even more

>> No.7249813

Sounds like you need to clean your room, sort yourself out, and try to find some bloody meaning in your life bucko.

>> No.7250101
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You can't kill yourself with trips like these. That said I managed not really thinking about killing myself for a few years, but two months ago I got a new doc who changed some meds because she didn't agree with whatever the previous one put me one, and now it's all I think about again; even after going back on the initial medication for the last few days, it doesn't seem to work anymore. This is painful as fuck. It's funny how brain chemicals can affect how you see the world. At least crypto gives a distraction while I wait for this shit to pass. Just hang on and try to get yourself treated somehow, unless you're solely 'depressed' because you've got money problems or something, money alone will not dig you out of that hole.

>> No.7250128

i wanted to kill myself but i invested in a <5mil mcap project with huge potential so im going to wait at least 2 years before killing myself on the off chance i become rich