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7247833 No.7247833 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing that they are partnered with the ruling family of the United Arab Emirates to pilot jCash and that the UAE said they want the country on a Blockchain by 2020... I can’t believe how bullish I am on this coin after reading this post by a team member in bitcointalk.

>”It's always better for token holders if the token itself is either a consumable or gets frozen in the system. For example, JNT is used to purchase and redeem CryDRs (tokens representing real world assets).

So when a user purchases JNT and converts it into a CryDR, that JNT is removed from circulation. The higher the demand for traditional financial assets on-chain, the higher the demand for JNT.

In our simulations, we've built a system that is always solvent (i.e. users can always get their value back) as long as JNT holds a non-zero value.

This perfectly closed system will allow us to move to the Jibrel DAO in the short term.”

>> No.7247840

POsting from phone fucked up space lmao oh well

>> No.7247927

holding 10k, will i make it?

>> No.7248012

Most likely

>> No.7248018


>> No.7248032

I got in the ICO, and bought 17k eth more at .58 cents. I am not fucking selling. This shit is going to fly under the radar for a lot of people as it takes a bit to realize that this is where big institutional MENA money is going to flow. They said they have partnership and announcements lined up for q1/q2 also.

Did you see the conference they put on in Korea? These guys are the real fucking deal. Also, asides from ICX, this is the only other project advised by Don Tapscott.

>> No.7248058
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Yeah this project is the shit, i'm holding 15k waiting for a dip to buy more. now let's have some shop talk: Price predictions boys? I see an easy 5 dollars mid year

>> No.7248063

isnt below ICO price right now?
when are they planning the next exchange?

>> No.7248073

Forgot to mention that on the telegram they said they are working with some Korean institutions as well... Jesus fuck partnered with the Maktoum family you know more money will be following their lead... wow. Tokenizing assets and giving them liquidity? Do you know how many people with big money want that?

>> No.7248115

>isnt below ICO price right now?

What? Did you missclick the axpire thread?

>> No.7248153

ICO was .25 cents.

I tried to get answers in another thread :

What's the play here?

I am at a .38 cent cost average right now.

Should I grip more now? My ETH is still shit value. ...and it dips after I will be fucking pissed.

>> No.7248177

i'm waiting for a dip anon. I don't think bitcoin has recovered...i'm hoping

>> No.7248188
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K im hard now. thanks for this.

>> No.7248199

Right, but if BTC takes a shit, and this dips to a lowly .45 cents BECAUSE of that, I'm just fucking myself by putting $700 ETH in.

>> No.7248249

What is the market cap of this? Supply?

>> No.7248260

Yes but I wouldn't worry - I fomoed in the moment it got listed and bought at .58 and then it dipped to .35 right after... I was worried for a second and then I realized I got into the ICO and there was a reason I clicked that buy button. Given the state of the market as well this coin has done remarkably well for a just-released ICO.

>> No.7248267

Where can i buy
Cant find it at coinmarketcap

>> No.7248277

Read my first post to understand how circulating supply will decrease over time... but market cap is 150 million circulating supply is 120 million I believe.

>> No.7248302

My bad - circulating supply is 120 million, total supply is 150 million, price is around .50 cents or so - 60 million dollar market cap. Sorry I'm all over the place tonight.

>> No.7248330

A lot of seemingly smart anons gripped right out the gate around .60.

It was expected to launch at at least $1.

This is goddamn comfy.

>> No.7248340


>> No.7248350

Damn I feel fomo creeping. I haven't been excited for a project since rlc. Thanks op

>> No.7248405

Total supply 200 million, circulating 150, wtf man, have you ever read whitepaper

>> No.7248544

RLC + JNT = huge fucking win when the bear finally purges all this bullshit out.

>> No.7248550

Any other?

>> No.7248557

Didn’t get on the ICO unfortunately but happy with my 40c cost average for 10k. Firmly expect to make it with this.

>> No.7248574

I had RLC, love the project and team. Sold when it hit Binance though. RLC is great, and I might re-enter in the future. This is better though. A lot more boxes checked for me for growth.

I live in the silicon valley and talk to a lot of blockchain fuckers. I know for a fact that platforms are being developed which are trying to do what Jibrel is offering, and that demand is through the roof.

Here is the difference with Jibrel and all those other platforms:
>They have a working product - their jWallet and soon to come jSearch.
>They are already partnered with PriceWaterCoopers and New Alchemy for audits.
>They solve all FUD related to Tether at a time when Tether FUD is at all time high.
>They are the only project other than ICX to be advised by Don Tapscott (A FUCKING SENIOR ADVISOR OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM).
>Their market cap is around $60 million.
>They have one of the biggest partnerships in Crypto, with the Al-Maktoum family of the UAE, who said they are working to pilot jCash.

The token economics are brilliant. While the market can certainly decide the token's worth - it is also guaranteed to accrue value as more and more institutional money looks to tokenize their assets.

>> No.7248612

I'm big on REQ because I got into it at .06.

My best advice : Do not ignore Zilliqa.

>> No.7248680

Haven't read it since I invested in the ICO - looks like I'll have to reread it. You're right. But I believe the tokens of their early investors are pegged up in yearly increments.

>> No.7249063

This is my first coin, got in at .54, planning to get more during a dip.
I dont want to get all my eggs in the same basket though so my purchase power on this is limited

>> No.7249662

safe to wait 2 weeks?? Im all in on VEN and want to see the pump from the rebrand before going all in on this. selling my precious VEN right now would be way too anticlimactic.

>> No.7249714

just take some profit off ven if you've made some. no need to go all in imho. I sold half VEN at $8 from buying at .60 cents, I'll be back in for sure but yeah, don't sell all your VEN but consider taking some profit if you'd like.

>> No.7249750

What is jSearch? I can't find any information about it.

>> No.7249927

their own enterprise-grade block explorer, they announced it at their conference and I believe it is listed on the roadmap.

>> No.7249970


>> No.7250199
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I'm from U.A.E and this is a total LIE!

First let's look at what Talal Tabbaa said,

He said blockchain and its applications have been highlighted as a key focus area for the Dubai Government. This is shown by the launch of the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, which aims to make Dubai the first blockchain capital of the world. Therefore, widespread adoption for blockchain technology and its applications is expected in the UAE, and Dubai, specifically, he added.

Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/banking-finance/bridging-the-gap-between-traditional-and-crypto-economies

No where he mentioned ties with the Royal Family!

Here's the Dubai Blockchain Strategy

I do not know who you are, but please stop spreading lies.

>> No.7250341
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>ve been highlighted as a key focus area for the Dubai Government. This is shown by the launch of the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, which aims to make Dubai the first blockchain capital of the world. Therefore, widespread adoption for blockchain technology and its applications is expected in the UAE, and Dubai, specifically, he added.
>Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/banking-finance/bridging-the-gap-between-traditional-and-crypto-economies

Did you watch the conference video? Yazan mentioned they were partnering with the Al-Maktoum family - they are the leading royal family of Dubai correct?. I also wasn't meaning to imply that the UAE would run on Jibrel or anything, just that we have some very large-scale adoption taking place as those assets will begin to be tokenized.

>> No.7250358
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u blind fag

>> No.7250367

So I looked on idex and it looks like what I'm seeing is fake. Where do I buy this shit

>> No.7250369

Perhaps I got my royal families wrong? They are partnered with the Al-Maktoum family of Dubai, which is only one of 6 ruling families in the UAE?

>> No.7250399

AH nvm, I was wrong, I fucking hate the idea of blockchain in UAE

>> No.7250413

Just out of curiousity - why?

>> No.7250445
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>paving path for one world currency where the government can monitor every shit you do.

pls no

>> No.7250696

what exchanges?

>> No.7250733

I fucking hate the UAE, it's such a shit place.

>> No.7250810

We don't like you either, pajeets smell curry.

>> No.7250848

You're a bunch of cultureless sandniggers thinking you're top shit because the Jews made you rich. I can't wait for Iran to steamroll the whole country.

>> No.7250898

were you deported from here ?

>> No.7250926

nice /pol/ discussion mates. shame on you.

>> No.7250944

No I had the misfortune to spend a couple of weeks there when I was in the army. Also lol that you need CGI to make an army propaganda video because your actual army is full of Pakis.

>> No.7251002

>No I had the misfortune to spend a couple of weeks there when I was in the army.

Lie somewhere else.

>> No.7251050

Yeah nah you live in a garrison country where you disgusting fucks try and sell child prostitutes to foreign soldiers.

>> No.7251071


>> No.7251122

lmfao they couldn't buy better CGI?

>> No.7251123
