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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7246251 No.7246251 [Reply] [Original]

Out drinking tonight.... does anyone have any theorys on the amount of attractive women who date douchebags/minorities? Been noticing an awful lot of it. No I'm not a nice fag who can't get girls but this is still a strange phenomenon.... why do so many white girls enjoy cucking white guys and why do douchebags win so much? Might not seem biz related but I actually think it is.

>> No.7246299

Its all subjective. oure just a pussy and see those guys as douchebags but the problem is with you, youre a bitch and girls dont like bitches. Your judgemental nature reeks of insecurity and eminates off you while guys who enjoy life, are present in the moment, and unapologetically themselves get the girls you wish you could have

>> No.7246316

Because these women suck. 10s don’t do laundry. Get yourself a wholesome 7 and you won’t be making dinner or doing laundry.

>> No.7246326

Add on: grow a pair, stop worrying about looking like a douche, realize women are inferior to you, and go get em. Dont take this personally

>> No.7246328

>Might not seem biz related but I actually think it is.
No, it's not.
Douchebags: Confidence and abundancy mentality.
Minorities: because why the fuck not. not everyone is a racist and how can you get cucked if it's not your gf/wife?

>> No.7246352

Women are genetically dispositioned to go to the most socially powerful people. It comes from generatuons of being conquered.

>> No.7246353

Your excellent command of the English language convinces me of your intelligence and valuable wisdom. Upvoted!

>> No.7246354

Ameriburger pls.
Fuck off somewhere else.

>> No.7246378

Because women are retarded and behave like animals . That s why they shouldn t vote .

>> No.7246381

You need to realize that women are mentally just children.

>> No.7246404

you must be black

>> No.7246434

>No I'm not a nice fag

and yet you call them douchebags

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes you think

>> No.7246450

>Is either non-white or assumes the entire white race is not getting cucked by both unchecked immigration and birth rate's.

>> No.7246478

Of which part of the statement do you take issue with?

>> No.7246508

Lol which country are from?

>> No.7246512

The only thing true about that sentence is the nice part. He's most definitely a fag who can't get girls.
How many kids do you have? I hope at least 3. Otherwise you're comitting white genocide and should shut about your race getting cucked because you're the main cause.

>> No.7246547

Lol what age am I? Hope you can answer because otherwise your just assuming that I will have no children. You must have five right? Do you? And why attack someone for pointing out a major issue within the white community? The street is 1 shit short pajeet

>> No.7246638

You're barely literate, stop trying to theorize about things that are above your below average brain's ability.

>> No.7246639

I know you have zero kids because only a thirsty faggot would write such an embarassing thread about muh douchebags.
My point is that all the people crying about white genocide, including your alt-fag celebrities, interestingly have no or few children.
That's called hypocrisy. White genocide can't exist unless white people stop having kids.
Statistically interracial marriages are very low no matter what your insecure brain perceives.

>> No.7246840

1) We see douchebag as a full person, with the same depth as anyone, and recognize that his douchiness may be covering for hurt. Strong men rhat are secretly hurt appeals to our mothering natures, and we want to help him.
2) all our lives we're socially pressured to be kind, understanding, and soft spoken. Douchebag guy is free, he says and does what he really feels, and it fulfills something repressed in us.
3) primitavely speaking, douchebag clearly capable of fighting and will likely be fiercely protective of what he actually loves (like spouse and offspring).
4)beauty and the beast syndrome. We're taught that the angry man (often like our father) has depth and complexity that nice men dont, i.e, we're subtely trained to see nice men as 2 dimensional.

Theres some real answers. Take them or leave them.

>> No.7246882

women dont date a lot of minorities, its what you notice because of ur expose to cuck porn lol

look at the stats, white women rarely date other races

and they wont date you because your a piece of shit

>> No.7246973

>ITT OP tries to feed his ego and fails miserably.

We make money here, nobody cares about your inability to attract women.

>> No.7247029

Sheer insecurity on your part. The exceptions - women who flock to douchebags - should be avoided like the plague.

"We found that people who scored higher on altruism also reported they were more desirable to the opposite sex, had more sex partners, more casual sex partners, and had sex more often within relationships (although this latter finding was not statistically-significant after controlling for personality variables). The statistical models (including covariates) explained between 13 and 26% of variance in the sexual behavior variables. Moreover, altruism mattered more for men’s number of lifetime and casual sex partners than for women’s."

"Conversely, personality traits (some of which comprise the “jerk” traits described earlier) did not relate meaningfully to sexual histories."


>> No.7247183

surveys are 100% useless when studying sexual relations

>> No.7247193

Sure, your opinion about everyone else is much better.

>> No.7247201

that's correct.

>> No.7247216

Keep up the good work. I'm sure you're a wild success.

>> No.7247274

>go to place where retards hang out
>surprised to witness retard behavior
i got my 10/10 girlfriend, but i didn't find her in a bar nor at a college party
screen for brains first then select for hot body

>> No.7247366

I always cringe at people who ask “why do douchebags get the girls while I would treat them so much better?” Because they actually don’t treat them better. They treat girls much much worse. They are so incredibly insecure they make terrible partners. They get incredibly jealous and are control freaks.

>> No.7247416


underrated post

>> No.7247732

Women like

>good looks

Douchbags tend to have these in spades

Get a lot of confidence and a passable amount of good looks (be fit and dress well) and that's basically all there is to it

>> No.7247835

This is really the answer. You can actually go as high as 8 in my experience.

I've fucked a couple of 10's, one was even a super nice person, but she was not at all interesting. Most 9's and 10's have been taught by the world that all they need to do is stand there to get whatever they want, and so that's all most of them amount to - people who just stand there.

There are plenty of 7's and 8's who understand they're attractive but they see the 9's and 10's and know they need to develop something extra in a world with 9's and 10's where they're a 7 or 8. And so they get things like senses of humor, responsibility, interesting hobbies, etc.

I am SURE there are some 9 & 10's out there who have really strong personalities, but they must be legitimate fucking unicorns. Like 1/10MM+. Your chances of even meeting one in your lifetime are going to be very tiny.

Find a solid 7 or 8 and run with it, don't look back (except for the spank bank).

>> No.7247915


>> No.7247984

>those eyebrow
That guy is literally just like a girl. Chad would never give a fuck about how attractive he was. He'd just smash pussy with sheer animal confidence

>> No.7248004

girls notice eyebrows bro, get it done and youll start getting a lot more eye contact

but you'd probably look away cause you never held eye contact with a girl before

>> No.7248055

I moved from Alabama to New York City.
Rule 1. Don't be a cuck. Jesus, it's not that hard.
Rule 2. White girls are trash. Find you a Caribbean or brownie girl.

>> No.7248124

At least here in Europe, it happens a lot. Either the women want to show off how "international" and progressive they are, are rebelling against their father or literally get tricked by off-showing, hyper aggressive dark skinned males.

>> No.7248446

You're not attractive dude.

>> No.7248713

Best reply so far.
If you have trouble attracting women you are likely below average looking, and/or you are extremely socially maladjusted.
With women it always boils down to looks/money/status.

Sometimes very aggressive dudes can compensate their sub par looks with their lack of inhibition to a degree, but the rule of thumb is that if you want to do better with women improve your looks.

>> No.7248764

get yourself a nice Asian that is the future. White girls are the new sh1tcoinz innit

>> No.7249042

Just get an asian. You can have good looks and nice attitude at the same time.

>> No.7249109

Holy shit. Been lurking /biz/ for a week and I can say that this is by far the most redpilled board.

>> No.7249390

If you really want to know the secret to life. Get a Mexican American (a clean one) that is Americanized and you have to make sure she doesn’t come from much because she will be forever grateful even if you take her to the movies (don’t even have to buy her popcorn). This is how it’s been for me for 10 years.

My gf doesn’t come from much, she’s a cool 8, acts like me, basically is me. Likes everything I do because i imbedded it in her. Her glass if fucking full, it’s great.

The most low maintenance chick ever. And not to mention she’s the best fuck I’ve ever had

>> No.7249434


That girl is fucking ugly bro

>> No.7249516

>caring about women

other than for breeding we should ignore them

>> No.7250690

Did you read that in Cosmo?

>> No.7250757

It’s the evil nature of the world. Go to church anon this life is nothing. Build your treasures with god.

>> No.7250769

Becaise all attractive women except a small minority of them are whores.

>> No.7250802

>Out drinking tonight

>> No.7250824 [DELETED] 
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Look at this


This pyramid contract only has 3 ETH in it it seems to be abandoned.

I’m trying to make a new site that links to it which should be ready today. If you buy in now you can be on the ground floor.

>> No.7250878

Why are you so mad kiddo? This is an anime forum holy fuck. I imagine you have your eyes glued to the screen waiting for a reaponse so here you go.

>> No.7250921

>doesn’t ever get invited out to party
>hates people who party

I wonder why.
You’re the loser.

>> No.7250949

the older i get the more i understand why you feel this way, guess men just go in knowing the consequences

>> No.7251236

You must be 20 years old
lmao faggot

>> No.7252198


Hahaha Wtf im getting a nice soy boy now, holding doors open and helping to save the world from evil white men
God you are such a faggot, im really pity your 'world view', im the one who laughs about you getting shoved to the side in the metro

>> No.7252312

Unironically this. A woman's opinion of you doesn't matter because a woman's opinion on anything other than baking cupcakes and interior decorating doesn't matter.

>> No.7252345

Wtf I like women now.

>> No.7252476

Who cares? We are going to legitimately gas them all once the automation revolution unemploys all the white truckers with guns and /pol/ has their army.

>> No.7252503

Lol your fucking eyebrows bro wtf ru doing

>> No.7252638
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>> No.7252746
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Thas right, thas a scam

>> No.7252928

>>7247029you know why the get to smash more pussy? because alturism is a type of sacrifice to the soeciety and its the ultimate evil. altruism is a big part of collecivism and thats what we live in. we live in a kind of communist society where men has to sacrifice themselves not for their own will but for reciprocity and in order to reproduce. alturism is the ultimate evil when its subtle forced on everyone of us. thats why you get to smash pussy and dick more. think about it.

>> No.7253069

oh man you brainlets really dont have an opinion outside of shitcoins do you

>> No.7253297

>no replies
Butthurt WEEBs confirmed at ATH.

>> No.7253421

4chin aint no thinktank anymore. its just a bunch of brainlets who cant comprehend over the edge of their mountaindew bottles

>> No.7253574

i will not let this die. answer me anon, why does no one wants to have an actual discussion

>> No.7253764

Because I turned on my computer and typed 4chan.org/biz/ into my browser instead of going on /adv/ and am here to reaffirm my belief the crash is over.

>> No.7253786

>Altruism is ultimate evil because it represses individuality.
>Altruism is literally the opposite.
Anon must be raised by wolves and got his education and health care gladiatorial style then.

Individuality is good, but all things in moderation.

>> No.7253833

>all things in moderation.
Including moderation, Nothing succeeds like excess.

>> No.7253860

Women are attracted to good-looking dudes and that's it.

Whether he's white or non-white, douchebag or nice guy, in the end it all comes down to physical appearance.


>> No.7253929

Yup. This is /biz/ afterall.

I already made my mind that if I saw 10% green on my blockfolio, I would reinvest what was left of my BTC.

4chan is just for my own amusement. Waiting for a definite signal there costs too much time in comparison.

>> No.7253941

so you want to tell me that collecitivism is giving you the opportunity to be individual? its a fucking illusion trough that collectivism we get all on one level but the upper 1000 people. its a fucking nightmare of society where pathological mental retards get treated the same way as a high IQ person. this society is just there to conserve the momentary state of things its status quo.

collectivism = paying for mental retards and handicapped people by the tax payer

gifted kids or people has to rely on private organisations - not getting supported from the system you think this is fair?

>> No.7254005

you are retarded if you think this is true. Woman love men for the entitlement to something. the highest goal of morality is to be entitleld to your own opinions your own believings, not getting guiltytripped from the soeciety or sjw.

pic related is why normies match normies

if you want the next level shit get an opinion which is more developed than this shit you just wrote

>> No.7254018
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>> No.7254105

Buddy, if the average woman was faced with the choice of fucking a handsome male feminist versus an ugly MRA, who do you think would get picked?

>> No.7254146

>thread about white women dating shitskins and not being with whites
>bro, where are YOUR kids, hypocrite?
It’s like you don’t understand this thread is about decreasing availability of white women on the sexual market.

>> No.7254184
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>> No.7254269

those are two extremes which not assemble the reality. but you are right in that case the woman would choose the nicer looking one. on the other side its not onesided so we have to look into "chads" perspektive too and if one should want such a woman, its the next question.

>> No.7254320

What this fuck is wrong with this image? Why is it cropped poorly? Why is it square? Did you take it off social media or something you normie fuck?

>> No.7254392


>> No.7254494


>> No.7254898

This is the answer, but now realize you are not a 9-10 either, pull your shit together, be interesting, be fun, quit spergin.

>> No.7255000

DESU I am a 9. Better looking face than almost every dude I've ever met. Also excellent genetics for physique, and great hair.

>> No.7255028


>> No.7255073

biz seems to be a colony of pol

>> No.7255284
File: 42 KB, 413x395, 1514623947010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you envy people like the people on OP's picture, I pity you. Life is way too short and precious to become a Chad/Stacey.
Go on and be great, faggots!

>> No.7255294

nothing wrong with lifting weights basement dweller

>> No.7255389

fucking Somalia you got a problem with that?

>> No.7255428
File: 73 KB, 551x720, 1514694284811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women love dating douchebags because of the laws of nature. Women are, by nature, slaves to a cock, crave that a muscular, imposing, and dominant man capable of taking care of them and their child make love to them. They are attracted to their genes, and would, in their animalistic urges, want a man to dominate them.

They probably want a man that would choke them while having sex. I mean, that's what anime taught me.