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File: 92 KB, 1200x488, chad boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7244995 No.7244995 [Reply] [Original]

why do you autistic fucks hate boomers so much

did your fathers never love you and now you lash out at all people of his age group?

>inb4 baseless comments about how a generation magically ruined everything

>> No.7245169
File: 307 KB, 968x634, boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baseless comments about how a generation magically ruined everything

>mass immigration
>shipping all the jobs to china
>feminism and other insane cultural marxism
>incur biggest collective debt ever in the history of the world yet lives on fat pensions
>first generation to be wealthier than their offspring

>> No.7245244
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>> No.7245294

>mass immigration

this just in folks

the average person on the street contributed to this somehow

>shipping all the jobs to china

this just in folks

the average boomer on the streets was singlehandedly responsible for economic globalization which was a process that was taking place for 100's of years before boomers were born

>feminism and other insane cultural marxism

this just in boomers now responsible for ideas that are older than boomers are

>incur biggest collective debt ever in the history of the world yet lives on fat pensions

this just in the average boomer on the street is responsible for the US debt

>first generation to be wealthier than their offspring

this just in

boomers did this on purpose somehow
all of your retarded fucking arguements are a result of you confusing our political leaders with a generation as a whole which had literally no doing in any of this

blame the policy makers in government not the fucking people you retarded troglodyte

>> No.7245312

Suburbs, entitlements, and debt.

>> No.7245338

In australia university was free for everyone until all the people who got free university came to power and made the new generations pay for it. No student debt meant they could afford multiple houses, creating more demand and pricing younger people out of the housing market forcing them to rent and pay off huge student loans. Nahh boomers set themselves up nice whats to hate, just have to wait for them to die.

>> No.7245349

if you replace boomers with jews you all turn into pol lmfao

the fuckin boomers are responsible for all my hardships!!11!!!

>> No.7245386
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you do understand the cost is still realized in long run via tax bill

think about it you fucking retard if people were taking out more than they were putting in the system would collapse

all social programs are, are long term loans from the government

>> No.7245387

>This just in, boomers voted for the policy makers that let this all happen

>> No.7245412
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>the democratic process is legitimate and not a smoke and mirrors trick

>> No.7245436
File: 122 KB, 1024x567, the eternal boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average person on the street contributed to this somehow
>"I have no responsibility for the political development in a fucking democracy"
Typical of the immature irresponsible boomer, will not be accountable for fuckign anything.

>which had literally no doing in any of this
you fucking voted for it over and over and over again you fucking dumb fuck. Most of you dumb fucking retards mock, deride, and bully any potlitical alternatives, even to this fucking day.

>> No.7245455

they contributed by not sacking Washington

>> No.7245468

boomers loving israel and kike influence is yet another reason to hate boomers

fuck you you fucking irresponsible faggot

>> No.7245483

>only needed to get a high school diploma to get a decent job
>bought houses for $10,000 which magically appreciated in value to over half a million dollars
>expect you to pay them back for giving birth to you
>force you to be alive in this world

>> No.7245488

>w-we were just following orders

>> No.7245508

Are boomers the OG dindus?

>> No.7245538

I actually don't have a firm opinion one way or another, I'm too young and naive at this point. I'm not going to read a few biased articles and then blanket a whole generation for everything that is wrong in the world. Or maybe it really IS completely the boomer generations fault. The point is I don't know either way, I doubt I ever will and I'm no going to act like I do.

>> No.7245558

Unironically this. You came home from work every day of your life, sat on the couch, turned on your TV and allowed this to happen all while likely being brainwashed into supporting it.

>> No.7245567
File: 337 KB, 960x720, boomer 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the retard who made the thread, all he can say is that he and his generation dindu nuthin, that's his response to every single critique.

>> No.7245586

>for reasons

>> No.7245636
File: 5 KB, 249x225, pepe91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think I'm a boomer cause I haven't bought into their victim complex and lashed out at a group I dislike
>guys look at these posts hating boomers that I ripped from facebook

lmfao @ ur lives

xd y didnt u overthrow the government

well might I ask the same of you

>> No.7245644
File: 68 KB, 884x800, 1517216420014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fucking retard. People who have just left school WITHOUT working get to go to university without an exchange of money or a promise of money paid back with interest.

The brainlet state of biz these days hurts. Im assuming you are male, use your logic before typing. Yes the politicians that changed the law also saw fit to give themselves massive supperannuation increases (80k a year) thats the sameas amerifats 401k. Also they made negative gearing a thing to allow to offset any tax they would ever have had to pay in taxes to pay for free university.
So tell me again how they had to pay for it?
Ill wait.

>> No.7245650
File: 197 KB, 1300x1300, 1440650307603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself, reddit faggot

>> No.7245670
File: 173 KB, 373x373, pepe78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was 17 years old and still was in the edgy DAH JOOS phase

you will grow out of it

>> No.7245687

Will you go back to rebbit?

>> No.7245700
File: 39 KB, 914x1091, pepe62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7245705

stop feeding the tripfag

>> No.7245722



>not realizing that israelis and Palestinians are literally the same tribe of goblin mudcreature

>> No.7245725

We should, if Trump doesn't live up to his promises.

>lmfao @ ur lives
You're a cuckolded faggot for not placing blame where there is guilt. Fucking scared non-confrontational passive aggressive cuckold bitch.

>> No.7245728

well sounds like you got jewed

thats fucking hilarious that noone pitched a fit about that

>> No.7245814

please use more buzzwords lol


pretending boomers are to blame for ruining everything just because they were voting in a relatively homogeneous 2 party system is a hilariously bad argument

the average person of OUR generation is not politically active enough to make rational decisions about who is good to vote for, AND even if we are we still are compelled to vote for one of the two parties which honestly aren't too far apart

you really need to drop the victim complex against the generation before you

>> No.7245881

Nationalised systems are beholden to the consumer (ie. voter) and not the shareholders tho. So, while they definitely do need to be paid for by taxes, the end goal is not to maximise profit - so, in theory, the burden on the consumer is less. Of course there are problems with bureaucratic inefficiencies which may make running costs greater, but ill guarantee that when university education was "free", people weren't paying the equivalent of 100k per person who attended in taxes. Even adjusted for inflation

>> No.7245897

Are you getting the attention you wanted you faggot?
>global decay that limits opportunity for the next generations
>it definitely has nothing to do with our forebears!

>> No.7245965

The price increase is moreof a supply demand issue

The more people using a service the more expensive it becomes assuming supply rises to meet demand

>> No.7245966

fuck the boomers, those hippie fucks

>> No.7246000
File: 70 KB, 700x426, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop using tripcodes

>> No.7246041
File: 14 KB, 205x246, 41EA2A6B-A139-4A95-91EE-92CE8B7AB6C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7246045

They didnt, because it was the 90s and nobody who the changes was going to have a detrimental effect on was eligible to vote. Those who were eligible (boomers) got lots of bonuses in the form of tax concessions, and it completely ate up the budget surplus

>> No.7246130

>the average person of OUR generation is not politically active enough to make rational decisions about who is good to vote for, AND even if we are we still are compelled to vote for one of the two parties which honestly aren't too far apart
Then lets change the political system? Oh no, wait, boomers are against that. They want to keep our current system.

They are words that have meaning, they are buzzwords to you because you're a scared fucking faggot who refuses to face reality.

Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7246132

Who uses a trip and names themselves after the shittet tank destroyer?

Fuckinh kys

>> No.7246153

By reducing government funding to universities, it increases the pressure on universities to raise their fees to cover the shortfall. In order to get the unis to agree to these changes, the government reduces the amount of regulation on fee prices, so that the unis can charge even more - and all of a sudden the vice-chancellors have dollar signs in their eyes.

Same thing happened to public transport and energy

>> No.7246159

That's assuming education is a completely free market, which it isnt.


>> No.7246174

Gas all the fucking tripfaggots, worse than pajeets.

>> No.7246271

I garunfuckintee that after boomers die nothing will change and the political system will be the fucking same

We needz mo muhney fo da schoolz

Public school shills leave

>> No.7246323

>its a reddit migrant's first year on 4chan episode
keep frogposting and say 'kek' you filthy mongoloid

>> No.7246496

I garuntee I have been here longer than you

>> No.7246548

Go choke on your pills gramps, you're not fooling anybody.

>> No.7247097

They just get hate because they are relatively well off. I don't blame them for falling for propaganda since the media was way more controlled back then. Even with the internet most people from every generation are still ignorant to how fucked up shit really is.

>> No.7247124
File: 76 KB, 612x612, BFGacnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because boomers ruined my life

>> No.7247179


in all seriousness, we can't let boomers get the nuclear codes.

>> No.7247185

there's retards who are mildly entertaining to debate and retards who are so stupid on a fundamental level it's just tedious because even if we break down the discussion logically you don't have the capacity for abstraction to get it
absolutely nobody will be surprised by the tripfagging here

>> No.7247215

where is here? where were you? 4chan? if you are, and you're a boomer, you must enjoy cheese pizza.
the whole internet isn't chans literally old faggot.

>> No.7247264

>Panzerjäger !s.IwNsl6xw (ID: tTDwQBzw) 02/03/18(Sat)00:39:07 No.72
you might be an actual fucking retard.

>> No.7247303


>> No.7247419
File: 142 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they gave them every tax advantage and shit like pensions which just fuck everyone else down the line

i cant wait til they all die, but millennials will vote for even dumber policies. at least millennials dont have as much lead poisoning and arent quite as retarded

>> No.7247427

fuck off back to pol with this terrible meme you Shareblue cunt

>> No.7247543
File: 48 KB, 355x500, 1517581418419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the boomers here are fucking assholes? In late april, boomer literally told me
>you'll be lucky if you make anymore money in the stock market!
>grow up. get a job. and start buying an index fun
I proceed to make a 25% gain by day trading in the span of 3 months. (keep in mind, i did it without holding any PnD bio stocks
>dont fool yourself kid, you can make any money in crypto at all
>look. i own crypto too, but not even i think ill make money
I then turned 5 k into 200 k

So yeah. They are just self indulged assholes who cant accept people making money by any other means except by running your own business, being a wage slace and putting your earnings into index funs