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File: 103 KB, 605x667, 020202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7240848 No.7240848 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I lost it all I was liquidated for everything on the bounce yesterday, its over for me I cant even pay rent on Monday I lost 15,000 dollars in 30 seconds
My life savings gone forever

I am so screwed let this be a warning to everyone do not try to daytrade. I have nothing left now, Its over for me I am suicidal

God bless

>> No.7240875

>leveragetrading with all your money
You weren't trading, you were gambling. You have a gambling problem. Seek help.

>> No.7240918

I usually only use tiny amounts but everyone was saying its over and the price was freefalling
Then the whale stepped in to stop the freefall as you can see

>> No.7240993

Congratulations, you fell for the FUD and got fleeced. Hope you learnt your lesson to not panick and be an emotional trader and trade based on what anonymous people online tell you.

>> No.7241023

whats the point of a $15k gamble that only lasts a minute?

>> No.7241052

What was your leverage? x20?
let this be a lesson for anyone trading on margin.
just fucking buy and hold and you'll make it

>> No.7241084

why did you think you could trade derivatives? did you have any experience in trading before crypto?

>> No.7241121

thx for the money come again when after 5 more year sof wageslavin lma@O fag

>> No.7241123

Bitmex is not daytrading pham, it's degenerate gambling

>> No.7241129

I don't know man, I fucked up
Cross leverage
Its over for me now anyway thats all I know

>> No.7241148

I lost 15k last month from a liquidation and 2-3 weeks the pain was gone, replaced with a feeling of comedy at my bad luck. I'm back in the game now and feel great.

>> No.7241164

>warning not to daytrade

What you did wasn't daytrading. You were gambling.

>> No.7241177

Who the fuck does margin right now?

>> No.7241179
File: 392 KB, 1500x844, 1504448156454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical burger
I always forge you cucks have no leverage acess. I've been trading forex in NZ at 500x leverage for years.

>> No.7241189

How? I lost everything

>> No.7241196


>> No.7241208

stupid people lose money in stupid ways, news at 11

>> No.7241220

Good now you can fuck off outta here nobody cares

>> No.7241241

What was the leverage?

>> No.7241249


I shorted 20x at 10k yesterday, nearly doubled my stack in a few hours. It's probably the only way to make decent gains this past week.

My portfolio is still down from ATH though, lul

>> No.7241258

who the fuck doesn't do margin right now? 20X or 100X, hell no, but 5X? Hey...

>> No.7241269

Anything over 10x is literally gambling. Getting a successful 100x trade is as likely winning the lottery jackpot. If you do leverage over 10x make sure the trade is not over a minute long and don't be greedy.

>> No.7241273

I am a wagecuck who lives extremely frugally, so it didin'ty take long to raise some more capital. I got liquidized because I recklessley jumped into a bulltrap pump using high leverage. I shouldn't have opened the position but I let my emotions get the better of me. The price turned immediately after I opened the position and I rode it all the way down to liq price.

>> No.7241281

Okay, well that's the problem.
A place like Bitmex is for smart money and whales only. 95% of the people who trade there probably shouldn't.

Anyway, money is not worth killing yourself over. I think we'ere going to see large corrections in the stock market and obviously crypto so there are many new opportunities coming in the next couple of months...Buy and hold now that you've been burnt so hard

>> No.7241294

See you on liveleak anon

>> No.7241295


There's more to life than money (unless you're a jew). If you lose all your money, it doesn't mean you've lost everything.

>> No.7241298

>its over for me I cant even pay rent on Monday I lost 15,000 dollars in 30 seconds
>My life savings gone forever

the first rule of investing is don't invest what you can't afford to lose, so many sites say this that I can't believe people actually ruin their lives like this

I'm praying for your sake this is a larp

>> No.7241356

Almosy anyone here can get a margin atock account

>> No.7241379
File: 27 KB, 691x653, thdnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant pay rent
Its everything now
Ha, n-no you wont
I wish it was too

>> No.7241396

doesn't cross just mean you're using your full balnce as margin? what x was your leverage

>> No.7241399

you don't need rent to live, sell all your useless stuff and buy a tent. get a steel frame bike and go enjoy the world.

>> No.7241425

Guys I have doubt, is liquidation price dependent on mark price or actual price?

>> No.7241433

mark price

>> No.7241436

LMAO I love this, retards that though they were trading gods because they made gains in a bull market.
The bear market is what separate the amateurs from the pro

>> No.7241442

>just fucking buy and hold and you'll make it
No. Historically, yes, but if I hadn't sold ADA at 1.07 I'd be fucked right now with only 4x gains.

You have to make guesses.

>> No.7241463

I don't understand this "quantity" thing. How does 210000 contracts translate to 15k usd?

>> No.7241489

That's what I thought, thanks.

>> No.7241494

I hope you go hungry. Stupid people don’t deserve to continue.

>> No.7241541

I don't know, it moves as the margin gets closer on cross
? Not very realistic anon
I shorted, didnt long
I made a lot during the bear market but the bounce ruined me, it jumped 1k in a minute or so
I am not stupid

>> No.7241565


nah you're fine

>> No.7241569

>No. Historically, yes, but if I hadn't sold ADA at 1.07 I'd be fucked right now with only 4x gains.
>You have to make guesses.
Lmao that's different. You did amazing, you sold something with absolutely zero product which was insanely overpriced because of reddit hype. In that case fuck yes sell that shit instantly the moment you're in the green.

If you're holding something hidden with a low mcap that was never pumped like LINK hold that shit.

>> No.7241585

Let's just all cause FUD & come up. $$$Media is already doin it

>> No.7241608

14x leverage I think

>> No.7241610

>I am not stupid

>> No.7241644
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, hanging out with Sayori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>margin trading

>> No.7241669

So as I understand it you went short after a powerful move down, so basically at the bottom or you didn't set stop losses?
That's retarded, you can't defend that.

>> No.7241677

w-will they be with me after i kill myself.?

>> No.7241717

>If you're holding something hidden with a low mcap that was never pumped like LINK hold that shit.

That's the real advice.

I learned my lesson daytrading LISK and I learned it again by forgetting I had RISE until september and WAVES until september.

If we don't flip over to eth then a lot of people buying right now are going to be very very rich in a month or two or three.

>> No.7241727

>tfw your short got liquidation before the dump begins

>> No.7241788

just do the trade again but the opposite

>> No.7241800

Im not
I know
I was short from 79 and the price dropped to 76~ before bouncing all the way up to 86 in 30 seconds or so. You have to understand I had been shorting all the way down from 13k using the same method
I didn't set stop loss so yes I fucked up

>> No.7241860

If you've been shorting it from 13k why didn't you let your short run as long as possible?
Set and tight stop loss and let that shit run, your profits are locked every day.

>> No.7241908

Because I took profit every few hundred manually instead

>> No.7241931

It's a completely unregulated market. Just don't pay. What are they going to do?

>> No.7241949

Lesson learned I hope.
Buy and hold next time and don't go all in.

>> No.7241958

lol.... this guy
how fucking new

>> No.7241959

Working? Time to buy back in anon you're retarded to not ride this out for another year, go long

>> No.7242010

It's not like with regular futures, you don't own them anything but they take your BTC upon liquidation.

>> No.7242018

Wow you send money to people who have no legal recourse and call me new?

>> No.7242039
File: 192 KB, 736x956, a house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't need a fucking apartment. It was a big mistake to get one to begin with.

Go live with your family, or go away from the fucking city, out into the countryside, and ask some nice old people somewhere, like a farmer for example, if you can live with him if you help out on the farm, or something like that.

As for what to do with your things, if you want to keep most of them you can put them in storage at someone's house. If you know anyone who has a proper house (not an apartment) then they probably have plenty of space to store your things, in like an attic for example, or some shed.

It wouldn't be such a big deal if you already lived out in the countryside, in a proper house, and all your neighbors also had houses. City people, man.....

watch the vids on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThuleanPerspective/videos and change your way of life.

>> No.7242069

I call you new because you obviously don't know how margin trading works.
And people been sending money to those place since 2010 so what? people wnat to make moeny and knows the risk.

>> No.7242113

Yeah... thats not how it works
Yeah but I'm still fucked so I have a few more to learn i'm guessing
Yeah but I lost everything already
It might be too late now for me, who knows
You don't know how it works. You don't pay them after, they take immediately

>> No.7242128

Margin trading on unregulated markets.

>> No.7242134

You think we're hobos? Yeah, I want some farmer walking in while I'm beating my dick off to hentai at 29 years old.

>> No.7242140

>You don't need a fucking apartment
Where do you live anon? You say all of this but you probably still live with your mom, no offense
Not everyone can stay at home with their parents forever
And it's not realisitic to just say "Move inna woods bro"

People can't just do that unless they already have money

>> No.7242160

Isn't there a time limit when doing this? Like, your position gets closed after a certain amount of time? Otherwise if people shorted at 20k and didn't do anything, they made bank.

>> No.7242164

what;s your point? You think op somehow can avoid not paying like as if that's an option

>> No.7242168

No time limit
People did exactly what you just said

>> No.7242179

Sorry OP.
I know you are sad about it, and its unfortunate, but I want you to know you're a human being with value and your family loves you. You will recover.

>> No.7242192 [DELETED] 

I AM OP You fucking retard
and NO there is NO FUCKING WAY not to pay, you sense motherfucker

you think they would let people just not pay? jesus

>> No.7242234

Thanks anon

>> No.7242304
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>gambling with your rent money
Lmao, why would you do that? You'll get over it anon, I just hope you learned something from your brain fart.

>> No.7242324
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>> No.7242356

Where you from, anon?

>> No.7242393

That's not how it works. You leverage with what you have in the exchange. When you get liquidated, they simply take the money from the exchange, nothing you can do.

tl;dr: OP already paid. Had no chance not to.

>> No.7242406

I still don't get cross margin, does it just dynamically change your margin using your full balance to avoid liquidation?

>> No.7242419


>> No.7242492


Yeah leverage changes dynamically using your entire balance. It's good for reducing slippage but you get fucked full-time.

>> No.7242507

Just your trade equity, and adjusts your margin for the amount you have traded to keep at least .5% of the total.

>> No.7242585
File: 62 KB, 450x450, tiny house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, houses don't need to be expensive. You can even build your own house cheap. Example:


Go on YouTube and look for 'build tiny house' or 'man builds his own house' etc and you'll find plenty of vids of people constructing their own houses, as cheaply as just a few hundred USD to a couple of thousand. You can also watch vids where they show the construction process, to get an idea of how easy it can be. If you build it on top of a trailer or on top of a truck, you can park it at a friend's property and you won't even need to own the land and you won't be effected by any government house taxes/regulations (because it's not legally a house, just a trailer/truck).

The following vids aren't those (go search for them yourself), just wanted to link these because they contain good advice:




>> No.7242713

You are so goddamn unbelievably stupid. It is completely expected you are an ameriburger. Probably a cross bred low IQ mongrel as well.

>> No.7242747

New to things, what is going on in the image?

>> No.7242797

So stop bitching and fix it and start over. God you guys complain so much when you do the dumbest things

>> No.7242799

oh wow, you lost 15,000 usd... i lost $450,000 usd... man the fuck up

>> No.7242810

Go watch the SOTU for a pump up. This is the year for American workers, get a good nights rest, go to work for a couple weeks, do some overtime to pay the rent, and then start saving to put back into this retarded market. We will be going back up to new ATHs this year.

>> No.7242894

Thanks, I'm playing around with the testnet, but I can't do a thing because the book is dead

>> No.7242903

The amount you gamble doesn't effect the odds, although I guess you get a tighter window

>> No.7242914

it's relative. $15000 can be all he have. While your $450,000 might be loss but you have like another mil

>> No.7242944

Anon betted 15k on btc going down.
Btc shot up instead, anon lost his bet.

>> No.7242971

No I'm white and not le 56 meme white either
I lost everything, you are probably fine still

>> No.7243001

shot up in 30 seconds*

>> No.7243015

And if we do flip to eth?

>> No.7243108

>Do not day trade

Senpai I'm up 20% from btc ath by doing nothing but day trading btc. Just dont day trade with retard level leverage.

>> No.7243171

Don't margin trade if you don't know what your doing

>> No.7243230

Well I guess so
Good luck

>> No.7243245

I mean, living with your parents isn't really the most pathetic thing right now is it?

>> No.7243258

Not shorting this market is literally turning down free money. You made the right move...just way too much leverage. Lesson learned.

>> No.7243303
File: 60 KB, 479x720, 1514016219423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's waiting for you to join her on the other side

>> No.7243340

The bounce was what killed me
1k in such a short time
I didn't even get chance to think about closing at loss
I left 500 leeway or so, obviously not enough

>> No.7243357 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 250x187, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitmex trollbox is good times, even if you're not trading.

>> No.7243369
File: 121 KB, 500x1024, 1515300004740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how any of this works, why are you using products you don't understand?

Is there a tutorial on such things?

>> No.7243389

all these bs thread propping up by nocoiners trying to scare weak hands. into thinking the crypto is completely dead so they can finally buy some beat to shit second hand gpus.

>> No.7243517
File: 142 KB, 599x586, 1517121533164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do understand it, its you who doesnt
Yeah, I'm a no-coiner now anyway hu-haa

>> No.7243532
File: 42 KB, 495x638, ss (2018-02-02 at 11.18.14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow if you select cross as your initial leverage it uses the absolute highest leverage you can afford

>> No.7243554

Who is this semen demon I need more. Reveal her and I'll donate .1 eth

>> No.7243641
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1516914726538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it's the minimum, it just shows the 100x cost for some reason

>> No.7243919

How the fuck is the price going up? We're fucking crashing and I put in a short, and the price goes up. I can't even make back my losses at this point.

>> No.7243925

Yeah I fucked up

>> No.7244013

You set up your short so that a bitcoin price of 8,151 would wipe you out? Do you know anything about shorting in the first place?

>> No.7244021

It's from https://www.reddit.com/r/AsiansGoneWild/ unironically


P-please dont be a troll

>> No.7244042

We were at 7600 at the time
That's 500 diff which I was was safe enough at the time since we just dropped 3k? in 8 hours

>> No.7244144
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OK surely now we're going back down, right?

>> No.7244159
File: 134 KB, 1138x600, the-big-wheel-a-look-at-a-popular-casino-game-known-for-big-wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244182

daytrading is fine.
100x leverage, now that's just fucking retarded.

>> No.7244204
File: 152 KB, 600x729, 1300575737001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Bitmex just fucking wait for you to put in orders and then pump the price in the opposite direction?

>> No.7244264
File: 63 KB, 622x960, 1514964934669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



HERE IS MANY MORE PHOTOS OF HER: https://imgur.com/a/vX8Qe

>> No.7244293

lol dumbass do you know what bitmex is? You know you aren't liquidated based on bitmex price right?

>> No.7244341

where can I find a wife like this?

>> No.7244414
File: 109 KB, 765x477, buyall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to buy more coins lads

>> No.7244432
File: 179 KB, 645x729, E2F76B25-B656-461F-AF40-58E5348DABEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but keep in mind I am a retard who lost half his stack shorting in a bear market.

>> No.7244433

Who the fuck is Mark Price, fuck him

>> No.7244490
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1517478898358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And his brother Liquid Price

>> No.7244581
File: 19 KB, 620x576, 1654553216546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lower your leverage. Its total cancer right now, high lev is guaranteed liq right now.

>> No.7244741

Good. Well deserved op. Enjoy homelessness

>> No.7244777

This girl has been my favorite for like 5 years.

>> No.7244790
File: 95 KB, 500x1024, fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont they take their images straight, gah

>> No.7244797

not that guy, but if I had any eth to give or had btc that wasn't valued in at 15k then I'd give you some shit. I need to make my gains back first.

>> No.7244865
File: 563 KB, 1242x1229, 7B0DB034-FE21-42BD-AFB2-3C8F1F2CE9C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 5x leverage even if we hit the floor I won't make back even a smidgen of my losses today. What the fuck am I even doing

>> No.7244921

Perhaps you should have prudently invested in projects with long term value instead of day trading based on memes from a Mongolian kite painting forum

>> No.7244943

Been getting liquidated all week on testnet, fun game

>> No.7244965

testnet price is a full $200 under the mark price and there's no volume

>> No.7244975


some more pics: https://www.fuliheji.com/meizitu/587.html

>> No.7245061

If you're not larping anon I apologize, I've been coughing up a lung over here at this schadenfreude

>> No.7245076

That shit is too dangerous, you could make a killing but the price for failure is ridiculous.

>> No.7245414

I wish I was larping. larping would be cheaper, maybe I should do that instead.

>> No.7245600

Your shorting into monster macro support level of 8k, will almost always have at minimum a deadcat bounce first time hitting those levels. Terrible terrible trade. Easiest long scalp of my life into 8k.

If your an amateur and you got burned.

You obviously have a gambling problem, you honestly should never trade actively again. Some people are better off wagecucking.

>> No.7245618
File: 30 KB, 626x429, mLfBqF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'm sorry but i cant help but laugh, you were gambling and you get fucked. takes a while to get over especially with big losses but it happens, I lost 12k on the mayweather vs mcgregor fight just cause I bet on a decision.

>> No.7245698
File: 330 KB, 960x1280, 006wcnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.7245750

sorry OP. I lost 16 BTC at one time on bitmex

>> No.7245868
File: 202 KB, 900x1200, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So now that I found all that, someone better pay me some random amount of eth


otherwise fuck you all.

>> No.7246198

Not even a gamble. Bitmex probably has a whale account on standby just for this type of situation.

>> No.7246292

>life savings
There seems to be a problem here anon.

>> No.7246310

Op lives in India/East Europe

>> No.7246325

Fuck you faggot
Lol shut the fuck up you faggot
You retards were saying the same at 10k
It bounced, not because of "muh support bro", nah, a whale just bought a shitload to stop the freefall
You're the amateur

Fuck you faggot stop posting this bitch in my thread, she looks under 16

>> No.7246349

Yes I lost it

>> No.7246589

If you could go back would you do it again?

>> No.7246602
File: 102 KB, 873x1024, 1489640058817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And somehow I fucked up copying the address! That's amazing....

Here's the real eth address:





She's Japanese, so no. And I helped you with the house building tips. Now I helped that dude find that girl as well. Therefore I'm a hero.

>> No.7246645


>> No.7247497

wait, i'm confused...what's the point of this thread?

>> No.7247656

haha faggot

>> No.7247788

You jumped into that shit like new traders jump into forex thinking they’ll get rich quick unfortunately your loss was huge but it’s something to learn from if your persistent you won’t let this shit be your last move but instead a lesson.

I hope the best for you anon

>> No.7247809

You do margin if you’re a poorfag and desperate. This is now how you trade or invest you dipshits. PUT IN WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD

>> No.7247838

To warn people not to use Bitmex or try margin trade
If you're not a pro, pointless
Thanks bro. Win some lose some. Guess I gotta start again now

>> No.7248033
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>> No.7248373

Watched all of those, thanks.

>> No.7248563

She's mid-20s to early-30s and fucking insane.

>> No.7248580

You can margin trade all day long if you're not a fucking retard with betting your rent money. Better to margin trade in forex tho. crypto is way too unpredictable for that shit.

>> No.7248833

Asian women are beta male tier

Well I fucked up already my friend