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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7233783 No.7233783 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7233817


>> No.7233842

well you can always make a bank account here in switzerland just like i have ;)
as long as you report taxes propperly nothing will happen

>> No.7233875

>Gets patent for crypto exchange
>Bans crypto credit card purchases

Hmm really makes you think

>> No.7233913

>the vast majority of CC buys are using stolen data and are immediately contested
>banks stop accepting CC for crypto, but you can keep buying debit with your own money
I fail to see the problem here. Jews are dumb, but they aren't stupid.

>> No.7233930


of course. its always the jews

>> No.7233938

it's legit. hopefully doesn't hurt this shitshow too much.



>> No.7233966
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>> No.7233986

this is only on CREDIT cards, nno big deal

Shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.

Nothing to see here..

>> No.7234032

I wonder if the foreign countries will misinterpret this news like we misinterpret theirs :)

>> No.7234102
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>n-no big deal

>> No.7234190
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>Shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.
yes goy, you can buy anything else but this!

>> No.7234488

They are the same bank that wanted to charge customers to use their debit cards and tried to get the other Banks to go along with it. They failed. Fuck Bank of America.

>> No.7234506

>Bank of Fucking America

>> No.7234620

Why would you use credit to purchase cryptocurrency? Are we stock gamblers in 1928 now?

>> No.7234701

>credit cards
Ok, so it's nothing.

>> No.7234743

JP Morgan, Chase, BoA won't let you buy cryptos with credit card:


I'm a confirmed no-coiner, but this is still bullshit. If you have a good credit rating and pay your credit card balance on time for years, it's none of their fucking business what you spend your money on.

>> No.7234764

Why do americans need credit cards to buy crypto? Is stupid as fuck.
Doesnt your bank allow money transfers between accounts?

>> No.7234979

>waiting days for a transfer to clear while you miss a perfect entry point
It's none of their business what you spend your money on, that's the bottom line. I don't understand people in this thread trying to sugarcoat this. It's a massive attack and surely not the last one, and this news will not help the market, especially in its current state. (((They))) are doing whatever they can to destroy it. That's a fact and not like >>7233986 even taking their side and trying to spin this as a positive. Nobody will buy this spin, it's retarded and illusionary.

>> No.7235608

Chase recently did something similar. They now consider Coinbase purchases as cash advances. Instant fees on top of interest that IIRC is exempt from 0% introductory APR. Regardless of how the interest would work, the fee alone makes it not worth it. Fucking jews.

>> No.7235641

This only affects burgers, literally means nothing to the global market. also of you are investing in stocks or cryptos with credit cards you are a degenerate fucking moron.

>> No.7235709

>credit cards
dont care, I use wire transfers for everything

>> No.7235797


credit card debt is driving crypto and the banks dont want to hold the bag

>> No.7235848

>cuts off headline mid sentence

Seems legit

>> No.7235988
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Just use a debit card tied to your account, you big baby. There's nothing stopping you from doing that, BofA only cares if you're trying to pay for crypto using credit. Seeing as you're essentially being loaned money to blow on a market that is 100% speculative, I can get why a bank wouldn't care too much for the idea of it.

>> No.7236111
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who gives a flying fuck what the yanks do? Literally no crypto action over there

>> No.7236900

Fucking hell just when we started to recover. It's almost like it's orchestrated.

>> No.7237448
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get out, pajeet

>> No.7237554

>on credit cards

fucking jews with the old news again

>> No.7237663

Why would we use credit cards to buy plasma tvs that'll be obsolete in two years, are we netflix addicts?

>> No.7237680


>> No.7237773

It's not your money. With a credit card you are spending the bank's money with a promise that you will repay them.
They don't want fucking idiots get into massive debts because they maxed all of their credit cards on a BTC dead cat bounce and lost.

>> No.7237797
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>your money

>> No.7237824

Time to change banks

>> No.7237840

desu using a CC to buy crypto is pretty dumb. I always used a transfer on Normiebase.

>> No.7237850

Yes. Consumer credit is bullshit.

>> No.7238080

swear to god i dont understand amerifats and their meme credit cards...
Why the fuck would you buy something with money you dont have going into debt and then be rewarded with jew points for being a good goy....it is just beyound my understanding...

>> No.7238116
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Fuck, that's more bad news.

>> No.7238150

It has been several months since my bank refused credit card payments to markets, I am obliged to use the SEPA transfer. Nothing new for me.

>> No.7238236
File: 936 KB, 960x538, comentakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw already used like 12k USD with a BofA CC on cryptobucks
get fucked retards too late!

>> No.7238238

First they came for the credit cards.
I did not speak up since I didnt buy buttcoin on credit.
Then they came...

>> No.7238240

Credit card statements run in cycles of 30 days, so every purchase you make in a 30 day period is on the statement. If said statement is paid within the following 24 days, you do not pay interest and still get cash back etc. Literally no reason to not use them if you aren't a brainlet

>> No.7238280

They will probably move to limit that avenue pretty soon (3-6 months) and only allow wire transfers to limit their exposure to the bare minimum allowed.

We already know how this whole game will work based on what happened with the online gambling business.