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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 589x426, 1517516856535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7231288 No.7231288 [Reply] [Original]

you are not too late to save some profits
cash out now, this is a classic bounce, just like previous drop from $18k to $10 and bounce back to $12k
sell all the coins,
buy half of it back at $4k
and other half at $1k

this kills the normies. we are strong together. fuck them good.

>> No.7231336

>cash out potentially missing the bounce
>tether potentially missing the bounce or losing money because of the transfer and exchange fees
I'll just hold

>> No.7231370
File: 114 KB, 1828x540, stages_bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're not quite that far along


but not that far

>> No.7231381

exchange fees?
what are you a poorfag, where 0.25% can eat your profits? what the fuck are you doing on /biz?

>> No.7231391

Are you going to keep posting this chart even when we're in despair?

>> No.7231398

I'm so happy the downside of tbis chart happens over the course of one month and not 10 years.

>> No.7231414

I'm a retard and I will not do this. I just put in more fiat and bought some more alts on the dip.

>> No.7231434

Actually we’re already past all that. 8.3k was the “return to mean” value. Seeing as we dipped below that and are back to it again now I’d say hopefully we’re through the worst of it now.

>> No.7231435

I really, really like this graph.

>> No.7231438


first sell off

>> No.7231468

Takes huge effort to move everything to exchange, and you have to reduce those jew fees from each transfer and exchange.

>> No.7231479

kek. News that banks are going to crack down on the use of credit cards kills the markets. They won't even do that with illegal gambling.

>> No.7231487

Why the fuck wouldn't I just buy more in a week since we're that close to despair? Then my buy-in average would be insanely low. Assuming I even bought near the high to begin with

>> No.7231495

If you look at it carefully, we fit much better in the "first sell off" phase.

>> No.7231527

We aren't in despair yet
A lot of anons are telling others to hold/buy, we're still in fear
Despair is when people literally start killing themselves

>> No.7231551

I mean, in the bear trap.

>> No.7231586

lol yeah okay keep fucking dreaming

we're still in the stealth phase you faggot

>> No.7231624
File: 148 KB, 800x1200, 1516410486263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despair is when people literally start killing themselves

people already have killed themselves but they tend to stop posting here after they're dead so we dont hear about it.

>> No.7231658

>posts from beyond the grave
The correct religion is Shintoism

>> No.7231661

>TA isn't real.
>This chart is EXACTLY what will happen.

Which is it?

>> No.7231726

sad, but true

>> No.7231763

we have reached fear stage
not yet capitulation, thats when $6k is near, when its at $6.5k
then below $6k, reached very fast $4k, but $2k slower, is the despair.

despair is when you see Anons not joking but actual news reports of some Anon killed himself over his internet coins.

when r/Bitcoin again has the suicide hotline as sticky.
when /biz/ becomes more angry at each other, bans will be everywhere

>> No.7231784


I killed myself.

>> No.7231824

this guys is in denial phase
are you also popping shampaign open to celebrate fees higher than western union?

>> No.7231866

and then an easy climb back up to $20,000

maybe get close to $50,000?

then a fall back to $20,000

$100,000 in 2018

screencap this

>> No.7231917

when 2 Bitcoin puts you in the top 2%, you know these markets are tiny and that you're an idiot with fucking zero perspective

>> No.7231952
File: 102 KB, 693x693, 1516290967201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be a dark time when this happens

>> No.7232039

Will never happen. With a price of $100.000 so many wallets will be worth BILLIONS.

>> No.7232108

You are kill? Can confirm?

>> No.7232145

John Mcafee will eat his own dick on live television if it’s not $1m EOY 2020

That’d be worth losing my entire $2k initial investment to see

>> No.7232198

sorry, BTC can only go up to $20k if normies and geeks are convinced they can now do "hundreds" of trx/s, or that fees will always be less than mastercard.

now try to convince yourself that is going to happen under the BTC moniker. try hard.

>> No.7232392

I am so motherfucking sick of seeing this stupid fucking lame ass dumb fuck chart posted over, and over and over and over and fucking over again. This should become a banable offense on biz from now on. Muh bubble muh bubble muh McBubble with cheese. Kill your self you no coiner cock sucking faggot

>> No.7232670

>"people already have killed themselves but they tend to stop posting here after they're dead"

You're implying they /can't/ post here anymore /because/ they're dead. However, that only makes sense if people actually die after they've killed themselves, and that's a big if.

>> No.7232819

see this is the kind of anger which will consume this board 100% in desperation phase

another sign of desparation:
there wont be questions about "price of muh stellar at end of year" "price of nano post binance"

no faggots, despair means there is no outlook at any possible recovery.

even with highest imagination the outlook for BTC being valued at $2000 would seem far far far off in the future. as $10 000 was the moon back in 2010.

>> No.7232880
File: 110 KB, 284x258, 1515026642546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to be in despair so all faggots end their life up so we can go back to business as usual.

>> No.7232932
File: 30 KB, 218x249, 1514453277128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its working

>> No.7233018
File: 11 KB, 554x668, 1515754524098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh kek we going way lower even me a new fag knows this... cant wait to cop that 20$ ether, that 7 $ litecoin and that 100$ bitcoin

>> No.7233154
File: 25 KB, 608x402, bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong this is somewhere between fear and denial. you seem to be in the denial phase

>> No.7233203
File: 34 KB, 1195x606, sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah dude

>> No.7233288

you should be in the gas chamber phase you dirty jew

>> No.7233354


>> No.7233416

This anger that I have is led by faggots like yourself who enjoy poking at people who invest in crypto because your a poor salty bitch who pussied out on investing. I'm down quite a it from my ATH, but my NET PROFIT is still over 6 figures and my initial investment has been pulled out ages ago. The point is-is that no amount of fear mongering and shit smearing bullshit you shitpost on 4chan will kill off crypto. You are actually the one who is in denial, not the other way around. Your insecurities are projecting incredibly hard and you like to post this chart in hopes the fears will mirror back to you. Either get with the times or not, but suffice to say, blockchain technology is not going anywhere newfag

>> No.7233713

lol, you are angry since you didnt move to FIAT
despite the obvious signs
everyone on this board was talking about cashing out, and taxes first 2 weeks of january
the coinmarketcap delisting korean exchanges, but not usdt from bitfinex

even after the initial dive to $10k and slightly sub $10k, you are a good hodler, good boy.

but I have been here before, from $30 to $1 back in 2011.
I can buy your six figures thanks to this January-February move.
stop being angry about that, accept it

>> No.7233718

>you're full of anger because you're missing out on losing all your money bro
Sure thing pal.

>> No.7233943

Post pics with time stamped proof that you cashed out at the top, expert. After that you'll get an apology from me. Until then eat a dick. Also, I could give a shit what the price of BTC is today, let alone give 2 shits about cashing out and paying taxes wtf is that all about?? Way to suck the government teet, you must be a burger.

>> No.7234084

zoom out

>> No.7234096

didnt cash out at the top, but 15k is good enough.

> Also, I could give a shit what the price of BTC is today

you do since you're in this thread, being all angry and emotional like a girl.

>> No.7234490

I just told you I'm fucking annoyed from this meme chart posted 24/7 on biz. It's old as fuck. I've been seeing this same meme chart ever since BTC recovered from the first $1k crash. You are telling me you cashed out at $15,000 yet all the obvious signs were there like CMC indicators and taxes? You are a brain dead fucking moron. BTC was $15k less than 2 weeks ago. Some insight you got there professor. Tell me, since you are obviously some sort of boy genius arm chair expert trader, why were you over 3 weeks late catching on to these obvious signs that the market would swing in the opposite direction and correct? You are about as qualified for giving trading advice as a blind person is running a driving school.

>> No.7234574

"some people will get rich" is not a good argument against btc rising.

>> No.7234782
File: 56 KB, 1024x462, dummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all fucking stupid

>> No.7234785

calm down boy
you're rushin to despair phase

>> No.7234821
File: 34 KB, 960x754, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards, here ya go

>> No.7234875

Muh bubbles muh meme chart muh arm chair muh blubber mum make muh tendies. You have literally nothing to say because you are a dumb fuck burger. You posted the meme chart, you want to pretend like you know what you're talking about, back it up Warren Buffet.

>> No.7234899

>>cash out potentially missing the bounce
exactly what I did
I was sitting on exchange with empty wallet the green spike @ 760/ETH.
mfw it's pumping again
whatever, I cashed out at minimum profit, it sucks but that's what it it, I'm not suited for crypto mentally

>> No.7234993
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 1488728388204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, bitcoin is going to dip to 10$ before the second sell off down to $2. I'll make sure to fill my bags then.

>> No.7235019
File: 6 KB, 250x232, 1516143893164s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these charts are not alike
these charts are not alike
these charts are not aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

>> No.7235022

If they don't die then they didn't kill themself they just attempted to...

>> No.7235139

First sell off. Bear trap
Bubble burst

>> No.7235154
File: 74 KB, 600x901, 1517195954073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont actually die if you kill yourself though.

>> No.7235162

He's right though. Bragging about getting out in mid January just shows you got lucky and think you're hot shit. Anyone who actually knows what they're talking about saw this coming before Christmas. You're not as smart as you think you are faggot.

>> No.7235179

refer to the other pic

>> No.7235189

I am sinking with the ship. I will see you on the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.7235221

How was it a bear trap? The reason for the crash were real

>> No.7235263

lets have a brawl
my prediction is, next week we are at $6k.
and the other faggots prediction? oh right, that faggot doesnt care about price, he is just angry.

>> No.7235536

>let's have a brawl
lmao Timmy you better stay out of BTC now so you can afford health insurance and tendies you deluded burger. You want to know what makes me sick about you? You imply that me not caring about the current price of BTC somehow makes me a poor speculator when in reality I will make better decisions than you trading crypto because I'm preoccupied with the movement and the tech behind it all and not the price swings in a newly categorizes asset class with 0 regulation and literally no barriers to entry. These swings mean absolutely nothing when people such as yourself are allowed to enter the market

>> No.7235735

I prefer loosing all my profits

>> No.7235956

your anger reveals you have not made better trading decisions than me.

>> No.7236034

stay poor faggot

>> No.7236146
File: 106 KB, 400x518, 1516481034629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100$ btc

>> No.7236385

Yeah of course because we are all smart money