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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 400x510, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7229213 No.7229213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>crypto crashing
>stock market crashing

burgers are finally realizing that trump's idiotic tax reform is gonna balloon the deficit and spike interest rates

hope you maga retards are ready for a recession

>> No.7229305

>doubting God Emperor

You should have learned by now.

Also it's cucks flailing around with stupid bullshit honeypot distractions that demand Trump's attention (Russia hoax, etc) which is why he hasn't had time to go Final Form Don on us

>> No.7229355
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There's something interesting about this spacing.

>> No.7229373

You are retarded cult of personality drone. Even the US treasury, under republican control mind you, is saying our budget is fucked. The dollar is getting weaker and less investments are coming in.

>> No.7229389
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Cmon Huma...I told you to stay off the 4chan portal

>> No.7229395

if you support hilldog you must have so much confirmation bias, Trump was the only choice

>> No.7229407

That doesn’t even make sense. The market has been overdue for a collapse for years now

>> No.7229430

Fed raises interest rates you dumb fuck. Also, we've been waiting on the inevitable crash for years. Has nothing to do with Trump.

Dumb fucks like you are too stupid and lazy to educate yourself, so you'll blame Trump because CNN told you to.

Dumbass sheep nigger.

>> No.7229446

The bond market is even more worrying

>> No.7229501

market is up 40% since Trumps election you fucking retard

largest move ever in 1st year of a president, correction is natural and needed

>> No.7229524

>letting a man keep what he's earned is a bad thing
>lol drumpf
I can't wait for this cold civil war to turn hot.

>> No.7229555


Seriously. Let's just get it on and get it over with.

>> No.7229561
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There is one vitally important number that everyone needs to be watching right now, and it doesn’t have anything to do with unemployment, inflation or housing. If this number gets too high, it will collapse the entire U.S. financial system. The number that I am talking about is the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries. When that number goes up, long-term interest rates all across the financial system start increasing. When long-term interest rates rise, it becomes more expensive for the federal government to borrow money, it becomes more expensive for state and local governments to borrow money, existing bonds lose value and bond investors lose a lot of money, mortgage rates go up and monthly payments on new mortgages rise, and interest rates throughout the entire economy go up and this causes economic activity to slow down. On top of everything else, there are more than 440 trillion dollars worth of interest rate derivatives sitting out there, and rapidly rising interest rates could cause that gigantic time bomb to go off and implode our entire financial system. We are living in the midst of the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world, and the only way that the game can continue is for interest rates to stay super low. Unfortunately, the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries has started to rise, and many experts are projecting that it is going to continue to rise.

>> No.7229568


If that ever happens the south is going to lose. Again.

>> No.7229589

you dumb fuck.

Deficit increases, government sells bonds, price of bonds decrease, interest rates rise

>> No.7229599


>> No.7229610

well of course its rising, the fed has been steadily raising the rate for a year now

>> No.7229655

higher interest rates and a recession both sound pretty good to me.
What's your problem with it?

>> No.7229673

>implying that there's anything wrong with interest rates rising.

>> No.7229698


>> No.7229713

can everyone take a moment to actually read this?

>> No.7229803
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>economic collapse is good
>thanks god emperor

>> No.7229865
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If this hits 8%... let just say I hope you have food water ammo and medicine stocked up

>> No.7229880
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The tax cuts were accompanied by the trimming of all that dead wood those extra taxes were paying for; if anything, our interest rates & deficit will drop.

>> No.7229885

The deficit has increased every year for like 15 years you fucking moron. Stop blaming the government's liberal elitist Keynsian economic policies that got us here on Trump.

Also, go back to r/politics you fucking low IQ sheep.

>> No.7229903
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redneck boomers who voted for kremlin agent in the white house should get ready for epic downhill ride

>> No.7229927

>market is up 40%
>economic collapse

>> No.7229938

The South is already controlled by the left, that's why monuments which have stood for 100+ years are suddenly problematic enough that they warrant tax dollars being spent on their removal. Next war will probably be the center vs. the coasts.

>> No.7230020

What's the likelihood of this happening?.

>> No.7230058

we pulled through the 2008 financial crisis.
today's macro is so much more fundamentally sound that any FUD is moronic.

>> No.7230061

The left is fucked either way. Natural selection is already weeding them out of breeding. I can't wait to ride the world of this mental and cultural cancer known as liberalism.

Republicans are bad too but libs are an actual cancer on society.

>> No.7230072

>Treasury states that US can't maintain their pork barrel spending with the current income levels
>is forced to cut pork to make the budget work instead of demanding massive personal bribes with every vote in every bill
It's almost like running a business... hmmn.

>> No.7230090
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>> No.7230127
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enjoy sucking that russian dicks when they deploy tanks on your land to assist you with your struggle against West Union

>> No.7230163
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>spike interest rates
This is a good thing you utter mong. Artificially suppressed interest rates are the reason we're in this mess in the first place. It encourages spending and punishes saving, encouraging inflation while driving us deeper into debt.

>> No.7230184

Shaking out the weak wills to live

>> No.7230185

people are so fucking stupid to think a market collapse is happening anytime soon

>> No.7230214

i would literally help ISIS if they decided to invade and genocide the libruls

>> No.7230228

The only way to save us from this is heavy taxation and heavy immigration. The financial Jews aren't happy otherwise.

>> No.7230313

subhuman genetic shittier cancer like you will literally eat shit just so liberals nearby can smell it

>> No.7230384

nice english skills you dumb eurofuck, stay out of my politics

>> No.7230393

Good thing it's been manipulated low for years now, so that when it does implode it fucking rapes the absolute fucking shit out of the world, right?
IMO it's not unfortunate that its rising, it MUST fucking rise now, because it's just going to be exponentially worse when it finally does implode.

>> No.7230443

sorry for not having redneck translator on stand by for you degenerative camper trailer peace of shitmeat

>> No.7230492


>> No.7230506

You have probably been here one week faggot.

>> No.7230517

>today's macro is so much more fundamentally sound

What’s going to cause the next crisis? Rickards says, “The problem in 2008 was too-big-to-fail banks. Well, those banks are now bigger. Their derivative books are bigger. In other words, everything that was wrong in 2008 is worse today.” Rickards goes on to warn, “The last time, in 2008 when the crisis started, the Fed’s balance sheet was $800 billion. Today, the Fed’s balance sheet is $3.3 trillion and increasing at $1 trillion a year.” Rickards contends, “You’re going to have a banking crisis worse than the last one because the banking system is bigger without the resources because the Fed is tapped out.” As far as the Fed ending the money printing, Rickards predicts, “My view is they won’t. The economy is fundamentally weak. We have 50 million on food stamps, 24 million unemployed and 11 million on disability, and all these numbers are going up.”

>> No.7230632

>God Emperor
>Reddit spacing
>He's just pretending to be retarded

Holy shit the /pol/ newfags are like GAIAfags back in the day. Please just fuck off.

>> No.7230672
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>> No.7230676

You didn't notice that a big economic crash happens roughly every 10 years?
Wat a retard

>> No.7230745
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Liberals are a symptom, Jews are the cancer, truth is the cure.

>> No.7230754

>jobs report shows increasing wages
>Stocks slide

This is why the stock market is a shit indicator of the economic health.

>> No.7230825
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>Gets a B- in macro

>> No.7230850

Go on

>> No.7230910

Anyone who has any negative opinion on Trump should literally kill himself, I am not even joking this shit is not funny anymore.

>> No.7230960

So much this

>> No.7231112
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x1621, 1517175555832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill yourself for spewing such lies
The entire game has changed, a new paradigm. EQUITIES WILL REIGN SUPREME

>> No.7231141

Asplain please

>> No.7231187

I'm tired of the weak casting blame for their small lives on others. You can make just as much in a bear market. The true indicator lies in the yield curve as was mentioned here. I do encourage everyone to check out the "bail in" plans that were written in the dodd frank. Shit's interesting to say the least.

>> No.7231192

Job reports are always fake brainlet

>> No.7231213
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heh so I guess im not the only one watching that show nice post anon and gud tastes

>> No.7231235

Praising the president for booms and blaming the president for busts is next level retarded.
We're all gonna fall in a Venezuela-level collapse soon anyway unless we get a president who gives a shit about the $20+ trillion debt

>> No.7231243

Where can I get more rare poptepipikus

>> No.7231279

You are ruining America worse than the fucking spics ever did.

>> No.7231280


It's a 5-10% correction.

>> No.7231376

Thanks for this post. Next time I will vote to flood the country with low IQ, crime ridden subhumans who leech everything from this country because the brazenly corrupt with bribe them with welfare for everlasting and total power to pervert the consititution

>Be European
>Commit a hate crime online by retweeting an article detailing the daily rape and terror you experience
>Get your door kicked down and sent to the gulag

>Be anything outside of the western world
>Be totally irrelevant so no need to detail this greentext

Feels good knowing these people will get the rope soon and kikes like OP will get gassed along with the plebbit commies.

>> No.7231422

Lol if there is going to be a crash it will be driven by boomers retirements. Pensions are already a gigantic ponzi waiting to implode.

>> No.7231440
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>> No.7231452
File: 20 KB, 306x306, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watergate 2.0 scandal is released to public
>crash begins

>> No.7231615
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you can't be this stupid holy shit

>> No.7232095

Thank you. At last somebody has a working brain here.

>> No.7232233

This has nothing to do with the tax reform, you idiotic fuckwit.Learn what interest rate hikes and bond yield changes does to the market. Fucking ignorant faggots.

>> No.7232378

have you even read this thread?

bond yield changes will happen when the govt need to borrow more, because the deficit has increased, because there is less tax income.

>> No.7232408


cashing out of crypto won't mean shit if this is true.

>> No.7232479

I thought this board was infested with /pol/lacks. We've been waiting for the SHMETAH

>> No.7232526
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You can't win an election without third world imported voters. That's how much you suck.

>> No.7232583
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Well said, my fellow redditor!

>> No.7232602

Rdy to buy the dip

>> No.7232735

Hmm? What did I miss

>> No.7232794

>78 posts
>2 mentions of reddit
>1 reddit screenshot
When will you 'le reddit' faggots realize for years you've been the ones shitting up this fucking site by mentioning reddit every fucking thread

>> No.7232849

good point
(((they))) are doing this to us as a distraction

>> No.7232964

I'm fine with faggots criticizing the President but when they start talking about Russia I know they're lost.

>> No.7233247

wouldn't surprise me
The fbi were spying on trump (for the dnc) and used the russia horseshit story as an excuse to do so

>> No.7233533

Out of curiosity how many of you are oblivious to the fisa memo?

>> No.7233641

think anything will happen to the corrupted of the USA anon?

>> No.7233648

you lose, spic

>> No.7233695
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>recession so I can finally buy low af
>this is bad
Stupid dumb frog posters.

>> No.7233712

Did you actually get confused by that post? I bet you buy every ATH too.

>> No.7233778

Some african made a fucked up review of Mobius. Da fuckkkkk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_HDaTcAC6k