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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 636 KB, 500x375, StkDanceMoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7228379 No.7228379 [Reply] [Original]

Stack has been added to cmc, why haven't you bought any yet? Need I remind you this token is partner with Mastercard and WILL be used in the real world very soon?
Moon mission is any day now

>> No.7228428
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>> No.7228484

Can not believe some fool sold to me at 2x ICO prices ahahahahahah

>> No.7228529
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how foolish

>> No.7228643
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Still goin 3x for me despite this sea of red satan dicks


>> No.7228644
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Seriously, if you don't buy right now you're going to miss out on it reaching $1, then $2, then maybe someday (according to STK's actual website) $12.99??

It's only been out for 2 days, now is the time

>> No.7228647

It will pull a XRB as soon as the market recovers. But /biz/ hates money and will FOMO when it reaches 5 bucks.

>> No.7228732

Grabbed some at. 00025 ETH and couldn't be happier. Been waiting for this coin to drop for months. STK is the truth

>> No.7228753
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it is already proving strong
I guess /biz/ wants a real job with a salary, while we're living the comfy life

>> No.7228769

Where did you get those prices, ED? I bought some on HUOBI for 0.00029 cause ED is a shitfest

>> No.7228775
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>> No.7228806

The whales who bought with huge presale bonuses are trying to get you mongs to buy their bags.

>> No.7228848
File: 107 KB, 260x260, comfySTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales are trying to retire

>> No.7228902

why the fuck would I want to buy into something like STK with absolutely no practical application? No potential to be widespread at all... I'll stick with ripple thanks

>> No.7228904
File: 99 KB, 1055x1055, maki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about this shitcoin if you weren't in on the preICO you're going to get dumped because actual humans just pay in real money with a credit card. Take your profits and leave now.

>> No.7228938
File: 1.57 MB, 1300x840, get_comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me 2 months when crypto mobile pay launches across NA

>> No.7228959
File: 233 KB, 500x579, TheEndOfAnEra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you are lost

>> No.7229006

for real though thanks for not buying, gives me more time to A C C U M U L A T E

>> No.7229009
File: 99 KB, 768x384, MOONMISSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying things like android wallet aren't gaining popularity
>implying this won't be adopted by the same crowd soon
keep your old way of thinking

>> No.7229078
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> I'll stick with ripple thanks

>> No.7229083
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Consider this the dip before all the other coins recover again

>> No.7229115

ohh shit just found out its confirmed they will be supporting apple pay via crypto when they release.... brb filling bags

>> No.7229128

Are you serious? Do you have any fucking idea how ground-breaking this is?

Crypto has no underlying value if it doesn’t get real world adoption. STK is the first working coin to ACTUALLY have a working product, with a solid dev team behind it (ffs theyve got the co-founder of Ethereum with them)

TenX tried and got JUST’d. Waiting 6 months for a plastic card only to have it no longer be issued fucking LOL.

If you retards actually think this coin is going to be a pump and dump, I’ll enjoy paying for my meal with STK while you cucks flip my burgers

>> No.7229130

This reeks of normie shit and a bad investment.

>> No.7229132
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>> No.7229148

Fucking kek

>> No.7229175
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get in before the normies come then, remember BTC before the normie storm?

>> No.7229203

Of course it reeks of normie shit, thats how we make money LOL

>> No.7229210
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> the future is paying for a drink with e-bison bucks you're just a boomer

>> No.7229263
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pic related

>> No.7229290
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ffs how many times do I have to say it

>> No.7229338


Good article for those that are still fudding

>> No.7229390

For those with money in crypto that don't want to cash out because muh taxes it's really practical stupid faggot. Everyone was always hoping for a practical way to use crypto to buy shit, this is IT.

>> No.7229400

Normies took tron from less than a fraction of a cent to 28 cents. But yeah screw the normie core

>> No.7229459

bought big bags at 0.00028 sats. I remember this being shilled a month ago and there's nothing more solid that that mastercard partnership. Let's go niggas

>> No.7229484

These same FUDsters will be using STK in the future and making us richer. kek

>> No.7229543


Do you think I would even let you have my bags? Couldnt afford them

>> No.7229594

who the fuck would want to drop ico bags at only 2.5x the ico

>> No.7229763
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people who are bad at trading and don't believe there is any technology behind these tokens

>> No.7229774
File: 151 KB, 423x702, makif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As deluded as linkies with talking about swift

You are literally cashing out every time, the process involves converting to Fiat and the taxman isn't going to leave you alone.

>> No.7229824

Got 114 or some shit of these for free from the air drop... $27? Not too bad.

>> No.7229857

more like top 40 desu

>> No.7229941

$270 in a month

>> No.7229957

>implying LINK hasn't gone to the moon and back since shilling began

>> No.7230009

>jews shilling on /biz/

nothing to see here, I'll stick with my TRX

>> No.7230037


>> No.7230071


that rocket is out of fuel the fomo is just getting started on STK, moon mission wont wait at 24 cents forever....

>> No.7230103

to think people actually FUD STK as well. This board is literal fucking garbage

>> No.7230229

It is the literal CHADcoin, just look at their team. These guys trying to FUD are wasting time.

>> No.7230309

Also some rocket fuel for those of you fudding https://medium.com/@STKtoken/an-interview-with-ethan-wilding-co-founder-of-ledger-labs-and-founding-team-member-of-ethereum-af65b90d988f

>> No.7230356

read... learn... figure out how to sell all possessions for STK>https://medium.com/@STKtoken/an-interview-with-ethan-wilding-co-founder-of-ledger-labs-and-founding-team-member-of-ethereum-af65b90d988f

>> No.7230458
File: 69 KB, 750x1334, 27604300_1664599806896836_671197817_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, are you enjoying jacking off to JUSTin Sun?
TRX is still dying, he's just soaking up the limelight and shaking hands. That's all TRX has ever been

>> No.7230647

What was the ICO price?

>> No.7230693


>> No.7230719

8 after bonus

>> No.7230785
File: 71 KB, 424x600, makifes24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same shit as stinkies, pepememes, price singularity, shitty token (just need to hold 1 stk and the real payment can be done in any crypto they want to choose anyways, linkies can have nodes with 0 link). Just deluded.

>> No.7230884

holy fuck learn to read a whitepaper faggot, this is the real deal

>> No.7230981
File: 50 KB, 510x329, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, most of the people FUDing in this thread are the same people who FUD'd ETH after it launched.

And before you lose your shit for me comparing the two, the literal fucking cofounder of ETH is on the team.

>> No.7231052

You'll need more than 1 stk if you want to use the app you mongoloid. Did you not read the whitepaper and how their state channels work?

>> No.7231255

Animefags can’t read whitepapers, they only read Chinese comics featuring girls with big dongs.

>> No.7231260
File: 43 KB, 770x433, makifes56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you who doesn't know how to read. So you can get an idea of how much of a failure this is, they had to cancel the ICO, probably afraid of not being able to raise anything meaningful and be ridiculed. It just stinks of scam.

Whatever I'm done, enjoy your bags if you don't sell now, it's only down from here. Newfags have been warned and now you can all reddit circlejerk for a while

>> No.7231419

They cancelled the ICO because there were not enough tokens for the amount of people interested. They just kept their promise to maintain the marketcap low. Go back to futanari fapping and don’t come back to this board to or you will continue to be humiliated.

>> No.7231507

why would the co-founder of ETH start scamming now? his name and image is printed all over the website. If this was a scam, he would not be a part of this and would have come out and said so

>> No.7231549


>> No.7232029
File: 22 KB, 500x375, Bobbeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancelled ICO because not able to raise anything meaningful and be ridiculed

Alright fine, I'll take the bait. That is actually the funniest thing I've heard all day. Because you know, keeping your dignity over making money is DEFINITELY the case in the crypto market, right?

It's actually funny how wrong you are. The STK team cancelled their public sale because there was TOO much demand. At first glance, you'd think that they fucked up and got their math wrong. But the reality is, they resorted to an airdrop instead of only 114 STK tokens. 114. That's chump change to all the whales currently holding it (which is about 70% of them at the moment).

So you've got the perfect formula. People fighting each other in the pits, scrambling to get as much STK as they can. All this needs is some more media attention and you've got 2018's greatest bullrun.

Do you know how appealing this is to normies? It's as easy as Apple Pay but crypto. Old uncle Joe doesn't know where to sell his shitty worthless Eteram, but dammit he'd love to buy some more packs o smokes with it. Ah perfect, STK allows him to do that.

STK isn't going to replace FIAT, it's going to give current cryptocurrency owners actual fucking real-life value to their coin.

Ah I've said enough, you'll probably still go on FUD'ing after all this. Enjoy your big tiddy hentai, kid.

>> No.7232283

What was the gwei price for pre-sale?

>> No.7232372

Check the out and see the whales are all hodling, just selling enough to fill up seats on the rocket before we take off! https://etherscan.io/token/tokenholderchart/0xaE73B38d1c9A8b274127ec30160a4927C4d71824

>> No.7232415

Once beta is released this shit will have easy 10x market cap.

EOY at least 1bil

>> No.7232425

0.00013 eth approximately

>> No.7232839


Thanks, anon, so a little over 2x. Not bad for a coin like this.

>> No.7233561
File: 353 KB, 750x500, allyoucangain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad at all. A steal desu. If TenX can hit $5 (25x if you buy right now), then this easily can too.