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7217246 No.7217246 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finally convinced my doctor to up my Xanax prescription to the bars

Who comfy as fuck right now? Bring on the dips.

>> No.7217255

never gonna make it

>> No.7217272

Kys junkie

>> No.7217280

Xanax never helped me. It made me actually a zombie.

>> No.7217307

Xanax is like being drunk without drinking. Patricians drug

>> No.7217309

You know how much more of an anxious person you are going to be if/when you stop prolonged use of those?
Those are so much worse than heroin even

>> No.7217323

>implying zombie hands aren't god tier for holding

>> No.7217340

You will likely never be a functioning member of society if you continue to use that

>> No.7217359

at some point you're going to start taking xanax while you're on xanax, beginning a self-perpetuating loop that sucks away all your energy and free will.
you will probably "wake up" in a few months (or whenever you run out) with your life completely in shambles. good luck anon.

>> No.7217458

OP only keep those for emergencies. Benzos are bad news. This isn't some sort of "hur dur muh degeneracy" /pol/ack shit either. I took 1mg of Xanax for two weeks straight about a year ago, you'll get withdrawals and you'll be a fucking zombie. God help you if you drink on them. I ended up in Las Vegas and had taken out 5K during a black out. Luckily I managed to win money somehow, but I when I started drinking I was in San Diego. If you're having an honest freak out, they're good in a pinch. Otherwise just fucking deep breath.

>> No.7217464

People who take drugs to deal with reality are weak-willes humans who have neither the testicles nor the mental stamina to deal with the shittiness of life so they resort to pill-sized shots of dopamine to help them cope because they cant handle the pounding that life gives people.

You think Gates,Buffet,Bezos take Xanax? Nope.

>> No.7217560

So you wouldn't recommend mixing with alcohol?

>> No.7217604

Nigger did you even read the post?

>> No.7217700


Been on benzos for almost 10 years. No i would not recommend them with alcohol. Even 2 glasses of wine and you start feeling weird

>> No.7217730
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>Market crashes
>Your Xanax misinforms you that this is all ok
>You lose all your money
>You take more Xanax because god forbid you should have to experience something negative, right?
Take it from an Addy hound

>> No.7217819


nice enjoy completely fucking your memory permanently

if u think ur retarded now....

>> No.7217943

OP you are a tard.
do you wanna be chemical sociopath?
you need to appreciate the lows to appreciate the highs

>> No.7218018

this op, talking from experience, quit while you're ahead before you end up whacking 3 bars every time you drink

was it temporary? I abused benzos, ket and acid all through 2017 and now I feel dead inside, going sxe for 2018 and hoping I get better
that's because it works on the same receptors

>> No.7218029

You're literally paying your doctor money to feel good today and ruin your brain chemistry for the rest of your life. Have fun not being able to leave your house without the stuff in about 2 years

>> No.7218116

Why is everyone in this thread such a faggot about drugs? Enjoy it OP

>> No.7218162

Everyone knows you don’t take Xanax with alcohol, you will black out if you take a whole bar, it’s real popular in college but we also get a lot of ODs cause dumbasses take too much then drink. No problem taking it for actual anxiety or maybe half or quarter bar if you a drinking.

>> No.7218184

Because they want to feel good about themselves and have nothing going for them in life, it's pretty obvious

>> No.7218207
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Because there are no free rides.

>> No.7218239

No fucking shit, didn't they tell you drugs were bad since elementary school?

>> No.7218271

Mixing benzos with alcohol is the easiest way of dying from benzo overdose

>> No.7218305

Good luck with WD. It can take years and actually have hundreds of side effect long after you quit. Worst shit ever, you have no idea whats coming.

>> No.7218337

enjoy being a brainless monkey

>> No.7218378

try non ssri antidepressants

thank me later

>> No.7218406

Xanax is kinda scary. It fucks terribly with my memory and tends to make me act like a dick. I can't imagine what taking that shit on a regular basis could do to someone

>> No.7218539

People are actually warning him based on personal experience lad

>> No.7218625


This is 4chan retards. We're all degenerates, we've all fucked with drugs. When you have a whole thread of people warning you about xans, it's not coming from a place of moral superiority, it's coming from a place of experience

>> No.7218628

I was addicted to benzo's for half a year and I didn't even realise it. Took diazepam every work day to cope with stress, weekends off. Since these weekends went well, I figured that I could stop whenever I wanted. About 5 days in my first holiday, hell unleashed for more than a month.

Be careful with benzo's and KEEP THE HALF LIFE IN MIND WHEN YOU TAKE EM

>> No.7218732

If you wanna take something something for anxiety try phenibut,it make you less zombie and brainlet than Xanax and you don't risk dying while you drink alcohol.

English is not my Mt so sorry for the grammar

>> No.7218804
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>> No.7219038

Oh how those would ruin my life without a doubt. I used to buy 5 2mg xanax bars for 20$ in highschool and would snort 2 and black out. This shit always caused me to have a manic depressive episode a day or 2 after taking it. Recently my gf was prescribed diazepam and
I took some for fun and it caused me to have the same 3 day depression that makes me want to kill myself even though literally everything in my life is going great. Stay away. These ruin your brain chem

>> No.7219067

bad choice OP, not worth it

>> No.7219107

This.Dont be a bartard anon

>> No.7219145

enjoy your chemical lobotomy retard

literally as harmful as opiates

>> No.7219605

Please continue taking drugs.
I want to win on the backs of you retarded white druggies
T. pajeet

>> No.7219641

you shouldn't be comfy.
your perception of reality is altered by the xanax, you should instead plan out your next move

>> No.7219697

Jokes on you, I'm on Xanax too (I actually have mental health problems) and my next 3x move is already planned and undergoing.

>> No.7219715

Fuckin kek

>> No.7219783

Don't get addicted, the withdraw from those can kill you.
T. Pharmafag.

>> No.7219831

Stop saving from doing what they want asshole

>> No.7219902

etizlooamn not workigb

>> No.7220033

This. People who don’t see this are equally stubborn as equally stupid.

>> No.7220049

You're retard for trying to stop others from enjoying their lives. Stop

>> No.7220076


opiates are amazing, you're some pussy who thinks he's gonna get addicted and can't handle shit

oxy's are 2 gud pussy

>> No.7220085

Is this loss

>> No.7220125

You’re literally getting angry that my opinion disagrees with yours and we’re trying to give OP advice not to ruin his life and end up like your fagget degenerate self. If you don’t like what we have to say then downvote us you stupid plebbit faggot.

>> No.7220328

Haha opiate faggot, How are your shits? I bet your intestines are full of parasites due to the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in your digestive track.

>> No.7220435

Had buddy go through opiate withdrawal so bad he couldn't stop sweating. Took him to my doc to get Klonopins. He got addicted to those. Crashed five cars in a year, he's about to lose 100k plus job. LMFAO. Addicts, why can't you just stop and feel bad for a week before it gets out of control?

>> No.7220480


300K a year jellyfag

keep crying because mommy & daddy pay the bills


>> No.7220548

I climb telephone poles for a living and have more fun on the job than you ever will fag lord.

>> No.7220666

Xanax is pure Satan, killed my parents. Totally destroyed my mother. Keep it up, you will be dead inside and never ever get your life back.

>> No.7220851

A lot of drugs are fun... other are just useful. The ones that fuck with your brain's chemistry are not cool, at all.

>> No.7220917

>yeah I take pills every day and get sick when I stop but I’m not addicted
>you’re all just pussies, I’m special, my body doesn’t work the same as everyone else
Very convincing anon

>> No.7221024


he can't afford the good shit so he drinks and smokes weed like a bottom feeder


>> No.7221136

I really hope you're just larping

>> No.7221140

I don’t but thanks for the insight into your frame of mind. Lol, opiates are luxury drugs. Sure man

>> No.7221169


lol at american opiate addicts. have fun taking down your country's life expectancy even more

>> No.7221178

I've tried many benzos but none were as great as Phenibut. I recently found out about phenibut and fuck it's great and actually legal for whatever the fuck reason.
Works pretty much like benzo but if you take higher doses it gives a pretty powerful euphoria and goes towards stimulating.
I feel like fucking Scarface, the world is mine on Phenibut.
Be careful because it's seriously addictive.