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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7210342 No.7210342 [Reply] [Original]

Bounce in 1 hour

>> No.7210374

Americans are going to wake up soon

>> No.7210673

50 minutes

>> No.7211020

40 minutes

>> No.7211294

30 minutes

>> No.7211341

thanks op shorting 100k x100 leverage

>> No.7211363

Mind explaining why you think so?

>> No.7211544

20 Minutes

>> No.7211666
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>> No.7211686


>> No.7211710

8:45AM-9:30AM US EAST = bouncey titties of milky gains

>> No.7211772

10 minutes

>> No.7211799

bouncy to 6k

>> No.7211805


>> No.7211806


>> No.7211824

Nah, it's going to 4k bro
Sorry about that

>> No.7211864

10 minutes

>> No.7211868

op confirmed dead

>> No.7211908

this it it. I am out of crypto. It has no future

>> No.7211909
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>> No.7211926

not happening.

>> No.7211937

Time's up.

>> No.7211954

>1 hour

>> No.7211968

Where is it

>> No.7211972

Idk man I already feel despair on my end

>> No.7212314
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When we hit the despair I'll break even.

>> No.7212348

>tfw will still be up during despair

>> No.7212390

the price can only fall when fucking idiots sell their shit billionfold.

who the fuck is continuosly selling shit 25% under the value of the last day for weeks straight. just stop selling you fucks.

>> No.7212572
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incoming bounce

downtrend bounce / 200 MA / old support / fib line / rsi bottomed / Bottom Bollinger

>> No.7212865


>at capitulation, already suicide threads everywhere

I can't imagine what this place will look like when we reach despair

>> No.7212910

We are at first sell off.

>> No.7213127

Short sellers are making a fortune now. They are allowed to borrow your coins and sell them. Don't you know how that works? When Wall Street allowed shorting of cryptos, that was the end of the ride.

>> No.7213170

Where can I short?

>> No.7213202

ah, pajeets and their fancy looking graphs. Its gonna be fun to witness all of your wojack threads.

>> No.7213284
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>downtrend bounce / 200 MA / old support / fib line / rsi bottomed / Bottom Bollinger

>> No.7213310

>shorting at the bottom
Prepare to long instead, once you see a small indicator of a bounce be prepared for a fast launch back to 11k.

>> No.7213340

I use whaleclub

>> No.7213523
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please.. please.. no applause required

>> No.7213574




>> No.7213700

Fair play my guy

>> No.7213727

Just longed eth

>> No.7213728


22 million already in on ETH/USDT on binance

>> No.7213812

Where are you now bro

>> No.7213829

it aint reaching 11k until next bull-run
a bounce does not reach over previous high
which is 9k

>> No.7213883
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haha ok you win

>> No.7213921

Timing was off...but you're Welcome

>> No.7213928
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holy fuck

>> No.7214009
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>> No.7214030

dear wizard, can I borrow your crystal ball for like a week? thx

>> No.7214040

Goddamn, OP. Who are you and when can I suck your dick?

>> No.7214051

also the whales are tired of manipulation, but prepare for next

>> No.7214065

Ah I wish I saw this thread earlier, I was watching the ETH dip waiting to dip below 900 and boom it bounces back. I missed my shot to buy in

>> No.7214083

missed by 1 hour unless this is just a dead cat bounce. If this is a real bounce then well done! I bought back when it bounced off 8k on bitfinex. Crossing my fingers!

>> No.7214087
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>> No.7214131
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>> No.7214213

fuck you i sold everything u mnotherfucker fuck you in thet ass

>> No.7214219

I got in on the bounce right when it happened.

I bought the absolute bottom out of pure luck.

>> No.7214222
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This bounce back goes to all the faggots saying TA is impossible

>> No.7214229

I will. You got to learn somehow. I lost about 100 but could've made 800 if I did my original plan. I need to learn a lot.

>> No.7214257

if it's a dead cat I doubt it will go much lower...

>> No.7214266

This guy knows!

>> No.7214272

how high up will it go?

>> No.7214317


>> No.7214331

12k, then possible reeeee all the way down, or up to 14k then 30k...take that as scenarios...this is not physic fortelling...

>> No.7214359


haha where are you now. calling me a pajeet. go shit on the street

>> No.7214656

support at 8k looked really strong so yea I agree it feels pretty good. Even if it goes lower I still think it'll be good long term, can't be too greedy.

>> No.7214759

So are you going to show us the leveraged long position you took at the bottom, or are you just throwing darts blind and taking credit the one time it hits center mass?

>> No.7214788



>> No.7214794

ngl that was pretty spot on my dude

>> No.7214857
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Fuck you OP you were right.

>> No.7214904
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>> No.7215036

It will crash even harder.

>> No.7215101

kek fucking saved. thanks for that anon

>> No.7215142

lol.. im stuck in a an alt trade my bot did, so was looking for the bounce so i could sell... that was were i was hoping for the bounce, and thats where it did.. didnt have to leverage a long position.. if you cant do your own TA, dont blame me :P

>> No.7215189

Holy fuck op

>> No.7215205

what's more likely in your opinion?

>> No.7215410

Lol asscoin faggots btfo

>> No.7215477

Depends on the FUD, next I see Bigger Regulations or see more Europe joining the FUD brigade, which could possibly cause more Reeee...

>> No.7215516

>TAfags predict bounce at 8,7.5,7,5,4,3
>bouncelet appears

>> No.7215656

you can go back weeks and see guys saying ~8200 was a good buy point for end of Jan. Same TA was used then.

>> No.7216063

Holy shit... can anyone explain to a relative newfag how this wizard called the predicted the bounce so accurately?

>> No.7216236

do you think Chinese New year will pump btc up like the other years? ignoring FUD

>> No.7216293

This. I want to become a wizard one day

>> No.7216324

Chinese new years, sounds like bullshit to me, imo, if anything its a tiny percentage...

>> No.7216326

People have been predicting this for weeks now, /biz/ usually starts screaming whenever people discuss TA and such.
Appearantly 5 link threads 4 TRX threads is ok but TA is were /biz/ draw the line

>> No.7216378

The thing is, it's become typical that it kinda fullfill itself. Nobody buys because of chinese new year, but because they expect it to rise due historical trends. This isn't a hidden knowledge so everyone is waiting for the CNY.

>> No.7216392

H-h-have their been similarly consensus-forming predictions for when the next bull run will be?

>> No.7216393

Wow its gonna bottom out below 0.


>> No.7216420

how did you call it so accurately? burgers waking up?

>> No.7216433

How hard is it to correctly call heads or tails on a coin flip?

>> No.7216450
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Saved this like 2 weeks ago, sometimes you find golden threads in the midst of shitcoin threads.

>> No.7216478

woah, thanks Satan. that describes 90% of my relationship attempts.

>> No.7216531

I've never really looked seriously at TA before-- does this chart give any kind of probability for upward vs. downward trends after hitting 8000?

>> No.7216542

so this is the power of meme triangles....

>> No.7216552


>> No.7216601

Ok nigga you have clearly proved yourself. Now what is going to happen over the next couple months?

>> No.7216628

Dear wizard, among these scenarios, which do you consider the most likely?

>> No.7216662


We hit 8000...you didn't need great TA skills to predict a bounce.

*OK it was bigger then I expected but oh well

>> No.7216696
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200MA, Trendlines, fib line meeting them, Bottom Support,Shorts Tiring...all culminating to a point

>> No.7216707

Unfortunately not, it could still go down further. It's speculation after all but the market does follow certain trends and TA can't really predict any change in trends before they start to happen.
What TA does is help people identify the changes in trends quickly because they are prepared for certain things to happen. This means that good TA fags tend to be ready to sell high and buy low.
It could dip to 6k before reversing but 8k was the predicted mark.

>> No.7216789

Hahaha I just reverse image-searched for this chart


Looks like even the guy who created the chart thought this meant a probable rise to 17k in mid-Jan and an "exponential" rally.
STILL, the bottom of the buy-line is PERFECT-- I mean perfect within a few dollars. The price hit the bottom of this buy-line today and then shot up.
After seeing so much amateur bullshit TA, I'm now starting to think TA isn't so stupid after all if done correctly...

>> No.7216815

nailed it brah
may your cows stay divine

>> No.7216817

Have to see how it plays out, Cant tell you, more than likely gonna keep testing the resistances, if it shits at 12k, then we look to be heading to 3 - 4k

>> No.7216858

I am not sure this bear market is over - we had jumps like this when BTC was trading around 14k but it then just kept bleeding out after.

>> No.7216864

I think that bounce was pretty good. What we might see is some sideways action for a bit.

>> No.7216875

Thank you, kind wizard! Do you feel very confident about the rise to 12k?

>> No.7216916

Wanna see some voodoo, Click Play and see when it was posted


>> No.7216949
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the crypto dream is dying, you're just in denial. The world won't allow a bunch of faggots to get rich doing absolutely nothing. At least not long term, if you have any brains you'll cash out your gains and be happy you got lucky. Everyone else will slowly bleed until they go fucking insane

>> No.7216988

You mean how stocks have worked for early adopters for decades?

>> No.7216999

Whoa!! I feel like I just took the pill

>> No.7217065

only stocks that pay dividend have any real worth. Everything else is "who's the ATH sucker that bought last"

>> No.7217113

TA is fine, it's no exact science but it does help with setting up a "plan" for when to get in and when to get out. I do think it's better than randomly making decisions.

>> No.7217190

what should i do if this shit does go all the way down? do i just go to fiat and wait?

>> No.7217225

TA needs to quantifiable and backtestable to be worth anything.

Actual quants DO use things like RSI and Bollinger Bands occasionally because they're not arbitrary bullshit (unlike Elliot Wave theory)

>> No.7217268
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>only stocks that pay dividend have any real worth.

You're basically saying Berkshire Hathaway shares are worthless. It's quite obvious you're new to this whole finance and business thing.

>> No.7217343

TA. Trend analysis ?

>> No.7217412

why don't you tell me what Berkshire Hathaway does
Invest how you want to invest, I'm just giving you my 2c

>> No.7217424

Never going to make it

>> No.7217470

You got blown the fuck out you retard, you claimed stocks without dividends are worthless and the guy called you out.


>> No.7217579

this means that it will really go all the way down?

>> No.7217696

What the fuck

>> No.7217711
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I'll consider it

>> No.7217818
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>> No.7217898

I mean, that actually sounds like a good way to face the fear of rejection. Like when you are close enough to her you will have to do it anyways.

Thanks Satan.

>> No.7217917

>The cat bounce currently floating..on the wings of a thousand gasps of air....

>> No.7218726

My TA brings all the boys to the yard.
i could teach you, but i'd have to charge.. lol

>> No.7218932

maybe, maybe not...who fucking knows...

>> No.7219296


>> No.7219643

The buy line isn't perfect at all. It went lower.