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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7212221 No.7212221 [Reply] [Original]

adamantium hands checking in here. all you newfags need to grow some balls and stop losing your goddamn minds. the hardened vets here know what Im talking about. Im waiting for the turn around and gonna take as many coins from your soft, manicured hands as I can. go on and sell I DARE YOU CUNTS!

>> No.7212321


I'm a diamond hands vet. I'm not even sad/mad today. Been happy as fuck all day since everything on sale. I am literally borrowing money right now since I want to get as much as possible during this mega dip.

Only thing I am worried about is buying in too early. Gonna have to time this perfectly for maximum profit on the rebound.

Talking about alts of course, BTC is dying and I can't wait for it to be dethroned.

>> No.7212362

if BTC dies its taking the market with it

>> No.7212398

no worries
$20K soon

>> No.7212403


Nah ETH will just replace it. BTC isn't really that important.

>> No.7212419

All me, and not even a veteran. Just hit 1 year in crypto. The bitch is not knowing where the bottom is so I can go all in, so the best I can do now is just cost average and buy every 1k drop.

>> No.7212422

sold at 9k faggot
i can buy back x2 of the alts i was holding with my fiat now
hodling is a meme

>> No.7212440

Graphene hands here.

>> No.7212615

i have nothing but respect for those who time it well, but i've been burned too many times to take a chance
buying some eth on the way down, selling some eth on the way up. small profits but still profit

>> No.7212622
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That will work great...until you end up that guy who bought 2 BTC at $1000, sold them at $20,000, FOMO rebought them at $19,000 and now is holding 1.9 BTC and owes $8,000 in taxes.

>> No.7212897

im so glad my country isnt a shithole and only cares about the value at the endofyear and makes me pay 1% in taxes.