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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 444 KB, 1005x948, threat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7209151 No.7209151 [Reply] [Original]

I'm severely fucked guys, why the fuck did I have to talk money with eastern europeans...

Can I do something with this? Protection or something?

>> No.7209182

btfo lmao

>> No.7209205

this can't be real

>> No.7209208

What a psycho. RIP OP

>> No.7209222

Kick his ass

>> No.7209224
File: 18 KB, 230x219, 1517563299149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hand or foot your choice

>> No.7209227

You most leave the country OP

>> No.7209230

post threat-2

>> No.7209235

i dont believe this OP

>> No.7209244


Leave his details with somebody, that way if shit really hits the fan, at least you'll be avenged. Stay safe.

>> No.7209257

ur ded dude

>> No.7209259
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>> No.7209264

literally losing money in an emerging tech bubble. you must be an eastern european to be this retarded

>> No.7209268

I'm compiling this as evidence, just numbered it in case he makes another threat, I'm lucky they don't know where I live but I can say goodbye to my social life and my going out with no hoodies.

>> No.7209272

What did you tell him to buy ?

>> No.7209287


>> No.7209290

>I wanted to talk to you about this investment you recommended
<"Yeah man I'm sorry"

There it is, you fucked up, you admitted responsibility (then later denied it).
Never apologize unless you mean it, it's a sign of weakness and now he's exploiting that opening.

>> No.7209315

Bitbeans, bitconnect and link.

>> No.7209318

Never talk money with anyone.

>> No.7209323

It's either you or him OP. You know what you have to do.

>> No.7209328

unironically call him a whiny faggot. then buy a gun and a doberman

dont back down.

>> No.7209348

get rekt

>> No.7209349

Post more of this fag.
You shouldn't have apologized for what you never did wrong.

>> No.7209351

Kill him before he kills you :^)

>> No.7209358

trx at 1200 sats, fucker could have doubled his money but didn't sell apparently and now I'm to blame

>> No.7209378

You're not to blame?

>> No.7209397
File: 68 KB, 655x509, Hes+not+retarded+hes+just+misunderstood+_f6d585c34396e01de697e53b47abbe4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go see him NOW anon while Shitcoin is still just over 8000 he will just break your legs.
By tomorrow he will probably kill you bro.

>> No.7209405

Why did you recommend someone buy this obvious scam?

>> No.7209409

t bh trx was a scam so you should have given him an exit point if you were going to shill it to him

>> No.7209411


told him to put at most 500€ and be wary of market to sell, he put half his savings, I'm retarded for talking money with him but it was a good call.

>> No.7209413

I can deal with this, give me his phone number and all his personal information, if you have an address gib.

>> No.7209414
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>Recommending Tron

You deserve everything coming toward you

>> No.7209416

Sneak into his house at night and smother him.

>> No.7209417


Fuck him dude

Let him know that living in the US of A that if he tried anything on your property you would trayvon his ass to the shadow realm

>> No.7209428

You sound like a pussy OP

>> No.7209435

davorcoin, bitconnect and HEROcoin

>> No.7209445

So you're not to blame?

>> No.7209460

Start doing muay thai and buy yourself a gun and an aggressive pitball. Become a badass and don't be afraid of anybody.

>> No.7209465

fuck this guy

>> No.7209467




>> No.7209475

maybe 500 was half his savings

>> No.7209490

you deserve to lose a limb for recommending anybody to buy trx

>> No.7209501

You'd be one too with these guys, I hit the gym and I'm in good shape but these people are dangerous.

>> No.7209515

Tell his ass to hodl, that it'll be up by the end of 2018.

>> No.7209520

>hey man, there is this highly volatile and speculative market
>you can make a killing, or may lose it all
>I'm in, do what you will, but don't forget it's risky and don't invest more than you can afford to lose
>WTF man I lost half my savings Imma stab you

What a fucking faggot. Fuck me running, I hate people.

>> No.7209538

>why didn't he time the market what an idiot
you stupid fuck you should have just got him a long term hold like ETH. you gave a scam coin to a normalfag and actually expected him to time the market, something not even professionals can pull out?
you are trash. you obviously don't owe him nothing but don't be like "waah i don't deserve this" if you die.

>> No.7209571

also, watch out for drive-bys firing into your house

sleep with several obstacles between you and the street other than walls

make sure your fire alarms work and you have fire insurance

>> No.7209588

Don't worry, op, it's probably just the language barrier. He literally said he hoped you were doing well too.

>> No.7209627

I found this forum through my Facebook friend and when I lost a lot of money on bitconnect (not a huge sum, only invested $4,000 that I saved up), he gave me half of it back when i told him i lost money because he told me to.

If you recommend something to someone, it's your duty to pay them back if they lose a considerable amount of money on their investment.

>> No.7209631

also set up some home-alone type shit in your house


>> No.7209650

anons been through a few rodeos

>> No.7209662

If anyone tried to pull that shit on me i would unironically hunt him down immediately and break his kneepcaps with a bat
He wont be able to hurt you if he can never walk again

>> No.7209670

You're a cunt for accepting his money.

>> No.7209676

haahahaha fucking hell

>> No.7209683

I live in a 4th floor so that shouldn't be an issue

These guys deal with serious money I'm just a wagecuck who entered the market last October, no way I can cover his losses

>> No.7209685

Stop being a bitch and face him, knock his teeth out for ever threathening you.

You did him a favor by sharing your knowledege.

Man people are such pussies these days


or you could stay a whiny coward and share this story on 4chan


>> No.7209693

get ready for jail OP for being an illegal financial advisor

>> No.7209721

u fucking pajeet

>> No.7209723


>> No.7209762

It wouldn't happen to you because you wouldn't give off signs of weakness.
Rhese people aren't stupid - they posture and see how you react, if you react with weakness they strike, if you posture back they usually back down but they might try to call your bluff and escalate first, if you completely disregard their posturing they usually don't know what to do.

>> No.7209769
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>trx at 1200 sats

>> No.7209776

fuck off, you don't just invest your money in anything anyone recommends to you and expect them to pay you if that investment doesn't go well. youre actually a fucking idiot for investing in bitconnect and a cunt for accepting his money.

>> No.7209785

kek, op is gonna get his ass beat by Slavs

>> No.7209808

Anymore txt?

>> No.7209809

Send him a picture of your erect penis and tell him you'll jam it up his fucking arse if he ever comes near you again.

>> No.7209823

This is why i tell family and friends to stay the fuck away from crypto. Some of them lose their shit on stocks how the fuck do they put money in magical monopoly money.

>> No.7209833

Let's see more of your conversation

>> No.7209835

>I buy tron at 3 cents
>sell at 4 cents when I realise its a complete shitcoin with no substance
>the price skyrockets to 30 cents because of normies

at least I made a fuckton off of vechain, neo and wtc

>> No.7209870

>it's your duty to pay them back if they lose a considerable amount of money on their investment.
%100 voted for bernie

>> No.7209876


>> No.7209893

>implying that east europe is worse than western europe and that they both aren't equally garbage
>listening to a fucking europoor
you deserve so much worse OP.

>> No.7209924

This entire board is just a giant larp

>> No.7209943

samefag here, I didn't realise OP was the blue
rest in peace op, I hope this goes easy on your legs. Bring a gun though, he might plan on shooting out your knees or something, these europoor socialists are fucking morons (like most socialists)

>> No.7209945

lol, that's a subtle threat. It's the same in Italy.

>> No.7209962

thread theme

>> No.7209980 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 1005x948, finnancial-advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To people saying I recommended TRX and I deserve it, is this what you consider "financial advise"?

>> No.7209989

Then why would you shill a shitcoin, or fuck, even give him/them financial advice in the first place?

>> No.7210022

Rape him

>> No.7210038

>implying that east europe is worse than western europe

You've clearly never met any bulgarian, albanian, ukranian or pole jesus christ

>> No.7210046

The wall just got 10ft taller.

>> No.7210056
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1517043102068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's a good coin?
>"try trx"

>> No.7210064

pud yur fizd ub hiz azz ob :DDD
sho him yur cogg xDDDD

>> No.7210086
File: 395 KB, 1005x948, 1517568587891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong Carlos? Why delete your post?

>> No.7210107

OP this

Fire is the easiest form of vandalism. Your car, your bike, maybe a Molotov through your window.

t. Had my motorcycle set on fire by an eastern european right below my home.

>> No.7210108

I have, I have also met brits and welsh folk, every single part of europe is poor 3rd world garbage. prove me wrong you fucking bart.

>> No.7210109

No point deleting it when it only shows your first name, Carlos

>> No.7210118

Please man I'm under stress and I fucked up, delete that :/

>> No.7210145

Ill have to delete the thread guys, please

>> No.7210157

>inb4 carlos gets fucking doxxed

>> No.7210168
File: 330 KB, 490x405, opisafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn carlos, did you just scam shaquina into buying some good 'ol trx?

>> No.7210181


>> No.7210187


>> No.7210204

hehe kek i bought hero too, bought at 5 cents sold at 12 cents rebought at 11 cents and was about to sell at 20 , unfortunatley i got greedy and didint sell, then it went back down to 10 cents and i sold..

>> No.7210207
File: 8 KB, 184x184, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit man. You are so fucked. These dudes are mafia/ex-KGB right? Might as well bend over or spend the rest of your life on the run desu

>> No.7210209

Can't delete a thread that's over 10 minutes old, first name doesn't mean shit out of context, calm down

>> No.7210220

>telling someone to buy TRX
>surprised when you get fucked over

>> No.7210221

Well that's some pretty open ended advice:
>a lot of people are interested in trx at the moment
You didn't even say if it was a good investment or not, just that a lot of people were interested in it, why the fuck did you apologize again?

>Carlos the cuck

>> No.7210253

>they don't know where I live
> Has Facebook


>> No.7210262

Carlos getting his legs cheeki breeki'd

>> No.7210263

Then why do eastern europeans come to western europe in droves to make money doing the menial jobs that none of us want to do?

>> No.7210298

Had to report my own thread for doxxing potential fuck guys you are fast.

>> No.7210300

>its your duty to pay them off if they lose money
that's retarded, at the end of the day they are the ones who took the fucking risk and invested, and to say that you, the person who shilled for crypto-gays, is at all responsible for this person not doing anymore research of their own, OR, doing research and saying "yeah I'm gonna do this" is retarded. I hope you either A: get deported you fucking bean, B: stay in the "99% meme" for the rest of your life, or C: get raped by Tyrone in your sleep

>> No.7210306

Carlos, is he polish?

>> No.7210307

>Carlos the cripple

>> No.7210326

back this up with fact europoor, show me PROOF, because afaik, all of europe is 3rd world tier, fucking stone age poor people who talk with gay accents and do gay things behind their wooden houses. also you guys still use dirt roads and don't have cars yet. EUROPOOR

>> No.7210339

Nigger we know nothing about you but that your first name is Carlos and that you have invested in crypto

How the fuck would we find you? Have everyone in here with eastern European connections raise their hands and make them ask their buddies for info on you?

>> No.7210340

thats why you dont give adivce ever
if they gain they will keep everything - its my investment anyawy, it was my money
if the lose they blame you - anon why did you tell me to invest you owe me its your fault

desu don't talk about crypto or money in general

>> No.7210341

I'm a pole and eastern Europe is a shithole

>> No.7210344
File: 16 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210350

this one got me anon, thank you for making my night.

>> No.7210354


this. Crypto Beta Cuck detected.

I have a similar problem, good thing I'm in the USA and own some very nice legal firearms.

>> No.7210357

You fucked up OP

>> No.7210358
File: 6 KB, 202x159, 1512057875275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the pinnacle of ameriturd education?

>> No.7210389

>tfw australian

>> No.7210393

It's the pinnacle of bait that you're biting

>> No.7210408

Is everyone fucking retarded in this market?
Jesus I'm going to be glad buying back ETH at 20$.

>> No.7210409


>> No.7210432

yes, the type of person who falls for daddy cryptos bait is an idiot, who doesn't realise that any crypto will inevitable either A: get replaced by a new crypto, or B: drop in value or stagnate due to lack of investment over time
I mean come on why do we even bother with crypto anymore.

>> No.7210441

that place the bongs sent all their retards?
yeah, much better. kek

>> No.7210449

So basically a 3rd world shithole like USA, except no firearms. Good on you, lad.

>> No.7210488

>If you recommend something to someone, it's your duty to pay them back if they lose a considerable amount of money on their investment.
Would you also give him half if you ended up making 10 million?

>> No.7210511
File: 428 KB, 1069x964, threat-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys, thanks for reposting my name 800 times really helps me calm down, and on top of that he's doubling down on his threat now

>> No.7210528
File: 59 KB, 800x1099, 1517029812676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210532

Haha are you trying to tell me you haven't heard of Crypto Carlos?

>> No.7210539

Fun's over, this is a larp.

>> No.7210548

>the place the bongs sent their retards
you mean sent their best scientists and strongmen because they were jealous of us, leading to a population that is stronger and smarter than every other nation on the face of earth. mmmkay
>3rd world shit hole like the USA except no firearms
KEK, you can legally buy any gun anywhere, the country is so technologically advanced that everyone has micro chips that automatically diagnose mental conditions, so we know who to sell guns to and who to council, which is never necessary since everyone is in peak mental health and physical condition. Nice try EUROPOORS.

>> No.7210550


>> No.7210557

mate like 98% of australia is dirt roads and tin shacks what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7210558

carlos this really isn't a big deal... WTF is he gonna do. Does he know where you live? If not, chill the fuck out.

If he does just fuck him up he sounds like a pussy anyway.

>> No.7210559

Trying to play it off as a larp since you were doxxed. Smart..

>> No.7210565

Hey Carlos buddy, easy peasy!
Loan a couple grand from him promising double payback and then throw it at ethpyramid.com.
then get x4 your initial investment and make some money on the way out. Take everything and move to Australia and grow mullet.
You can thank me later CARLOS the CUNT

>> No.7210587

Abort mission, it's a LARP

>> No.7210604

had a similar problem
told some dumbass to buy at 300 sats
then told him to sell at 450 sats
stupid normie fag was happy when he saw his mad 50% gains
then he sees trx climb to fucking 1200 sats
gets pissed at me and does fomo buy
and asks me why the fuck did i tell him to sell
then the retard doesnt even sell when it hits 2000 sats... telling me he will sell once trx reaches 1$
now he will fucking baghold for life

you cant help those freshies. they have to learn from their mistakes
dont think u owe them shit unless u told them not to sell

>> No.7210618
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>> No.7210624

>not living in the other 90% of the country with super highways, skyscrapers, and golden everything
We make seoul look like kenya

>> No.7210634

/biz/lets on 187 watch

>> No.7210642


>> No.7210648
File: 21 KB, 347x316, 1503755692595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210659

>Eastern Europe
American education

>> No.7210674
File: 8 KB, 154x204, 1485132752872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IQ bubble has bursted.

>> No.7210694

>not reading my other replies showing that I am australian and live in the most technologically advanced country with the strongest and smartest people
kek the burger patrol is in full swing at night here huh

>> No.7210720

I'm Eastern European and they will cut off your dick.

>> No.7210783

why are you even in crypto when you're sucha fucking brainlet. go back to where you came if you think anyone can find you because you we know your name is fucking CARLOS. oh, you must be that nigga from the magic school bus. found him guys, go get him.

>> No.7210795

Anon pls, you have homeless people on the streets. You may as well live in goddamn Gambia.

>> No.7210800

Who here proud nocoiner who doesn't have to worry about being slotted by angry slavs?

>> No.7210803


>> No.7210835

you mean our black slaves? they are just lazy that is all, watch, in 4 years the killbots will be ready and our all white utopia will be complete.

>> No.7210879
File: 1.61 MB, 3000x2000, wild-boar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how few people actually fucking read on this board, so they continue to pile into obvious LARP after OP actually reveals it.
Almost like the board is full of fucking retards that are so stupid they would go fall in on magic bean coins with no stops.

>> No.7210907
File: 9 KB, 229x250, ab6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not even european but heres how things work in europe
>trust me 1/14 german

>> No.7210932
File: 18 KB, 248x189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im considering keeping it going to see how many more posts we could collect after the reveal

>> No.7210962

>thinking every single thread revolves around what OP posts, and nothing else.
or people who are talking amongst themselves and not about what OP posted at all. You could say, we think about our own things?
Maybe it's the fucking 4chan sadists that are the retards

>> No.7210974

I hope he beats you to a pulp

>> No.7210988


>These guys deal with serious money

Giving advice to drug dealers is not sound advice anon

>> No.7211015

Did you really edit it so we can think it's fake and not doxx you? Pretty desperate.

>> No.7211097


>> No.7211116

Dude do you not realize the situation OP is in? Eastern Europeans + serious money + threats? These people are not the kind you can just go knock out and be left alone because you're such an alpha hardass. If he was ever challenged I'm sure he'd bring at least three other guys as well as bats and knives. And if you do get the drop on him and actually hurt him he'll just burn down OPs house or stage a burglary and have him stabbed/shot. The Slav fuck has sent threats, so OP could just go to the police. If he does live in the states, he should certainly buy a gun. But escalating to violence first won't get you anything other than beaten to death by 5 bald men in track suits or put in jail for assault.

>> No.7211181

i bet youre the kind of person that falls for these threads too

>> No.7211190

No I live in America. I would tell him he's welcome to come to my house and discuss it with my AR-15.

>> No.7211192

A east european hitman's gonna pay you a visit lmao.

>> No.7211217

He has your number, that's enough for the russian mafia.

>> No.7211259

Your suggestion doubled his input and he's mad at you? What a buffoon

>> No.7211292

lol I never believe shit I read in biz specially not facebook conversations, easiest thing to code-inspect.

Gotta say the accidental name dropping with subsequent begging play would have probably got me a bit tho, needed to gather interest first to make sure someone caught it and it played beautifully.

>> No.7211347

Op fucking with the cartel sheit

>> No.7211365

>he is actually scared of eastern europeans
slavs are the niggers of white people
it's just a bunch of posturing, because most slavs are malnourished dyels who can't do anything without a knife in a 1v1 fight, unless they are backed by their gopnik friends.

Tell him to fuck off and eat shit, since you clearly warned him. If he tries something, just sue him for the rest of his savings.

>> No.7211460

Genuinely hope this is true and he hurts you physically. What you deserve for trying to act cool and bring people who cant even google how to setup a wallet into this space. These same retards are the ones that will ask government to ban everything when a dip happens. Fuck you op i hope you learnt a lesson faggot

>> No.7211527

So what? Even if you told them to buy this or that it's their money and they are the one who wwere asking for which coin to buy. Grow a pair dude, say what a anon sayd and send them a pic of your dick and tell the that you are going to fuck them in the ass and that your dick is going to come back out trhough their mouths if they keep playing bitches like they are doing. That they take their mother and sell her on the street like they actually do most of the times. If someone calls you crying about the wrong decision they made they probably a pussy anyway..

Never apologize towards anybody in this field and don't pay them back anything, if they ask you for money ask them is they would give you a share of their profits if it has turned the otherway around, they wouldn't!

Go out there and find out where he lives, go to his door and keep hand always in your pocket once you are in front of his door and advice him to let it go or otherwise things are going to get ugly for him, and if he still opens his big mouth put a knife in the bastard eye and after that you take him out of his property and wait for the police to come while you are bitting his shit out of his ass. Russians, albanian, pools and so on, it all taste the same thing at the end of the day and if you are supposed to die, no point in hidding anyway. You can not just let people blame you for their fucking mistakes. If he don't like the way is going, tell him to stop looking at his fucking wallet and that he go eat some fucking bananas on top of a fucking tree.

That they come from Asia, East Europe, Makkacs or Niggers they all have to hands and to feets at the end of the day and if they would have some common sense they wouldn't be riching out to you for their mistakes, and if they were serious about wanting to fight you they would come to you before reaching out to you. Those are just poussies that are fishing to see if youbite in their little game. Make them understand that you are stronger than that

>> No.7211554

>admits to code-inspecting
>doesn't realise we all know he faked that last entry to try and stop the doxxing

Your life is over, Carlos.

>> No.7211638

I got some friends into crypto over last few months. First one I told to use his (small amount of BTC) to buy NEO cos it was "due to pump while BTC has probs maxed for a while" - BTC then goes full retard in December while NEO stays pretty much static. He snaps and eventually sells his NEO for BTC without consulting me...just as BTC was at ATH and promptly crashed while NEO started it's moon mission.

Another couple I got started in early Jan, God help them. I drummed it into them not to put more in than they were willing to lose, and only to do it if they saw it as a longterm investment so not to worry about any big dips in shortterm etc but I'm pretty fucking sure when I next see them I'll find out they invested too much and panic sold at loss over last week or two. Will be interesting to see if they try to blame me or not.

>> No.7211719

>don't invest more than you can afford to lose

>> No.7211847

It's a fucking LARP.

Jesus, all you /Biz/ guys are retarded. Call me back when you actually dox this guy...which will be never.

>> No.7212027

OP you're already giving more info away about your location. If they know your general location they know within that location you live in an apartment block of some sort.

>> No.7212068


I kek'd at this

>> No.7212073

>thinking we don't already know this and that we can't just reply to each other within the thread
you and every other fucking 4chan sadist are fags. I hope you get raped by nigger cock tonight.

>> No.7212209

>falling for a larp this obvious

lmao this guy is not a threat OP

>> No.7212309
File: 13 KB, 443x332, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>admits to code-inspecting
>>doesn't realise we all know he faked that last entry to try and stop the doxxing
>Your life is over, Carlos

What it's like to be Trevon James

>> No.7212369

Someone's gotta pay for the gains. Crypto is a transfer of wealth.

>> No.7212496

I’m left-leaning and this is completely retarded