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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 792x600, SHITCOINER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7207548 No.7207548 [Reply] [Original]

Good times, boys.
Coin shit show is over.
Burger-flipping coin shilling retards have now learned their place LETS MAKE THIS PLACE ACTUALLY ABOUT BUSINESS AND FINANCE..

>> No.7207571

Is the Lithium dude here ?

>> No.7207602

OK, you first. How's your business doing? Your investment portfolio? You do have those, right?

>> No.7207608
File: 119 KB, 665x662, 1442008831379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207626

So why is Bitcoin falling anyways? Is it the Indian government saying you can't pay taxes with it?

>> No.7207674

how bout those $appl earnings?

>> No.7207678


It's falling because it was nothing but a fuckmassive gold rush.
A huge speculative bubble with nothing backing it, except for people wanting to get rich quick.

>> No.7207713

So far I have 200k€ in a life insurance (inheritance), 30k on tax-exempted savings readily available and 20k€ on hand.

Looking forwards to invest in housing in gentrifying districts of my city.

>> No.7207722
File: 140 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180202-133009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here.. Started trading 10 days ago. I bought dip in a power companies and a communication company which is expected to moon because it got a government contract so most probably it'll hit triple digits

Nah. It just banned its use as a currency but people can still hold it as an investment instrument

>> No.7207820

I'm not investing in US market rn, I'm waiting for a nice dip before i go all in.


Life insurance is not an investment because it only gives returns when someone dies (unless its an endowment plan). Invest in real estate only if you are 100% sure how it works otherwise you're better off trading memecoins.

>> No.7207864

Hoping we can finally start an /algotrading general/ and discuss actual quantitative finance once all the fucktards are broke and have fucked off. Tried it once, instant shitshow with brainlets getting in waaaay over their head.

>> No.7207889

>Life insurance is not an investment because it only gives returns when someone dies (unless its an endowment plan)
Here it is. You put your money on life insurance, the company invests it (usually on housing or stocks) and you can pick money from it after 8 years tax-free.

>> No.7207932

MemeCoins is nothing different than lottery. Buy some coins and wait for moon. Can't wait for the "Business and Finance" part of this board to kick in

>> No.7208009

>Life insurance is not an investment
You coining brainlet, insurance covers for losees it is not meant for profiting. If you want profit then buy stocks. If you're poor then buy something mid-cap or small-cap

>> No.7208045

You are pretty clueless, aren't you ?

>> No.7208078

>Buy stocks
>Make 1% gains a year

>> No.7208216

Can you even tell difference between different financial instruments?

>be coin-tard
>Lacks common sense and knowledge to invest so gambles in memecoins because it was shilled harder than another memecoin while dreaming of lambo
>Occassionaly a bro hits jackpot. That's his motivation to keep going
>January comes
>Coiners on suicide watch

>> No.7208230
File: 34 KB, 323x311, 1439852397633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shilled shitcoin
>tfw I'm a nocoiner

>> No.7208281

>Be a stock-tard
>Never take risks.
>Be content with 0.5% gain a year.
>Miss opportunity to cash out 10x, 100x, 1000x
>Profit (0.5% gains a year is still profit after all)

>> No.7208295

>Can you even tell difference between different financial instruments?
Ok, in my country the law is pretty clear. A life insurance is an insurance, you put money in it, the insurance invests it for you (you got the choice between risks). However, you can if you want remove some of the money tax-free 8 years after it has been opened. It's very often used as a tax optimisation method for investing.

>> No.7208338
File: 88 KB, 1283x585, Nigger Stock Exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this you little bitch.
This is Nigger Land's Stock exchange index.
It foucking doubled in a year.
Do you know what is the difference between this and your shit coin?
This will stay up and rise unlike your shitcoin.
Git gud and buy some indices

>> No.7208351

good fucking thread

coiners were trading coins with fake dollars all this time

>> No.7208391

Now you're talking. An insurance policy which acts like a Tax Saving Mutual Fund. It's good if you want to reduce the tax burden on your gains

>> No.7208420

Well SHIT! Never mind all those 1000x those NEETs made in ONE MONTH on their "shitcoin".

>> No.7208531

Did you make any profits?
Where are your stacks of 1000s?

>> No.7208588

I don't have a horse in this race.
But I don't understand the constant butthurt those who aren't into these so-called "shitcoins" have regarding those who made profits in them. I don't have an issue because some kid half my age living in his mom's basement made more than I did the past 5 years because he or she was smart enough to buy and sell some shitcoin at the right place and the right time. More power to them.

>> No.7208659

Ok you didn't make your 1000s.
Its ok, anon. You missed out?
But tell me out those who tried how many made it to LamboLand?
I know you'll show me some kid or some guy who made millions but they are only 1 in 100,000. That's practically like winning a lottery.
I'd rather spend my time familiarizing myself with market than buying some coins and shill until they moon.

>> No.7208675

The problem is shitcoin is just a massive wealth redistribution scam, a few will get out with exorbitant amounts of money. Like any Ponzi scheme, the ones most fucked over (the majority) will demand regulation and thus shitcoin will die.

>> No.7208781

>investing in overpriced city real estate
once again nocoiners prove to be batshit retarded
what use is going to be your gentrified neighborhood when 20 more years of socialism and immigration will have people rioting to burn you at the stake for being wealthy?

>> No.7208950

>investing in overpriced city real estate
I'm pretty sure city real estate in Europe is cheaper than in US or Canada.

>> No.7208959

But what is the growth potential?

>> No.7209033
File: 53 KB, 814x482, you tell me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209088

nocoiners are literally like irl democrat voters
>be of slightly above average intelligence
>look at dumb people doing Thing for dumb reasons
>concludes there's no good reason for doing Thing
if you put that giant stick out of your ass so you can sit down and do two hours of research on buttcoin, you might realise the initial demand from it came from people concerned about the increasingly overleveraged nature of our financial economy
increasingly disconnected from real value, too, as hordes of reactionary brainlets adopt the belief we are all equal in order to spite racist brainlets. who do you think seeds these identity politics to start with? why do you think billionaires overwhelmingly vote left these days? we have the hard science and decades of data and experience to know that no, 80iq mohammed from iraq and 66iq n'mwala from somalia are not going to perform as well as 105 iq pierre from france, and yet every economic prediction your precious stock market relies on says yes, they will
for fuck's sake, the sheer access to information we have now. current concentration of wealth as opposed to just 10 years ago - and that's just public data. growing size of unbacked derivatives. decreasing trust in institutions, which we know will only amplify. and you think the market will keep going up and the government will have a pension for you 30 years from now, or maybe you think you're more clever than the others thanks to your investing acumen and surely they won't ever come to your fancy house after you make it and they become poorer and poorer
plain retarded

>> No.7209178

>you might realise the initial demand from it came from people concerned about the increasingly overleveraged nature of our financial economy
Nowadays, coiners are just people betting money on the fact more people with bet money, that's even more retarded than overleverage.

>> No.7209188
File: 1.25 MB, 320x180, Look at this graph img.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you rn.
You haven't shown any fucking application irl, who are using it , what is its road map, how many countries are using it, which countries accept this...
Fucking brainlet comes to me with a fucking graph

>> No.7209201


>> No.7209228

This is the average square meter selling prices over the last 30 years of transactions, compiled by the national office of statistics.

>> No.7209288


Ever heared of the AIM market? Bigger gains than crypto a lot of the time

>> No.7209344

1) the US isn't going to fall in 20 years. The EU MIGHT not fall in 20 years.
2) investing in city real estate in general is stupid, hence why I specifically mention CITY
3) there's being recklessly optimistic and then there's being downright suicidal, i assumed you were from denmark or something for that confidence in an european future, but you're french? and you want to buy in Lyon?! you're combining peak bubble with a country prone to overregulate and overtax real estate. GL with flipping your 70m2 20 years from now when people flee the 5 calls for prayer a day

>> No.7209359

What about the news? Any big projects coming up which might boost land prices? A housing project? Mall? industrial project? Highways maybe?

>> No.7209379

>/pol/ shit
ok you're not of any kind of value

new tramway and subway lines.

>> No.7209425 [DELETED] 

FU FUD troll!!!! coins will be back with avegetable!

>> No.7209429

There is no need to go all one or the other. I have stocks, bonds, antiques and cryptocoins. Unless you are barely scraping by and are investing $20 a month in shitcoins as your only chance to make any real money why would you go all in on anything?

>> No.7209470

/biz has become the unironical retard brother of /pol. Go ahead, buy into already overpriced US real estate.

>> No.7209471

buy and hodl properties near the subway entries and exits. Try to find out what businesses have pitched in those projects, what companies are trying to expand that, which companies got the contracts of developing those areas, which cos are their suppliers, etc etc. Keep an eye on them and make sure you get the land which is closest to city center

>> No.7209494

I misclicked

>> No.7209565

Pretty sure US racial problems mean it's the continent more likely to break up.

>> No.7209603

There's a tramway line in project, works not started, is it a good idea to buy close to the proposed path, relatively close to the main rail station of the city ?

>> No.7209700

Of course, that is a very lucrative business spot for commercial activities because people are always passing by. Try to find a land near the tramway stops; it is a real whale bait

>> No.7209733

Be humble coinfags, sit down.

>> No.7209817

The racial "problems" are hyperinflated by the media. Reality is that barely anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.7209896

I'm in real estate
I'm in metals
I'm in stocks
I own a business
Im in crypto coins

Stop hating on crypto if you're not a coiner, great. Don't hate when i make money on all of these investments.

If you think crypto is a gamble then you don't understand the market. If you don't do your research then you won't understand why crypto is here to stay..

>> No.7210061

USA has the lowest prices for land of any western developed country.

>> No.7210100

Yeah, for land in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.7210124

>Bitterly divided nation, both politically and racially
>isn't going to fall

What is the Second Civil War?

>> No.7210128

>Coin shit show is over.

I'm still up 400% at worst. How are your investments doing?

>> No.7210214

I'm up at least twice as much as you

>> No.7210269

All green

>> No.7210377



>> No.7211216

Happy Black Friday. If you haven't already, sell on open.