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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7207146 No.7207146 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, its over.
What is the next big thing?

>> No.7207183

Tell me anon, I need to recover from buying on 19k

>> No.7207217

Restaurants shaped like food

>> No.7207221

Please... Dropshiping? Selling custom made tulpas?

>> No.7207228

MtG boxes, invest now

>> No.7207242

Like chumbucket?

>> No.7207246

Pet rocks.

>> No.7207280

custom made pet rocks, hmmmmmmm
Skateboards is the tough field to enter

>> No.7207298

Crypto again, in a couple months.

>> No.7207323

Gold and silver

>> No.7207341

Jun will help us.
I believe in Jun.
You DO believe in Jun.. don't you...

>> No.7207366


>> No.7207372

Crypto. Like how it was the next big thing after the 2013 crash.

>> No.7207381

I will buy me a cat

>> No.7207440

Literally anything. You just gotta make the normies think they can buy it for x and sell it for yx where y > 1.

Could be literally anything. I was thinking something that doesn't last so there's a constant demand. Something like, I don't know. Tulips?

>> No.7207463

fake and gay, crypto is done, accept it
not an active, pass
not an active, pass

>> No.7207464


>> No.7207503

Cryptocurrency still hasn't crashed. Etherium was less than $10 this time last year. It's down around 2% for the past 30 days.

There is a looooong ride down.

>> No.7207538

shovels to dig em holes for cryptolosers bodies right hehe

>> No.7207586


>> price drops back down to what it was 2 months ago

>> everyone says its over

Man up you faggots. It was fucking November when everyone was green wojaking because BTC passed $7k and now people are claiming it's the end and it hasn't even dropped to $8k yet.

People have very short memories in this game.

>> No.7207605

guns and ammos

>> No.7207842

It will drop this very minute, and we will go to 0

>> No.7207951

every mourning we say its over and it does it again the next day

>> No.7208164


>> No.7208197

Starting a bussiness using your crypto gains (you were continually cashing out in case of a big crash, right?)

>> No.7208417

Jenkem exit bags.

>> No.7208855

yawn.....its not like you can kill crypto...there is no off switch

>> No.7209064

>The complete fall of western civilization
>>Kim Jong UN nukes Isreal
>Chinese super AI is worshipped all over the world
>Pope Francis bows before the new AI and declares it to be Christ
>A new one world religion is formed based on these recent happenings

>> No.7209090
File: 116 KB, 500x500, Netanyahu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kim Jong UN nukes Israel

And nothing of value was lost. My body is ready :^)

>> No.7209248


>> No.7209311
File: 61 KB, 375x500, Enma-Ai-jigoku-shoujo-girl-from-hell-6845895-375-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is so hot right now.
My AI ICO drops in seven days. Only whales got invites. None of you will ever hear about it again until the rich list comes out next year.
Unless you are working as bar staff at launch party.

>> No.7209341


>> No.7209350
File: 994 KB, 1277x713, 94FB3578-FF4F-4E5A-AB24-A6BAF32AA8D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been working on a python trading bot for the past few months. It has consistently made over 10% gains per day, with minor tweaks to the code. I am offering 10 copies for 90% off in return for reviews for my website which will be live next week, and the price will increase 10x. Updates will be available to purchase monthly to ensure a 10% daily return. Email for returns, questions, and review in the link.
