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File: 103 KB, 620x977, 1511523087570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205110 No.7205110 [Reply] [Original]

I've been compulsively masturbating and eating junk food and drinking alcohol for the past 3 days

Not because the market's crashing but because it feels good

>> No.7205146

lmao same

except replace 3 days with 3 years

>> No.7205164

Put on a skirt and pretend like you're girl while you drink alcohol. It feels good, you will love it. It feels liberating.

>> No.7205204

you know what else feels good? crack, meth, etc. does that make it a good idea to do them?

wanna know what also feels good? being healthy and energetic and clearminded every single day and having a lot of friends and doing new activities constantly

>> No.7205237


>> No.7205356

i-is this just saliva?

>> No.7205363

it's a way for you to cope. Quite common.

>> No.7205368

that sounds exhausting

>> No.7205420

sacue on op pic

>> No.7205421

You know what would feel really good? Breaking every bone in your hands and cutting your tongue out so that you never post again.

>> No.7205444

Dude you don't ened your tongue to post

>> No.7205719
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>> No.7205797

anon Im on 2 weeks of nofap. that picture just made my cock bob to full attention in 5 seconds.. aaaaaahhh I want to fuck hand so badly right now but I can't!

>> No.7205825
File: 252 KB, 1024x1536, 1516323273336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nofap doesn't actually do anything

>> No.7205836

>using 4chan while on nofap
Really asking for disaster, being fully honest with you family.

>> No.7205851

Where did OP get his pic from


>> No.7205868

it saves me from meticulously browsing picture after picture, video after video and edging for hours when I could just be sleeping. I'm fucking going to edge once right now and call it good, mouth fetish 2 stronk

>> No.7205882

sauce me my dude

>> No.7205910

Unironically I do this all the time and think everyone should

>> No.7205937

don't edge theres no point, just jerk to your imagination and remember there could be a real girl in front of you doing that

>> No.7205955


>> No.7206034

but edging 5+ times makes finally cumming feel incredible. way better than a quick wank. Takes like minimum an hour. anyway I just got so close to cumming I was worried so I'd call that the perfect one time edge, there was a ton of precum which I'm not really used to seeing in such a short time ./shrug. Night anon!

>> No.7206044

God you're all useless

>> No.7206074

Do you happen to be Jewish by any chance?

>> No.7206087

Great, now I have to masturbate again
Also I thought that girl was Korean but it turns out she's actually Chinese

>> No.7206092
File: 52 KB, 947x533, 87BFC610-9F15-4BE9-85E6-4E9A62EFEF2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao same

except replace 3 years with 9 years

I did fook though

>> No.7206093
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 069A2121-33C3-4D01-8E7A-4B2DF0D8ABE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must like being alone. Nofap gives you the motivation to go out and actually meet real women. Your bodies natural desire is to fuck chicks and reproduce. To do that you need to take chances and meet women. But If you’re always jerking off you’re already fufiling that need and chicks can smell that shit on you.

>> No.7206114

The addiction of edging isn't in the final release, it's the constant state of euphoria you're in while being aroused and receiving satisfaction from the source.

The actual enjoyment comes from the edging, the end is really just a big pay off, but not the goal.

>> No.7206121

>the absolute state of white people

>> No.7206212

compulsive masturbation is strongly comorbide with depression (unipolar and bipolar) and you can finnaly feel normal if meds kick in.

that's all.

>> No.7206246

No it doesn't, women don't find you more attractive because of that. Working out, taking care of yourself and having a good diet will land you more women than the scumbag PUAs will sell you.

>> No.7206260

you just can't feel it when you're depressed. now that I'm medicated I can understand this.

I love it. but I got it at 24. I didn't drink or take drugs for years but I didn't kniw what's like to be clearminded

>> No.7206365

>and you can finnaly feel normal if meds kick in.

>> No.7206395
File: 20 KB, 422x422, kobebryant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206398
File: 95 KB, 848x1200, 0202951D-CD27-4844-A131-D55702A19DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those things are good and all if you lack confidence, but they are not the deciding factor. You still need to meet women and have game. If you lack the motivation and balls to pick up women then you should Nofap because it will help. I’m an oldfag speaking from experience.

>> No.7206678

Please this whole "The Game" is over 10 years old now. No one cares about Neil Strauss, women go for looks now and they would never tell you. All the game in the world will never help you find a good girlfriend today, if you look like crap. Please shill your PUA on reddit.

>> No.7206866
File: 60 KB, 600x524, 8220E595-50FC-435A-A6E9-632CCB773A60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when your looks fade anon? All that is left is your self will and confidence. I’m 41 going fucking a 19 yo with perfect tits. She’s certainly not fucking me only for my looks. Don’t get me wrong, being an ugly fat pig will never land you hot chicks unless you’re rich af but looks are not the only thing women want. Status, wealth, musical talent and confidence all trump looks.

>> No.7206931
File: 46 KB, 480x479, 3bee8-VgYkdOf-HPVzp0XC6VTeRlb5CGw5QxtABX-rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you angered, Hebrew?

>> No.7207141

this woman could not spend a minute with me without me offering to pop her blackhead on the top left

>> No.7207179

Sure. What else could it be?

>> No.7207454
File: 101 KB, 600x901, AZNcuterTHANgingr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azn waifu will pleasure you for free and make you snackies afterwards. She will then clean the whole house while wearing sexy maid outfit and neko ears. All you have to do is treat her decent and give her your sperm on a daily basis.

Source: my life.

>> No.7207554
File: 1.69 MB, 245x300, 1517002456652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no korean gf to cum inside

>> No.7207869

Probably because of daddy issues. Men age like wine while women age like milk. If you looked better, she wouldn't be leaving you in a few months from now.

>> No.7208057
File: 19 KB, 479x335, 1514145779047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do people like this not get adrenal fatigue

i used to jack off all the time, eat junk food, binge drink, cocaine, work 2 jobs, and go to school full time until i crashed

now i can't even drink a beer or jack off without going into a panic attack

>feels bad man

>> No.7208256

Looks like soap. Sometimes I hit the soap pump too hard and it flies onto my pants and it does look like jizz.

>> No.7208301

I cant even beat off more than 2 times a day. Third time makes my dick hurt.

>> No.7208306

I feel like this argument is stupid because there are different kinds of women that go for different things.

I think you’re both right in the sense that if you’re too ugly, only ugly women will like you, and nobody ever got a girlfriend by sitting on their ass at home looking handsome, you have to go meet women in a social context

Fapping is like anything else just do it in moderation, if you can’t then yeah maybe try stopping for a while

Anyone who talks like “women only want x” is just generalizing their narrow experience