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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 400x223, marijuana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7200592 No.7200592 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not care about immigration, muh white race, muh jewish conspiracies, muh conservative society leaving us?

I seriously don't give a flying fuck about where the world is headed. I just want to smoke weed and snort coke every day when I make it. I don't care about children wanting to identify as opposing genders at the age of 12. I don't care about race mixing or massive immigration.

Seriously you guys I used to be stuck in that sickness that /Pol/ was but then I just found weed and cocaine. Seriously nothing in this world matters except personal enjoyment. I don't care if you're a tranny, gay, black, Muslim, Chinese or a Jew. I embrace everything and don't judge people. I just want to fucking get high every day.

This Pol Sickness must stop. Its infecting our board and it's a cancer that must be cut out. Stop racism, stop judging transgenders, let children identify their own genders it isn't your place to tell them otherwise.

Let's all just get high and enjoy our lives before we die and go to the afterlife. That's all biz. Hope my post changes some minds.

>> No.7200616

Post your diary somewhere else, faggot

>> No.7200619

>I seriously don't give a flying fuck about where the world is headed. I just want to smoke weed and snort coke every day when I make it.
I have no problem with this, just never have children and stay away from them.

>> No.7200655
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fuck off faggot.

>> No.7200669


/pol/ ideology is just a way for Z tier social outcasts to pretend they're actually only F tier because they're "Better than niggers and women and pajeets" etc.
/biz/ cures that delusion. When you have money you don't need to lean on crutches like that any more unless you're actually so simple minded the only way you can function is by clumping people in huge generalised groups and then pretending they're all worse than you are.

>> No.7200688

You'll wake up to a nightmare in the future.

>> No.7200701

kek, you're a weak faggot and I say this as someone who thinks the majority of /pol/ are a bunch of parroting retards now

>> No.7200705


Gas yourself, LARPing kike

>> No.7200732

>Seriously nothing in this world matters except personal enjoyment.

You're probably an /r/MillionDollarExtreme crossposter.

>> No.7200741

You won't be a part of the future fucking loser

>> No.7200744

non-white detected

The culture of European peoples is incredible. I'm proud to be white and contribute to that culture. I realize we are both capable of great things and terrible things. I recognize the terrible and work to contribute towards the great. That's what it means to be proud of your race, not the typical strawman bullshit:
>you're just proud of your race cuz you have nothing else to be proud of!!!

>> No.7200751

>in crypto since 2012
>learned how to trade
>fund right wing groups
Yes, money makes you a disgusting liberal, not! Keep smoking weed and snort coke you degenerate failures

>> No.7200768

just having money doesnt suddenly change the fact that immigration and cultural dissolution is currently unsustainable

people value things beyond money

>> No.7200782

I dont care about babies being poisened at from birth i just wanna snort coke. Okay buddy have fun getting in a car accident cuz gods done with you lol.

>> No.7200793

Fuck off weak minded faggot.
You would have been executed in any decent society, or at least exiled like the fag you are.

>> No.7200816



>> No.7200827

I’ve visited England/London 3 times. One time was when I was younger. I went back last month to the north side and it is overtaken by pajeets. The English culture is dying so that kinda of sucks

>> No.7200840

You won't change my mind because I think more or less the same things. I didn't ask to be a part of this world, but here I am, so I'll try to atleast get rich and have fun so in the end I can look back and be somewhat content with what I experienced.

>> No.7200876

>non-white detected

Non-whites don't give a shit about kikes you massive imbecile. He's a larping kike addressing 'murrikan bleathing bovine retarded white goyish livestock (but I repeat myself)

>> No.7200899
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Gayest post I've ever read

>> No.7200902

everyone here is embarrassing except you OP

>> No.7200911


Why does it make any sense at all to use "European peoples" instead of "humanity" in that statement? How am I any closer to some white person on the other side of the world than a brown person right next to me?

>> No.7200921

Yes I’m sure there are many Jews other than you

>> No.7200953

t. 2017 investor

>> No.7200956
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"English culture" has been changed several times over thousands of years. "English culture" is the mixture of all the different groups that have invaded and settled on that Island.

"English culture" will still exist in another 1000 years it will just be different, like it has changed over and over in the past.

The UK has always been a nation of immigrants.

>> No.7200967

Actually I got in Jan of 2018 so enjoying buying low. Kiddo

>> No.7200979

I visited India 3 times. One time was when I was younger. I went back last month to the north side and it was overtaken by cumskins. The Indian culture is dying so that kinda of sucks. They want to build these things called "toilets" so we don't use our designated shitting streets...

>> No.7200986

Why do you use that line of thinking to enable and advocate the brown persons culture and over your own?


>> No.7200998

Underated post

>> No.7201000

A race is literally an extended family.

>> No.7201026

>I just want to smoke weed and snort coke every day when I make it

You're not going to "make it", people who "make it" have real motivations

>> No.7201090


Why do you think integration is a one way street in which "white" values are diminished and "brown" values remain untouched?

>> No.7201093

Take this to /pol/, faggot. This shit has no place here.

>> No.7201168

and everyone hates extended family

>> No.7201179

I don't.

>> No.7201235

You're an emotional bitch if you actually give a shit about the things you listed. You're doing life correctly anon

>> No.7201281

Good thread

>> No.7201324

Wow, I have never read a more sickening statement than that in my life. Good job.

>> No.7201340
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>When you have money you don't need to lean on crutches like that any more unless you're actually so simple minded the only way you can function is by clumping people in huge generalised groups and then pretending they're all worse than you are

Yes I'm sure rich people don't judge others as inferior, living in their gated communities with private security

>> No.7201398

Dont be a cultural marxist

You may be able to ignore politics, but politics won't ignore you

Just be a decent human being. That means dont be a racemixing cuckold or degenerate

>> No.7201474

>When you have money you don't need to lean on crutches like that any more unless you're actually so simple minded the only way you can function is by clumping people in huge generalised groups and then pretending they're all worse than you are.
What you mean like how Jews look down on the dirty Goyim? lol, what a delusional faggot. /biz/ is seriously the stupidest board on this site. Even /b/ is less retarded than the average /biz/let.

>> No.7201481

1) you need a higher purpose beyond drugs
2) jewish conspiracy is fucking stupid -- which is probably why you don't care about it -- but cultural marxism is real
3) it follows that your purpose must be convince /pol/ to their fixation on kikes prevents them from seeing the enemy correctly

>> No.7201580
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While I don't agree with /pol/s thoughts and ideas on what the problems in society are at least they seem to care about their community and show a vested interest on its betterment (misguided or not). You however don't seem to care about anything except your own personal happiness which is a selfish way to live your life. Not that living in such a way is necessarily a bad thing but I would say that anyone who admits to not caring about social issues shouldn't comment about them and invalidate or advocate them.

What I am trying to say is that you have essentially decided to live the life of a hermit outside of normal society so don't cast judgement or hand out advice on how it should be run because whatever the outcome is it isn't going to make the slightest difference to you.

>> No.7201719

Can you provide a list of purposes that are “high”?

>> No.7201729

feel OP, literally the only aspect of politics I care about is economic policy
>t. unironic bourgeois neoliberal

>> No.7201750

You added nothing to that supposed great white history faggot, you’re just LARPing.

>> No.7201927

Is there a reason you lefty cucks feel a need to post your political beliefs on /biz/ all the fucking time? Getting high off your own farts again or what?

>> No.7201983
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Fuck off back to R*ddit you retarded subhuman.

>> No.7202004

>supposed great white history
Kek as opposed to? Just admit you're jelly af, only Euros and East Asians have any history to be proud of.

>> No.7202052

If you're a miserable loser that prefers to be a hermit, sure.

>> No.7202060


Oh the pseudo alpha male posturing of /pol/ is so fascinating to watch. It's like my own little sociological experiment. Please: Call some more people "cucks." It really demonstrates what a manly man you are. :D

>> No.7202107


Coke is bad man. Opens you up to demons and shit. Listen to Steve-O.


>> No.7202108

It seems it pulled on your fragile strings, "cuck", it is what you are after all. You enjoy the idea of cuckolding due to mental degneration.

>> No.7202139
File: 24 KB, 600x451, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose /pol/ wins. Suppose their vision for the future comes to pass.

What do you think you would have to lose with /pol/ winning? Something tells me /biz/ might have a better answer to this question than others have.

>> No.7202241

/pol/ isn't a hive mind. You'd need to be more specific.

>> No.7202286

Also opened up a hole in his nose

I do care about immigration and all that, but I know the best way to combat all that shit in the long term is to be successful, find a great partner, have lots of kids and raise them with great moral values and knowledge of how to succeed.

>> No.7202310

The biggest problem is class separation

I find it hard to hate on niggers when I am not rich or that welloff against most people

>> No.7202328
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>falling for the leftypol bait thread in the current year

>> No.7202354


You will care when you wake up and you don't recognize your homeland anymore.

Good luck doing drugs and not being beheaded by Achmed.

>> No.7202385

Sounds like your will has been broken.

>> No.7202409


Honest question to the /pol/tards, what is the point of all the hate if you don't even go outside? If you're living in a bubble, wouldn't you rather be in a happy bubble/safe space instead of an angry safe space?

Life is full of porn, food, and video games but you choose to instead argue on the internet all day for literally no point, like what the fuck?

>> No.7202417

I hope you OD. A Chink buys the land you're buried in, a nigger steals the flowers laid at your grave, a currynigger shits on it, the chink sells it to muzzies who rezone it as Muslim and dig you up to get rid of the infidel.

>> No.7202447

>being apathetic is cool
>look how cool i am by "not giving a fuck"
well done
thanks gen x, go back to sleep

>> No.7202475

why do you think it should be an equal thing when one is host and the other is guest?

>> No.7202481

>The biggest problem is class separation
It really isn’t, at least not classes based on wealth.

The issue is the disconnect between politicians and the common person and their nation and people. There’s very little real accountability for politicians

>> No.7202529

Melissa Virus
Youre all infected
Sort your shit out

>> No.7202567

Until you get bored of snorting coke and smoking weed and realise you have to actually live a life. You don't care about these things until 5 armed black guys are outside your room ready to rape your wife while forcing you to watch before they slit her throat.

Will you care then? I'm a south african and /pol/ is right about all of it. If you don't believe me go live there and see it for yourself. Lauren Southern is making a doc about it.

People like you disgust me. You don't care and laugh at us while we beg you to stand with us, you ridicule us while our women are raped and our farms burn you just turn a blind eye.

Well thx to faggots like you not caring, diversity is coming to a town near you pretty soon. Let me know when they come for you and then tell me you don't care you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.7202600


nail on the head

no one is trying to get rid of european culture mate. If anything it's your own people doing that, no minority (except maybe jews) actually hates white people. I know this cause I am an asian immigrant to the US. Honestly, none of us hate you/want to outbreed you, there are some great european cultural traditions no one is denying that. I myself love oktoberfest it's a blast. but the point is, you need to stop trying to conjure up an "enemy" non whites don't want to eradicate whites like pol would have you believe

>> No.7202620

You deserve it boer :^)

>> No.7202643

A few platforms most of them might agree on:

-No more foreign wars, no more foreign aid
-Any governor responsible for open borders jailed
-Blacks deported to Liberia, Mexicans to Mexico, "Asians" to wherever the fuck
-Jews deported to Israel, Israel left to its own devices
-Women voting repealed, family law reform, general reinstatement of patriarchal control over the womanfolk
-All Ivy League schools razed
-Amnesty for White Africans

Feel free to add any.

>> No.7202659


> being white
> complaining about natives in south fucking africa

if you're not in europe, it's not a white country, you're just a resident like everyone else. get rid of that superiority complex you aren't special cause you were born with white skin pigmentation.

>> No.7202687

Points 5 and 6 are ridiculous. Anyone who agrees on that is mentally unstable
Last time I check uc Berkley wasn't ivy league either

>> No.7202688

Cause the brown one is going to steal your shit if you don't lock it up at night

>> No.7202690

you had me anon until you mentioned oktoberfest as a great european tradition...

>> No.7202693

nice bait

>> No.7202721


get rid of education (intelligence), wars (which we need to keep our economy going) and the vast majority of workers. sounds exactly like the kind of dumbass plan only a poltard could piece together. You hate education because you are stupid, yes there are dumb degrees but if you were smart enough you could be studying medicine/programming/engineering, but you were too dumb and now you're a neet arguing on 4chan about a cause no reasonable group will ever support.


>> No.7202730

Don’t worry you’ll hang with the rest.

>> No.7202740
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Explain to me in reasonable English how repealing the 19th Amendment is ridiculous.

>> No.7202756

They arent allowed to leave you know. Otherwise they would

>> No.7202773

Europe is no longer white, aren't you watching the world events? Things are changing. It won't flip in our lifetime, but in your kids' lifetime it will.

We're not special? We've been a country longer than Canada. We built infrastructure in the heart of darkness and came out top despite all odds. Sanctions by the (((UN))), fought of commies, the world was against us yet.

We found a way to make gasoline from steenkool. We did the first heart transplant in the world. We developed the rooi valk and had some of the best fighting units in the world.

Come here and see how you survive you soft cunt. I've been to 1st world countries, you moffies have no idea what survival is.

>> No.7202784

The most advanced civilization in the history of humanity allowed equal rights for women
The modern western world didn't reach those ancient levels until women were allowed to vote

>> No.7202809
File: 8 KB, 512x512, Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait op 7/10

>> No.7202816
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I'm with you guys not let these autistic virgins ruin your individual life we only live once mate enjoy it
I hope you make it

>> No.7202842

>The most advanced civilization in the history of humanity allowed equal rights for women
And then it died.

>The modern western world didn't reach those ancient levels until women were allowed to vote
You're an idiot.

>> No.7202858

Lol nice larp

>> No.7202863

We definitely shouldn’t deport Jews to Israel. We need to kill them.

>> No.7202899

Money just let's you escape so that you dont have to live near niggers anymore, and can pretend then don't exist. They still exist though, they are just stealing some other white person's shit.

>> No.7202910

kill yourself you kike shill!

>> No.7202911


you're talking to someone born in a real 3rd world country bud. I don't need the pep talk. Once again, white south africans have a place in south africa no doubt, but to complain about the actual natives existing there is beyond stupid.

as to Europe not being white anymore, that isn't true (for now), and the truth is europeans should have been in better control of their governments. The average euro has no power to change laws and so politicians are letting in people they shouldn't be letting in. Don't blame refugees for that, of course they are going to try and escape the war and famine of the 3rd world if offered another solution, what do you expect? Who you should blame is your dumbass politicians who are letting them in. You did this to yourselves, don't call out other people when in reality if euros had been in control in the first place this wouldn't have happened, they did this to themselves

ok it's americanized I know, but you get what I'm saying, european roots, and it's fun. st paddy's day and so on

>> No.7202918

I'm not larping you moron. Google images south african farm murders.

Do it and tell me I'm larping. I don't care either way,you fags will experience diversity soon enough and will be wondering why you never listened.

>> No.7202929

>most advanced civilization in the history of humanity allowed equal rights for women
And subsequently collapsed.

Women are completely unnecessary for running a society other than ensuring its continuation through births. The logic is undeniable, you only have emotional rhetoric on your side, back to plebbit.

>> No.7202959

A lot of people finally realize all hate is pointless once they get money. That is why poor broke niggers are always so angry at the world. When I say niggers I mean the white ones from /pol/ too.

>> No.7202966

You don't care because you're a self-centered piece of nigger shit.

>> No.7202985

Tf is wrong with schools retard... Alright just keep the engineering buildings intact burn all the meme degree factorys

>> No.7202989

>complain about the actual natives existing there is beyond stupid.
Another historical illiterate, Bantu are invaders that have only destroyed everything they've touched, they are not native to South Africa, yet they control it now thanks to the combined forces of Jewry/communism that destroyed it.

>> No.7203020

>all i want to do is smoke weed and snort coke
>this pol sickness must stop
Lol okay degenerate, if I could I would curb stomp you.

>> No.7203056

No one is blaming natives for existing here or for "refugees" flodding europe. I'm blaming fags like OP for not caring or standing up against it. European people have power, you still have a majority. South africans are fucked, we're 8% of the demographic and have been disarmed. We have no chance. But you lot still have democracy.

Never forget - the Muslim invasion took two thirds of european lands before the Pope called for the 1st crusade, and thanks to them you don't have to worship mohammed. Don't give up, once you let them in and give them power it's over, you won't ever get back what you lost.

Even during apartheid we never hated blacks,the idea was to educate and civilise them, that's why we built so many schools and hospitals just for them. Things that never existed before we arrived btw.

>> No.7203066

>Rich people don't hate anyone that's why they create gated communities to stay away from "bad areas"
Keep singing your songs of kumbaya and ignoring reality.

>> No.7203087

>Google image a select instance that proves my cause

But I'm not larpimg

>> No.7203088

"White flight" is code for "ethnic cleansing".

>> No.7203107

That's why you should always be weary of becomig rich. Never abandon your people. Never sell your soul. There is more to life than money. Trust me.

>> No.7203138

The "natives" weren't around when they built the nation up. They came in later to sponge off whitey.

The "natives" are intellectually incapable of creating anything of value.

But keep being a nigger lover, I'm sure you will get far in life.

>> No.7203144

Omfg god /pol/ is so derailed now

>> No.7203153

>the idea was to educate and civilise them
This has never worked throughout history and never will, because tribalism, race, IQ and temperament are real things. You cannot turn a 60 IQ nig into a 110 IQ white man unless you alter his genetics. I'm speaking in means of course. There will be outliers but the mean is what matters for the course of a society.

>> No.7203160

Lol. Nothing I say would convince you anyway as you won't do your own research. So why don't u come down here and get enriched in person? Just make sure your will is in order. These fuckers will shove a watermelon sized redpill down your soft little throat that you will never forget.

>> No.7203173

I'm not saying /pol/ is all good, but your mindset is just selfish. You don't care about the detrimental effects mass immigration may have on future generations. You frame this as compassion but it's really just sloth; moral laziness. Your attitude is live and let live, but you want to let people in who are the opposite. 'Let children decide their own genders'? Like this whole transgender thing is just something children spontaneously decided to do on their own and not an idea promoted to them by people with an agenda. And do you think jihadists coming here are going to share your live and let live attitude about your drug use and hedonism and transgenderism? You are deciding not to think about hard or troubling issues and then justifying it as some hippie moral enlightenment bullshit.

>> No.7203184

dayum son, +1 unironic upvote

>what is 4chan or reddit when they simply mix to the point of separation being impossible

>> No.7203187
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I kinda like the Jewish world conspiracy memes, also I laughed hard at pic related "5 pillars of Islam."
My opinion is that there is no right side of history and people will always fight for their beliefs and none of it really matters unless you have money. I just want to own a block of land, tend to my garden and build a skatepark. It'd be nice to fall in love but that seems like hard work. Life at the moment is just so tedious, everyday the same struggle to wake up, go to work and rationalise not committing sodoku.

>> No.7203211

I know that. Most of the dutch who arrved here were reformed Christians and that was ultimately our downfall. All 1st world countries that were conquered slaughtered the indigenous people except the Dutch. They tries to help the people that were here which is why millions of Bantu flooded down from the north.

I know it doesn't work. But christfags

>> No.7203212

everything's a part of "ourself"
there's no you or me. There's only "myself" or "us" in the global sense. Get fucking Woke.

>> No.7203235
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Its threads like these that make me wonder how /pol/ gets triggered by no one taking them seriously

>> No.7203266

Disregards the rising iqs

>> No.7203280

Because humans lived in tribes for 95% of human history? There's several tribes of Europe which have expanded to countries with lots of common culture, diet and history shared that aren't shared with say someone from Asia and that should be appreciated

>> No.7203284

as a fellow "white" or "caucasian" jew, I tend to not hate anyone—including "whites." We're all just confused: the answer is that we are all one giant global entity and to not belief that is foolish. Our sense of individuality is an illusion, used for the survival of ancient peoples.

>> No.7203310

Thanks for proving my point with that emotional uselessness.

>> No.7203362

Jews don't look down on anyone brother. The crazy orthodox jews tend to be insular, but that's bc they believe in their fundamentalist religion. Most jews just want to get along with everyone.

>> No.7203390

>I just want to smoke weed and snort coke every day

already did it and that's`a really boring for me and because of thats i`m care about this

>immigration, muh white race, muh jewish conspiracies, muh conservative society leaving us

>> No.7203399

It's absolutely mindblowing that we are taught to call our ethnicities by a color and when being formal we say something stupid like "caucasian". If you hail from Europe youre fucking European. Asians and Africans say directly where they're from but "whites" in the anglo-sphere just can't

>> No.7203404

yeah, it's bretty gud b8 isn't it?

>> No.7203410

go back, buddy

>> No.7203461

>sumerians invented the written language
>Muslims invented algebra
>Chinese invented gunpowder
>Egyptians invented the boat

This is why education is important

>inb4 muh Jewish conspiracy theory

Sure thing pal. A nigger is someone who blames their shortcomings on someone else....sound familiar?

Now go clock in to your shift at McDonald's.

>> No.7203480

lel coming from someone who has watched countless Jews tout their morally bankrupt superiority and claim that they are God's chosen to rule over the earth with the goyim as their slaves, you are really trying to protect your tribe here, while saying you don't adhere to tribalism in the same breadth. How ironic yet completely unsurprising.

>> No.7203512


>> No.7203526


>> No.7203538

>sumerians invented the written language
Not until the vinca symbols are decrypted.

>> No.7203560


ya did good until you tried to call out the "jewish conspiracy theory", it's unironically not a conspiracy it's basically a fact at this point. Look at all of the people controlling the media and the corrupt fractional reserve banking system, all jews. Even my asian grandpa would always say "the jew is the devil himself, because they are the only people who truly worship money above everything else"

>> No.7203615

Kys calicuck

>> No.7203627

>implying anyone would want to live near niggers who only want to spread hate
nowhere did i say rich people don't hate anyone, they just realize life is pointless to actually spread hate. you only have niggers saying "fuk wite pipo" and trailer trash saying "fuk niggers"

funny how white people are the biggest sell outs, the jews got you guys cucked hard

>> No.7203629
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*correction* most jews just want to manipulate markets to make loads of money off of goyim to send home to Israel for the next great War. Tell me why if im not 100% correct. Ill wait.

>> No.7203631

>Even my asian grandpa
wut, asians worship money as much as jews. half their gods are fortune gods

>> No.7203688

pull your head out faggot, you're not the only one here that has dabbled in psyc

to assume that we're all one big happy family when literally every other nation and people are in it for themselves and their own people is suicidal at best, subversive at worst

in short

>> No.7203718
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Very true. Anglos should have allowed Germany to take over, after all, it's a "nation of immigrants" and Nazism really would have just helped English culture to "evolve."

>> No.7203747
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I put quotes on them because that's how a lot of people look at me. I'm literally the "whitest" looking jew I know.
6'4", very light skin color, blond, blue eyes, 210 pounds, muscular, and no (imaginary idea) jew nose.

you don't seem to understand. you're reading your own ideas into this. I'm just a human. I don't even affiliate as jewish—my mother really forces it on me. It's all a joke to me. All of these imaginary lines in the sand people draw for no reason. I want technology to wipe it all away. The jews saying that they're special are just as bad as any other person supporting their division of humans.
I hope for nerd rapture everyday. I can't stand people like you who think about white, brown, black, asian, european or whatever. All of that doesn't matter. Just work on making yourself better and the world will follow.
We will create technology to dissolve these boundaries. I may not get to see the end of all these silly differences, but I hope for it every day.

take a few breaths and calm down.

nothing wrong with supporting your family. USA sends a lot of money over to them anyhow. I can't wait for the end of war too. We need more international dialogue

>> No.7203794

What do you expect when you steal a country from its natives?

>> No.7203821

also, that's not exactly true. Plenty of good relationships exist among the people of all nations. You're seeing black and white, when there's an entire spectrum of color.

Why are you trying to simplify the argument so much? Can you not handle reality in it's complexity?

>> No.7203831

>>sumerians invented the written language
Do you know what race these people were?
>>Muslims invented algebra
The Greeks
>>Chinese invented gunpowder
Did they invent guns (inb4 fireworks and primitive cannons) and white powder? You realize Europeans and Asians traded tech until the the mongols cut off trade and then in the15-1600s when Europe completely took off technologically after finally overcoming Islamic invasion on its soil a couple hundred years earlier.
>>Egyptians invented the boat
Do you know what race Egyptians were? Do you know that boats existed before Egypt? Did Egyptians invent modern steel boats or submarines?

>implying any of this makes Europeans not vitally important to civilization and future advancements

>> No.7203851

No, the true redpill is knowing in order to preserve the ecosystem and animals within it, we need a mass population reduction, I care about race but I care more globally about the collection of species that exist.

Immigrants destroying white countries is bad but humans destroying fauna and flora in its cancer like growth is even worse.

>> No.7203862
File: 28 KB, 627x626, 1516568420926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do better than that

>> No.7203868

and the best goy of the year award goes to....

>> No.7203906

Anon, anyone above a certain IQ and isn't wholly brainwashed by an agenda says "fuck niggers", even smart niggers try to get away from niggers. You never see a smart white family move to a black area, but you always see a smart black family move to a white area.

>> No.7203918

You're based as fuck
polcucks will storm in rage while reading your post

>> No.7203939

can't imagine being this pathetic husk of a person

>> No.7203977

>1 post by this ID

>> No.7203991

Well it's largely Europeans that currently care about the environment. Queue China, Africa and streetshitterland, the three major detriments to species decline and pollution.

>> No.7204082

Exactly. Nothing was created in a vacuum.

>> No.7204138
File: 64 KB, 600x704, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never see dumb poor white people move into a white area either.

its money you retard. everyone hates niggers and ill say it again. poor white people are niggers too.

>> No.7204151

This but unironically. I give to right wing groups in my area. Swung the local school council elections in the last year

>> No.7204165

You love it until it gives you depression. Then you'll be sad you threw order and justice out the window. Grow up.

>> No.7204182


> trying to say sumerians and egyptians were white
> trying to steal asian inventions, the chinese both invented gunpowder and made the first guns ever
> not the muslims, but the indians were the first to create advanced number systems and metallurgy

whites had a good share of inventions don't get me wrong, but don't try to take credit for everything bro. That's legit nigger WE WUZ KANGS tier

>> No.7204250

biz is the only board i ever see that doesnt conform to these point of views. its just sad if the way for you to sleep at night is to post another comment on disrespecting society when you move on average 0 square kilometers outside of your mommys safe space

>> No.7204371
File: 84 KB, 660x371, 1517426455472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're talking to a nigger, don't bother lmao

>muh heritage

>> No.7204423

Dear diary ass nigga

>> No.7204444

I'm sure the sandniggers are really improving it

>> No.7204479
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1513253568458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll be sad you threw order and justice out the window

>> No.7204499

life was better here without immigrants...more peacefull less crime way less rape, my parents don't go out anymore when its weekend cuz of immigrants....they are scared to get robbed.
SO yeah keep smoking your pot and thinking everything is ok, when some people actually suffer from the multicultualizm its fucking sad

>> No.7204544

I agree the constant blaming everything on Jews is annoying and WN is kind of a cope for not being Chad.. but that doesn't make tribalism any less effective or real.

>> No.7204687
File: 146 KB, 892x1493, sam hyde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it to /pol/ you colossal faggot.

>> No.7204700

god im fuckin sick of these crypto /pol/ threads
get the fuck out of here u worthless cunts

nobody likes u

>> No.7204783

>life was better here without immigrants
when was that exactly?

>> No.7205039

I'll smoke to that. All this money will let me give even less of a fuck about people's various hatreds.

>> No.7205390

You're a faggot projecting your own incompetency
Are you honestly suggesting that because there are interracial neighbours that get along, every single nation and community outside of the white west are not looking out for themselves and culture? You're suggesting because of one or two good cases, the host nations, exclusively the white nations, it seems, must give itself and identity up for the never ending third world masses? Fuck you, you're a disgusting anti white racist posing as an altruist

any other time in history you would have been mobbed and hanged in the street for being a traitor to your nation

and ironically, your insistence on enabling drowning out the first with the third world, we're headed back to those times

fucking globalist fuckwit tool

>> No.7205586

t. some fuckwit young cunt that grew up in shit and therefore has no complaints

>> No.7206130

>I'm a jew but I'm not but I am but I'm not but I am but I'm not

Well, you've got the pilpul down pat

>> No.7206262

if you didn't care you wouldn't of felt the need to write a blog post about it on /biz/
fuck off new fag

>> No.7206288

>Non-whites don't give a shit about kikes you massive imbecile
what are arabs?

>> No.7206414

dont forget to sage and ignore the weak and insecure

>> No.7206643

>it's unironically not a conspiracy it's basically a fact at this point
Holy shit you dumb fucking faggot
A conspiracy being true doesn't make it any less of a conspiracy
Do you even know the meaning of the fucking word

Is this the state of /pol/ since the elections?

>> No.7207090

immigration is basically a shitcoin
only those who don't truly experience diversity think there's no problem with it
having had the chance to live the decline, it is truly a chance - i know to exit this sinking ship while most of you will be left holding my bags