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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7202624 No.7202624 [Reply] [Original]

I want to stop losing my money.

>> No.7202644

Then sell and get a job.

>> No.7202665
File: 277 KB, 1152x941, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7202686

This is already old. We're down even further now.

>> No.7202711

Convert all to NEO and HODL for that sweet sweet GAS
Alternatively, you can
A - Get a job
B - Actually study the markets and invest properly
C - Make a dapp on the Ethereum blockchain and rake in the Ethereum
D - Become a male prostitute
E - Become a welfare leech
Or F - Marry into a wealthy jewish family

>> No.7202712

Then sell now.

>> No.7202729

kek those prices are looking really nice right about now. We're far further down than that now though. Like 5% further down on everything from that.

>> No.7202749

Was at $550k at the peak, now at $162k. Not selling a single fucking thing. Hold.

>> No.7202794

Sell now. It's just going to keep going down. The crypto craze is over, normies came saw and left and it'll never go back up

>> No.7202802

>E - Become a welfare leech

I lost half my money so this is unironically what I'm doing now.
This has made me really depressed and I can't work or sleep because I'm having panic attacks all night.

>> No.7202822
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>> No.7202825

Don't kill yourself when you lose everything, easy come easy go

>> No.7202840


The only way to stop the bleeding is to sell OP Hodl is a meme

>> No.7202865

>Become a male prostitute
If you're cute and can suck cock I'll let you live at my place

>> No.7202868
File: 170 KB, 734x794, PINK WOJAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sell. when the finex wall goes down you're going to wish you had. do it while you can.

>> No.7202870 [DELETED] 

Join this crypto discord for +3 inches on your wiener https://discord gg/pFGxB6r and it has good trade advice :)

>> No.7202895

USD value doesn't matter. Only value in sats matter

>> No.7202964

preserving fiat value in a bear trend will result in even more sats...

>> No.7203014
File: 1.08 MB, 2209x2921, rare pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wall is gone. you had you're chance. it's all over

>> No.7203135
File: 53 KB, 597x519, pepeSAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least you didn't take out payday loans to go all in at $11k. I haven't had any cash on me for the last month and won't have any cash until late March. Thank fucking god my landlord won't immediately boot me, instead he's just going to charge me an extra 5% for Jan and Feb.

>> No.7203177

im fucking killing myself this is bullshit im down to $5k after my $50k ath fuck this piece of shit ponzi scheme bullshit my mom was right all along for fuck sake

>> No.7203386
File: 385 KB, 1145x558, >nocoiners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is for making fun of me all those times faggot >:(

>> No.7203440


Still up over 300%. Not worried.

>> No.7203441

Wow I might have to go with option A there goyim

>> No.7203487

It's super volatile. Remember that word. This was about as risky as entering a mma ring. But it isn't over. Needs to be evaluated and fixed in some spots where it's not stable. People behind the coins we invest in aren't gonna drop what they're doing. Crypto is connected to their careers. You can sell now if you have some good coins that will drop. Buy back later.

>> No.7203534

>crypto careers

they took your money and ran away

>> No.7203562

>People behind the coins we invest in aren't gonna drop what they're doing
95% of ICOs were scams

>> No.7203567

I got in at ~$800. Comfy.

>> No.7203917

>At least you didn't take out payday loans to go all in at $11k.

That's rough, sorry man. I was close to taking a loan out to buy at $14k. Good thing I didn't because I'd have killed myself.

>> No.7204004

And vice versa you dumb cunt lol did you have a point to make ?

>> No.7204419

>taking out a payday loan
I'll save you the brainlet.jpg

>> No.7205046


we were going to $50k....

>> No.7205524

Well clearly your highly thorough technical analysis was wrong. You gambled, you lost.