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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 191 KB, 1328x749, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 21.36.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7185786 No.7185786 [Reply] [Original]


3000 BTC already, 4000 BTC more hit bittrex soon

>> No.7185881


>> No.7185918


>> No.7185928
File: 43 KB, 496x818, 1514696707937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cash it all out

>> No.7186007
File: 28 KB, 551x367, 1458837577908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it.
a pleasure larping with you.

>> No.7186027
File: 58 KB, 545x266, bitcoin whales are selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old news

>> No.7186126
File: 449 KB, 1563x2048, tether_aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May based tether come save us

>> No.7186164

They already dumped. That's why they stopped printing. Now they buy the dip.

>> No.7186176

Holy shit, it's real. It's moving to Bittrex.

>> No.7186197


>> No.7186199

>mfw when we are praying for the crypto fed to save us
We are truly kikes.

>> No.7186240

It's being sent to Bittrex am I right?

>> No.7186241


>> No.7186285


>> No.7186294

LoL. Weakhand Nakamoto.

>> No.7186306

FUD you guys are fucking retarded if you fall for this shit. fucking bizlets.

>> No.7186375
File: 118 KB, 1323x676, ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the top two richest accounts started selling.


>> No.7186378

It is not FUD tard. Look it up in the blockchain. It is public you can front run them

>> No.7186385

its fake?

>> No.7186396

The wallet is real, the transaction is real, the sell order will probably be real too

>> No.7186456

hahahahaha are u retarded i cant stop laughing XD this boy is going to buy alt coin dips and not selling BTC hahahahaha

>> No.7186458

He is selling 15k btc every now and then. I think he is unaware of the dip

>> No.7186486
File: 16 KB, 498x467, 1517174005904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public ledger
You can watch them selling it
>Is it fake

>> No.7186505

Yeah, he probably needs to pay for rent.

>> No.7186541

Isn't the largest wallet Satoshi himself?

>> No.7186551

the wallet has 180,000 BTC in it, even if this is an actual holder, so what? he sells 7,000 BTC out of his 180k, maybe he needs cash for something else. Obsessing over the 3% wallet movements of whales isn't doing anyone any good and you're wasting your time

>> No.7186608

Maybe the monthly bills were just due today?

>> No.7186637

A whale dumping btc on bittrex... fucking Lmao as if cunt

>> No.7186750

7000BTC is almost enough to clear all of GDAX buy book.

>> No.7186770

"He" has quarter of a bil usd in "his" wallet? Pretty sure we're dealing with some (((bankers)) here at this point.

>> No.7186882

It's the DoD

>> No.7186901

it is all the jews that bought you greedy assholes BTC when you bought cRipple

>> No.7186920


>Why did he only sell 7000 BTC instead of everything

Fucking retard. There aren't enough buy order to cover anywhere near what he has. He has to sell in chunks, otherwise the price will plummet to nothing.

>> No.7186940

Already confirmed its the Winklevoss twins

>> No.7186999

fucking weak hand frat boys.

>> No.7187005

You moron, if they sell everything at once they could crash Bittrex, Bitfinex, GDAX, Binance and Poloniex on one setting


>> No.7187031


Its the fucking Bulgarians


>> No.7187046

Why bittrex? Is he going to tether up or buy eth?

>> No.7187097

wait but why did he send it to Bittrex? You literally can't sell for actual USD on Bittrex? Maybe he's doing it anticipating the USD market opening on Bittrex in the next couple of days? Or getting some alt coin?

>> No.7187113

I thought Roger Ver had like 300,000 BTC? In which case this isn't the biggest whale.
(Satoshi doesn't count)

>> No.7187131


>weak hands
>has made it this far

>> No.7187152

He's gonna buy link with all that BTC, woke whale

>> No.7187205

he's going to buy ETH

>> No.7187216

He’s dead

>> No.7187241

1. Sell BTC on Bittrex for USDT
2. Redeem USDT through Tether Inc. for real dollars

>> No.7187426

this guy is missing from the list

>> No.7187470


If it's moved to Bittrex then it's clearly fucking not being cashed out as they don't do fiat.

Seems to me as though someone might be doing some alt shopping.

>> No.7187540

yeah right you think they are dumb enough to crash the price with a fuck ton more coins still in storage

>> No.7187546
File: 45 KB, 594x672, TOPBEAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you know what that means.

>> No.7187572


>> No.7187598


>> No.7187602

>If it's moved to Bittrex then it's clearly fucking not being cashed out as they don't do fiat.
You get USDT from Bittrex and redeem it through Tether Inc. It's not that hard.

>> No.7187652

>move that kind of money arpund to buy alts on the day the market shits it's pants
Yeah nah

>> No.7187723

Remember what happened to Litecoin after Charlie Lee dumped?

>> No.7187756

Why would he buy ETH with USD?
Some sort of complicated ARB?

>> No.7187837

Satoshi is the CIA, they have been funding black ops with BTC
The Trump/Nunez memo has got them freaking out about possible reforms to the agency.
Screencap this.

>> No.7187883

but that make no sense just go to coinbase / gdax and get USD directly
if you send it to bittrex is to buy alts

>> No.7188095


Any of you altfags still holding?
Am i the only one left

>> No.7188111

>bought 20k on New Year's Eve.
That's some next level shit there. I wonder what the dumped for them.

>> No.7188113

still holding 10k fun
rest is in ETH

>> No.7188261
File: 3.32 MB, 1800x1322, 1515554908142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding 20k LINK plus some ETH & ETC.

>> No.7188352
File: 8 KB, 288x175, shitting_street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK, huh?

>> No.7188360

ballsdeep in xlm. hodl till fairx and beyond.

anyway. since our whale transferred 4000btc to bittrex, obviously to trade altcoins, he will buy a fuckton of whatever coin he finds promising.
prepare for huge buy orders.

>> No.7188369

I have some bad news for you

>> No.7189102

He sodl most to help pump bitcoin cash

>> No.7189192

You people are dumb as shit. It wouldn't make sense for him to go btc -> usdt -> USD when he can just go btc -> usd through a website like coinbase. He's probably buying eth or xmr

>> No.7189589

'Bitcoin Jesus' says investors should be ready in case bitcoin falls out of favor

>> No.7189648

that the bitfinex cold wallet you dumbass

>> No.7189714

actual if factual

>> No.7189720

No, I'm not.

>> No.7189753

I'm not dumping. I'm just manipulating market expectations so I can buy it back tomorrow.

>> No.7189792

FUD niggers detected

>> No.7190149
File: 89 KB, 640x800, gizeh_pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year biztards legitimately believe Ver to be the largest whale
you know you're having problems when you don't even know the name of your lord and master

>> No.7190171

this guy gets it

>> No.7190893

So, this is probably Bitfinex / Tether unloading - or rather, 'doing a buyback' to pull some of their fat out of the fire.

>> No.7191040

please show one example where someone successfully turns their tether into USD?

One example. Please.

>> No.7191100


>> No.7191237


I'm sure the people who run the exchange have turned it into a bunch of $, but I know that's not what you meant.

>> No.7191258


>> No.7191288


>> No.7191357


You can't redeem USDT for USD.

He's just trading altcoins lol

>> No.7191416

It's the Vinkelvosses.

>> No.7191477

That's more than enough to smash the 8k support level into oblivion

>> No.7191513

You think 7k bitcoins being sold is enough to crash it 17%?

>> No.7191555

after they load up on XLM, ADA, ETH, the holy trinity of development and progress.

the dump on bitcoin core retards, its gonna be yuge

>> No.7191561

i wonder if they know you cant cash out

>> No.7191565

Can anyone explain to me why only a handful of transactions are showing up here?

>> No.7191584

>t. Retard that doesn't know how to interpret market depth

>> No.7191609
File: 3.73 MB, 470x200, 1517449417969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you realize there are multiple exchanges now right?

>> No.7191611

you can see the tx's on the blockchain you dumb nigger

>> No.7191651


That's the big final laugh. Bitcoin shows a market cap of $153B, but that's only because of the artificial price support.

As soon as a few big names try to cash out and they discover there's no real $, the balloon pops.

>> No.7191669

so you can't give one example. got it.

>> No.7191688

Can't cash out in bittrex so they are just alt buying

>> No.7191745

The actual cash has been slowly drained into the personal bank accounts of the Tether mafia over the past half year. The true underlying value was substituted with Tether
It's like how beekeepers steal the honey but replace it with cheap sugar water or high fructose corn syrup and the bees carry on eating the low quality substitute like everything is fine

>> No.7191746

Guys usdt on bittrex is stable and at an higher price than real usd on other exchanges, so obviously this 7k BTC guys isn't dumping on that pair. I think he's accumulating altcoins instead with all that BTC,

>> No.7191774
File: 23 KB, 1210x629, Bitcoin3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bitcoin is a market
Its a ponzi scheme that requires new money to always come in.
The new money is not coming in anymore hence the price is falling. The cost to mine a single bitcoin is now 4,300 USD
Bitcoin is going to collapse. Interest in crypto is falling off

>> No.7191822

Tell that to the shit coiners.

>> No.7191843

buyin altcoins is obvious
which ones
NANO isnt even on bittrex yet
are they gonna buy GBYTEs?

>> No.7191869


I'm glad people are starting to figure it out.

Unless you've always known, and were one of the few people who understood what I was talking about in this thread I OP'd last night.


>> No.7191903


Actual link:


>> No.7191942

Which alts are dominated by bittrex? There will be local pump.

Cardano? I don't believe he's getting this shit

>> No.7192057


>> No.7192201
File: 79 KB, 590x337, it_prints_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192214

is xmr increasing on buttrex?

>> No.7192272

This guy gets it. Ponzi schemes only work when the government forces you to pay in or get raped in prison.

>> No.7192356


The other side of the whole "unregulated" argument.

Regulated also means protecting both buyer and seller.

When this whole crypto pyramid collapses, people are going to be ass out with absolutely no recourse.

And when they will complain, they will be reminded that they insisted on an anonymous system with no regulation.

>> No.7192414

I’m all in on ETC at the moment. Planning to flip it to OMG before March.

>> No.7192458

The reason it's collapsing is because of regulation. Look at what India just did. Regulation will just allow the government to choose which premined coin will be adopted so they can be the winners. Government regulation always leads to cartels and monopolies.

>> No.7192532

>crashes btc
>subsequently eth crashes
>introduce new money to buy cheap eth

>> No.7192579

post your face when it goes go all in your coin >@ market buy

>> No.7192590


No, it's collapsing because it's a classic Ponzi/Pyramid scheme.

And as someone pointed out, these only last as long as new investors can be found.

Once the current coiners are out of money, there won't be enough new investors to keep the bubble going. And as soon as it stops growing, it pops.

This bubble is working out exactly like every other bubble in history.

>> No.7192685

>Once the current coiners are out of money, there won't be enough new investors to keep the bubble going. And as soon as it stops growing, it pops.

No it plateaus and people use it to buy stuff. But if the government says you can only use Fed Bux to buy stuff (actual monopoly money) then it crashes.

>> No.7192745

But there billion of potential investors still. Just wait till your bank account suggests you to invest in crypto, dotcom bubble popped that way

>> No.7192803
File: 36 KB, 623x450, 1517009072291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why the internet isn't around anymore

>> No.7192816
File: 81 KB, 645x729, r (1688).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not that hard.
nigger, they don't do that. tether inc is closed to actual users.

>> No.7192851

Surely the only thing worth moving your shit to Bittrex for rn is ZCL?

>> No.7192859


If it could be broadly used to buy things, it would have utility and it might not crash.

But right now, outside of the black market, there are a few places that accept it as a stunt, but there is no real support for its use as a payment method.

Instead, the "value" (and especially the rise in value), wasn't because of utility but because of speculation.

Instead of buying to use, they bought because they thought they would be able to sell later for more.

This is the primary symptoms of all bubbles.

I don't know how old you are, and I don't know how much you have studied bubbles (or if you can talk to someone other than me who lived through all these things), but compare the whole crypto craze to....

... the baseball card bubble.
... the housing bubble.
... the beanie baby bubble
... the silver rush of the 1970's.

There are the same common themes in all of them, and it these common themes that define it as being a bubble.

>> No.7192915


Real people with real money aren't going to invest in cryptos.

Most of the real money is held by old people, and when you reach a certain age the name of the game is capital preservation.

This is why steady dividend payers remain steady.

No one past working age is going to put their money into an investment that has a 50% chance of dropping 40%. It just isn't going to happen.

>> No.7192971
File: 97 KB, 185x205, 1241241241124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No you fool

This is the beginning


>> No.7193010

he's buying alts

>> No.7193025
File: 10 KB, 337x253, PetsDotCom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the internet isn't a ponzi scheme.

But... the dot com bubble was.

People threw money at any internet company that came along. They didn't take the time to figure out what the company did or whether it was sustainable, they just assumed that if it was about the internet it will succeed.

This is why we keep talking about the dot com crash. Yes, there were a few companies who succeeded and are still around, but you could line the roads with the bodies of people who lost their ass putting all their money into fly-by-night internet companies with unsustainable business models.

>> No.7193069

>But right now, outside of the black market, there are a few places that accept it as a stunt, but there is no real support for its use as a payment method.

That is because it is in legal limbo because until this year it has been mostly seen as a novelty for nerds. But as we've seen in India and other places governments are beginning to see it as a legitimate threat to the fiat ponzi and will make it illegal and morons like you will like clockwork blame free markets. Well fine, I'm all in blackmarket coins they will hold value higher than I bought in at least.

>Instead, the "value" (and especially the rise in value), wasn't because of utility but because of speculation.

People are speculating that it will be legal tender at some point. But again today India declared it isn't and will punish anyone who disobeys. If I buy a house and the government confiscates it for no reason other than it has a monopoly on guns and thugs, that dosen't mean real estate is a ponzi it means the government is authoritarian.

>> No.7193174

Thats the problem. He cant even sell it.
I mean hed still be rich but all of the remaining coins wous be worthless.
I guess hes going to buy eth or other dipping shitcons

>> No.7193221

look it up yourself faggot

>> No.7193232

>implying gold is a market
Its a ponzi scheme that requires new money to always come in.
The new money is not coming in anymore hence the price is falling. The cost to mine a single peace of gold is now 4,300 USD
gold is going to collapse. Interest in gold is falling off

>> No.7193251


>> No.7193256


India isn't trying to stop cryptos because they think it's a threat to money, they are trying to stop it because it is at best a ponzi scheme and at worse a criminal enterprise designed to steal peoples money.

Or do you think that "cloackcoin", "HTMLcoin" or any of the other 1500 low-level coins are anything but scam?

>> No.7193259

Last time they did this was Oct.24 went from $6000 to $20000 shorts are gonna get rekt!

>> No.7193273

All in on fun

>> No.7193282

fuck you nigger

>> No.7193470

I assume the info isn't available, but I would love to know which percentage of holders bought coin on margin.

With price drops like these, margin calls would be going out. If they can't pay in more money, their positions are sold off, which drives the price down even more, which wreaks more people,etc

>> No.7193510
File: 108 KB, 500x333, Rai_Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And can anyone tell me what the conversion from Rai stone to bitcoin is?

I've got a pretty big holding I'd like to convert.

>> No.7193621

Check bitmex rekt

>> No.7193676

In his perspective he's probably taking profits while he can, dumping 4k on a 172k stack isn't really much

>> No.7193708

This is obvious. We're here to bet on the spread of lasting belief in the most viable protocols. Fortunately, there is a lot of time between now and the big, huge, final stage of disillusionment where true economic viability of a mature, widely used technology beats down everybody's expectations. This current selloff is just a tempering of expectations according to the capabilities of the tech as it stands now. However, there are obvious, attainable improvements (scaling solutions, oracle solutions, UX improvements, general shifting of the overton window wrt the technology, etc) that will be made in the coming year that will reignite imagination and set off a whole new period or two of overblown expectations and overvaluations. Yeah, remember the dotcom bubble but don't let it turn you into fearful knowitall cowering in fear behind an ego of "wisdom."

>> No.7193733

Imagine being a billionaire but not actually being a billionaire.

The feeling must be insane

>> No.7193800

>shopping spree for altcoins

>> No.7193820

Yah Can't let people make choices for themselves. People like you can't be reasoned with.

>> No.7193849

Considering altcoins also dumped I would have done the same thing

>> No.7193855

sweet jesus

>> No.7193860

Excdpr for my eth Im holding FUN, OMG, and BAT

>> No.7193868

>obvious, attainable improvements
Are you a distributed systems engineer? You can't get everything you want in a distributed system. I repeat: there is no perfect distributed system. The solutions to fundamental problems with bitcoin are not known

>> No.7193876

>few companies

Almost 50% of the companies survived the crash...

>> No.7193931

Economic collapse is coming. Banker whales pulling their money out of non-necessary assets. Bond market entering a bear market. Stock market is down. Silver and gold are down. Be scared. Someone got insider tips

>> No.7194116

Bingo. I wonder if most paper-rich crypto people realize they can't cash out. The bigger you're the more you're fucked.

>> No.7194120

s&p 500 is down 0.06%

>> No.7194170

This is what always made me chuckle at all the people who would get triggered by the 'cant cashout "meme"'' posts. Everyone literally cant cashout which is why people should take profits from time to time.

>> No.7194214

usa stock market is up over the last week and up bigly over the last month. foreign stock markets are all up over the last week

its not correlated at all with the crypto crash

>> No.7194221

I'm basically 99% fiat. Like 200k. What should I do with it? I am scared

>> No.7194255


>> No.7194268

Yeah, that's fair. There isn't a perfect centralized system either, hence the crypto experiment. I'm not a system's engineer but there are hundreds, if not thousands of systems engineers trying to figure out those problems right now through Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Factom, Lisk, ChainLink and a handful of other generalized protocol projects. Of course they don't know the exact solutions, that's why they are trying new things that seem like they will work. Lightning? Casper and Plasma? Bulletproofs? Decentralized oracle networks? Some of those things will work, some won't, but they will ultimately give us more information about just how far things can go or what developers should try next to improve the technology. The fact that solutions are unknown is a GOOD THING for us as speculators.

>> No.7194297

GDP growth will be 6% next quarter

Don't listen to these fucking retards USA is doing awesome

>> No.7194305

Nobody is buying bitcoin to use a currency and you know it. Also, if you want to use bitcoin as a currency it doesn't matter what price bitcoin is at, since it's almost infinitely divisible. BTC at $100 is just as usable as a currency as BTC at $18,000 is

>> No.7194371

>the 'cant cashout "meme"
Well, of course it's a meme. You can cash out, I did it at the end of last year. But if you try to do it when the market is crashing, you might have a problem if everyone else is trying to do it too. Coinbase probably doesn't even have enough money to pay everyone back

>> No.7194375

fuck is it going to rebound?

>> No.7194395

I meant that as a response to the claim that the stock market is down... 0.06% is not much. s&p 500 is maybe in a very minor correction. I agree with you.

>> No.7194650

It'll bottom at 6k

>> No.7195420

you think its going to go up after that or do you think the new govt regulations will keep it low?

>> No.7195989

interesting consequence of a public ledger: everyone can see when the whale's selling.