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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7185720 No.7185720 [Reply] [Original]

Who /nocoiner/ here?

>> No.7185933

Nobody, look up what shorting on leverage is and then get ready for your retail shift to start (again).


>> No.7185940


>> No.7186012

The problem with crypto currency is that it's obviously a scam whos value is based upon the idea of selling it to someone else, not fulfilling an actual function.

The fact bitcoin got so high in value is what's surprising to me and what is worthy of investigation, not the fact it would inevitably crash.

>> No.7186730

I don't own any botcoins.

>> No.7186800

I have lots of coins. They're made of gold and silver.

>> No.7186842

>what is worthy of investigation
you fucking what nigger

>> No.7186941

This is clearly bait. Imagine being such a retarded faggot that you'd actually write shit like this.

>> No.7186993

Smart man here

My security has been invested in Silver / Gold and its in my safety locker, not destroying my life.

>> No.7187026

>Imagine someone manipulating the market so they can sell their useless imaginary numbers and fuck up everyone else

>> No.7187049

>no actual arguments
wew the state of crypto cucks

>> No.7187090
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>implying hes somehow wrong.

Retard, just stop posting.

>> No.7187111

Crypto is nothing more than people with extra money trying to make more extra money. Its utterly failing as an actual useful currency. End of story.

>> No.7187121
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I sold back in December and got rid of my BitCash right after the Coinbase fiasco.

Pic very related.

>> No.7187156

Horrible investment. They only average 1% a year.

>> No.7187190

Crypto has always been a bad idea the inventor of said crypto could effectively just print his own money if he wanted to...

>> No.7187203

Oh god the nocoiner threads are back. I thought I had shooed you pajeets away in April when I had only doubled my money. Now it's at 20x and I'm truly weeping. Sure wish I bought stocks :'(

>> No.7187220

Yep, but they act as a back up should the dollar fail and they dont jump around %2000 a year.

Silver and gold has and will always be able to buy you something no matter what situation the worlds in. Crypto? Good luck.

>> No.7187252

Good goy, keep buying cryptoscams.

>> No.7187284


Here. Wouldn't touch cryptos with a 10 foot poll

>> No.7187315 [DELETED] 

Why are these so-called nocoiners so butthurt that a bunch of kids make more money part-time trading so-called "imaginary coins" in their mom's basement in 1 week than these nocoiners made with their shitty stocks and IRAs over the course of 40 years?

Oh.. that's why.

>> No.7187348

I sold already, check my post here:


Fair enough. I hate betting that it all falls, but nothing wrong with hedging your bets and having gold or silver on hand.

>> No.7187400
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Reporting in.

This shit hilarious, I have been jerking it to bitcoinwisdom for days now.

>> No.7187408


Im not mad at all about people making money on crypto, that is the point of it after all. But to call it a currency is laughable. Again I will say, its nothing more than people with extra money trying to make extra money. I know people who lost out on BTC because they bought in at like 17k without even knowing a damn thing about it because thats how this all works. Stupid people pouring money into something imaginary that they hope will somehow grow value from more stupid people. Its all a big joke.

>> No.7187420

I was here before crypto killed the board. God the tears are delicious. Posts like this make it all worth while.


If we could pile on an exchange collapse I might cum.

>> No.7187471


This. I OP'd this thread last night trying to explain the same thing to people who couldn't see the forest for the trees.


>> No.7187475
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Tears make me hard.

>> No.7187561

>Cypto is a scam
So did you short it with spread bets? How much did you make?

Why don't nociners appear when things are mooning 100x in a month, only in a downturn?

>> No.7187628
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No. To quote WOPR.... the only way to win is not to play.

>> No.7187659

Coiner here, still up 20X

Why are you laughing honey?

>> No.7187673

stop larping faggot, /biz/ was created as offspring just for crypto when /g/ was suffocating with DOGE threads

>> No.7187675
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holy fuck he was so ass damaged he deleted his post

>> No.7187678
File: 60 KB, 498x668, 1409657643260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smug OP didn't make money shorting during this Tether fiasco, even though he KNOWS it's all a scam that will fall apart
Just admit you don't have enough money to get in in the first place, nocoin cuck. My gains in November still have me up around 20x.

>> No.7187692 [DELETED] 

Poor nocoiners.
So butthurt that some kid made more money last year than they did in their entire lifetime.
Yes, as one of you said, the tears really are delicious.

Don't worry; You'll still have your 0.5% stock gains to fall back on.

>mmmm fuck you faggot I made a whole 3% last year in my blue chips!

Keep crying.

>> No.7187722

This, I enjoy laughing at plebs falling for scams. You guys are an endless source of entertainment.

>> No.7187731 [DELETED] 

No, I just rewrote it.
Why would I be ass mad?
I'm not one of these kids, but man, they sure made more money than you did.
So who's the ass-ma done that they did?

>> No.7187740

Sounds like you lost your ass

>> No.7187780



>> No.7187784

But Im making money by buying sharp dips then immediately selling when they put back up 5%.

The only people you can laugh at are the HODLers and the panic sellers, because the rest of us are still making money (and the the people just holding will make it if they stick it out long term)

>> No.7187815 [DELETED] 

How are your 1% stock gains doing?

>> No.7187881


OK, that's allowed. As long as you have pulled your original investment (and some profit) out in dollars, and are now playing with the house money.

I have no problem with people making money, as long as they know what they're getting into.

But if you drink the kool aid on the cryptos, you're going to get clipped.

>> No.7187928 [DELETED] 


>> No.7187941


If you're only making 1% on the stock market, you're doing it wrong.