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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7185450 No.7185450 [Reply] [Original]

There it goes... My one chance to make my family proud... My once chance to prove that this high school dropout is not a complete failure.

I'll see you on the other side boys.

>> No.7185549

I'm with you. I "bought the dip" at $15,000 and just sold everything at $8600. 4 BTC. I literally lost $25,600 in a month.

>> No.7185603

Worst thing is it wasn't even my own money.

>> No.7185616

You have to willing to let it go to 0 if your just going to hold.

>> No.7185642


I convinced my dad to give me one last chance, and i fucking blew it, all i'll ever see is disappointment and failure

>> No.7185671


why did you sell? Year from now we will be at 30k

>> No.7185727

Why why why why why would you sell...Holy fucking shit guys...

>> No.7185758

the absolute state of (You)

weak hands always fail

>> No.7185796

>I just want to give me parents an early retirement
I'll never do it.

>> No.7185829

Just dont sell and be patient jesus christ guys

>> No.7185841

I know this feel all too well. He's so disappointed me and he doesn't even visit anymore and ignores my calls.

>> No.7185856
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>. I "bought the dip" at $15,000
my sides

>> No.7185884
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>"bought the dip" at $15,000

>> No.7185942

Not them, but I fucking panicked. All I could see was my life savings disappear before me as the value went lower and lower, and I had to make it stop asap.

>> No.7185946

i bought at 19.5k

>> No.7185959

I'd love to go down the road like this.
Considering I don't have a driver's license it may be my only chance to get outta here.

>> No.7186001


stop it is only money

>> No.7186026

Tell me anon, what did this prove?

>> No.7186116

you dont understand, im already a complete failure, cant even hold a job at subway, dad gave me one last chance and i blew it all away, being too stupid and unlucky. I sold my trx for 3 cents a day before it went to 15 cents, God already wants me to suffer, why go on

>> No.7186141

>putting your life savings in bitcoin
You deserved it. Why would you put something like that in such a risky investment?

>> No.7186178

Sell everything now and take what you can to start living your life.

Be strong anon.

>> No.7186217

Is this your first dip? Jesus Christ how embarrassing.

>> No.7186219

Because you retards told me it WASN'T risky! YOU made it sounds like it was a sure thing, and that it was practically guaranteed to just keep rising!

FUCK /biz/. I wish I never browsed this shithole.

>> No.7186262

people are selling because they are scared of losing money that wasnt theirs in the first place

>> No.7186301

I'm in the same boat as you anon. However I'm closing in on 30 years old. I don't think there's any real hope for me.

>> No.7186309

its your fault friend sorry to be the one to tell you. you decided to go online and follow advice from people you dont know.

>> No.7186312

Listening to biz. I have tried warning people in biz about many scamcoins, but I always get called a pajeet or whatever, now this is the result.

>> No.7186338

So, when are people going to ignore this and go back talking stocks and profitable means?

>> No.7186344

I didn't tell you anything faggot. I never even posted here before, just lurked. Do you really think the posters here have your best interest in mind? People usually try to convince you to do something to justify their own actions, not so they can help you. Use your fucking head next time.

>> No.7186346

there is, get over yourself. just be smarter from now on everything will be okay.

>> No.7186387

never, a lot of people made a lot of money these past few months. it will continue

>> No.7186413

>people getting into BTC past 10k
I unironically don't understand why would you put your life savings into a prototype of what we have today past it's expiration date. what did you think you were buying? jesus

>> No.7186423

Couldn't we just try to break the trend, I need to figure out how to get out of this hole. And for the time being crypto isn't the answer for me. I feel like I'm honestly too retarded for it.

>> No.7186444

you... you based literally risking your life savings off something you heard on 4chan


>> No.7186454


Damn, you've made me feel bad after laughing at wojaks for the last 4 hours.

>> No.7186457

thats what happens when you are years late

smart people are selling not buying or holding

>> No.7186478
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I bought half a bitcoin at about $2500. Nowhere near a loss.

Jesus christ how fucking dumb are people for putting their life savings into this meme. Im holding till it reaches $0. Because I only invested money I dont need. Like a sane human being

>> No.7186510

you mean 300

there are always buyers and sellers

>itz going to 100k.... LOL you bought at 15k?

yeah thats why its not going to 100k

>> No.7186513
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At least I can go back to full wizardry
No more hopes of riches drugs and babes
It is my destiny

>> No.7186532

Wait send me your coins first then kys

>> No.7186552

Why didn't you buy eth with the btc you had?

>> No.7186563

what the fk is happening, everything was fine 2 days ago and now everyone wants out? i started a month ago and im still up like $3k but you faggots are scaring me

>> No.7186577

I have one more year and I'll be your literal robed Wizard anon.

>> No.7186621

>what the fk is happening, everything was fine 2 days ago
was it?

>> No.7186633

Are you kidding?
Anyway thanks for the money. I bought 3 BTC at 10k.

>> No.7186636

I did the same 2 years ago, now am millionaire working for slightly more than min wage

>> No.7186663

When you spend all day on here for a few weeks you begin to see the sheer number of shilling threads is unbelievable, the straight up scams, pump and dumps and the general delusional traders who shout down any negativity is astounding. All thats left over the last few weeks when you take that away is Wojaks

One way to look at it is how many replies the average /biz/ thread gets, maybe 9-15? Compare that with any other non autist meme board and they are double that. Shows you its just shillers grabbing real estate on the front page.

>> No.7186692
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All these faggots selling when BTC will be back to $20k by the end of this month

>> No.7186700

you deserve it

>> No.7186759



Literally the only valuable advice this board will ever give you is buy low and sell high, it's an extremely simple concept, yet you still fucked up

>> No.7186769

Why would you buy in at that price?
Why would you sell at that price?
I don't even have any Bitcoin and I'm just not understanding

>> No.7186783

God I fucking hope not. That'd really be the final nail in the coffin for me, knowing I didn't have to lose so much of my savings.

At least if it continues to fall then everyone will be fucked, not just me.

>> No.7186785

not exactly 2 days ago i guess, but the past week or so was fine. i thought everyone was pumped that robinhood was adding crypto, fairx beta is coming out and shit like that

>> No.7186810
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>> No.7186849

You just can't possibly be this stupid...

>> No.7186887
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>> No.7186989

We need someone to sell the dip
It’s more common than you think

>> No.7187017

you don't know what FOMO feels like till you experience it. I can relate to buying in at $15K when it seemed inevitable that it was going to $20K

>> No.7187033

I just wanted to be able to someday afford a house. Have no family to disappoint, but I have a gf I'm probably going to be letting down. I was foolish to think I could turn 10k into 200k without any experience. I'm about at my original investment now, and if it crashes far lower I'll have lost money. No future, all I can do is hold and ache in stress, as I know I'm too weak to sell when I should. I should have sold 2 months ago.

>> No.7187054

still in the denial phase

>> No.7187072

It did.

>> No.7187154

That's great, it makes me real fucking happy to know that my misery is gonna help out the slimy scumbag fucks on this board make more money and scam even more people.

>> No.7187204

BTC has literally jumped 6% in the last hour

>> No.7187250

* 7%

>> No.7187266

>it seemed inevitable that it was going to $20K
top fucking kek

>> No.7187287

* 8%

>> No.7187303

>I was foolish to think I could turn 10k into 200k without any experience
you were just unlucky, fag, you can't predict this shit

>> No.7187358

that's why I cannot sell - I would rather sink than miss the boat

>> No.7187375
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>> No.7187474


> money "lady".gif

>> No.7187621

Someone with common sense here
If your gay coin is going to be worth so much, then why isn't it?
Why does it keep going down?
Why is this board in constant despair?

Shitcoin is actual meme money

>> No.7187654

>he actually took advice from a bunch of literal retards

>> No.7187698

you took the risk now take the loss like a man you fucking pussy

>> No.7187773
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>> No.7187792

The biggest sin
Failure to HODL

>> No.7188018


Check your local country stock change. Pick between 10 or 20 companies that you like, check the correlation between themselves and try to pick ones that arent very correlated with each other, that way you reduce risk. If you want a more precise portfolio check youtube tutorials, it will take you around an hour in excel to create the one you like.

Pro tip: Health, construction and food industries in general are gonna go always up in long term. Tech too but the industry is too new to know which players are gonna stay always relevant.

Put around 5% of your salary every month into this, do not panic with dips, even if they are extreme, we are looking for a 20 year long term goal here. Chekc news periodically, sometime markets take time to correct themselves but dont try to guess too much , you are gonna be incorrect more times than not. I wouldnt change my stock choices too much unless you know what you are doing, maybe add 1 or 2 and drop a couple every two years or so.

Check in 20 or 30 years and YOU MADE IT /BIZ/, NOW YOU CAN RETIRE AND DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT. Wasnt that easy?

>> No.7188061

You could cash out now and get some prostitutes.

>> No.7188136

Anon, whats 1*0,9*1,1. The answer will surprise you.

>> No.7188172

>not holding
You deserve to fail. Got 7500$ in right now and planning to sell when it inevitably reaches 30k by the end of February. NEET life here I come.

>> No.7188288

You holdfags are hilarious
It is a reddit meme and doesn't always work

>i Bought in at 15k
>uhhhdd i'm just gonna wait till 30k next month

In case you didnt know it bounced off support this time. But the next time they really push for it
it'll break down the 8.4k support

Then it's on to the next lower support etc till about 1-2k

RIP btc holders

Hold your alts tho

>> No.7188332

Listen friends
Chicago futures settle Friday
They are obliterating the market so they win their bets.

You have been warned

>> No.7188429

Dude how fucking stupid are you? It dips and you think it’s over? BTC has corrected like this at least 5 times since 2009. Holding thru these big dips is how you’re able to realize such insane gains when we take off again. Don’t be dumb. Just hold.

>> No.7188540
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Well, I've invested in crypto and am completely calm about it because I'VE ONLY PUT IN AS MUCH MONEY AS I CAN AFFORD TO LOSE. GODDAMNIT, LEARN IT, FAGGOTS.

>> No.7188626


>> No.7188680

Fucking nerd we all know this but who cares about gains in 20 or 30 years?

>> No.7188728

nigga fast cash or no cash
Fuck out of here with that boomer shit
Crypto = fast gains to NEET freedom or lose it all

I'm with crypto..

>> No.7188783
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PROTIP: You can do both.

>> No.7188822


i was on top of the world at having a $28000 portfolio.
Now after a series of shit I sit barely at $3000.

>> No.7188853

>he didn't sell last year when it hit 19k
lmao @ your life

>> No.7189044

You're confusing biz with reddit. biz has been constantly warning about a crash, bubble, ...

>> No.7189084

It's still a bubble by the way, and it will crash harder.

>> No.7189767
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>> No.7189838

You're a faggot. Biz is just noise and shills.

>> No.7189876
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The ultimate panic sell is suicide because, of course, the world gets better without you

>> No.7190183

Get your sensible adult advice off this board

>> No.7190586

goodbye biz

>> No.7191334

He put his life saving in BTC after getting advice from NEET shitposters on the internet. You reap what you sow my son.