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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7182809 No.7182809 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is selling BTC at this price?

>> No.7182829

People who dont want to sell it at 1k.

>> No.7182975

friend who got in november just made negative profit.
texted me today hes going to sell now.

>> No.7183007

who the fuck even still has BTC? i haven't owned that shit since december. idiots

>> No.7183021
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Every dip is the same

>> No.7183070

everone with half a brain in their skulls. better to get 9k than 2k. its all arbitrary, your just used to a high price because it was higher before and all the hype but really theres no merit to it. theres tonnes of coins that operate as currencies much better than btc, the ppl r waking up

>> No.7183094

this is more than a dip sadly

>> No.7183107

>buy some coin
>wait until it is under what you bought for, be careful not to sell when it is over
>when you are negative, the perfect time for selling comes

>> No.7183135


the same people who bought BTC at 19k

>> No.7183195
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Normie newcoiner scum that brought in at $15k with money they can't afford to lose.
This is the greatest shakedown in the history of crypto.

>> No.7183201

Yeah. So just hodl. Right? Heck, maybe even >>7183021

After you, my friend.

>> No.7183214

The poor devils that will get fucked by the ones that control the dumps.

>> No.7183258

Nah, it'll be down for a couple of weeks but I'm not psychic so I'll just hodl instead of trying to time the market.

>> No.7183277

I sold ETH for USDT today at 1100. I'm comfy.

>> No.7183316

we are going to 5k guys.
you better sell now

>> No.7183347


Everyone who's not a moron. When will you tards learn that BTC had no future.

It's slow as all hell, it's fees are fucking bonkers, it shits all over itself under any serious load, and mining it now consumes as much power annually as the entire fucking country of Argentina.

Give credit where credit is due - it was the first. But it will NOT forever dominate the crypto world any more than Model T's still dominate the roadways.

It's time has passed.

>> No.7183377
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>He thinks 19k to 8k is a dip
>it's still falling

>> No.7183400

keep this up. we need more posts like this

>> No.7183416

Panicking normies and financial brainlets.

>> No.7183439


>he thinks I'm joking

>> No.7183442

>better 9k than 2k

So you’re really predicting that BTC will drop to 2k and never recover?

....ok, if these are the kinds of people that are selling, then I’m holding

>> No.7183453

Ask someone on the street if they know what bitcoin is, then ask them about etherium or neo.
BTC is still the crypto according to normies and normie suits in offices are the ones moving the market these days.

>> No.7183459

Precisely. The day of the rope has finally come

>> No.7183483

Why can't I hold all these Lamborghinis?

>> No.7183493


9/10 people will know what a Model T is as well. That doesn't mean they have one parked in their garage, moron.

>> No.7183500

people who understand that btc is massively overvalued.

>> No.7183526

The average burger doesn't even know where britain is

>> No.7183533

The difference is they know what a BMW or Toyota is.

>> No.7183559

It's going to keep drop in price for a while.
There is nothing to justify this high price except speculation by retarded normies that treat btc like it's a stock.
Expect it to go under $5000 within a couple of days.

>> No.7183564

I had no idea, I tho btc was only used to cash out and to measure the market around here
Do you guys unironically hold btc? Wtf?

>> No.7183571

i havent sold any btc since summer and i sold all i had. when did i say it will never recover, cathy newman? it can have a new bull run after it esablishes a floor around 2k

>> No.7183599

This is an obvious correction. Bitcoin is still up 770% over the past year.

>> No.7183646

If it goes down to 4k, why not sell at 8k and buy back when it drops?
Seems smarter to me than just sitting and watching how your investment plummets.

>> No.7183651

absolutely incredible

>> No.7183658

I may have to sell my BTC to pay capital gains taxes from crypto trading last year. Unfortunately I can no longer sell it for enough to cover the tax. I'm thinking of just abandoning all my coins.

>> No.7183683


>> No.7183689

I hope someone is getting caps from this thread. Gonna be some epic wojaks in a few weeks.

>> No.7183706

Name one thing BTC does better than ETH.

>> No.7183716

as someone in the street what bitcoin is.

then say you've got one and offer it to them for ten grand. see how it goes.

>> No.7183746

You sold now and not at the ridiculous over extension to 19k? Good luck to you.

>> No.7183823

Dumb normies, so glad we'll have soon purged them all, I genuinely believe in crypto as an idea, every single one of these tokens is massively overpriced however, would be quite happy if it went back down to like $50 a BTC.

>> No.7183871

how deluded are you, i could ask anyone and only the fucking car freaks would know what a model t is

>> No.7183911

Never going to happen, as soon as it got close to $1k again the buy support would be huge. Everyone and their mother would throw $100 at it just incase it mooned again.

>> No.7183940


Bull shit. The Henry Ford and the Model T is a standard history lesson in virtually every American school you fuck knob.

>> No.7183951

>forgetting this is crypto

>> No.7183978

Anyone with half of an eighth of a brain would know what a Model T is but that does not include normies

>> No.7184067

when btc stabilizes at 50$ and trades in a range all year between 45-55$ i'd like to see you guys make money. when you have to struggle for those pips wew
you'd be better off trading gbpjpy

>> No.7184090
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Honestly, I will be relieved if crypto dies. I've already made more than I ever dreamed of and even if I have to dump my ETH for like $500 each or whatever, it's fine because I bought in 2014 and it's all still big profit.

It's so stressful, I can't imagine what people who bought in 2017 are going through right now. Fuck, man.

>> No.7184089

Explain, in your own words, why 1 bitcoin is worth 8700 USD

>> No.7184158

I've already made money off crypto, it's time for it to calm down and get taken seriously, that is never going to happen with BTC crashing every time somebody makes a scathing blog post about it.

>> No.7184191

A convenient wealth store that has historically mooned when fiat has doomed. It's basically a hedge against a recession at this point.

>> No.7184241

Someone gifted me overcuck and I literally can't play it because of all the dikes and minorities as the characters.
Also the game is trash.

>> No.7184327

not bitcoin

>> No.7184362

I bought it because I'm in love with a girl that plays it pro.

It is trash, yes. But you are literally a faggot if you don't want to make hapa babies with Meiling, I would pound that pucci until our society is utterly destroyed.

>> No.7184369
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>> No.7184424

fuck that, cash out and move to Monaco.

>> No.7184435

>made negative profit
Do you go to the grocery store and give them negative groceries?

>> No.7184449

Megane girls are the literal highest point on mount shit
And she's fat
And a plain girl
God awful tastes
Literally everything I stand against

>> No.7184453

Better question is who the fuck is buying BTC at this price

>> No.7184460

Not convenient at all, also susceptible to bank runs just like fiat. You think when the fiat bubble bursts (all the experts are saying when not if) you will be able to take your piece of paper to the bank and be handed physical gold?

>> No.7184546


His kike overlords on /r/bitcoin tells him what to think.

I haven't owned BTC since late July.

>> No.7184549

Whales, who want it to go down.

>> No.7184919

Feeling pretty comfy, actually. My take is that ETFs for crypto mean that we're entering the institutional money phase and there's at least one more good pump. Then again, making it to me means turning my current 4 grand USD investment into about 45-50 grand. And half of that would be great, tee bee aitch.

>> No.7185113

Because BTC isn't supposed to be used as a point of sale currency. It's a deflationary store of value.

BTC/LTC is still the only coin that adheres to the liberterian values it was founded upon. immutable, and inherently decentralized.

Most technical solutions are not compatible with the preservation of those underlying principles, and you'd be a fool to think contenders like Ethereum don't have their own challenges with regards to scaling, and longevity. Something better may come along in the future, but so far, NOPE.