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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7182422 No.7182422 [Reply] [Original]

hes absolutely correct.

Doesnt matter what you think about him. There is a global cncerted effort to kill decentralised money.

(((They))) Dont want you to win. We all know who else brws 4chan.

Nevar forget.

>> No.7182473


HODL strong here.

Fuck off weakhanded muricans.

>> No.7182503

Underrated Thread

>> No.7182517

says the guy who has a huge stake in crypto currencies, its in his best interest for it not to crash. hes an obvious shill you retard, how about some opinions from someone who doesnt hold any crypto?

you know analysts who shill stocks have to disclose wheter they own it or short it etc. and the street diesnt really take positive sentiment that seriously from someone who is long that stock for a reason


but no worries im sure u and mcaffee have mutual interests such as being balls deep in these crypto shits

>> No.7182525

Hodlng till i'm ready to lay in a casket

>> No.7182539

As much as I don't like his shills, he is right here. Its (((them))) trying to scare everyone so they can get in low and try control crypto.

>> No.7182549

Hew could lose ALL his crypto and still be richer than any of us.
He has always been a Libertarian

>> No.7182550

cocaine is a hell of drug

>> No.7182562

Says the shady insider.


>> No.7182565


>> No.7182569
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The only people that FUD crypto are the people that hold 0, they have to reassure themselves its a scam like you.

>> No.7182582

HODL my bags, I'm just going... for a short walk yeah... I'll be back... Just hold em for a bit ok?

>> No.7182585

Did he tweet that before a after a hooker shit in his mouth?

>> No.7182601

You know when I look back at some event's in history and wonder how in the fuck there was an actual opposition to a obvious revolution I've always felt kind of bewildered.

Your post gave me a lot of insight into the fact that fucking retards from 200 years ago are the same fucking retards today.

>> No.7182605

BTC has dropped 90% before in the past and a few times it has dropped 60-70%. we'll be fine. You guys are just panicking right now. Close up your blockfolio and come back in a year.

>> No.7182608

As long as he has to eat his dick I don't care about being 50% and more in the red

>> No.7182610
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The message is still correct.

>> No.7182649
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>> No.7182654
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Yuck it up disinfo bro - You being here makes me correct.

>> No.7182693

This guy is must love eating dick live on national tv

>> No.7182716
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Shilly mc shillington

>> No.7182813

yep probaboly /pol/acks living in their bubbles

irrational retards, let them lose their money

>> No.7182882
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Also - green ID & Dubs

>> No.7182888


Crypto will set us free. You can bet your ass that when crypto goes mainstream all official institutions and public companies will be required to use traceable currencies. No more tax evasion, ever. This is going to be fucking huge since an estimated 50% of all of the world's currency is hidden away in tax havens. Wew lad

>> No.7182889

You really have to be a boomer retard to think anyone in the media is objective.

>> No.7183063

Why is holding so hard? Just wait it out. Crashes happen all the time.

>> No.7183177


>> No.7183595
File: 129 KB, 710x823, wojak_01.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptocurrencies aren't crashing. They are bending against the impotent winds of the past.

>> No.7183795
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>> No.7184659
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>> No.7184991

but you can agree with his message, cash out while its dipping, rebuy when its at the bottom and you will be richer than people who stubbornly held
why is this confusing to people
you HOLD or HODL or whatever you redditors do when the market is RISING

>> No.7185057

>how about some opinions from someone who doesnt hold any crypto?
Because that ppl want crypto to die Derp

>> No.7185063

it's a fucking meme speculation. Goddamn burgers are fucking retarded most of this shit is bought by Chinese and Pajeets to evade taxes and sell child porn this isn't some 1776 meme bullshit I swear Americans will be the last ones who will #HODL because this is some freedom and democracy shit

>> No.7185125
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>> No.7185153

they are a tiny percentage of crypto buyers
you really think a country where 90% shit on streets is investing a lot into crypto?

>> No.7185249

Heil pic related

>> No.7185259


>> No.7185344
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Wrong. If you honestly beleive this I pity you.

The wheeled out green span the ohter night.. Buffet, you name it. Whomever shills in the name of the flag.

Next it'll be kissenger and bush/clinton.

Globalists want to own this 100%

>> No.7185420

so sell now and buy back in when its at rock bottom

>> No.7185588

>oooga boooga i love when a nigger shits in my mouth
that's gross

>> No.7185655
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I aint one of those buddy.

My grandpa bommebed the living shit out of you lot 1939-1945.

I'm not some normy fag SJW either.

Just fully red pilled.

>> No.7186117

You know what, I actually agree with him.

Thanks, Schlomo.

>> No.7186139

This has been known by the community for the long time, the influx of normies with weak hands is currently fucking it up

>> No.7186165
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>> No.7186209

>pretend give a shit about the technology when the market is crashing
>don't give a shit about the technology when the market is doing well

>> No.7186221

>m-muh tulip revolution

>> No.7186225
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Hence the post famipai...

>> No.7186263
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>implying you cant do both.

>> No.7186370

I hope german and not a drone of the jews and christians

>> No.7186545

It never occurred to you that people have interests in crypto BECAUSE they believe in it?

>> No.7186590
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>> No.7186611

This. I envision a day where the kikes will never get to lay one greedy little finger on my money.

>> No.7186639
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>> No.7186970

Because during hard times, you need to remember what's important.

>> No.7187009
File: 11 KB, 187x250, frog vs zog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whose side are you on, /biz/?

>> No.7187103


>> No.7187288

Come home shillman, the oven awaits.

>> No.7187389

I wonder if that thread was before or after /b/ turned into /s/ and everyone stopped having fun.

>> No.7187417

this stupid shit is how you know it's time to sell

>> No.7187464


>> No.7187467

>:09 No.718
i would sell now before it drops tomorrow

>> No.7187492


>> No.7187497

Your mouth is where your money is. His opinion would be worthless if his own blood wasn't on the streets as well.

>> No.7187571 [DELETED] 

Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

>> No.7187590

McAfee is a thicc faggot and should end his desolate methlife asap.
I will tell you a secret, murricana:
In america it's always either / or, in the real world it never is.
If you understand that you will understand that neither decentralized crypto is going to vanish nor fiat.
There is no revolution, only evolution.
Now go tell that to your mongrellus friends.

>> No.7187677


>> No.7187725

trtuh nows no levils

>> No.7187778

Not owning crypto is being short. There is no unbiased opinion

>> No.7188324

Tax season isn't ending until April, burgers are cashing out all of their money to give 60% of it to niggers and spics

>> No.7188947

hey maybe instead of being a dense pathetic fag you could try responding with some actual arguments?

>> No.7189522
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