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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 96 KB, 858x502, btc-corrections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7178726 No.7178726 [Reply] [Original]

Guys pls don't panic... BTC sometimes goes down, just look at the table. Really... you are panicking about nothing. I am in crypto since 2013, so I do know.

>> No.7178789

># Days to New High

>> No.7178830

So the average to new highs is 198 days. Steel diamond hands mode ACTIVATED

>> No.7178854

Fucking mithril hands

>> No.7178932
File: 26 KB, 478x349, 1517319396016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw burgers can't into dates

>> No.7179022

i don't give a fuck, just want the alts yo moon

>> No.7179068
File: 146 KB, 762x575, 1513347601339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADAmant hands

>> No.7179105

>low: 10,201
And it's not over yet.
And public awareness was already there.

>> No.7179262



>> No.7179627

Do you notice the low never go past their previous low? This time it passed, so this is a different kind of dip.

>> No.7179794

>shill grasping at straws
This and the amount of you retards going overdrive here are the most clear buy signal there is. Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.7179873
File: 139 KB, 1200x1800, 1517183292575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are u retarded

The most recent one on table is continuing to now

>> No.7179918

It's also the shortest time-span between to dips. This might explain it

>> No.7180014

Ours look prettier
The numbers go from smallest to largest, 1-12 for the month, 1-28/31 for day, and of course #### for year

>> No.7180204

Hasn't gone below $7879
If it goes below that, we may be fucked, but I don't think so
This is one of the grounds on which I'm starting to think we will not reach all the way to the 8k floor
That and everybody's saying "see you at 8k", at least here on biz

>> No.7180262

bitcoin wasn't suffering from a scaling problem back then either.

>> No.7180324

2013 was brutal
>tfw cashed out 11.01.2013 because my jewish senses were tingling

>> No.7180713

kek where is this shit from

>> No.7180753


>> No.7181033

Kek shooo pajeet shooo
Bitcoin 30k by March suck my throbbing dick

>> No.7181101

>tfw you know for a fact some day your btc will be worth more than when you bought it
>tfw you realize you are missing out on hundreds of other moon missions while stuck holding the bags 1181 days

>> No.7181232

Check 4th and 5th from the bottom.

>> No.7181373


you poor, poor, soul, with how much btc are you stuck with?