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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7170927 No.7170927 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.7170981

Weak hands

>> No.7171044

see you back at $0.4

>> No.7171092

This crash couldn't be better timing for VEN

>> No.7171101

literally every coin except eth is going into the shitter.

>> No.7171138


W-why? I fucked up and my buy-in is high so I've only lost money. I'm just too afraid to flip... was telling myself to sell on the pump yesterday and buy back in.

>> No.7171231

Relax kid just hold and you'll be fine. VEN is one of the most promising projects and they still have partnerships under NDA. February will be a great month for us, it could stay slow but in anticipation for the rebrand shit will get real

>> No.7171284

ven chain is wanna be walten coin

>> No.7171337

S to spit

>> No.7171431

Shit coins are crashing and people are looking for something solid to invest in. VEN is partnered with the Chinese central government, the largest freight forwarder in the world, the largest auto group in the world,the worlds largest classification company, and is backed by a three time Forbes top tech investor in the world. I'm comfy as fuck with 90% VEN.

Sit back and watch how professional this project is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LozLbtprTxc

>> No.7171452

When is the rebranding?

>> No.7171457

Oh shit I forgot about the NDAs. VEN is going to pop off

>> No.7171474

Literally everything is crashing to shit and VEN is holding steady at 55k - 60k sats. I regret selling VEN to chase moonshots. FUCK.

>> No.7171584

It's a continuous process but the capstone event is Feb 26

>> No.7171627
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Hold or short. Keep an eye on it.

>> No.7171736
File: 92 KB, 800x592, bluechip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a massacre out there

>> No.7171780

Oh, I know exactly what VEN is and what it does, I DMOR investing, but it was my understanding that BTC dying right now wouldn't be as optimal. On the other hand, that's kind of a stupid way to look at it since I know it's going to have to happen eventually. I just thought you meant more very short-term for some reason.

>> No.7171822 [DELETED] 

>tfw bought VEN at 8$
>tfw bougut xlm at 69c
>tfw had 400$ worth on BTC now i have 290$

being poor and new sucks

>> No.7171851

had 4k now worth 2k

>> No.7171862
File: 29 KB, 1214x272, a903dcb0ef3ca766c6e470c07f5beeb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought VEN at 8$
>tfw bougut xlm at 69c
>tfw had 400$ worth on BTC now i have 290$

being poor and new sucks

>> No.7171864

Am I the only one recognizing this slide thread? That faggot posts this several times a day. Don't answer.

>> No.7171920
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, DUyR6Q7WkAAhdlS.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebranding is this month and money will flock in. They said they will have new announcements throughout the month. Panicked holders of shitcoins will flock. CCK ended up being magical again

>> No.7171966

We're gonna be just fine

>> No.7172004
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forgot img cause I'm autistic

>> No.7172066

this was at 3 btw last time btc shat itself down to low 9s

>> No.7172099

I would say I'm sad since this is a fairly predictable rise-fall-rise-fall trend right now that would make for some easy gains without putting in more fiat :( O well, knowing my luck I'd sell and it would immediately break its ATH with a BMW+GM+PBoC announcement.

In CCK we trust.

>> No.7172151

how does it feels to be rich..? :_:

>> No.7172184
File: 45 KB, 292x499, Atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vechain is scam, no buy

>> No.7172263

You have seen

>> No.7172320

NGL it's pretty dope. I went to a really fun college by Daytona Beach and now I just hang out with my cool as shit dad who retired at 50 and don't feel the need to work. I spent like 50K on concerts, drugs, and a trip to China last year

>> No.7172350
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, Beacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172552

fuck that sounds dope, meanwhile im bleeding out on my little investments and barely surviving in a shitty 3rd world country

>> No.7172562

still better than icx

>> No.7172638

Well there's your problem. You should have selected a first world country at the start menu. Setting it to hard difficulty is stupid

>> No.7172703

I heard that some guy named sunny lu raped some guy in an elevator. Did you people really believed that this shit was not going to tank? Just wait until he rapes someone else this shit going down.

>> No.7172739

>bought in last month
>don't give a fuck about 10% price swings
>going to sell 3 days before the rebranding then buy back in afterwards

maximum comfy

>> No.7172764

yes i know, fuck me I should have selected the easy mode

>> No.7172813

It want to lose 80% in a week?

>> No.7172857

Don't worry, there's always next time. You could always just kys and restaer

>> No.7173417

what if i forget everything that i lived after kms and then again i set my life again to hard difficulty

>> No.7173924

I bought at 4.50 or so. Sold my bags yesterday for ZRX. Did I do bad or good boys?

>> No.7173984

Fomo'd and bought ath.
Not completing the biz trifecta though. Holding instead of selling low.

>> No.7173991

pretty bad. There was much more potential.

>> No.7174145

Isn't the rebrand this month? What am I missing, this shit is gonna moon.

>> No.7174236

Aka you will be selling near zero in a couple weeks

>> No.7174237

>moon at priced in news

>> No.7174261

If there is one thing I am not going to miss it's the cult-like "only positive predictions are allowed" attitudes of VEN bagholders

>> No.7174279


retard its gonna be priced in 1-2 days before news