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7168094 No.7168094 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone here enjoying this crash? Not just because its a great buying opportunity, but because watching normies who bought at $19k panic is just too good.

Newsflash : we are up 1000% this year on BTC, and even more on most top tier altcoins. Normie retards who bought high, please sell low and fuck off, you aren't wanted here

>> No.7168193

I genuinely enjoy it, it's the purge of the weak

>> No.7168289

I'm a newfag who came in a few weeks ago. I don't even care if I get burnt with a huge crash coming - actually learning how much crypto is going to change everything and the kind of stuff I need to learn before it starts to climb back is an invaluable opportunity for $1k imo.

>> No.7168316


I bought in with 2k, ATH was 19.5k, now I only have 5k. But I am still very comfy.

I hope all the weakhands are selling and stay away FOREVER.

Fucking murican weakhanded kiddies, GTFO of my BUSINESS.

FUCK MURICA! - shilthole country.

Canada/Europe/Australia ++1

>> No.7168321

Great buying opportunity? I don't think so? You wanna buy btc? It's going nowhere but down
You wanna buy eth? It's not even tanking that hard
This crash is just boring
Just go to 1k already stop wasting my time stupid dinocoin

>> No.7168375

Good attitude. If you treat every loss as an opportunity to learn, you'll be golden.

>> No.7168378

ETH ATH is around $ 1400, anywhere between $1000-1100 is a great buy zone

>> No.7168381



>> No.7168389

My theory is Amerifats are selling off so they can afford their massive tax bills.
I'm down 130k in the last 7 days and I couldn't care less. Crypto has made me immune to crashes.

>> No.7168462

if you haven't fucking noticed, retard.
ETH is just as inflated as BTC is and will tank just as hard as BTC will.

>> No.7168507
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>yfw you're a newfag but you got the fuck out of BTC the second it went down to 17k and went all in on ICOs

>> No.7168513

you dumb motherfucker, BTC has lost more than half its value in one month, while ETH has gone up.

>> No.7168540

What do yous think about LTC?

I Bought in back in summer when it was ≈ $36. Pretty comfy Holdings.

>> No.7168548

Immense joy seeing my cryptos valued at €20k. HAHAHA. It was fucking €60k like a month ago. So fucking much fun

>> No.7168592

I've felt like we didn't have a real correction after we hit 10k. It was just going up after that and then "corrected" to 10k lol.

Literally everyone who bought before december was fine so far. Everyone needs to suffer their first drop, no exceptions.

>> No.7168616

the memes are better during a crash so yes its worth it.

>> No.7168624


> This is actually good for bitcorn


>> No.7168635

Up +20% on all DAX stocks. Couldn't care less. Nuke us to stone age. Force us into EU. Flood us with 3rd world refugees ... doesn't matter. Money for some reason always manages to find its way into my german master race wallet. "Komfortabel" af.

>> No.7168677

It's starting to hurt..

>> No.7168710

if you think sitting in eth will save you from btc crash lube up your anus
it is looking a little bit more stable now but don't hold your breath

>> No.7168751
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LOL ....

>> No.7168818

Pro Tipp: stop watching youtube/twitter shill shit and start DYOR.

>> No.7168950

makes no difference to me, unless BTC goes sub $900 im in profit- and I highly doubt it will do that

>> No.7168985

Bought in with 600 in dec I’m still at around 14k it’s hard to actually lose money in this market.