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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7163037 No.7163037 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.7163122

It was literally $2.28 a month ago. That's a 2.7x increase in four weeks. It was $0.20 three months ago. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7163143

I hope you sell you don’t deserve this

>> No.7163145

OP is clearly a newfag

>> No.7163162

I just sold my stack an hour ago, it feels... liberating... to say the least.

>> No.7163163

Shoulda bought Walton brah

>> No.7163197

Just sold my ven and bought some WTC and ICX, im goign to the moon.

>> No.7163227

I hope they have news or something to pump the price before VeChain's rebrand this month, or you'll kill yourself.

>> No.7163245

VEN will moon before ICX. Its nearly done recharging for the next pump.

>> No.7163271

Smartest shit u ever did.

>> No.7163380

walton is better

>> No.7163407

All in VEN
And everyday this post makes me fucking laugh haha keep it up

>> No.7163472

how low will this thing go? when should I buy? I want this as one of my "don't look at your portfolio for a year" coins, just not sure if now is a good time

>> No.7163510

Yep, 20 dorrars end of Jan never happened, as I expected

But this is still the next big thing. I strongly believe this thing will replace chinese blockchain, so no worries

>> No.7163595
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>> No.7163644

Likely upcoming partnerships
> Volkswagen and all subsidiaries
> Cisco?
> Guggenheim
Big Things Ahead

>> No.7163696
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what the fuck why would you say this
now its priced in and bound to go down

>> No.7163713
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Calm your tits OP and stay frosty!

>> No.7163761
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With big names it's still going down.
Let's be real VEN is a flop.

>> No.7163780

Literally one of the only coins that actually ended up in the green from the 1st jan to 31st. You must be one of those dumb fucks who bought in at the $9.5 ath.

For people like me however, this coin has been one of the comfiest holds of the month.

>> No.7163820

Shit I bought in at nearly $5 and it still weathered the storm fairly nicely.

10/10 would VEN again

>> No.7163843
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UH UH UH NOT SO FAST Anon sort by percent down from ATH
Ven has been one of the performing coins it only needs a 50% increase to reach ATH again a whole lot less than lots of other coins but whatever stay poor


>> No.7163933

What's wrong is he bought at 7 dollars or higher. Those of us who got in early are comfy as fuck.

Hell I got in late and I'm a total VENlet but I'm happy as fuck with my investment.

>> No.7163954
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Whoops forgot
Sunny blushed during the AMA and said he cant talk about it you could see it in his eyes

>> No.7164020
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And how could i forgot the > Renault group owns NISSAN FUCKING NISSAN people forgot about

>> No.7164081
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>> No.7164176

We are literally going to be rich EOY

>> No.7164246

Same famalam didnt even feel like a crash just felt like a slow month

>> No.7164355

been in since early, comfy af

shady coin tho, dyor, ceo is a rapist

>> No.7164436

>Less than 20% dip
>Everybody shits bricks

Fucking glass hands gtfo.

>> No.7164473

It's down 35% from ATH you brainlet

>> No.7164497

Oh no. Best performing coin in jan. You brainlet

>> No.7164533

From Jan 1 to Jan 31 this coin went 165%

Fucking ungrateful cunts you don’t even deserve money

>> No.7164535
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come burn your shitcoins

>> No.7164650

I got in below $4.00 so I have profited, but it's annoying to see profits slowly bleeding out of my portfolio even in a bear market. It would be understandable if they weren't releasing awesome news every week, but its frustrating that they keep putting out news and its just dropping. I'm not too mad though because I have been buying dips and selling peaks to gradually increase my stacks, so if it ever picks up again I will get some solid gains. But still, I would much rather it just keep going up forever.

>> No.7164705

>I would much rather it just keep going up forever.
you dont fuckin say

>> No.7164722

You know Chinas State owned Chine Mobile, biggest Telcom in the world is building a standard in IoT with Waltonchain. Both Korea and China have ordered Blockchain sollutions for Smart Cities by Walton. State media just covered walton signing ceremony with 7 huge multi billion dollar companies.

>> No.7164746

But I am sure you know that is impossible. Just think if it would double every month. 6.5 now
13,26, 52, 104, 208. 516 usd/piece in july
Completely impossible

>> No.7164784

Question to Ven holders, how will they scale blockchain? If they have working blockchain used by partners, why do they need your masternodes later? How much is your coin worth on the blockchain? This is answers that should be covered in whitepaper, but hurr duurr we dont need whitepaper right?

>> No.7164841

Better tell pwc that vechain didn't think shit through. And how shady sunny is. I bet they will drop them immediately and thank you for saving their asses.

>> No.7164972

Question to non VEN fudders. Was AOL successful, was yahoo sucessful, to any 00 fags, yes they were. Were they the best techwise during their reign. not at all. In the first wave of adaptation you dont need the best tech you need the best businessnetwork.

>> No.7164974

Maybe the blockchain will be able to track things trough centralized API, we will see. But this is not the safest or securest way of doing it. What happened to the platform they were going to make? How will the run icos? But we know nothing about the blockchain. The partners might make company rich and fuck the coin holders. But nobody knows since they wont release a fucking whitepaper!! Not that you venlets would read it.

>> No.7164984
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Wait really?
I thought it was 4th behind Volkswagen, GM, and Toyota.
>tfw GM and VW are rumored to also have a partnership with VEN

>> No.7165038

Renault Source:

>> No.7165284



>> No.7165547
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Yes no, i dont invest in hype without whitepaper, hwo do i know i aint getting fucked, coins not worth shit on blcokchain? A whitepaper is so investors can see how they plan on follow trough with plans. But all you new moonkids buy blindly, but but muh partnerships.... they dont mean shit to you if your coins are worthless

>> No.7165735

dont invest no one gives a shit, were making enough without your tiny retail money

whats the point of input?

fuck it must suck to be so shortsighted

>> No.7165812

kek shitcoin crashed below 9800 and ven is racing towards 5
will be less than a dollar by monday
screencap this

>> No.7165970

>the partners might make company rich and fuck the coin holders

Actively fudding when this retarded. The 'company' is a non-profit.

>> No.7166105

>falling for bait

>> No.7166209
File: 102 KB, 162x595, pepori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think Jim Breyer, DNV-GL, PwC (two companies that specialize in auditing and verification), Michigan State University, or the Chinese government didn't ask for a whitepaper before they invested? Do you really think Sunny got those partnerships even with all those competitors who publicly released ones? You think they all bought blindly? Perhaps they withheld it for a reason.

Once the whitepaper is released following the rebrand, you will be killing yourself for not buying when it was under $1, for not buying when it was under $5, for not buying when it was under $10, for not buying when it fell from a $9 ATH down to under $6. Fucking retard.

>> No.7166284


lmao look at you

>> No.7166323

idk how do we even know if those partnerships are real? where is the proof? actual tangible proof...kinda shady...

>> No.7166359

Sunny Lu just shorted VEN and drove away in his lambo laughing at you dumbfucks.
It's all ogre.

>> No.7166671

It's on their prospective websites
Or do you think they all got hacked by ven

>> No.7166772

idk ive yet to see any substance to the claims of partnerships

>> No.7166828

He didn't buy shit, It's always the same salty waltie making the same thread saying "Fucking piece of shit". He makes one every day.

>> No.7166910

Fuck of fatoy

>> No.7167206

just sold the last of my ven, the keylogger in the wallets source code was the final straw for me

>> No.7167282

Nice Fudding faggot

>> No.7167516


And here I am thinking of rebalancing from 40% to 80% into VEN cause it is stable than most.

Just not from the ATH! :-D :-D

>> No.7167546

Once the cryto market is destroyed to nothing but ashes, VeChain will rise as a phoenix to become the One.

>> No.7167623

>100k EOY
Just imagine :^)

>> No.7167645

shady...... so shady....

but yeah once the bears are gone this is number one on the buy fast list

>> No.7167670

even though i'm down on vechain (obviously)
i'm so fucking glad i picked this shit last month out of all the bullshit i could have picked, something inside me said pick this vejaychain coin.