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File: 218 KB, 475x440, Screenshot from 2018-01-31 21-39-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7161468 No.7161468 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck /pol/. Is he going super saiyan? I feel closer to him and have learned more from him than my dad at this point.

>> No.7161576

Loved the latest Joe Rogan's podcast with Peterson, I listened twice today and once yesterday.

>> No.7161601

Wrong subreddit you cunt

>> No.7161604
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Listening to the new jre interview right now

>> No.7161652

Just watched it today too, seriously great content. I think I've watched the Cathy Newman interview about 6 times now.

fuckin saved lol

>> No.7161678

There's no wrong place for Peterson

>> No.7161684

More great content today btw

>> No.7161749

Thanks! I haven't seen that one. I'll watch tomorrow at my work.

>> No.7161761

Peterson is amazing, exactly what this dying world needs

>> No.7161803

buybut coin pls

>> No.7161895
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>> No.7161903

Wrong board, but yes he is probably the most genuine, and solid voice in the western world right now.

>> No.7161916

He sure got BTFO'ed by the guy asking about Jewish influence at his last presentation.
"I.. I can't..."
*skulks away*

>> No.7161938

The thing is Peterson knows the jewish problem but he knows the truth will emd him.

>> No.7161974
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>Low IQ soyboys actually listen to this guy because their fathers were too pussy to raise them properly
>their face when


>> No.7161981

Thats probably it he needs to amass a larger influence not even the president can say shit like that

>> No.7161993


When will the pol fags leave ?

>> No.7161996

I have listened him before. I liked it, but after some videos, I started to doubt him. Not because of what he says, but unconsciously, without reason. I just can't take him seriously for some reason.

>> No.7162079

Except literally none of those things apply to the typical listener lmfao. You know he's not some leftie faggot right?

>> No.7162089

I think he really shines in his class lectures more than all the recent talks he had

>> No.7162154


>> No.7162167

Yeah they do, they all apply
95% of pol posters watch cuckold porn and anime
>Hes not a leftie
No, hes just a kike

Fuck off cuckold, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.7162179

Yeah, the way that the question was structured was perfect too. He knew he couldn't dismiss him as an altright nut and he couldn't address the question. It was a death trap and it revealed him to be a fraud who knows the truth but is too afraid to address it.

>> No.7162210
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At Chapter 4 now in his new book. He's the greatest thinker of the 21st century. If you're a fan of Nietzsche, Jung, and all around KNAWLEDGE, you should read it.

It's a guidebook to Dasein

>> No.7162261


>> No.7162290

t. cuckold with a failure of a father

>> No.7162292

Had the pleasure of meeting him twice, glad i live in the same city as him

>> No.7162309

Ordered it earlier tonight actually. Don't know shit about philosophy though.

>> No.7162310

Me too buddy. I tried but there's some instinct fighting against it. The same instinct that's saved me from bad trades actually.

>> No.7162330

>He's the greatest thinker of the 21st century
holy shit kill me

>> No.7162380

I'm sorry your fathers never loved you and you needed someone to come along and tell you to clean your room to find any kind of deeper meaning in this life.


>> No.7162437

I know its sarcastic but thanks man. I grew up with a pretty shit father. Would have ended up better without him there.

>> No.7162445

Watching him debate Sam Harris in June

>> No.7162462

i think he's completely trustworthy but I do sort of get your point. He's just very hyperbolic and nearly overuses allegory when making his point, all the bible and fairy tale references and everything else, it can make him seem "out there", but it all ties together and he always brings it back to a valid point.

Also the fact that he has become somewhat mainstream and that there are so many memes/images floating around based on him probably adds to your mistrust towards him as it paints him as more of a joker.

>> No.7162488

I love my Dad and learned a lot from him and still do. Peterson is just great to listen to though, I love the articulation he has.

>> No.7162495


butthurt dickey spencer cock-gobbler detected

sorry your idol is a fag that fucks niggers

>> No.7162503

If he was my real dad he wouldn't make me buy rugs off him.

>> No.7162512

Its written for the laymen, but you definitely can pick up on the Nietzsche, Jung, and (surprisingly) Heidegger if youve read any of their works

>> No.7162525

dunno what all that shit is...

I had a dad, he was a good, strong man, raised me well and I'm fairly successful as an adult.

As for that image, I pretty much hate all of those things besides the fist three seasons of Game of Thrones. All the rest is shit, Rick & Morty is shit, CNN is shit, Reddit is shit, Apple is shit, BuzzFeed is shit, Young Turks are shit, John Oliver is shit, Overwatch is shit, its all shit.

You realize Peterson appeals to right-wingers don't you? all of that shit in this image is for leftwing democrat faggot snowflakes.

>> No.7162527

t. cuckold

>> No.7162529

Who would you say is then? Genuinely curious.

(By thinker I mean from a more cultural/philosophical standpoint)

>> No.7162533

as absurd as it sounds, that is quite literally what some people need lol

>> No.7162544

>appeals to right-wingers
>is a jew
LOL ok beta male clean your room remember

>> No.7162548


It's probably because you have taken in 90% of his message already but taken no action. When you first heard him you had great machinations of how you were going to sort your life out but all you did was listen. Now listening to his great advice doesn't give you that same hit of dopamine like it used to and as a result you don't take it seriously anymore. Your mind is searching for the next voice to listen to so you can feel good and pretend you will start to take action.

>> No.7162557

He loves jews

>> No.7162560

>is a jew
He's literally christian. Are you confused with Ben or some shit.

>> No.7162666
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>> No.7162716
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He says hes a christian just like Trump but hes a jew


>> No.7162753

Very based good man, a light of beam in the darkness.

>> No.7162777
File: 35 KB, 640x553, posobiec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is yet another shill who's too much of a pussy to name the fucking Jew. I dunno about the rest of you but I have absolutely had with these sham "dissident right" cucks who bow before Zion.

>> No.7162782

Literally, like, can't even, am I rite my reddit friend

>> No.7162831

Going balls deep in PetersonCoin
ICO starts in 48 hours
Guarenteed X100

>> No.7162909
File: 114 KB, 470x586, ben shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, Ben Shapiro, that Jewish ethnic activist masquerading as an American conservative.

>> No.7162976

Ben Shapiro is a piece of shit

>> No.7163010
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He's probably just a salemans looking to get rich (and he is)

>communism and marxism is bad, bucko
>jews? yeah they're based as hell
>these communist paintings behind me? I think they're pretty cool

>> No.7163015

That sounds like projection. Nothing in his post validates what you just said.

>> No.7163039

Debatable. Also why did you shill in your previous post, are you a bot?

>> No.7163049


It sure is, but my projection is spot on don't doubt me.

>> No.7163054

He has some fantastic insights and can be extraordinary motivating. And sometimes he's goddamn retarded, like when he opens his mouth about postmodernism.

Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist. He has an undergraduate-at-best understanding of postmodernism. It's embarrassing anyone listens to anything he has to say on the subject. He knows more than your typical newscaster or normie so he comes across as intelligent and knowledgable but any half-decent academic can write off most of what he says as garbage.

This is a very thorough thrashing of his postmodern ramblings:

This article's not even making any ideological points on how to live : it simply demonstrates that almost every single thing Peterson has to say regarding postmodernism is wrong, he does not understand the thinkers he criticizes. Maybe some postmodernist thought is dangerous, but nothing he says successfully argues for that. He's a layman with an international platform.

>> No.7163091

i feel like you have to have an incredibly low iq to like jordan peterson. he says nothing of value

>> No.7163133

Is there anyone /pol/ likes that's actually popular?

>> No.7163151

>kike lover
reddit pls

>> No.7163169

Lol, you litteraly only need to do ONE thing to get your shit together and that is limit internet access.

>> No.7163217

vid link?

>> No.7163237

Hillbot detected.

Will give it a read, thanks.

>> No.7163264
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Either way postmodernism is trash. All of it that isn't Heidegger and maybe some Derrida and René Girard is irrelevant.
On top of that, this link is a blue pilled article.

>a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has entered into an unholy alliance with all the powers of the alt-right to exorcise this specter.
>Peterson neglected to engage with unanimously recognized predecessors in the field of study, like anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss
>Like all the classic conspiracy theories, the antisemitism here is barely concealed

Writing the book off as "bootstrap motivational" is missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.7163296

Got to the oy veying before closing it.

>> No.7163339
File: 264 KB, 940x658, 1468174207253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postmodernists are no different from Hegel -- charlatans.

>> No.7163365

>president infiltrating israel to study the wailing wall in preparation for designing his mexico wall

>> No.7163507


>> No.7163679

>listening to a non-traditionalist anti-culture kike
Please end yourselves immediately or at least find a new father figure.

>> No.7163725

Never. Pol is here to stay.

>> No.7163858

>M-muh jews
>"t-the jews are the cause of our problems"
If you even listen to JP he pretty much talks about how people with higher iqs end up being more successful.
Its why jews, asians, and whites are the only people that can manage a first world country.
if you are born with genetics to have a lower iq you are fucked
that's it.
the jews didn't get together in secret meetings to take over the world.
If it wasnt the jews it would be the asians
stop being butthurt faggots that other groups are above you
at least your not black lol

>> No.7163905

Explain this to me. Because it seems like JP just didn't want to comment on something he didn't know about. Is this some tea party shit?

>> No.7163953



It's just like 85IQ black people saying whites are privleged

>> No.7163970

>If you even listen to JP he pretty much talks about how people with higher iqs end up being more successful.
He doesn't explain why a group of people with an average IQ of 103,(claims of average Jewish IQ being 115 are literally sourceless, Ashkenbazi IQ was measured at 103 in Israel) are represented as if they have IQs of 130 on average. Groups with higher IQs may have higher representation than others, but he ignores the magnitude.

Someone trying explain away Jewish over representation via IQ is a lying shill.

>> No.7163988


Yeah don't conform to a group goy. Evil whiteys, you should be an individual not a collectivist like how 90% of humans have lived. Yes keep being a selfish self centered individualist and keep buying consumer goods and paint your body with ink to show off how unique you are.
There's a reason why the jew can't control collectivist societies.

>> No.7164027
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zionist v. zionist
should be fun

>> No.7164045

>Ashkenbazi IQ was measured at 103 in Israel
Are you sure that's not just because they used the Israeli Jewish population as the norming sample?

>> No.7164056
File: 10 KB, 600x694, happy-merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goys, its just our high IQ, nothing to do with corruption, nepotism or ethnocentrism. Whatcha mad you cant compete with us little old jews are you goy?

>> No.7164063

>Are you sure that's not just because they used the Israeli Jewish population as the norming sample?
yes, because the Sephardic was measured in the 90s.

>> No.7164073
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What does this have to do with cryptocurrency fag?

>> No.7164080

you literally prove his point by going back to "bu-but muh jews"

>> No.7164095

what up Vancouvanon!

>> No.7164114


>> No.7164149

oh shit wut. me too. are there still tickets?

>> No.7164152
File: 4 KB, 208x206, 5bcd02d709811acb7356be78bbd7474acf39cc15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only person you should take advice from. He isn't the smartest guy but he practices what he preaches and doesnt worship the judaic people

>> No.7164154

>corruption, nepotism or ethnocentrism.
your right.
only jews do these things
/pol/ is the opposite of ethnocentric

>> No.7164173

>pol is the mainstream of what white americans do.

>> No.7164184

I keep seeing Ashenazi intelligence being given as being around 110 to 120 in every source I see on the matter

>> No.7164198

Cite the study.

>> No.7164207
File: 141 KB, 1272x740, 94dbedc2-92b5-43af-8ece-95cb3b6f44a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, he actually did it

>> No.7164226

Jordan Peterson is a cuck. He's supposed to be some kind of truthteller, holding facts above all else. Yet he's too much of a pussy to comment on anything other than trannies and he constantly attacks pro-white groups.
Fuck him.

>> No.7164244

True, if big.

>> No.7164249

>a fringe group of the white population is ethnocentric
>this is the same as almost the entire jewish populace being ethnocentric, as well as corrupt and nepotistic

>> No.7164269

It's not.

>> No.7164276

This one puts the Ashenazi Jewish IQ in Britain at around 110 based on 5 studies.

>> No.7164387

There is a part in the new Joe Rogan podcast where he hints toward the JQ. I forget the context, but he was explaining why certain groups occupy high places in different hierarchies. He starts to explain that because Ashkenazi jews have high IQ, it's not surprising that they... But doesn't finish the thought because he saw that he was about to say that jews control a largely disproportionate amount of the gov't, banking, media, etc.

>> No.7164393

> This one puts the Ashenazi Jewish IQ in Britain at around 110 based on 5 studies.
No, that study merely references these others. Where are those studies?

The data collected by these researches found that for "two nationally representative samples of 7–16 year olds in which Jews had mean IQs of 108.5 and 107.7"

Which is probably based on verbal IQ. Richard Lynn is the man who found Israeli Ashkenazi IQ to be 103, and also found their verbal IQ to be 107.5 - almost the same as these researchers average IQ estimates. Ashkenazim score lower on visual-spatial and higher on verbal.

>> No.7164508
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The way Jews got to the top is exclusively through nepotism and corruption.
Having all their men have their penises chopped at birth provides them with a strong sense of shared experience. This bonds the group tightly and they become highly xenophobic.
Additionally the Jews for believe they're Gods chosen people and are beyond critique. Which is exactly the emotional leverage you need to break laws and become parasites in nations other than Israel.
There are other places in Europe where the Ashkenazi genes are found. In fact Ashkenazi genes are found all throughout semetic and European populations. The key is how they, culturally, bond together and how continue to propagate.

>> No.7164623
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Help me out here guys. Who the fuck is this guy and what’s a good video on YouTube to introduce me to what he’s about? Thanks.

>> No.7164649

Basically you brainlets are too ADD to read so you think this dude's uninspired rehash of basic philosophical teachings is somehow earth shattering. No wonder the kikes are winning...

>> No.7164671
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>> No.7164686

>The key is how they, culturally, bond together
And this is where Peterson comes in saying we should disregard group identity. Japan is free of kike overlords, China, India, several Asian countries. The lack of a common culture and hivemind in the West is the reason they proliferate so well here.

>> No.7164708
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Give me one (1) reason why its reasonable to cry about Jews as a white person without sounding like some black sjw victim who blames white people for all their problems

>> No.7164726


Got something better

>> No.7164738

What whites say about Jews is factual.

> one group complains about stuff and they are wrong
> thus if you complain about anything you are also wrong

Horseshoe theory has turned your brain to mush.

>> No.7164745

are you jealous they do nationalism / natsoc better than whiteys?

>> No.7164747

Dude sounds like Kermit.

>> No.7164752

>white population
The majority of /pol/ is insecure mutts, shitskins and larpers

>> No.7164764

Well, and fair enough

>> No.7164794
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Hail Wotann brother HH

>> No.7164806

Well that's only one study on the IQ in Israel.
Richard Lynn himself said it was around 107.5 in "The Intelligence of American Jews".
This study puts it at around 112-115, based on three other studies, however I had trouble finding freely available versions of them.

>> No.7164827

or a man smart enough to know he could gain nothing by naming the jew publicly

>> No.7164829

No matter what any redditor or cynical jew on this baord says, i love this guy.

>> No.7164845

JP is a cuck a liar and a fraud. Paints himself as defender of free speech then displatforms that chick from his event becausr she interviewed right wingers. Completely cucked out on JQ and goes on about the evils of "collectivism" instead and how we all should be atomized individuals. "Never get together as a group for your interests goyim. Clean your room instead." The guy is s complete fraud that gives basic- bitch, boomer tier self help advice and somehow faggots eat it up

>> No.7164852


Clean your room

>> No.7164871


>> No.7164875

I think he's wrong in disregarding group identity.
The problem with group identity for me is that everyone is splintering off to form some new group. Here in Australia it's just "so totally cool and hip" to be anything other than Australian and if you don't like that you're a racist xenophobe and deserve to die.
How does the nation stand? In Japan they're all Japanese and believe in Japan. Everyone in Japan understands exactly what being Japanese represents. Group identity in Japan is totally fine, because there's only ONE group identity that's permissible.

>> No.7164878

>I had trouble finding freely available versions of them.
Because they are bullshit. It's a merry go round. A study that doesn't study anything, but references other studies, that we can't get access to. There's no original source.

And Richard Lynn lies about American Jewish IQ. He has no evidence for it being different than Israeli Ashkenazi IQ.

>> No.7164884

They are not wrong though
Jews won the game.
Whining about it just makes you look like a cuck

>> No.7164906

nope, whining about it makes people wake up and then we win the game.

>> No.7164909

this. Group identity being disregarded is a result of "modernity" and multiple groups existing in the same space, whose interests are diametrically opposed

>> No.7164922

I am.
The way Israel protects their borders is exactly how Europe should be protecting theirs.
But (((they're))) in control of the media and do everything within their power to make sure Europeans cannot culturally exert themselves.

>> No.7164981
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and when you find the original source, you find that there's no actual controls for it being a "normal" sample.

A study based on the WORDSUM test in the general social survey, estimated average Jewish IQ being around the same as Anglican IQ.

It puts their IQ at 112, but you see that the average is 106, so their (verbal) IQ would be 106 points if the average was set to 100, as it usually is.

>> No.7165071

I understand that very well. What you're experiencing is "culture cringe" and its quite common in the anglo sphere. The pill you'll have to swallow is understanding the fact that you are ethnically european and the only way to go back to your roots is to literally travel back to where your ancestors originally emigrated from. It doesn't get easier after that either since many traditions have died or were forgotten in Europe. You'll pretty much have to find a small minority of traditional people you can bond with culturally and move on from there

>> No.7165091

Are you willing to die for your freedom? I assure you many people are aware we live in a corporate state. But so long as the silent majority plays along in the rat race and political theatre, nothing will change. So yes, it's simply just complaining

>> No.7165252

>ethnically european and the only way to go back to your roots is to literally travel back to where your ancestors originally emigrated from
Australia was founded as a European Christian nation and only in the last 30 years has it deviated from that past.
The Aboriginals before them were not unified, there was no common tongue, the current "Aboriginal flag" is a very recent phenomenon. The Aboriginals were waring tribes and were not technologically advanced enough to kick out European settlers.
To be fair, I genuinely think Aboriginals are uniquely Australian and deserve to be considered as such.
But all this said.... I've swallowed the blackpill and can't see how the nation is going to be won back. It's bleak out there.

>> No.7165296

>implying abos are human

>> No.7165374

/pol/ created /biz/

>> No.7165397

I'm just trying to help out. You're ethnically European not Australian, so no matter what you'll always be foreign over there. Your genes for skin color, hair thickness, limb length and bone structure were made for Europe. Much like the fact that Muslims living in Europe are foreigners, you'll one day have to accept the fact that you're merely an invader.

>> No.7165494

Ashkenazi Jews are inbred Khazars mixed with Europeans and yet they have no problem appropriating ancient Hebrew culture and calling Israel theirs.

>> No.7166033

Vox Day

>> No.7166123
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>Implying not a cunt
you're definitely an Indian, I can smell it from here. The way you structure your argument is just low iq jewry and your rhetoric is so void of charisma.

Indian range ban when!?

>> No.7166158

>everyone I dont like is a jew: the thread


>> No.7166208

found the jew