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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 350x350, LINK-Logo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7158253 No.7158253 [Reply] [Original]

So much shilling on LINK here in biz. Why should I buy it? Tell me.

>> No.7158276

if you cant bother to research it yourself you dont deserve the gains that this coin will bring you

>> No.7158321

because the ceo is a russian scammer who has 1 commit to github of 1 line of code despite raising 30million dollars.

if you think oracles are important get mobius coin they have a much better and bigger team.

link is vaporware scam erc20 shit token

>> No.7158335

Conversely, if you cant bother to research it yourself you dont deserve to be saved from the terrible losses that this coin will bring you

>> No.7158350

Right now we have a bunch blockchains fighting for dominance and none of them want to securely interact with eachother or the outside world.

LINK fixes this.
They can all communicate as well as store (Stocks, ETF DATA, DEEDS, Shipping Info, Results of any game (Video and IRL).

Link is the Bulldozer for the Market Cap when we've been using Pick-Axes this whole time.

>> No.7158352

not even 1 commit anymore. their GitHub is empty now lol

>> No.7158356

if you cant bother to research it yourself you dont deserve the gains that this coin will bring you

>> No.7158373

It's the next ETH but you get to buy it while it's cheap

>> No.7158382



>> No.7158404


>> No.7158420

Don't do it OP, this was a silent exit scam. The value of LINK is pegged to $1.50 max

>> No.7158440

if you cant bother to research it yourself you dont deserve the gains that this coin will bring you

>> No.7158475


>> No.7158488
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They got a partnership with Jason Parser, a pretty big wig in online tech. DYOR though

>> No.7158511


Don't buy it

>> No.7158523


It links information to blockchains. Chainlink. It links the chains. Get it?

If you are a smooth brain then combine this with some blind faith and you'll make it.

>> No.7158531

$1000 minimum EOY
get in or stay poor

>> No.7158536

To take these bags of garbage off my hands
>tfw bought into meme crypto because it’s shilled daily on /biz/

>> No.7158539

yup the fact that sergey has 0 commits to github and they have used the 30million to hire 0 developers is just fud and there is no news of a actual token its just an erc20 peice of shit fud fud fud

>> No.7158563

I heard even Chad O'Fork is joining their team soon, but they're keeping it in the shadows.

>> No.7158570

Stop trying to scam anons here. $1.00 by EOY

>> No.7158577

It's not really worth buying, the white paper already describes how ChainLink will only be used for a small percent of nodes and most nodes won't use any LINK. To facilitate efficient transfers, 1 link ought to cost about a cup of coffee.

>> No.7158578
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You need to have faith in Sergey, that's all.
No questions allowed.

>> No.7158623
File: 545 KB, 1652x588, concurrence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, linkies. Sure, a decentralized oracle network may be the future, but this unprofessional team isn't going to build it. They can't even put together a roadmap. Their website's hardly changed since ICO. Their github's empty and their community manager flunked 9th grade English.
Check out https://concurrence.io/abstract
Actually seems like a professional website, and it's not centralized pajeet-ware like Mobius.

>> No.7158768

>A decentralized Ethereum oracle will enable the next generation of smart contracts.
Not blockchain agnostic like LINK?

>> No.7158790

They moved the code to a private github, Rory explained it himself.

This fud is getting annoying. You should have accumulated by now

>> No.7158801

Github is empty because development is private you moron.

>> No.7158841

Anons here are so sick and fucking tired of explaining the coin to retards who are too lazy to research it themselves. We have been talking about the technicals of the coin for months and we are past technicals. We aren't going to sit here and teach you it and make sure you learn it. Watch some fucking youtube videos if you have trouble with the whitepaper.

>> No.7158846

How did you get this information?

>> No.7158970

if you can't be bothered be bothered spreading the word of a project you believe in
then you're sabotaging your own gains

some anon explained LINK to me, so I bought in
and told 4 friends in crypto

>> No.7159058

It's developed for Ethereum at this stage, but in principle once you develop a decentralized, trustless method of aggregating off-chain data for Ethereum there's very little work involved in having your oracle network communicate with other blockchains.

>> No.7159096

Fuck the LINK knockoffs are really starting to come out of the woodwork.

>> No.7159115
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>> No.7159162

You know how old gypsies can read your future in tea leaves and shit? I've read the future in greasy Big Mac boxes and I can tell you that Chad O'Fork is close to us.

>> No.7159208

lmao just looked into this
>owner Austin Griffith is cucked by a wife and kid(s)
>concurrence gitter has 1 person in it - it's Austin
>commit messages include "nothing", "idk", and "changes", a software engineer's nightmare. imagine trying to trace bugs back in the history with shit messages like this - no programmer will want to work on a project that has set a precedent for terrible housekeeping

>> No.7159244

What, you thought the Shadowfork was just a meme? If you have a good idea but obviously lack the competence to pull it off, other companies are going to swoop in and finish you off. I happen to know a number of teams working on parallel projects. It's only a matter of time before someone actually deploys a working mainnet with real partnerships, while linkies are left crying in a corner with their worthless tokens and mumbling something about "muh NDAs."

>> No.7159250


You know what? I finally understand why people FUD LINK so much. Used to hate it, but now I understand. It's because of dumb motherfuckers like you who ask to be spoon-fed, without the slightest effort to understand things for themselves.

This question is asked how many times, every fucking day? And you couldn't even look through one of the hundreds of threads asking the exact same thing.

So no, don't buy ChainLink, because you honestly don't deserve to be rich. Buy Mobius instead, its got much more potential you dumb faggot

>> No.7159325
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>> No.7159494
File: 159 KB, 795x767, b0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oracles are as much of a game changer as /biz/ claims they are
>SmartContract's incompetence obliterates ChainLink's first mover advantage
>mfw stinky linkies realize it's 1980 and they've been betting on Xerox for the past five years

>> No.7159960

heh, xerox has a $6.1 billion market cap. I'd be pretty happy if LINK achieve that this year.

>> No.7160088

It's a piece of shit that people use to distract you from the legitimately good projects that are posted on /biz/. If you read the whitepaper, you'll see that they use Intel SGX for the computations performed by the oracle service. SGX has a number of high profile unpatched security vulnerabilities that make it totally unsuitable for use in oracles, which require supreme data integrity. People ask about this in the slack and Rory and t.hodges just deflect, claim it isn't an issue, or say that there are better options, but of course they refuse to talk about them. This is just one of many huge problems with the project. You can search them out for yourself, but believe me, it is a waste of your time.

There are other projects that promise oracles which do not have the glaring issues facing Chainlink. For example, Mobius uses a far more robust system to prevent tampering of data. Queried API data is encrypted and distributed to oracle nodes in such a way that, even if some of them are compromised, calculations will can be performed and accurate data conveyed to smart contracts without worry of malicious inaccuracy. Think of a redundant RAID setup for data storage and you have the right idea. There are a handful of other improvements that Mobius alone have made to Chainlink's idea, and they're already getting a lot of attention from legitimate blockchain projects like Walton. Don't fall for the memes anon. Link was a good idea, much like bitcoin, but it's simply getting crushed by the dev's poor decisions and by superior competition.

>> No.7160171

> $1.00 EOY

y-you promise? I could use those gains

>> No.7160290

>green ID
mobius is the chosen one

>> No.7160429

Literally none of this is true.

and Mobius is not decentralized which is the whole point of Chainlink

OP - this is grade F pathetic pajeet-tier FUD

>> No.7160548
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>> No.7160572
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>> No.7160602

>Why should I buy it? Tell me.

Its a real project and potentially worldchanging.

I'm poor and only have 150 LINK though so I'm sucked and will be a slave forever.

>> No.7160658
File: 40 KB, 618x505, 56381_unicef-india-take-poo-to-the-loo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160732

Listen dude. Most of us have done the research here and have come to the conclusion that Mobius is better. Faster, better team, more likely to be top 3 coin. Just trust us and put all your money in Mobius.

>> No.7160780

You linkies digust me. You're so deluded you don't realize that link is nothing more than a simple Jason Parser that could be written in javascript in a few minutes. it doesn't even need a token. Speaking of tokens, link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin. How can you be this oblivious?

What real world use does link even have? Have you ever thought beyond the memes and the charts and really considered it? Nobody uses smart contracts because nobody wants to get involved in white supremacist internet funny money. Banks aren't going to adopt it because they make money off of things taking forever, and normies don't know any better.

And that's not even talking about the 'team', which is literally two people. They haven't even hired anyone. Did you miss all of the reports of Sergey fucking prostitutes and eating cheeseburgers after the ICO was finished? Hope you got your $32MM worth, retards.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that link is just an ERC20 token. What other token has made it past, say, $2? Can you name a single one? Exactly, no, you cant.

Even Vitalik says it's not worth $32MM. Are you going to disagree with the autistic genius money skelly? Of course he understands the value of oracles, that's why he's going to include it in the next ETH update (cap this). Why the fuck would he leave something like this to a no-name shitcoin? Use your fucking brain manlets.

OH LOOK, IT'S CRASHING AGAIN, SURPRISE. Fucking deluded stinky linkies.

>> No.7160824

>Mobius is not decentralised

Fuck off kupal

>> No.7160885

I don't know much about it. I bought it because it reached cult-status here. That means there's lots of people religiously pumping this coin, and when I say religiously I mean above all logic and reason. That's more than enough for me to make a long term hold

I just follow the memes. Because I intend to make it

>> No.7160956
File: 34 KB, 324x200, 1516757525705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this infographic for you

>> No.7161049

>Listen dude. Most of us have done the research here and have come to the conclusion that Mobius is better.

Listen my dude. Many of us have being doing the researching for the on here and have the conclusion come that the India scamcoin is shillable fud. It is most faster, has the team of better and is of India and therefore not of the best of anything. Therefore be trusting us and into the Mobius your money will go.

>> No.7161479

anyone got a screenshot of the first ever link shill post on biz?

if not mistaken it had sergey's head photoshopped onto jesus's body with a galatic background