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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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715506 No.715506 [Reply] [Original]

How important is IQ in terms of career success? For example, I took the WAIS-IV and got "very superior" on some sections of the test and "low average" on a few others.

>> No.715571

Very low. Very many poor smart people.

>> No.715638

Depends. If you can "use" your IQ and research on something that hasn't been thought of or invent something useful and present it to any gov't or top corps, they will ask for a price. If you really have a high IQ or got "very superior" then it wouldn't be hard to think of something like this or to even ask about it.

>> No.715680

as long as you don't fall in the 'below average' range it isn't important. work ethic, dependability, integrity, etc. are all more important. even if your iq is below average you can be successful.

>> No.715685

Means absolutely nothing.

>> No.715691

As long as your IQ is not so far below average that you cannot function in society...

>> No.715698

I think there was a study about this done. There's very little correlation between high intelligence and success.

>> No.715719

Apart from jobs like chemical engineering and things that actually require you to be intelligent and know your field - IQ is irrelevant to most jobs. More important is your ability to communicate with other humans, learn new concepts, apply new concepts, and work efficiently both alone and in teams. Essentially your personality and ability to learn rather than your innate intelligence.

>> No.715752
File: 16 KB, 555x524, income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so many morons claiming there's no correlation between IQ and career success. This may be a new low for /biz/.

>> No.715755
File: 8 KB, 1095x805, dollarbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of fact, there are few things in life more linearly correlated than IQ and wealth.

>> No.715756
File: 43 KB, 1214x802, Chart-III-3-IQ-Tends-To-Be-Positively-Correlated-With-Income-And-Wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost feel bad bursting the delusions of the retards in this thread.

>> No.715758

Who cares fucktard. I have a good IQ. Stop caring so much about stupid shit like this and make some money.

>> No.715759

You want to be rich? There's three way to do it, in order of likelihood:

1. Be born with godly genetics (looks, athletic ability).

2. Be born into the right family (inheritance).

3. Be born a genius.

Society values those with talents (1 & 3), and values intelligence more than anything else.

>> No.715762

>Who cares
Who cares? WHO CARES? Obviously OP cares, along with the retards who chimed in above me.

Obviously you cared enough to make your little contribution too.

>Who cares?
What does that even mean? I don't even.

>> No.716084

I care more about whether or not that gap will hinder me.

>> No.716103


What does it mean if my net worth and income are double the highest levels on that chart?

Am I genius wizard?

>> No.716104

they are directly correlated, for studies related to the topic look on gwern.net

in fact this is basically all IQ is proven to be useful for.

more specifically it relates IQ to potential earnings, which isn't exactly the same as career success

>> No.716113


>> No.716117

It means you're not a young baby boomer (~25 in 1970)

>> No.716118

I have interviewed at 2 places that pretty much throw your resume out, give you an IQ test, and then ask what you would like to do.

If your answer to what you would like to do does not fit with the IQ test, you are gone. If it does, you are hired. Both jobs barred you from anything managment related below a 115

>> No.716128

While people with higher IQs tend to make more its kind of the same standard as why men make "more" than women. Its not a bias, its just those with higher IQs can get into fields with higher demands.

Personally, I think it would be good for most people to have an IQ test done before leaving high school. Mostly because if you have an IQ of 95 and your going to go into college to be an aerospace engineer you might just be wasting your time. That isn't to say IQ can't be overcame with very hard work -- but that is to say, most people won't (read: can't) work hard enough to overcome it.

At the same time you can have an IQ in the 150s and work at McBurgerLand. There are a lot of people that have high IQs that are lazy, feel socially isolated (typically self medicate with drugs and/or alcohol), and all the other things that turn what could be successful people into shitlords.

However, in America we are all about telling little timmy and kimmy they can be whatever they want to be, even though timmy is stupider then most animals and kimmy is an emotionally damaged female who is destined to be a stripper.

>> No.716562

Have to give people hope, telling them the cold harsh truth that Timmy is dumb and Kimmy will never amount to anything probably won't help.

Then again, there are the select few who work their ass off despite not being very intelligent.
I for one will admit my IQ would be considered shocking, I have a learning disability in mathematics (dyscalculia) but that never stopped me from pursuing Accounting and Finance and now attempting to pass CFA exams. I worked hard at it though.

>> No.717866

This is the best way to see it if you never want to achieve anything, because it makes it easy to blame your lack of success on external factors.

IQ most likely helps a lot, but only up to a point. After that point it matters much more what you make of your gray cells. It's good to be "smarter" than 90% of people, but someone actually doing something with their 120 IQ like starting a company or putting in the effort to get a good job will be multiple times more successful than the 150 IQ hikki who is insecure about not having a 200 IQ.

>> No.717868

A pretty stupid company, that bases it's hiring decisions on a test designed to measure whether kids are mentally disabled with no other factors

>> No.717888

Most software companies do this by proxy (problem-solving programming interviews) and it seems to work for them.

>> No.717896

>This is the best way to see it if you never want to achieve anything, because it makes it easy to blame your lack of success on external factors.
If this is your coping mechanism, that's fine. Everyone needs to deal with their baggage in their own way.

But we're not discussing the merits of hard work and effort. We're discussing whether IQ has a correlative effect on income. While its true that's you can't control your IQ, we don't have to stand in denial about its importance in predicting your future career success.

There are many things that you have no control over but which still have a huge impact on your future life and wealth: your IQ, your genetics, your parents wealth and education, and where you were born. That you have no control over these things doesn't make them less relevant or less worthy of discussion.

>> No.717920

The CEO of my previous company was dumb as a box of rocks. But he was good at one thing - manipulating people and taking credit for everything. So he made it rich.

>> No.717938

Can confirm, I bring in around 168,000. My IQ is 10 like it says on the graph

>> No.718435

Are you sure that's not all part of an act that made people underestimate him?

>> No.718448

dont worry man
you're just mildly screwed :^)

>> No.718452

more like there's no use in impressing the office boy.

>> No.718453

>Stupid enough to be perfectly happy making bank working in various skilled trade positions
>"I'm better than trade workers," mumbles the eternal cube dweller under his breath

>> No.718470

agreed. u just have to be high enough in the (problem solving) iq area. the rest is up to social iq, emotional iq, creative iq, autism/nuerotypical, intro/extraversion, AMBITION, MANIPULATION SKILLS, rhetoric/oratory, memory, socio/economi/cultural upbringing, ethnicity, gender,height, weight, abled/disabled birth timing, etc......

>> No.718593

No, it was not an act. What was an act was when he was kissing the ass of the people who were giving him money. He was good at bullshitting people who didn't know better into thinking that he knows everything about the business. In fact he didn't do or know shit, all the employees did the work. He took the credit (and money). Fuck that guy.

>> No.718598

General rule of this board is, if you have to ask a question like that then the answer is no. Also you'd know that already if you were such a smarty smart.

>> No.718674
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I think creativity (Not talking about painting or whatever, but out of the box thinking when solving a problem) is far more important.

It's one of the reasons Asian countries don't really progress or only artificial progress (with government incentives and data manipulation).

Lot's of Asians go to Harvard, Yale etc etc They learn skills there but when a real life problems turns out to be slightly different as what they learned from the books they get stuck and don't know what to do (as creativity is alien to them)....