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7156166 No.7156166 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7156194

Just say no. Stop it mom.

>> No.7156208

reeeeeeee normies

>> No.7156220


Could have been a good thread if you actually gave us the full convo and details rather than this random segment

>> No.7156223

post moms milkies please dear sir

>> No.7156228

Do women actually things like this when you make it?

>> No.7156241

do what I did and tell them to save up for the next bull run in 4-5years

best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. the second best time is right now.

>> No.7156248
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Yup every time

>> No.7156250

But she's the one being money centered
If she doesn't care why is he begging for someone to pay her stupidass loans
Just block your mom

>> No.7156269

he's been bitching all day. his sister is kicking up a stink cause it's the super blood moon and periods are fucking crazy.

>> No.7156279

eteram holders unite

>> No.7156283

Your family is total shit anon.

My family knows about my fortune and hasn't asked for a dime.

>> No.7156298
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Hmm i mean, you could have told her..it was your family, if i had a family i would have told them to invest at least a bit

You are a faggot op

>> No.7156300

show the rest

>> No.7156308

ABsolutely disgusting
Yeah tell a family member who’s already in debt to gamble on volatile crypto
That mom is a fucking retard
If shit went south they wouldn’t talk to him either
Lose lose situation
Fucking hate normies
Don’t be a stupid cunt and do your own research, pretty simple
It fathoms me how stupid the general population are

>> No.7156352

Post more

>> No.7156367

because you can't cash out lmao

dont forget: you're hodling forever

>> No.7156368

I'm gay

>> No.7156374


I have to say - I have a wonderful wife and two daughters....

And yes - women do crazy when money shows up.

Half of the reason I do well with women is because I’ve always made money. It just lubes everything up - but they do have a tendency to go mad and get spoiled.

>> No.7156390

I mean op, i don't know if you hate your family if they have abused you or something like that, if that is the case then let them die i don't know, but if you love them why didn't you tell them about crypto?

>> No.7156418
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Buht moo'om
The internetmoneymarket is currently down 20%

>> No.7156422

He made a thread earlier with the beginning of the convo.
Basically the mother said her sister was upset because anon didn't tell her about BTC, while making 500K himself.
And then said the mother said he should pay her sister's student debt, that he's selfish and all.

>> No.7156437

Pay 1:1 whatever they're willing to pay themselves. Tell them to show proof that they are at least trying to paying off their own loans.

>> No.7156438
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>> No.7156445

>someone asks for context
>still provide some vague ass shit that means nothing

Why is this board so fucking brainlet?

>> No.7156469


well but she IS RIGHT i mean WTF dude why wont you tell your family and the people that you love an opportunity to be millonarie?

You guys are selfish as fuck

>> No.7156475

Yup this, people that ask me about going in on crypto could never handle the swings, they would pull biz's all day buy high sell low

>> No.7156485

>all these dudes that aren't dating other professionals.

What is wrong with you? Like " women are crazy murr".

Date someone with the same level of education and professional experience and you won't deal with shitty people.

It's not their sex it's the person.

>> No.7156499

If your sister doesn't try to pay off her debt herself, she will never learn. Don't give a free handout, even if they're family.

Do what this guy says. I've made a lot of money. When I paid off my parent's gambling debts, they kept going back to the same state every single time, knowing I'd be the one to bail them out.

>> No.7156523

Because when you are inevitably wrong at some point they will blame you for the crash. We are literally gambling here

>> No.7156527

education and experience does not automatically make someone a "good" person

>> No.7156570

>professional experience
are you lost?

>> No.7156579

No it's not a 1:1 Obviously, but you significantly reduce your chances of dating someone shitty when you date someone that has a similar value or work ethic to your own.

>> No.7156580

Oh brother, it's not even OP's reply, it's a joke.
>Why is this board so fucking brainlet?
Whatever you do, don't look in a mirror.

>> No.7156588

It fathoms you?

>> No.7156610
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Come on dude that is no excuse, you just warn them several times and that's it, tell them not to invest more than what they can afford to lose

And come on, OP made 500K and in all the way he coudn't have told them? Iit's a fucking selfish cunt

>> No.7156620

>t. loses his house in divorce
"smart and professional" women are simply more adept at concealing and personally justifying their true nature

>> No.7156645

Dating professional women is a recipe for disaster. Your head is not screwed on right. Much better off dating a woman that's a few social stratums below you.

>> No.7156648

Non English native mixing perplex and fathom probably.

>> No.7156657

It's the sex you retard

>> No.7156668

Can not fathom **
Woops just woke up

>> No.7156693

>It fathoms me

Ahhhh. I love it when retards pretend to have a broad vocabulary.

>> No.7156721

This. Women all have *some* form of common emotional quirks, but they aren't all carbon copies of eachother. Virgins and neckbeards hate women because they feel like all women have cheated them on a personal level somehow. The truth is, it's just the autism taking hold of your porn fried brain.

>> No.7156726
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>broad vocabulary

>> No.7156737
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>> No.7156774


>> No.7156800

Lmao the audacity

>> No.7156804

>Have a master's
>GF is finishing her master's in the same field
>have a Dog apartment happy etc
>Money not an issue no one cares
>I currently make double her salary bc she's a student, but everything is cool split most expenses equally.

No it's 250% the person. You need to drop the incel perspectives. Get off 4chan and better yourselves. It's not impossible to be happy.

>> No.7156817

tell her that warren buffet would not pay it all at once
warren buffet would be better served by having that money available to him, because he is able to invest it for a higher return than would be saved by paying it off

>> No.7156822

Nope-time to GTFO

>> No.7156838

Dude what are you doing? You're being used.

Tell her to handle HER debts like everyone else on the fucking planet.

Money ruins family. Now you know. Dumb bitch is just gonna use her freedom to rack up more credit card debt later anyway.

Don't waste your time. Fuck this.

>> No.7156845

Never make your family invest in something as uncertain as crypto.
They'll rely on you for every trading decision, and if you happen to be wrong they'll blame you.

>> No.7156846

>It fathoms me
If a poet said that you all would have liked it

>> No.7156847

Your mom's a money-grabbing retard.

Did you have someone that you know show you how much money crypto could make you? If no why does she think you have that obligation?

>> No.7156858

why are you going to pay your sisters debt?
she is just going to get dicked down by some chad who will talk shit on you behind your back

>> No.7156862

Absolutely this.
Do what you think is right and you'll end up with the right person, and the right environment (for better or worse).

>> No.7156863

Wow your family are fucking assholes OP.

>> No.7156871

How do we still get people like this in the Year of Lord 2018?

>> No.7156874

Don't do it. Pay exactly how much she pays each month. Interest is hers to deal with.

If you pay it all, the problem is in your hands.

>> No.7156888


why does your sister deserve your hard earned money? She chose to put herself in thousands of dollars of debt and now your entitled family feels like YOU have to pay.

Your mom could at least be nice about the way she's asking you. Instead, it's like she's demanding you. wtf kinda relationship is that

>> No.7156894

Also OP if you do this know that you're opening the floodgates for your family asking for more. Even if your sister's the best person in the world she'll definitely be fine without your money.

>> No.7156900


Dude you are fucking up. Do not pay your sister's student debt, you are not doing her any good. If you parents paid for you college, maybe you could pay them back, but that's about all you should do. If you pay her debt they will just come back for more money. They see you as a money source and not a family member. If your family was homeless or starving of course you'd house and feed them. But just shoveling money at them because they think its not fair isn't helping them.

>> No.7156908

I'm honestly really sorry you're going through this. I've seen money ruin a few families.
Maybe try and spend time consolidating her debts and crafting a repayment plan. Don't throw money at the problem and expect it to work out (it won't).

>> No.7156916

You don't have a sister anymore

>> No.7156917

Also, what if you told them, and it then crashed? That is and was always a distinct possibility? What then? Some people will hate you either way, that's their problem.

>> No.7156927
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lmao, i bet your sisters clothes are nice, i bet she uses nice makeup. I bet she goes out and buys 4+ drinks at the bar, I bet she eats out whenever she feels like it.

Your sister will be poor forever. Don't let your family drag you down. Like with a drowning person, they will climb over you, trying to save themselves, drowning you both in the process. Paying off her debts will teach her nothing, and make her more reckless with money.

Ask how you paying off her debt will prevent her from not accumulating debt she cant pay in the future.

>> No.7156929

give me your mom's number
i will settle this for you m8
your gains will remain your own

>> No.7156934

hey can you post the hole convo mate. I need some comedy gold.

>> No.7156935

>Your not entitled to my money
>I'm starting a family with my own woman
>She isn't my wife, her husband can take of her
>I'll hook her up with on of my internet crypto friends on sugarbaby.com

>> No.7156955

Create a payment plan where she will be able to afford to pay her debt. But don't, please don't, pay it all for free. She is gonna cling onto your legs for the rest of your life. I've seen it happen too many times.

>> No.7156957

I’m never, ever telling anyone, ever, about my crypto gains

except for the taxman I guess

>> No.7156959

I have the same problem after telling some friends about my gains now they bitch whenever I don't pay for dinner and I always have to pick up the tab. One friend is constantly asking what he should invest in and I just know w/e I tell him he will FOMO into it at ATH and then blame me for it so I don't even fuck with that.

>> No.7156998

get new friends brah they are losers

>> No.7157017








>> No.7157018

It's bullshit because if you told her she would not have invested and if she did it would be during the normie craze buying fucking Tron at ATH.

>> No.7157024
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>your sister fucked up, and now YOU need to pay her debts cuz you're rich, otherwise she'll never talk to you again!
>"it's about right and wrong, it doesn't always feel good"
>implying doing the right thing doesn't feel good

the fucking logic women operate on...just fyi, if you pay even a single cent you're a massive cuck. it's not even about the money anymore it's about the principle, they have zero respect for you. let this be a lesson for them.

>> No.7157027


Thats my plan, i've told a few people about my ETH gains, and getting into crypto, they just all beg me for tips. I'm going radio silent at this point, nobody needs to know except old uncle sam.

Then my relationships wont get ruined.

Assuming I don't continue retarded trades and losing money, and actually get into a moon mission.

>> No.7157033

say you will match what she pays on it

>> No.7157057

This unironically sounds like an okay idea if you wanted to help her.

>> No.7157058
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>do you want a little brother or sister, anon?
Being an only child is the gift that keeps on giving. On the other hand, I'll never be able to fuck my sister :(

>> No.7157068

this x 10000000000

if OP pays, he's a fucking faggot

>> No.7157101

I like this idea best of all as well.

>> No.7157111




this is the biggest shit test ever. I would tell my family to fuck right off and that any goddamn cent they got was a BLESSING

>> No.7157113
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hey thanks anon maybe im not as dumb as i think

>> No.7157117

Its sad when this sort of stuff happens. Family can be crabs in a bucket of poverty that pull down anyone that tries to escape. You see this a lot especially from poorer areas, it is basically communism on a family level. Once you start down this trend of handing out money to them more come like scavengers looking for an easy meal, suddenly you have cousins that can't pay rent and it would "destroy" your mothers relationship with her siblings if her son REFUSES to pay for her sisters kids rent.

>> No.7157123

This is a decent idea
(only if senpai is going full retard though)

>> No.7157134

you are dumb
paying more than nothing is pure cuck status

>> No.7157143

OP. Tell your mom to pay some, you pay some, and your sister pay some. See how she responds

>> No.7157151

Say you will match 50% of what she pays, she pays $20 you pay $10

>> No.7157162

No they are cunts. Don't pay a single fucking dime.

>> No.7157164
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>> No.7157168

you absolutely should not pay a cent of your sister's debt. If she wont talk to you because of that, it means she's not only a bum but she's a piece of shit as well.

Good people don't treat people they love like that. It's her debt, it's your money. She can make her own money herself to pay off her debt.

Anyway, if anyone ever said "you have to do what I demand or I'm not talking to you again" I would say "Ok then I guess we're not talking"

And when people ask you why you're estranged, you can tell them she demanded you pay off her school loans. It's her integrity and her reputation on the line, not yours.

>> No.7157171

>>She isn't my wife, her husband can take of her
Anything can happen, anon.

>> No.7157172

I told my family about crypto because I believed in it and I care about them and their wellbeing. I told them it was extremely risky but that I was taking the chance, maybe they should invest no more they can lose as well.

I did this because I love them. Regardless of how they do in crypto (some invested, some didn't), it's still my intention to share with them some of what I've made. It's not like I did it through labour, I made hundreds of thousands of dollars for basically no work. It's a gift, and I want to share it with people I love. Maybe you should too?

>> No.7157177

no it's much much worse.
seriosly if you're considering giving away any of your gains MODS MODS MODS permaban this cuck. he lacks all /biz/ spirit.
your gains are yours alone, your fucking family has no respect for you

>> No.7157202
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>> No.7157211

Regardless of your intentions, normies will buy bitconnect-like bullshit and get justed and blame you for it.

>> No.7157239

Do this if your mom continues to argue

>> No.7157259
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Life isn’t a Pixar movie Anon. If you give them a dollar, they’ll keep on asking or else “you don’t Love the family”. get them nice gifts for Christmas and that’s it

>> No.7157281

>It's not like I did it through labour, I made hundreds of thousands of dollars for basically no work

not true. no matter how many people say crypto is such an easy way to make money, it's still extremely high risk. you took that risk, and received high reward.

>> No.7157323

Text your sister and post it

>> No.7157355

Here's how it's gonna go down OP.

You're gonna mysteriously pay off your sister's student loan without her knowing and your bullshit mother is gonna claim it was all her doing.

I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money, if you have a good relationship with your sister then you should approach her and talk to her about it.

Cut your mum out of the conversation because it's not her debt and it's not her money. She is being a greedy fuck.

>> No.7157359

>OP you're selfish as fuck for not telling your family to gamble with their life savings on such an uncertain thing while your sister is already in debt
You guys are idiots. Nobody knew btc was going to blow up like it did. For all we know it could have crashed to $0.02 at the time.

>> No.7157371

If you absolutely cannot convince yourself that you have no need to pay, then this is the only correct option.

>> No.7157381

If OP's sister became a dentist or CEO or something would she pay off his shitcoin gambling debt?

>> No.7157397

YOU FUCKING RETARD why did you even tell your family you made 500k.
Was it so hard to make a fake portfolio and show them around 50k gains. "Yeah mom I made 50k with those bitcoins I mined some time ago." So hard right.

>> No.7157399

The real question is how the fuck did his family find out he made 500K?
Take that shit to yo grave nigga.

>> No.7157449

Only help her IF she actually graduated school and has an opportunity to succeed in her job. If she doesn't have that, don't help her. Also I would go through legal channels to try and make the money you do help her with a "loan" so that she has to agree to pay a certain % back to you.

Or do

>> No.7157452

Gimme a break. You can't really believe that.
I put in less than $5000 over a year ago and now I'm mid-six figures. I've already cashed out $100,000. Did I work more than a lawyer, a doctor? No, I sat on my ass playing video games.

My life experience must be very different than yours. My family helped me out to pay for college and never asked anything in return. My parents told me all they want is for me to help them out when they're old and frail. It would bring me genuine joy to know that my parents and siblings could pursue what they desired and be free from normie life.

>> No.7157472

>How dare you not pay your sister's student debt? She studied really hard for that liberal arts degree in gender studies. She can't afford the $100,000 in debt she has, she used the little money she had to travel to Europe and South America. Quit being so selfish anon!!

>> No.7157480

Your mom is Gaslighting. Look up that word.

>> No.7157481

Tell your mom you'll do it she sucks your dick.

Either you keep your money or you get a blowjob from your mom

>> No.7157504

>income is proportional of how hard you work

Please don't tell me you fell for this meme

>> No.7157528
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This OP

>> No.7157593



>> No.7157614

>giving a shit what poor people think of you
Paying half is stfo money

>> No.7157615

If you have a good relationship with your family and want to continue to do so... Just fucking suck it up and pay half or whatever amount you are comfortable with. Personally if I was up 500k I would be willing to give like 25k to my sister. But if you don't then tell them both to fuck off.

>> No.7157646

If you've got 500k go buy a new Mommy.

>> No.7157652

Pls respond

>> No.7157676

if they want to be lazy there is no sympathy. sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

>> No.7157677

Except that receiving money to pay a student loan doesn't actually do anything towards escaping normie life. Having loans is part of normie life, every normal person is paying off cars, mortgage, credit card debt etc

Cash investment for a business? Sure
Relieving crippling medical fees? Ok
Even a nice gift like a round-the-world trip? Awesome
Giving your entitled sister money? No

>> No.7157683

>I put in less than $5000 over a year ago and now I'm mid-six figures.
fuck me I wish I had your life

>> No.7157698

>pay for your sister's tuition so she can get into debt by taking drugs and fucking groids

>> No.7157700

maybe when he rolled up to thanksgiving dinner in a lambo

>> No.7157704

lmao fake as fuck post pics of your sister faggot

>> No.7157713

I put in $5k like 2 months ago and I’m up to 6 figures, come on dude so many things have mooned hard even during these bearish times

>> No.7157796

>t. mr. unzipsdick

>> No.7157815

Seems to me that your mom does not treat you the same as your sister. I would not listen at all, just to piss her off. Helping your sister out would only harm her more than helping her, especially if she has a hole in her hand.

>> No.7157900

Unless she's going to whore for you to pay you back I wouldn't do it anon. That's some fucked up shit anon.

>> No.7157931

>gambling on internet money to get rich
>work ethic

>> No.7157937

>his sister would have had a genuine interest and not have slagged him off about it

>> No.7157947

Your mother is a manipulator. Don't let her emotionally blackmail and manipulate you. Just tell her you lost everything in bitconnect

>> No.7157996

She chose to party and take in dozens of dicks instead of work through college and be frugal, and now she had the audacity to ask for free money?

>> No.7157999

Just say you have no money

>> No.7158010

this. i fucked up and told my friends i made a mere 60k and they treat me different

>> No.7158041

Why do you need to pay off her debt? It's her debt. Let her pay it.

Even if you told her about crypto...would she have done it and taken the risk?

>> No.7158064

If it were me I would find a way to ruin them financially in addition to not giving them any money. Especially your mother. You should try to convince her to put all her money in her pajeet tier scamcoin like bazingacoin and watch her lose it all. That would be fucking hilarious.

>> No.7158087

this has to be bait

>> No.7158188

paying off the debt of others, particularly frivolous debt like college loans, is top cuckery. He should invest his capital in cash flow generative assets so he can support a more reasonable white family in the future. You are suggesting he pay off the debt his sister took on to be a whore and do drugs.

>> No.7158208

Which country and how much is the loan in total?

>> No.7158248

dont give her a cent. she will just do this shit again.

>> No.7158252

whats your dad think of all this?

>> No.7158301


>all she wanted was you to tell her when it was cheap

lol i told everyone when it was cheap, they all laughed at me and said it was a scam

>> No.7158305

This is the boomer mindset. They bought into the female centric jewish view of the world. Women going to college is a complete waste of time and money

>> No.7158307

Offering to match her payment is just plausible deniability for being the bad guy. Her sister won't even try to pay most likely.

>> No.7158314

Anon get it fucking together, just move out and never talk to these golddigging cunts ever again

>> No.7158342

your mom sounds exactly like my sister: just a useless, selfish fucking cunt. Cut the cord OP

>> No.7158372

Come on now OP, grow a pair, stern but nice they are going money crazy. say you cant cash it out easily etc.

>> No.7158396

Your worldview is twisted. His sister wasted an IMMENSE amount of time and family wealth becoming an indentured slave at a communist debt mill. In no way could the brother stop this or should he feel responsible to help.

>> No.7158424

I don't get the whole thing about getting your family to invest. At best, you could make a presentation to your parents to show them the potential, but otherwise this is like asking them to go to the casino. Would OP's mom still be bitching out if he happened to win the lotto or at a casino? Probably. That's just the way people are. OP did nothing wrong.

>> No.7158429


fuck both of them. she's emotionally blackmailing you.

tell her this "she's your daughter, not mine. you fucking pay for her stupid shit."

>> No.7158458

Just show her how to invest now. Tell her to wait a year and if she hasn’t made enough to pay off her student loans then you will consider it. Then make plans to separate yourself entirely from your family because they are obviously toxic manipulators

>> No.7158548

>Hey mom, I'm gonna use my allowance to buy bitcoin.
>It's your money honey so do what you want, but whats bitcoin?
>it's like monopoly money, but it only exists on the internet and I can buy magic the gathering cards online with it
>alright have fun kiddo

>> No.7158562
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read this book op. don't let them do this to you. you earned that money, you're the offspring. you don't owe shit to a sibling. that money is for your own life.

>> No.7158612

Offer to give the full 500k to see how she reacts. Make your next decisions based on that. Also take pics for us to see

>> No.7158626

>he's actually going to pay it

Geez, i wonder why women behave the way they do.
Congratulations, you're one of the weak men that made the world this way

>> No.7158642

eh get fucked you fucking weakling, you don't deserve the money

>> No.7158696

>Dumb bitch is just gonna use her freedom to rack up more credit card debt later anyway
This exactly

>> No.7158731


She isnt right. His mum and sister are fucking morons. Theyre using retrospective knowledge to dictate their reasoning, but without actually *knowing* what would happen it would have been fucking stupid to invest in something as volatile as bitcoin while already seriously in debt.

>> No.7158734

Women are all the same.

>> No.7158735

wow tell your poor ass parents to fuck off.

>> No.7158783


Is your sister hot?

How much is she in debt?

>> No.7158786

holy shit anon, tell your sister she shouldnt have gotten a stupid degree and welcome to the matrix of the financial system. No wonder young people are freaking out that Trump got elected and need safe spaces.

>> No.7158821

LOL, no shit right?

>> No.7158895

100%. I'm setting myself up for a 6 figure job but my parents are in another stratosphere in regards to financial security. They openly mocked me when I said I would be willing to pay my own med school loans off- as if they were insulted.

>> No.7158922

white women were a mistake

>> No.7158958

Women: they don't want to take risks yet feel entitled to the profits of those who do take risks.

>> No.7159041

99.99% of women are children, they literally do not deserve equal treatment.

Having a woman is who is educated and intelligent has many pros, but you will still have to treat her like the child she is if you are to have any respect in the relationship.

>> No.7159042

>Women: they don't want to take risks yet feel entitled to the profits of those who do take risks.

this explains at least half the national debt

>> No.7159069

>tfw How often people overlook this.

>> No.7159080
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I hope this thread is a LARP

>> No.7159130

Ditto. My wife and I started poor. It is amazing how rapidly they become entitled.

>> No.7159151

Post the whole thing

>> No.7159272

They do seem awfully sensitive to greed and materialism.

>> No.7159333

In all seriousness I would do it. Depends on your relationship with your family of course, if they’re shitty to you then tell them to get fucked

>> No.7159616

Like they would've fucking listened c'mon, they're using hindsight to guilt the guy into giving his sister money. Not like she didn't know what she was getting into its not a hidden cost like a medical bill you know what you sign up for, just saying. Look give her some money if she at least was not a retard and went in her state. If my sister did the smart thing and went to 2 years of community and then transferred in state i would have happily paid her debt and bought her something even. BUT if this is a retard roastie that went out of state and racked up 100k+ debt to go to a non- ivy or even ivy lite(Duke, Notre dame, Purdue, Northwestern)level school I would tell her to fuck off she went to some state school and got drunk she should learn to live with her choices.

>> No.7159694


>> No.7159721

all the people saying dont do it. Yeah its easy to say that because its not YOUR sister or family so you dont know what its really like.

this is just a prime example of why you dont EVER tell normies about your crypto gains. it is just fucking larping and then shit like this happens to you

>> No.7160054

The best answer

>> No.7160066

Your sister better be your fucktoy for that

>> No.7160104
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Every week someone does this larp around family or gf/wife finding out about crypto and it still gets so many responses.

>> No.7160127

Can someone link the first thread? I was gone for a few hours

>> No.7160173

This. Shit better be Oreimo Season 3.

>> No.7160231

>ask for money to repay loan
>tells you the terms on how you should pay it

wew, OP this isn't just your cunt ass mom or sister. This is women in general.

Today its your sisters loan, tomorrow its your moms mortgage bill, next week its a new car....they will keep going and going and when you finally had enough, they will hate you.

If you don't pay them anything at all....they will hate you. It's a lose lose situation.

I'm sorry bro. My family are losers too. DO NOT PAY THEM ANYTHING.

>> No.7160236

>tfw get fathomed by internet story

>> No.7160360

this whole situation is platinum tier cucking

>> No.7160738

i honestly like those larping stories

>> No.7160940
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absolutely disgusting if this isn't a larp OP.

she's just going to use her newfound freedom to rack up an even higher stack of debt. dont contribute to this cycle of degeneracy. walk away OP.

>> No.7161266

my uncle told my family about it when it was about 200 a coin. or was it 20? this was about when the preview of windows 8 came out. Too bad I was still young and my dad didn't invest.

>> No.7161335
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>of education and professional
nah, I'd rather date someone who has experience helping her family, raising children and house keeping.

>> No.7161347

what the fuck is "murr"?

>> No.7161362

Just tell them you lost it all in BITCONNEEEEEEEEECK. Youll have to deal with smug "i told you so"-s, but its better than fucking beggars

>> No.7161792

The fuck is this fake text

>> No.7161864

If you're dating an average looking woman or one from an exceptionally well bred background it's possible, just uncommon to go smoothly.

>> No.7162187

>I told my family about crypto because I believed in it and I care about them.
>I did this because I love them. It's a gift,

See. This is the retarded thinking i can't stand.
Crypto is all lambos and rainbows. "it's a gift".




>> No.7163236

Yeah, and if they'd have lost money due to their own stupidity and panic, OP would have been hated for it.

>> No.7163429


>> No.7163463

I told everydoby I knew for YEARS. Not one single faggot listened so fuck them all.

>> No.7163486
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Roastie mom demanding sperg son gives his sister his meme money so she can pay off her bar bills from nights hunting down Chads and black cock.

Can't make this shit up.

>> No.7163515

He should make his sister work off the debt with her holes because thats what i would do

>> No.7164024

If my mother talked to me like that I would unironically block her and not contact her again
what a cunt
your sister too

>> No.7164111

mom killed him in his sleep to take his shit

>> No.7164145

unironically this

>> No.7164155
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If you give her a dime you deserve death

>> No.7164277



>> No.7164561

ehm sorry sweetie you have to pay the roastie tax with your nerd money.

>> No.7164725

I don't know. I understand what everyone here is saying but it's also true that OP failed as a brother to dissuade her from college or a worthless liberal arts degree. The mom is being a bitch but at least she is being selfless in trying to get her daughter out of debt, she isn't trying to self-enrich. Just pay the 100k anon but tell them that's all, you need to build your own life and everyone needs to stand on their own feet.

>> No.7164755

Being selfless would mean she sacrificed something. She's literally doing nothing

>> No.7164881

Sure, and they will stop asking him money after this!
>>>>>>/reddit/ is this way

>> No.7164899




>> No.7164918

>that guilt trip

Mom's can be cruel, f a m.

>> No.7164952


>> No.7164956

>a woman trying to get a man to financially bail her out.

Wake me up when the world changes.

>> No.7165295
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My grandpa lived in Bellevue, WA and owned a fuckton of Microsoft stock just after it went public. Decided PCs were a scam. Sold it all in the 80s. Invested the proceeds into a company that built "personal helicopters".

Our family would have accumulated an ungodly amount of wealth. Grandpa would have stopped working, his children would never work, his children's children would likely never work ...

Point is, I still loved the guy (rest his soul). OP's mom and sister are vacuous succubi for generating family strife over financial matters that they have no right to concern themselves with.

>> No.7165341
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Guys, come on i mean im not saying that he should have told the family to invest all the life savings but if the dude is an early investor and as years pass he sees that BTC is going up, he coudn't have told the family?

Come on people..

>> No.7165388

did people even know it would go up that high?

>> No.7165455

yeah, definitely tell they to invest during an ATH or a bear death spiral, they will totally make rational trades

>> No.7165498


>> No.7165872

I really hope this is a LARP. If not, your family fucking sucks. It’s not like you made 20 mill and you just bought a house a lambo and a fucking yacht. You made mid six figures. Do NOT give away this money. You can keep this money invested, 10x it and live on easy street forever off of that money. Fuck her.

>> No.7166131
File: 246 KB, 484x605, 1503823212950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love shit like this. You know that even of hundreds of anons screamed at this stupid cuck to not share his wealth, he would still do it. His whore of a mother and his slut sister will no doubt find a way to twist his fucking arm and emotionally blackmail/manipulate him to do their bidding.

Watch and learn faggots. This is the way of this world. If you can take other people's shit by might or smarts then you go for it. Life feeds on life. This is the way it should be.

A fucking sucker is born every minute.

>> No.7166251

>we never raised you to be so money centered

>> No.7166474

Your mom doesn't want you to help your sister, she wants you to help your mom.
Your parents/mom is probably paying part of your sister's debt because your sister isn't fully independent, so if you paid off her debt that takes the load off your mother.

Also, these psychological arguments your mother is using are the tip of the wedge. As soon as you help your sister, your mother is going to start pestering you to give her money too.