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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7155018 No.7155018 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't a major tech company like Google or FB made its own cryptocurruency yet? Is that an inevitability, or will it never happen because of some reason I can't think of?

>> No.7155049

why do soyboys always make that stupid face?

>> No.7155091

>John Cena

You are just straight up retarded

>> No.7155187

Samsung will start mining bitcoin soon apparently. Give it time.

>> No.7155216

it's the face of people who make it. i can guarantee you i'll look like this 24/7 when i make it too.

>> No.7155275

google and facebook are huge companies with reputations to uphold. they're not going to crank out a shitcoin and start shilling until it's certain that crypto is here to stay

>> No.7155316

No, I mean starting their own coin. For example, Samsung would have SamCoin, Amazon would have Amacoin, etc. Why not corporatize your currency?

All Amazon employs would pay with Amacoin at Amazon affiliate companies. Amazon would acquire companies industries and strike partnerships with chain services so that all Amazon employs and customers could seamlessly use Amacoin. This eventually leads to corporations purchasing entire cities, or building them from scratch, and running the cities to generate profit. Corporate cities by 2100, and crypto is how we get there.

>> No.7155464
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>> No.7155473

Why did sears or macys refuse to move sales online and let a bald guy in a garage destroy hem?

>> No.7155539


Also, the banking jews will be in fits if they try to account for this. The SEC, EU, normie investors and any regulator with an axe to grind would shit all over them overnight.

>> No.7155750

Old companies don't dominate new technologies, idk why but that's a historic precedent. If I were to guess I'd say the fact that 99/100 start ups will fail in the new industry, that brutal selection trumps a major company's R&D capacity. Visionaries rather work for themselves rather than someone else too.

>> No.7155867

I'd envision homegrown crypto as easy to create and beneficial to the organization. If a company made a crypto, it'd be a lot different than some geeks out a garage launching their ico.

>> No.7155942
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>> No.7156064

That sounds horrifying.

>> No.7156067

We already have weather engineering and swarm robotics

>> No.7156440

I think these kind of companys are more likely to just buy out the most promising start up block chain companys like they do with everything else.

They wont make their own, they dont need to, theyre comfy af and will just sit back and watch till they see what the good stuff is.

>> No.7156479

They are.

IBM has the HyperLedger for starters.

>> No.7156561

Facebook is currently developing theirs now. It’s not like they can just make a pointless Crypto and have to be seen as legitimate. Aka it needs to have an actual use and not be a shitcoin.

Not sure about google.com

>> No.7156595

When was the last time either of these companies started another company?

Hint: Never. They acquire, like any fucking non-retard company would do.

They're waiting to see who the players who come out on top are, then will start moving in for acquisitions.

>> No.7156674

>Carbon Nanotubes in the future
>What is Vantablack?

>> No.7156678

I work for one of these companies as a lead distributed systems engineer.

The reason we don't adopt crypto is because blockchain technology is not even close to technically sound. It doesn't really have any suitable use cases, and when it can be used for something there is already a better technology there.

>> No.7156684


You can't fucking "acquire" a decentralized cryptocurrency. That is the whole point of a decentralized, trustless system, so one entity cannot control it.

>> No.7156689
File: 884 KB, 400x400, 1516938114488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Square jaw
>Ugly testosterone fueled face
>Losing hair due to poisoned by testosterone
Soyboy? Top kek KYS

>> No.7156703

I was told btc would be the world reserve currency by 2019

>> No.7156727

Cryptos not just a business you can have on the side. It should be integrated throughout the company, from the ground up. The logistics behind taking an existing coin and retrofitting it to fit the company sounds like a nightmare compared to just making your own from scratch.

Also, I don't know if it's obvious, but companies don't look as crypto as an asset or a business group -- they see it (or should see it) as a tool to be leveraged company-wide to eventually achieve >>7155316

>> No.7156747


>> No.7156764
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>> No.7156792

Don't believe everything you hear on the internet rofl. Me and my coworkers joke all the time about how stupid everyone is for believing in this crypto stuff. One of my coworkers recently left and went to Wealthfront just a city away and he said they joke about it there even more being in FinTech

>> No.7157089

>2020 (two years from now)
>$150 25TB HDD
>100GB standard RAM

hmm seems realistic

>> No.7157124

>2019 virtual currencies
>2018 4k
>2019 self-driving cars

It's late desu

>> No.7157411

Running ponzi schemes is bad for the reputation of your company.

>> No.7157484

decentralization is the whole point of a crypto. if a company owned it it would defeat the purpose. which is why shit like ripple is retarded.

>> No.7157667

how do you know they aren't

>> No.7157720
File: 285 KB, 720x486, dogao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /pol/fags are trying to make people self aware about something so harmless like posing with the mouth open to photoß?

>> No.7157776

They have
Its called ChainLINK

>> No.7157781
File: 2.29 MB, 438x363, Pal patine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space elevator

>> No.7157903

And here you will see a salty /nocoiner/ incapable of comprehending how the blockchain works and why it will be much more impacting than it is now in a few years time.

>> No.7157958

They want to integrate an existing one, Facebook is already looking into this if you'd follow on a bit of news you'd know this and I litterly don't follow any news...

>> No.7158011

X8 sucked

>> No.7158021

They are too busy destroying free speech and sucking dick

>> No.7158070

X7 sucked. X8 was pretty decent.

>> No.7158090

why are 99% of ICO's created by people who use fake names and will remain largely anonymous after they cash out? that's why google doesn't get involved in this particular type of ponzi scheme. because we know where to find them.

>> No.7158183


>implying they havent planned on it yet

>> No.7158195

Because they are authoritarians, their dicks get hard at the idea of controlling peoples behavior.

>> No.7158225

Jewgle doesn't make anything; they wait for other companies to develop something worth buying then just buy it out.

>> No.7158328

6'2, 250lb ex marine how is he a fucking soyboy?