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7152809 No.7152809 [Reply] [Original]

Do not fear the latest FUD LINKmarines. Straight from the whitepaper. Page 21, section 5.5; LINK token usage.

"The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token** to pay ChainLink Node operators for the retrieval of data from o-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain readable formats, o-chain computation, and uptime guarantees they provide as operators. In order for a smart contract on networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node Operator using LINK tokens, with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the o-chain resource their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources. The LINK token is an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 transfer and callfunctionality of transfer(address,uint256,bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by contracts within a single transaction."

Go look for yourselves. They are getting desperate. They really don't want a bunch of NEETS and 4chan neckbeards holding so much of the future monetary and banking system in their hands.

>> No.7153189


>> No.7153330


>> No.7153359

When I put this under a blacklight, it actually says "The ChainLink network utilizes the ShadowLINK token"

FML, it's real..

>> No.7153734


>> No.7154126

damn, nice detective work
I'm confirming my s.link transfer rn

>> No.7154186

According to reddit:
"Thomas Hodges just said in the slack that that section was written before the ChainLink ICO and will be updated."
So what op posted is correct.

>> No.7155133

>"The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token** to pay ChainLink Node operators..."
>LINK token**

...do you happen to have a screencap of the footnote which the double-asterisk (**) after "LINK token" references? There's potentially a whole bunch of caveats there which obviously didn't make it into this sentence for the sake of brevity, but I wouldn't be surprised to find the LINK tokens to be pretty much the equivalent of every new MySpace account automatically being friends with Tom.

>> No.7155152

why arent you getting in on the diamond gold shadowfork?

>> No.7155204

it actually utilizies the token? thx just market sold 550k LINK

>> No.7155251
File: 77 KB, 500x550, 23mzja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey Nazarov
Nazarov became a platoon commander in the Dzerz youth Division of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs specalising in cryprography. Originally recuited from the Nashti expatriate community, he was assigned to the 4th Company of 4th Regiment, where among his duties was the protection of kremin foreign policy communications in transit to foreign embassies using electronic media. In 2009 he became an informant when he was recruited by the MVD's FSB counterintelligence section and in 2010 he was officially transferred to the Third Chief Directorate of the FSB, Military Counter Intelligence. Later that year, after studying for a year at the Novosibirsk Military Counter Intelligence School, he became an operational officer and served in FSB military counterintelligence where he has worked on seconment from the Russian embassy in Washington.

Sergey began his cover career building peer-to-peer marketplaces, going on to the investment team at FirstMark Capital. He joined the cryptocurrency revolution in 2011, and believes it has the ability to change the way societies distribute wealth, enforce contracts, and share critical information with their citizens

>> No.7155264
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It sounds very bad, sir I think we've been scammed.
> levels of use of LINK Tokens to be materially different from any projected future results, use, functionality or utility expressed or implied by SCCL in the terms.
They network could even work in MOBI why are we not buying that?

>> No.7155265
File: 611 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180131-194700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bud. Nothing bad.

>> No.7155331

>> levels of use of LINK Tokens to be materially different from any projected future results, use, functionality or utility expressed or implied by SCCL in the terms.

This is just them covering their asses by saying it's not a security. They can't sat whether or not the tokens will increase in value or in use.

>> No.7155367

Imagine falling for this in 2019 minus one.

>> No.7156350

Even functionality, they may serve a completely different function like emojis maybe Mobius is the actual shadowfork please consider it I must sell all my LINK now, excuse me sir.

>> No.7156549

Thank you both; you've allayed my fear.