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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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714814 No.714814 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz

I'm an 18 yea old who really desire to become extremely wealthy. This past week, I've been thinking of ways to archive that goal.

One way is through stock, but I don't understand it. Could someone explain it to someone who knows jack shit about it?

>inb4 Google

>> No.714815

Damn sorry about the typos.

>> No.714816

Buy low and sell high.

>> No.714825


>> No.714830

Buy high and sell low.

>> No.714834


Set yourself a financial goal. Your options:

1) Start a business

Very risky, but if successful you are your own boss and have a good income. Most start up businesses fail and it takes a lot of research and experience to create a successful business.

2) Go to university for medicine, dentistry, or law.

3) You won't get rich in the stock market. It's a load of bullshit. If you don't understand it you will simply lose everything. You might as well gamble.

>> No.714857


>> No.714858

In addition to this, if you insist on being a trader, use a practice account to toy with. However, don't fall in to the trap of getting lazy with this play money, it is a learning experience that must be met with intense research.

>> No.714859

forget this faggot.

>> No.714881


I agree strongly with this OP.

But I implore you, don't waste your time with being a trader. Work/study hard, enjoy the rewards in the future.


You are in the top 2% if you do either of these. Law is becoming pretty over saturated still but there is lots of earning potential.

Pro tip: FAMILY LAW = $$$$$

Lots of divorces

>> No.714885

1. Buy Dash

2. Wait for the multinational criminal syndicates to discover Dash

3. Profit

>> No.714904

For most people, stocks are a way to secure money that you already have.
A good bank can keep savings above the rate of inflation, but you can go a little higher by buying stable stocks.

Then there's the guys for buy volatile stocks while they're cheap, and sell when the get high. It's not worlds away from playing poker.

The easiest way to get rich is to start a business yourself, then either expand with your profits, or invest in a conservative way.

>> No.714919

>2) Go to university for medicine, dentistry, or law.

I totally agree with the medicine and dentistry part but law is a dead field at the moment. The market is oversaturated that even graduates from top-tier institutions are having a hard time finding a full-time job.

And as the anon above said, med school is the fastest ticket to the upper class and big wealth.

>> No.715039

Op listen to me and listen very carefully
Realestate is the way to go

>> No.715051

>being a doctor
>"big wealth"

Pick one and only one.

>> No.715094
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You're an idiot. Doctors make alot of money, most pay off their student loans sub 10 years, which is better than the natl average.

>> No.715106

I'm an MD. If you want to earn real money, get ready to work your ass off all day and night. It pays well if you work hard but IMO it wasn't worth it, compared to jobs where you just sit at a desk for a couple of hours a day. Also I got to lose the best days of my youth studying hard.

>> No.715110

Big wealth requires being leagues above the national average.

>> No.715113

specialize in tattoo removals, there's going to be a very high demand soon

>> No.715136


This is bullshit, the majority of doctors and lawyers are not even wealthy.

read the millionare next door, You're more likely to become actually wealthy being a auctioneer, plumbing business owner, scrap yard owner, where you don't need BMWs and other status symbols

also you don't need 100ks of student debt, you just need a CC degree.

but im sure you want to be a nigger rich flashy playboy, which is the opposite of wealth

>> No.715144


you need to rob an armored car carrying 9 million USD in gold bullion

and then hold that gold bullion for a long while.

then slowly sell that gold bullion

>> No.715391

It really doesn't matter which career you choose, just make sure you get a solid wage. Then save and invest as much as you can, you'll get somewhere.

Will it be billions? No. Millions? Maybe.

>> No.715407

Google it you fucking loser. If you can't take the time and initiative to do something this simple and self-educate, there is no way in hell you'll get rich without winning the lottery.

>> No.715557

>med school


You'll be modestly wealthy and working every day and night. Fuck that.

>> No.715594


Investopedia.com and Youtube.com

You autist, read a book, I'm the same age and fucking learned a lot about stocks, it only took me around 1 week. I can tell you all about candledick formations and oscillators.

Captcha: mmmus

>> No.715610

>solid wage
This is a recipe for becoming upper-middle class at best. Jobs and wages don't make you rich. Saving and investing is what you do to preserve wealth, not create it. You don't make millions of dollars by saving and investing unless you're a stock market genius and even then it's mostly luck

>> No.715611

Top keke. Shadow is better you scrub.

>> No.715626

Be very good at something then start a consulting company for it. A fairly reliable way to make a lot of money.

>> No.715634

Agreed. Or get a degree in accounting, work in the field for a couple years, than open an accounting firm. I have a family member that did this and he's set now.

>> No.715651

I take it you've never run the numbers then.

Google "mr money moustache"

>> No.715661


>implying you are socially obligated to waste your money on status symbols just because you went into law or medicine

Stay retarded.

>> No.715797

Any lawyers in the building? Advice on how to get into top 20 law schools plz.

>> No.715802


yea, try driving a 2005 Ford truck from the suburbs into the city and wear blue jeans into your law firm

>> No.715803


>implying the top twenty law schools matter
You're going to end up either running a private practice and wasting a lot of money or in the public defender's office.

>> No.715807


Your car is irrelevant. And a suit costs $200. If you're too poor to buy a suit, get your family to pitch in as a present for passing the bar.

If they're too poor, try saving for a suit.

>> No.715810

170+ LSAT
Tons of extra curricular activities

And most importantly of all. Have your law firm owning Daddy write to them personally asking for you to be considered.

>> No.715815

I want to be rich. 18 currently finishing grade 12.

My interests include:
-Aerospace engineering
-Computer engineering
-Political Sciences

Is there any hope left for me /biz/? I am really moving towards economics...

Maybe I should launch a business?

>> No.715990

Short PRAN buy DOGE

>> No.716002


This is actually a really good idea.

>> No.716099

Would you elaborate

>> No.716100

Have any tips on scoring +170? I get that I need to study for months, but anything more specific you could share?

>> No.716105

You arent going to get 'rich' working for someone else

In fact you will probably never be your idea of rich anyway.

>> No.716164


I have read the millionaire next door you fucking faggot. I don't spend a dime on materialistic bullshit and live frugally. I'm in my early 20's and have 150k in the bank. I can go to med school debt free. Enjoy your "I was never good enough to go to a real university" glorified piece of toilet paper you fucking faggot.

>> No.716197

Extracurriculars don't matter for law.

There is no such thing as the top 20. There's the T14--schools with natural reach and prestige--but employment prospects are a big risk below T10. Use Law School Transparency for employment numbers, focusing on fed clerkship and biglaw scores.

Do practice tests to improve your score. Minimize debt--don't pay sticker unless its HYS.

>> No.716248

Thanks I appreciate it. Did you go to law school? Also is HYS Harvard, Yale, or Stanford?

>> No.716254


Suck 100 dicks a day for $20 each, do not work on weekends unless you have not met your weekly quota of 500 dicks. After 15 years you will be wealthy.

>> No.716505

Law student and yes.

Also keep in mind that even within the T14, law schools are somewhat regional. If you want to work biglaw in California, you're better off going to Berk than Virginia. If you want to work in D.C. or NY, it doesn't really matter which T14 you go to if you have the grades.

Getting into law school is completely a numbers game. Maximize your GPA and LSAT. LSAT is more important so take every single practice test you can find and learn why you missed what you did. The test can be beaten--once you do enough practice exams (I'm talking 10-15 at least), you'll get the hang of it.

>> No.716549

How about you figure out mastery of the English language first. After that, try reading a fucking book.

Nobody is going to make you rich.

>Hey /biz/, I've decided to become rich. One way is through oil futures. But I have no fucking clue what that even means. I can't research this on my own, but I'm gonna be a quadrillionaire. They'll call me the Canary of the Caucasus, because my only merit will be going belly up from poorly executed trades I didn't understand because I asked for advice on an anime message board.

That is what you sound like.

>> No.716560

don't listen other people, here's what you need to do:

1 - get pure maths Bsc
2 - get pure maths Msc
3 - get applied finance maths Phd
4 - become associate quant
5 - earn 500k-1M a year
6 - you're rich

Bonus 7 - if the market changes and there's no demand for quant left you can do any scientific related job (except medical ones) with maths phd.

>> No.716603

What about engineering? wouldn't engineering also be up there in terms of earning potential?

>> No.716620

That's what my dad did, and I benefitted from it as well as I now work for him while I study accounting& MIS (need 150 credits to sit for the CPA exam anyways) at college. Hopefully I can end up with a cushy consulting type job after working in the industry for a bit.

>> No.716652

Plus dont do medicine or dentistry just for the money, if you hate it and start the is no going back youll be in so much debt youll have to be a doctor or a dentist for a while to get out the

>> No.717082
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>you need to rob an armored car

Is that even possible in this day and age?