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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 149 KB, 419x403, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143032 No.7143032 [Reply] [Original]

Is the original still good to buy? the volume seems to be slow. Lets get this shit going, I wanna make some money

>> No.7143201

Beetter to get into pajeetcoin.xyz it's ground floor buy buy buy

>> No.7143229

nah phuck these incompetents pajeets

>> No.7143241

Fuck yeah, dude! OG only though, not the scam clones. Be careful.

A guy in UBC (University of British Columbia) even gave a presentation today in a class about PoWH. People seemed interested and claimed they'd be buying in after classes today. We'll see.

>> No.7143509

woah lad do we go to the same uni? also heard that around campus today

>> No.7143534

theres volume at https://www.powhcoin69.com/index2.html

>> No.7143543
File: 287 KB, 3013x3013, kit-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubled in the OG PoWH sold and then made 1.3 in Powhcoin3 at the moment still in this.

When I hit x2 on this also will bail out and re-invest on Binance in Shitcons.

I think a lot will jump form the OG PoWH into PowH3 and at the moment the OG is at :Current Contract Balance: 1011

& PoWH3 is only at Current Contract
Balance:15.965374293308765 ETH

So if PoWH3 goes even to half of the OG it'll be a nice profit.

>> No.7143579

don't fall for scams

>> No.7143607

fuck off scam shiljeet

>> No.7143632

be warned EXIT SCAM

>> No.7143675

you better check out 69. was at 3 eth today and now its at 10. tons of buyers https://etherscan.io/address/0xe923dd860176d3ef69d7852257cc773900807f7c

>> No.7143731

A whole 7 ETH. Fuckkk me.

>> No.7143753


Robson Square?!
CPSC 221?! That'd be fucking nuts.

>> No.7143765

>was at 3 eth today and now its at 10.
>tons of buyers
>15ETH in contract

>> No.7143797


the thing is what, 3 days old?

you are litterally at the very bottom of the ground floor. This is as grounded as we're gonna get. Now it's time to shil shil shill and get those normie $$$

>> No.7143849

what did he had to say about it?>

>> No.7143878

it have volume so im in. go with the wave not against

>> No.7143882
File: 146 KB, 773x773, GAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7143899

weak hands are selling.. tasty div

>> No.7143937

Posting original PoWHCoin:


ETH Balance Graph

Contract transactions:

Dont' fall for scams.

Let's shill this.

>> No.7143973

I hope it crashes real good this time.

>> No.7143992
File: 747 KB, 1260x1806, PoWHShadow Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same devs just released PoWHShadow

get the fuck in here anons

proof: https://twitter.com/PoWHCoin/status/958536719623737344

>> No.7144015

This is probably fake and EXIT SCAM, fuck off pajeet street shitter.

>> No.7144044


>pic related


>> No.7144163


Nothing that anyone here doesn't already know. Explained how it works. Explained how it is but isn't a pyramid scheme. Discussing real life applications for smart contracts.

It's a class about algorithms. So the students who had never heard of it seemed to be eating it up.

There class is about algorithms

>> No.7144179
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-01-31 13-17-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7144241
File: 101 KB, 919x444, 2018-01-31 13-25-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contract address

>> No.7144262

fuck off dirty pajeet

>> No.7144276 [DELETED] 


This one is the best one right now.

The team behind it is

>> No.7144278

69 at 19 eth now lmao still going. gotta adapt or perish..

>> No.7144317


Also, the class is mostly Asians. And poor students. They hear: math and algorithms making them money without doing anything. They were pretty much salivating.

However, I'm guessing it'll be a few hours before they get to a computer and check it out.

>> No.7144404

dipping now. buy at new low.

>> No.7144408


This one is the best one right now.

The guy behind it is just rough quick translations of the base material and putting it up on the site.

Not sure wether Koreans are actually buying, but at least it's a credible inovation that is making other people buy in. Apparently Russian is the next one up.

>> No.7144423

2.2 ETH, contract is carbon copy of the original... seems legit?


>> No.7144433

PoWHCoin4 almost at 2 eth!

>> No.7144439
File: 236 KB, 953x921, 2018-01-31 13-30-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not listen to this


>> No.7144473

will see how much it dips, I hope it crashes heavily and then again restarts itself

but If everyone has "just hodl" directions, this is gona be hard

>> No.7144497

UBC rep, glad to see some more of us here

>> No.7144511

thats not how you send invites on discord

>> No.7144514

die panjeet scammer

>> No.7144537
File: 23 KB, 300x256, i-dont-always-hodl-but-when-i-do-i-get-10x-gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no numbers
>no 's' at the end
>not a different name

>> No.7144624

Oh shit they're going to try rewriting jochen's glorious code
When they tried to change one thing they permanently locked up 800 ETH
What the fuck kind of damage will they do rewriting the whole thing?
Just leave jochen's original perfect code alone and let the pyramid grow

>> No.7144739

some whale lost 230 ETH while he was "testing" unknowingly their new dev fork, the devs are a liability at this point

>> No.7144743

still getting dividends on my original PoWH. Shadow and pyr are proof the original is best, dont get JUST'd yall just buy original.

>> No.7144796


>> No.7144812

whats the discord invite

>> No.7144823


>> No.7144853


Better looking graph + prices

>> No.7144877

fuck off pajeet

>> No.7145080

Original one is working fine


>> No.7145154
File: 217 KB, 2083x1475, 1517428168334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they are ramping up the language selection.

>> No.7145155

dips incoming because pajeets are pulling their money out to put them in scam clones.

let the dividend flow through you.

>> No.7145196

This won't make us much money until reddit, until then we are taking money off ourselves
hold faggots, shill this to reddit

>> No.7145203

But they use google translate like poor pajeet so no one can really understand them.
OG powhcoin should hire translators to expand their coverage tho.

>> No.7145278

more like normans getting scared of the constant ETH balance

>> No.7145336

You need to be banned for spreading scams like this

>> No.7145353

thanks bro

>> No.7145502

funny how many idiots fundamentally miss the point of this.
everyone makes money except for the weak handed. if you play the highs and lows perfectly you make the most money, but if you just hold you get those crunchy dividends

>> No.7145792

100% yes

>> No.7145811

every one is cashing out
get out now its over

>> No.7145816
File: 252 KB, 2319x1111, popping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit PoWH69 is popping off

>> No.7145869



>> No.7145889

+1 for 69, it has korean translation and thats where the crypto money lies

>> No.7145978

its fucking google translated you retard. Would you buy in if a website had broken english?

> Buy Now Coin Afraid of Docile Hand gestures! World's first Scam Ponzi! Get Rich Now!!

>> No.7146043

Same here at the University of Delhi. This shit is going viral so hard

>> No.7146053



>> No.7146116

fuding much are you?
i speak korean and no its not google translate

>> No.7146194
File: 173 KB, 2381x891, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powhcoin69 is winning

>> No.7146212

pathetic, get lost scammer

>> No.7146273

not too late to get in little boy

>> No.7146322

I eat 50 ETH for lunch faggot

>> No.7146325

powhcoin 69 is a scam, doesnt let you cash out. stay away.

>> No.7146346

i just cashed out no problemo

>> No.7146384
File: 25 KB, 1146x213, google translate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i'm literally 100% korean so you can fuck off to your street toilet pajeet.

First of all referring to a crypto as 동전 is just wrong. A clear sign that you translated coin/token through google translate.

The second bullet point doesn't make sense because of the literal translation. It says
> "If you are holding a backpack, refer to string kit page."

The third bullet point also makes similar mistakes including words like 개인 퇴출 계획 (individual exit plan) and 함수 (mathematical function).

>> No.7146447

ignore bro, scammers are retards

>> No.7146452

clone scammers please fuck off of biz and never come back

>> No.7146488

trust me

>> No.7146493

Say goodbye to your ETH

>> No.7146529

reminder to everyone to only use the original


>> No.7146554

Only Strong Hands Build Pyramids
OG only. OG forever.

>> No.7146667

>Say goodbye to your ETH
just how, brainlet spotted

>> No.7146709

ah the reply was to the scammer, sure trusting to OG only

>> No.7146771

these panjeet scammers, f. geezus christ instead of uniting here and shilling for the same great thing they are going to undermine and scam on PoWH further deterring our gains

>> No.7146807


You guys do know that the POWH devs tried to fuck everyone by releasing v2 only 4 days later. And their dumbasses can’t even do it correctly.

You’d have to be a fucking brainlet to give these guys your money.

>> No.7146808

the worst breed, that's even lower than corrupted investigative reporter

>> No.7146838

it was mentioned before the devs are a liability at this point

>> No.7146875

Also, you do know that this shit is being replaced by a better system very soon, right? I’d be very cautious and watch the order book. Soon POWH will be nothing but the past. Bigger and better things will come. Don’t believe me? Wait on it.

>> No.7146902

Yeah I’m reiterating the fact that these fucks tried to screw everyone over and they still want to support. fucking terrible.

>> No.7146934

you are going to have a hard time convincing ppl it's not a scam, what's the problem with current PoWH? Why the fuck do we need another new version? (I'm smelling something -230 ETH)

>> No.7146946

I'm not giving my money to anyone but to the ethereum network you retard.

Also if you don't know how to read code in 2018 you are a brainlet hahaha

>> No.7147002

That -230 eth was lost because the same POWH devs fucked up and let greed get to them. POWH devs are responsible for trying to shadowfuck you all. In all honesty, keep an eye on the new 4chan posts today. Like I said, don’t believe me? Wait on it

Tired of greedy and incompetent devs.

>> No.7147010
File: 37 KB, 466x561, 2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to create a new website that interacts with this PoWH contract, and it needs to be promoted as the official website. That's the only way to take this back from the retard devs who are set on destroying OG PoWH at any cost. They have received massive negative feedback about their intentions to keep creating new projects, and are pushing forward with them regardless. (They are butthurt that OG PoWH got so big because they sold near the beginning because they thought it would fail, so now they aren't getting rich off of it anymore.) They will destroy this coin, they hate it and are bitter. This needs to be moved to a website away from the devs and it needs to be promoted as the true OG PoWH website.

>> No.7147062

imagine being that retarded testing something devs released hungover after party with 230 ETH, fucking hilarious

>> No.7147076

Thank you, anon. I hope people will realize this

>> No.7147087

The devs are retards and don't know how glorious their original creation is. No amount of mismanagement or clones can stop POWH now

>> No.7147112

The problem is the devs. They are creating new versions and are going to put them on their website, which destroys the original. When shadow was released, 30% of OG PoWH's value was instantly wiped out. They see this and they don't fucking care.

>> No.7147218

Oh you don't understand. They took 30% of the value away immediately, and that 400 ETH from the original is gone forever. They also had their tweets showing on the main page, saying "NOBODY CAN WITHDRAW SORRY", and it looked like they were talking about the original PoWH, so everybody coming to invest got scared away. This thing would have been through the roof by now, but the devs are doing everything they can to kill it.

>> No.7147225

How do we do this and cut the idiot devs out?

>> No.7147226

Hell yes, fresh territory with a sweet ground floor!

>> No.7147246

30% of value was wiped, then it went straight back up to where it was at before. Anybody who held through the shadowfork made good dividends. Also, the 232 eth whale that lost on shadowfork pulled it directly out of OG PoWH.

I do agree we need a new website to interact with smart contract, as well as new social media, tutorials on how to interact with smart contract directly, etc.

>> No.7147248

And BTW, those tweets are still up. They probably scare away alot of investors. They were told about the tweets and left them up anyway. It's intentional.

>> No.7147259


is getting a bunch of action look at the etherscan


>> No.7147272

Nice fudding everyone I won't fucking SELL, and when they officially release something new I might try it, might or not. I was under the impression that they can't touch the contract and it's ETH holdings, if they take down the site, you can interact with the contract without the website. Some guy was already reporting here that you can manually withdraw only parts of dividents/eth.

>> No.7147300

LOL it's not even close to where it was before.
It was at almost 1200 ETH before. And whenever you look at the contract, remember that there should be about 400+ more ETH in there, but it's not there because the devs were retards. That ETH is lost forever in their glitched contract.

>> No.7147332

I mean all you gotta do is send a transaction with extra data being the function calls.

Wouldn't be hard to do it on metamask or MEW.

>> No.7147342

>and when they officially release something new I might try it
People like you are ironically the ones who are causing this coin to die. You're trying to stop FUD, but the biggest FUD to anyone who isn't a retard is the fact that the devs are going to create new projects. And you're encouraging them.

>> No.7147343

but this was the shadow the original is still going strong, too bad even it's creators are fudding it

>> No.7147391
File: 18 KB, 803x110, devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre fork was 1170, post was 1000. I agree the devs are retarded, but their shadowfork really only cost half a day to 1 day of growth. In the grand scheme of things, it's nothing.

Also pic related from discord

>> No.7147398

might, it depends on the outcome of this devs shitstorm

>> No.7147430

but all in all, I'm all the way for the one and the original POWH fuck everything else, it;s not needed, anything else is just self interest or pure SCAM

>> No.7147476

Dude the original project is not gonna die no matter what the devs do. Relax and breathe.

>> No.7147485

The Shadow has a broken contract where nobody can withdraw. The ETH that was withdrawn from the original and put in to the shadow is gone forever. So instead of being at about 1300 ETH right now, we are at 900 something.

>> No.7147544

It was a dip of over 400ETH that can never come back. There is 400 ETH less in the OG contract then there should be. Don't pretend like over 40% of the contract's current balance isn't alot.

>> No.7147568

I only have 5 powhcoins is this enough? Bought like 3 days ago and already have $100 dividends

>> No.7147581

how is it possible they can withdraw this much amount from one contract and send it another
I was under the impression they can't touch it

>> No.7147655

ETH was taken out to participate in the new fork, contract was broken and eth is gone

>> No.7147663

this one is getting action right now

to make money go to each clone and watch the etherscan soon as its going up get in soon as it stops get out! profit rinse repeat make 100's per day ez

>> No.7147671

> my face when people realize this one isn't solvent either

>> No.7147683

Dude get out of here with that scam.


You have been warned.

>> No.7147704

fuck off scammer panjeet

>> No.7147734

why would you do that when you can shill OG to mainstream and get ez 10x in a week comapred to wasting your life in front of the computer constantly shilling clones?

>> No.7147740

how was ETH taken out exactly? How was the contract broken? THEY CAN'T change the contract once it's running.

>> No.7147752

do you not realize the devs are trying to con you lol

They’re trying to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal but had the shadowfork been successful, a lot of you guys in here would be looking for blood.

There’s con artists will get what they have coming to them. 232 guy will put a hit out on these guys. I hope.

>> No.7147776

this is retarded. they CASHED OUT and lost it all

>> No.7147825

Is pretty low right now, ez money

>> No.7147831

I know you want to beleive in it, I don’t blame you.

I like you, anon.
And you’re willingness to participate and join the talks of this.

Since I like you, keep your eyes peeled. Have a good one

>> No.7147844

A shadowfork is still being worked on, and they're ironing out the bugs. In addtion, there's another shadowfork clone. And don't be surprised when another comes out, which is even better as far as improving your dividends.

>> No.7147868


1) Cashed out POWS on OG.
2) Created shadow with withdrawal bug.
3) They lost XXX amounts of ETH because of 2)


>> No.7147891


Anyone tried this one? Has a different layout at least

>> No.7147944

;) I know, anon. POWH is about to have a rude awakening. At least they have been giving a heads up about it

>> No.7147961

at that level of retardation they cannot comprehend and foresee the effects of the code changes they are going to introduce, so they'd like us to test the code, no way not with my ETH

>> No.7147970

“They” as in the holders on the coin. Good luck everybody

>> No.7147983

Are you shilling for the OG under new leadership or something completely new?

>> No.7147986

why the fuck do you waste time creating all these clones, just start shilling OG everywhere, you'll moon

>> No.7148005

This is a sewer for niggers without retirement accounts who cannot or will not invest in real securities. The nigger: always running from the cops.

>> No.7148009

OG is oversaturated

>> No.7148020

I don't fucking understand, the holders might DUMP, it's our + so WTF ?

>> No.7148038

What is up with all the 0 Ether transactions?


>> No.7148060
File: 43 KB, 675x625, 11111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you risk your ETH with an untested smart contract and risk getting fucked again like the first shadowfork...

Only the original is good guys, you just need to shill it to the right person...

Im doing my part, try doing the same, if trevon james or crypto nick make a video about this we will explode.... Their followers will eat up anything...

Try to reach them on social for them to make a video about it. We need more people to message them for this

>> No.7148061

Yes, when shadow was released, there was a mass exodus from the OG. This will likely happen again, when the new shadow that actually works, is released.

>> No.7148072
File: 86 KB, 700x466, 1517253408708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls sir very good ponzi scheme yes buy ignore withdrawal bug ok why do you hate money sir pls?

>> No.7148078

great we need another dip but it won't happen as everyone sane knows to have strong hands

>> No.7148086

I’m currently not shilling anything in particular. I don’t want to sound like a pajeet and say buy buy buy. I do know that I’m not fucking with POWH devs anymore because soon they will try to fuck everyone over again, and they don’t even care that people know this. It’s a trip.

>> No.7148089

you ping the contract with 0 to request your money withdrawn.

>> No.7148105

Original is done by the same devs that fucked up their shadowfork. People lost 900 eth because of their fucking pajeet code. GTFO with your shit.

>> No.7148106
File: 100 KB, 1163x789, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's withdrawals

>> No.7148123

withdrawal bug is not a problem on original powhcoin

>> No.7148129
File: 1.83 MB, 2137x1061, Big-Strong-Hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG POWH only guys.

>> No.7148143


A revolution is coming

A coin revolution

>> No.7148158

Should I sell my POWH or nah, is this new thing going to replace it or just take the OG into our hands, not the developers

>> No.7148160

Just like people who invest in ICOS. Risk Reward. The exodus from the OG will happen again, when one is released with better dividends like shadow.

>> No.7148183

stop spreading FUD

>> No.7148220

if you want to test new contracts with your own ETH sure go ahead, and make sure you leave some divs on the way out

>> No.7148273


>> No.7148279

Stop being a fuckin retard, no one will risk massive losses with an untested contract like what happened the first shadow fork...

Just up your shilling game and we are golden

Yo are you fuckin dense retard, dev only created the site, the smart contract PONZI coin was made by Jochen-Hoenicke (https://test.jochen-hoenicke.de/eth/ponzitoken/)) who is/was a Trezor senior Engineer

Of course when the dev tried to change the code to improve dividends, by not knowing proper solidity or not having coded the contract itself, of course he shit the bed, but the original contract is fine because it's made by another person.

>> No.7148298

Fucking retard, where is FUD? I'm stating the fact that the problem with the contract that cost people 900 ETH happened because of their retarded code. They are trying to behave like nothing happened, but they are the only reason people lost all their ETH. All the devs cashed out from OG and they tried to make a quick buck from shadowfork so they rushed it and we can see what happened in the end. Fuck them, fuck you and fuck the rest of their pajeets shilling this shit. Yes, I'm mad that I lost 3 ETH in their shadowfork shit.

>> No.7148313

The shadowfork WAS made by the same POWH devs. I’m not sure if that’s the fud you mentioned

>> No.7148344
File: 150 KB, 434x527, 1516059246530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought a literal pajeet ponzi scheme? How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.7148360

If I was pajeeting you then I would say yes.

My rational self would say to stay in POWH until you hear further information about what’s to come from the revolution

>> No.7148370


>> No.7148413




THE ORIGINAL contract is made by Jochen-Hoenicke (https://test.jochen-hoenicke.de/eth/ponzitoken/)) who is/was a Trezor senior Engineer, SO it's been tested and perfectly safe

That's the contract on the original POWH coin. When the /biz/ dev tried to make the shadow fork, he changed a couple lines without even testing causing a overflow error and breaking the contract. Why? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T FUCKIN CODE THE SMART CONTRACT, he only made the site.

>> No.7148436

Yes they will risk it, as evidence by countless people investing in ICOS. Devs have exist scammed ICOS in the past, but people still invest in these. It's the same concept. High risk, high reward. So yes, prepare for another mass exodus. Once shadow is rleleased, and verified to be working by anons here, who will likely test the water with small investments, and verifying it can be withdrawn. People will leave OG.

>> No.7148481

dear sir, i will recommend you to sell your POWH coins for new "revolution". original coin has security issues. Buy this better coin with stronger faster servers here


>> No.7148500

this. so let's stop arguing and go shill the OG on reddit so we can all make money together.

>> No.7148539
File: 67 KB, 675x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah don't forget to message youtubers with your social accounts

>> No.7148558

i can literally build this tonight. we need a name

>> No.7148595


>> No.7148618

noone fucking cares about shadow, only the retards that burned ETH there testing untested contracts

faggots will not migrate from OG onto anything especially after what happened with their latest "clone" project

fuck them, stop preading FUD about the original PoWH, OG all the way

>> No.7148658

this shit getting pumped

>> No.7148666

fudder pajeet

>> No.7148712
File: 487 KB, 704x728, shill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a magical investment fairy told me that a new version launches tonight. new devs with dividends on sell

you're welcome, anons

>> No.7148739

we don't need they can't touch the original contract, they can withdraw dividends and sell coins, which they already DID ! OG is going strong without them, now they are fudding it to die off.

>> No.7148737

Imagine 136K followers (what trevon has on youtube) and people who mostly invested in Bitconnect so they're already dumb as fuck.

Imagine Having POWH exposed to 136k people as gullible as them, we will make it big.

Message your youtubers / crypto twitters for maximum gains

>> No.7148743

All devs have already cashed out from OG and they created shadowfork and rushed this shadowfork code to get more money. It is their fault that shadowfork failed and people lost 900 ETH. They are trying to behave like nothing happened and hope that everyone will forget about it. We should not forget that the site is still being controlled by the very same devs that have no interest in OG anymore and they will try their best to make everyone switch to shadowfork v2.

>> No.7148753

It's Proof of White Hands you idiots. They're kek'ing at your willingness to be scammed.

>> No.7148754

> "this shit getting pumped"
> not even 20eth

>> No.7148764

posted it on my twitter


>> No.7148774


>> No.7148806

Why should I care when a mainstream youtuber will release a video by tonight about the original PoWH with links embedded?

>> No.7148810


>> No.7148813

you are like the 20th person to make the exact same comment for the site, you won't be laughing when it hits 150 Eth, thats all I need to make a million off the site.

Made $50,000 from the original but got in too late

>> No.7148855

You’re an idiot. The same POWH devs made shadowfork and then pumped their money in it and lost it.

Don’t let these guys make you think everything is alright. Meanwhile POWH devs are backdooring your bootyhole, plotting on the next move to fuck everyone over and make the most profits.

It’s not easy to see that the POWH devs didn’t believe in their product. That’s why they released a new one days later.


The. Fucking. Irony.


>> No.7148864

sure and then you woke up neeting in your mother basement

>> No.7148886

Fuck it lads
I'm converting all my BTC to ETH and putting it all into POWH
I knew when I got into it that this was cash to burn...

>> No.7148897

it won't even hit 100 eth dude. Better clones with dividends on sells will come out tonight, which will steal all potential users. Sorry bud say bye bye to 10% of your eth investment.

>> No.7148941

they only made the fucking UI, it's literally nothing

new website when and by who?

>> No.7148968

Just wait a day anon, better system will be out. Keep your eyes peeled on this board.

>> No.7148988

no, you're the idiot. the original dev wrote the contract, then the powh devs took the same exact code, created the contract, and put up the website. then, yesterday, some horrible dev wrote the code to "add dividends on sell" which at even the quickest glance clearly does not fucking work.

the original contract works, and was written by legit solidity devs. the shadow contract was a hastily written clusterfuck.

>> No.7149068
File: 11 KB, 314x355, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG PoWH sitting at 12500+ TX. Just need a new website by someone with iron hands and we can commence shilling in full force. Original, longest lasting, transparent, ethereum based ponzi scheme's FTW

>> No.7149112


>> No.7149144

I've also got 10 SUPREME kek can you send me some KYS ?

>> No.7149150

The shadow contract was put out by the POWH devs. All they did was change a few things in their original code and proceeded to buttfuck all of you but in reality they got it the worst.

I swear, those of you that are really thinking POWH will last, must be living in a different world.

Just wait :D I’ll be here to say I told you so

>> No.7149194

someone has archived the website onto Internet archive, will this work? he was posting the URL few days ago in some POW thread, can't recall now what it was

>> No.7149482

I'm the NIGGER token guy. Anyone wanna buy a NIGGER token? I have 8 left.

>> No.7149520


>> No.7149586

.05 ETH sound fair?

>> No.7149627

Sorry I just put that into PoWH

>> No.7149677


Reasonable strategy. Make sure this clone is on the list: pajeetcoin.xyz