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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7143712 No.7143712 [Reply] [Original]

Did you really think you could make it through life without doing any real work?

Sign the pledge

>> No.7143745


I'm in sales - I DON'T do real work.

I work from home...I maybe do 8 hours of work a week and I pull in around 250k a year.

>> No.7143763

>normies actually believe this and are proud to do so

>> No.7143794

Im done wage cucking at 23

>> No.7143816


i work 0 hours a week, and i pull in 350k after tax from dividends and interests

>> No.7143842

I would be happy to successfully make $2k a month right now. But I'm too much of a fuck up for that. I barely clear $300 a month.

>> No.7143850

Literally never had a "real" job in my life. I just sit at home and click buttons to make > 6 figs

>> No.7143859


i work -10 hours a week, and i pull in 850k after tax from dividends and interests

>> No.7143864
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Having a strong work ethic is a good thing. Being a huge cuck about it is just pathetic. This list is leaning a little too far towards the latter.

>> No.7143930

is there anything more pathetic than americans lying to themselves about their freedoms and shit? in america your life gets decided the moment you are born, other kids have more opportunities than you do and that's it. no way out for most of the poor kids. you probably die earlier too because you can't afford the healthcare

>> No.7143966

But I'm a dirty, overweight amerimutt

>> No.7143978

>how to be a chump

>> No.7144095
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That's true.
Just 2 weeks of vacation per year (that alone makes me throw up).
"Hard-working" mentality
Shitty salaries
Endless college debt
If you get cancer, you go bankrupt

>> No.7144126

I would rather kill myself if that was my only other option, not even joking.

>> No.7144187

It's kinda funny, I respect their idea of "personal freedom" and all that, there just is no real freedom for most Americans

>> No.7144243

what kind of sales faggot

>> No.7144279

>Dirty Jobs guy
>tv personality
that guy probably made more money per episode being a job tourist than the people actually doing those jobs made in a year

>> No.7144304

Fuck that, going all in on this instead: pajeetcoin.xyz

>> No.7144376

Cute. I do -3 hours of work and clear 8 figures every year from dividends and interest

>> No.7144401

Your country is so fucking brainwashed and they love it. America can't even grasp the meaning of freedom anymore.

>> No.7144471

Even if he thinks like a cuckslave he's probably going to get farther in life than most people here.
To win in this society you literally need to have this mentality of "all jobs are opportunities" and try to constantly get better and better positions.

Obviously, if you could hit the lottery, or invest in crypto and become a millionaire and get rid of all these rules, then you're ahead of the rest.
But sadly, the majority NEEDS these rules to survive and thrive.

>> No.7144474

>i believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early and stay late
Yea that's what the Japs thought too. Now look at em, they have to program drones to force them to go home.

>> No.7144513

#7 is pathetic

Otherwise pretty gud

>> No.7144533



Home pays me to sit here, with dividends, interest on rest clearing -7 figures ;)

>> No.7144805

People who glorify hard (low paid) work stay poor forever. I really don't see a reason to work hard if you don't have to. And "all people are created equal" BS... Yes, I could be as good at basketball as Shaq, I just choose not to because I'm lazy. We're equal.

>> No.7145728


Mike Rowe went to Towson University which is the shittiest state uni in Maryland where all the retards go and he's a TV personality.

This image is a fucking joke and so is anyone who falls for it.

>> No.7145743

Having a work ethic is a good thing. Having a good attitude is just as important. Working your ass off for someone else is just plain dumb. Work smart, not harder.

>> No.7145763

bersonal bredom

>> No.7145844

>I live in America

Wrong kiddo, you lost if you were born in America. I was born in Finland where education is 100% FREE and personal income tax is lower than in America.

>> No.7146268
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>> No.7146408

I worked my butt off and all I got was no butt.

>> No.7146439

Americans are just brainwashed beyond comprehension, the fact that every year they can choose between republicans or democrats says enough.

>> No.7146490

>I have won the greatest lottery. I am grateful.
Piss off. Everyday I wish my mom used her head for once and chose not to spread her legs.

>> No.7146505

fuck you dad

>> No.7146532


Industrial sales - air quality instrumentation, ambient and CEMs.

>> No.7146690
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>> No.7146791

i'll sign that pledge once the guy that wrote it gets off his entitled boomer ass and gets a real job.

>> No.7147025

>WASP larps as yeehaw settler
wow stop the fucking presses

>> No.7147092

If not larping.
Both of you guys have been smart enough to make your money work for you. But to actually get money to work for you you have to put in effort. In some cases both physical and mental. I only pull 3k a week but am in the process of building a business and gambling with crypto along with my day job. If it succeeds I too will be able to make my money work for me. But to succeed I have to put in the effort.
His pledge thing is a bit meme tier but is good for forming a base for most people.

There has never been a time period in America when that statement has been more wrong. Information is free thanks to the internet. The gateways to that information torn down if not completely then enough to make due. You can teach yourself anything you need to online thanks to online colleges. If you go into tech or sales you can even skip college if you do it right. Setting up your own business has never been cheaper or easier to thanks to online revenue. Poor people are largely poor due to their own mistakes and shortcomings. Yes they did get hit with the shit stick starting out but they stay poor thanks to themselves.
I grew up next to a trap house and am worth 6 figures in my mid twenties, and Im not even doing that well when compared to the opportunities I've squandered.

Its always your fault.

>> No.7147255

Make it say always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.7147298

best one so far

>> No.7147387

I'm an engineer in the army

>Just fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.7147395
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>normies actually believe mike rowe actually believes this

>> No.7147547

I'm already making it with crypto gains faggot, quit my job months ago and never felt better.
> holds a comfy link stack
> holds a comfy BNK ( https://bankera.live ) stack that pays dividends even before the ICO is over
> daytrades shitcoins for quick gains

Thanks biz

>> No.7147639


I work -4000 hours a day, get my dick sucked by Wendy’s supermodels 24/7 and make 20 figures every second

>> No.7147746


This is some Reddit tier faggotry and you fags need to go back.

>> No.7148489
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I do real work OP. I fix medical equipment for a living. I work 10 hours a day and get paid half the national average. It's not my employer, it's my state. Apparently biomeds just don't need that much money living in fucking Michigan... It's bullshit.

I hate my job. I want to make MY own living. I want to build stuff, and I want to choose when I decide to work.

>> No.7148956
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Leave it a Jew tool on TV to promote this antiquated nonsense.

>> No.7149079
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We run 4chan now

>> No.7149116

Perfume salesman/actor telling people to do "real work" top kek kys.

>> No.7149606
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I am perpetually falling into time distillation displacement events caused by a rogue gravitational singularity from the large hadron super collider that causes me to age backwards and am being paid by the Swiss government and independent invested parties, trillions of dollars a year to keep quiet about it.