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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7145052 No.7145052 [Reply] [Original]

>staked LINK tokens aren't necessary to run a node
>node operators won't be paid in LINK tokens
*breathes in chestily*
*coughs a little*

your chainlink tokens are worthless you fags. No wonder the price dumped, you don't even need them for the network. You faggots just didn't read the documentation. The smart money bailed two weeks ago when this came out.

>> No.7145081
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>> No.7145112
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>Stinky linkies bought a worthless token sold by a fat Russian man

>> No.7145120
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nothing because you can also pay penalties and bid using the clockchains coins. There is literally zero reason for the tokens other than making sergey rich.

>> No.7145129

Nice fud brah

>> No.7145141
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nothing makes me happier than seeing linkies get fucked

>> No.7145151


>> No.7145166

Sure you can run a node with no tokens but it will lack both priority and reputation. Might earn 0.00001 after a few days.

>> No.7145179

quality fud OP

>> No.7145197

Imagine being this fucking brain dead that you can't even read.

>> No.7145206
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C-can someone debunk this, I don’t have antibodies against this FUD

>> No.7145207

My favorite fork

>> No.7145213

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.7145217

>what is uptime rankings
>what is accuracy rankings
>what is undercutting the competition on price
node reputation is affected by 14 different things, most higher than number of tokens staked; tokens were an afterthought it looks like

>> No.7145245

Lmao if that scares you just sell already

>> No.7145246
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>> No.7145259
File: 76 KB, 500x393, 5B5A2F1E-E658-4DFC-BEE9-2C0CFC6A1A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read OPs pic or just his text? Kys retard.

>> No.7145288

You can't Link tokens are dead. Sell now before plebbit finds out!

>> No.7145320

Pretty good FUD, however as we all know, the movement of information and the exchanging of one currency to another is all done with LINK tokens.

Nice try...

All of you pinks need to fucking read the fucking documentation on the site you weak handed fucking morons.


>> No.7145382
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HAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAH what does that even mean? This is the dunning kruger effect in action my friends. I hope this is bait or I'm really worried about the future of this board if it's populated with brainlets of this magnitude.

>> No.7145383

So it's basically like the crypto version of a the Petro Dollar?

>> No.7145394

I have almost 8k Link (lions share of my portfolio) and I honestly don't fully understand how it works...

>> No.7145445

I want everyone on biz to look and see what real delusion looks like. (DROP AND GIVE ME 200) we are link marines hurr durr. Enjoy those heavy bags.

>> No.7145457

No, what he said makes no sense whatsoever.

>, the movement of information and the exchanging of one currency to another is all done with LINK tokens.
You can't provide this documentation because this 1. makes no sense 2. isn't at all what the token is for

go back and read link threads from around the ICO the IQ of linkies dropped precipitously since then as people who actually understand the project got out. DYOR but basically sell now before it dumps and you don't know what hit you.

>> No.7145484

the cultists are in damage control

>> No.7145500

>two node operators providing same API with similar uptime and reliability
>One node has staked link
>One node doesn't

Guess who will make more money, dipshit? If you don't think node operation will be a competitive endeavor you don't understand economics

>> No.7145504

>retarded stinkys about to go below the mariana trench

I wish this were FUD

>> No.7145528
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Thanks for saving me, market sold it all

>> No.7145558

i applaud your FUD effort. This is high quality. Only problem is that the token is what is used for the actual contract mitigation. No LINK token, no product.
>inb4 why don't they just use ETH as the smart contract?
Think real hard about why they would want their own use case token for this. There are only like 100+ reasons why they need the token I'll list them if ur really this dumb.

>> No.7145566

Everyone here is retarded.

You don't *need* LINK staked on your node to run it, but it will essentially be worthless because

-It won't have LINK to serve as leverage for penalty
-It will have no Node reputation as it has neither LINK nor receives any usage
-Only competitive nodes will be listed on the platform for smart contract developers/etc who are shopping for nodes.

LINK's value is that it will allow one to become a *legitimate* node through which hundreds of thousands of extraordinarily valuable data streams will pass through between APIs and smart contracts.

This fud is officially complete bullshit. If you did not already understand the economics/tech behind chainlink and are wavered at fud this shitty, then why are you even holding? Just sell you fucking numb nut faggots.

>> No.7145641

comeon dude, we've heard this before, its hilarious seeing people panic over it

>> No.7145665
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The whitepaper should dispel the fud

>> No.7145702

>contract mitigation
These are meaningless buzzwords to fool newfags into thinking you know what you're talking about. Even you don't explain what this means, because you can't.
>inb4 why don't they just use ETH as the smart contract?
This statement makes no sense. ETH coins are not smart contracts. Sergey doesn't seem to agree with you in any case. He doesn't see the value in using the token for payments, he himself says pay in whatever platform token you're using, neo, eth, btc, etc.

If you can pay node operators in link tokens you can safely assume penalties can be paid in the platform coin as well. It's called reading between the lines. Again this doesn't respond to the criticsm that there are dozens of other factors than arbitrarily giving assignments to the nodes that bought the most worthless tokens.

>> No.7145736

you do understand they published this in ocotber and the documentation in the op was released in january? They've obviously updated it and will publish a revised white paper at some point in the future.

>> No.7145761

I bought more thanks OP.

>> No.7145798

The pic in your OP has fuck all to do with what you typed. You should've finished your post with
>pic unrelated

>> No.7145835

Old news. If you want to run a node that offers variety of services you will need to have a lot of link staked on your node

>> No.7145888

This is for smartcontract.com and it's old news, nice try curry nigger.

>> No.7145965

>Sergey doesn't seem to agree with you in any case. He doesn't see the value in using the token for payments, he himself says pay in whatever platform token you're using, neo, eth, btc, etc.
The smart contract is for the exchange of payment you're speaking of, LINK is used to pay for the, wait for it....
>contract mitigation
>These are meaningless buzzwords to fool newfags into thinking you know what you're talking about. Even you don't explain what this means, because you can't.
contract mitigation

>> No.7145967

>its hilarious seeing people panic over it
show me one person

>> No.7146247

>new I was literally the first to sell at the top before it crashed

>> No.7146435

>this is for smartcontract.com
are link holders this stupid? i might actually sell now. the entire point of chainlink is that they’re created on smartcontract. where do you think you get the contract you fucking retard

>> No.7146552

i have to admit i just want everyone to sell their link so i can get moar

>> No.7146604

Interesting how quickly several new LINK shill threads spawned to drown this one.

Get rekt linkshits.

>> No.7146624

Wow it's literally nothing

>> No.7146635

Are you guys stupid? The coins don't need to have a use. People buy them to keep the price up, so that if needed then the team can sell some tokens for funding. This is a way of crowdfunding the project. I for one don't even need a financial incentive to see this project through to the end. That's how game changing it is.

>> No.7146650

>These are meaningless buzzwords to fool newfags into thinking you know what you're talking about. Even you don't explain what this means, because you can't.
so words you don't understand are "buzzwords"? This is 5th grade vocab. In otherwords, the token IS the contract vessel that is coded based on the specific API use.
>This statement makes no sense. ETH coins are not smart contracts. Sergey doesn't seem to agree with you in any case. He doesn't see the value in using the token for payments, he himself says pay in whatever platform token you're using, neo, eth, btc, etc.
When did I say it would be a form of payment? I said there would be good use cases for the LINK token to have value, such as capital for dev, building up reputable nodes (shit needs value to have meaning), paying themselves and employees for the work they're doing, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7146653


Lmao it's been known for a while you dont need tokens to run a node. Read the white paper if you have the attention span or intelligence.


>> No.7146691

Chainlink is one of the most retarded coins out there, what kind of pajeets even buy this piece of shit

>> No.7146717


Exact sir, buy mobius

>> No.7146793

>finally see some quality fud
>check price
>slightly up since a few hours ago

god damn it all to hell

>> No.7146831
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Chainlinks main function is to provide entertainment to /biz/ at the expense of brainlets.

>> No.7146843

Op btfo

>> No.7146909

this. it would be akin to paying nearly zero gas on an ethereum transfer or mining ETH with like a single GPU. Some shit node MIGHT take the job, but that's the point. They don't want to price people out of using the network for all cases. This allows poorfags with like sub 2K link to run a node if they want, and allows johnny blowjob down the street to make a smartcontract with a client over plumbing work in an office building.

>> No.7146951
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>> No.7147101

You should try holding axpire

>> No.7147144

shut the fuck up tripfag

>> No.7147199
File: 583 KB, 1000x800, CFEC2E38-44B5-46CF-9298-971CAA449265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe sergey never marketed because the tokens were never suppose to be of value in the first place

>> No.7147213

>Year 2025
>Walk into coffee shop with my good friend, Chad
>Wagecuck cashier: "Okay sir that'll be $2.87 each!"
>Looks at my phone, see that I have option to pay with either XLM or Nano
>XLM total: $2.875 after fee
>Nano total: $2.87 no fee
>Tries to pay with ChainLink
>Wagecuck cashier bursts out laughing, "H-hun. That's not even a currency. LINK wasn't even necessary to run a node. I don't know what the fuck you were thinking, investing in memes. Now get the fuck out of this coffee shop. You stink."
>Chad pays $2.87 for his coffee, no fees, and gets a blowjob from the wagecuck cashier

>> No.7147241

They don’t care about making their shareholders (coin bag holders) money you idiot

>> No.7147290

You’re an idiot thinking biz has affluence over any market.