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712448 No.712448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>60 employees making $8/hour
>3 managers making $12/hour
>1 General manager making $80k/year
>Corporate fat cats making ungodly amounts of money to "direct" hundreds of the above establishment structures

^This is what went wrong with America and its economy

>> No.712449

That is indeed a shitpost, yes.

>> No.712471


It's a truthpost. My general managers bonus is bigger than the assistant managers entire potential salary

>> No.712477

Why so envious?
He is apparently being paid what he is worth or the company would rapidly go out of business from a more efficient competitor.

You don't even have skin in the game, why should your opinion matter when the actual shareholders taking all the risk are ok with it?

>> No.712522

And my monthly income is more than one of your assistant managers make in a year. Some people make more than others; there's nothing inherently wrong with it.

>> No.712523

You now realize some people are just worth more.

Think of it this way, those 8 dollar an hour jobs in a lot of industries could easily be outsourced to another country or replaced with automation in other industries.

America doesn't have a wage problem. They have a stupid people problem

>> No.712541

Then his doing something right look in the mirror and analyze yourself you obviously are lacking.

>> No.712544

You are assuming efficient markets free of rent seeking and corruption. We don't live in the world you think we do.

>> No.712545

This is actually a good point, though I do tend to agree with the other posters in principle.

What do you propose?

>> No.712619

>class slavery
>media perpetuating 'racism'
attention redirection.

>> No.713022

ITT monkeys who assume a capitalist system must be right cause it exists. Slavery also existed in the West, but that shit is backward. Continue to think being paid more for a priviliged position is right you dark age dolts.

>> No.713040
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> An anon actually said "some people are worth more than others" in this thread

How does one live an uncontemplated life?

>> No.713043
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>> No.713057

>own small business, rental property, actively trade and manage my investments
>paid tax on ~$126k this year ($25,799 due in taxes once everything was calculated...)
>net worth grew considerably again this year
>have plenty of shekels laying about in cash and bank account

>drive 10 year old used vehicle that I paid $8000 cash for last year
>live in very modest house that's fully paid off
>house is furnished with reasonably priced appliances and furniture and I do all repairs/remodeling around the house myself

I know people I went to high school with who have $50k+ in student loans and make less than half of what I make a year yet they're driving brand new cars and living in homes that cost almost twice as much as mine. They're in debt up to their eyeballs and are always stressed out about money and miserable because they're killing themselves working 50hr+ workweeks at a job they hate just trying to keep up with bills. Honestly though, most of these people wouldn't be any better off if they made more money; they would just keep buying shit and taking out loans until they were just as strung out trying to keep up with payments. Sure, they'd have nicer things but their basic lifestyle and monetary problems would be nearly identical. Some people just don't get it... The real secret to wealth isn't about making money, it's about accumulating it.

>> No.713069

At least they're keeping the economy going unlike pennypinch mcjew over here.

>> No.713076

>keeping the economy going = sending 90% of your money to banks via interest

I had no idea

>> No.713117

Ey yo, what business you do?

Also did you start off making your own business or were you originally working for someone else?

>> No.713125

Well now you do.

>> No.713128

>Live in Yurop
>Government assigns me my job plowing the fields
>Pays me twice the minimum wage as USA, but everything costs six times as much
>Government murders me if I say I don't want to work in the fields
>African immigrant is my boss because of government mandates that only immigrants can hold non field labor jobs
>Government takes 40% of my income to pay for my "free" healthcare and "free" education
>Government takes another 55% in taxes for my mandatory cuckolding and diversity training
>Government mandates that all CEOs must be non whites in any small business.
>Can barely afford my TV license and the payments on my cuck shed
>If I stop, the government will murder me
>I spend all my free time on a Korean crayola hentai board posting about how shitty American culture is

Such a better alternative to capitalism

>> No.713132

Seasonal retail & wholesale business producing and selling a niche product via ebay, online store, through industry connections, trade newsletters, and trade shows (I mostly go to trade shows to make connections with retailers who'd like to sell my product for more of those based wholesale sales).

I'm glad there are plenty of others in my generation who are willing to do that, it seems awful.

>> No.713137

based frugal life style

it's healthy both economically and spiritually

>> No.713141


I mean, I have a friend who's making a little over $90k as an electrical engineer and he tells me that he's lucky to save $500/mo after he pays his and his wife's bills (stay at home wife who's thinking about going back to college, lmao). I mean he's got some money in a 401k but still.. it's ridiculous to be spending that much money monthly on bills and loans.

>> No.713143

Neat. Is that a product you produce yourself or do you just get it shipped through Alibaba?

>> No.713147

(going off that) The main reason I'm interested is you aren't a retard and actually understand frugality, it's disturbingly uncommon.

>> No.713148

>GM makes 80k a year
At a place with 8 dollar employees doing all the work? No way on earth. 40k if they are lucky.

>> No.713150


I felt so terrible at my ten year high school reunion, because everyone there was married and the entire parking lot was full of BMWs.

Everybody there was somehow making 200k+ and living in 800k homes and her I am making 60k a year and living in a 200k house that is almost paid off.

Three of those people have committed suicide within the last five years and virtually all of them are divorced.

Later found out from a friend that sales cars that people rent expensive cars just for high school reunions.

>> No.713152

I grow several hundred different cultivars of ornamental flowering plants (daffodils, lillies, etc.), most of them being fall planted bulbs, some of which aren't in commercial production by anyone else in the world anymore.

>> No.713155

Interesting. How do you do it? Do you sell them fully grown?

>> No.713157



>someone should take on extra responsibility and stress, but not receive any kind of extra reward for doing so.

>> No.713182

Capitalism is not a system that anyone designed or implemented. It is merely a description of how efficient markets work.

Continue being a minimum wage pleb who thinks actually being responsible for something or developing useful skills is stupid because the game is rigged or whatever it is you believe though. You are the cheap labor that makes the world go 'round.

>> No.713213

Gotta say I didn't expect that. That's great though, I love hearing people's success stories.

>> No.713220


What's wrong with society is that managers, athletes, and celebrities pull in far more money than soldiers and people who actually make the country run.

>> No.713280

I mostly deal in flower bulbs, so I just wait until the blooms and foliage die down and the bulbs go dormant for the year, then I dig them up with a backhoe, clean the bulbs, separate the bulbs that are blooming sized from the immature bulbs, put them through a few treatments for fungus and nematodes, and store them in racks in the back of my shop. I'll replant the immature bulbs and sell the bulbs that are "blooming sized".

I generally start harvesting in July and try to have everything either sold or replanted by early December. I'll only deal with 40-50 varieties a year and shoot for ~150k total bulb production.

>> No.713298

and you're a dumbfuck not realising how much stress you can get at high level position. People from my family used to stay at work during nightshifts just to get shit done for the next day while fucking morons like you are sleeping or playing world of warcraft.

You'll always stay shit, if we all earned the same salary I'll do any manual work against "office job".

Fucking idiot, gtfo /biz/

>> No.713308


The greek philosophers understood that some people are better than others.

>> No.713321


Let me play you a tune on the world's smallest violin.

Your family never had to worry about eating.

>> No.713323

The only people in higher positions who "go through a lot of stress" are morons who are just slightly more capable than the typical moron/wage slave. They're still wage slaves, the owners and executives just want them to think they aren't.

>> No.713416

>muh anecdotes

if you are stressed you are shit at managing and dont deserve the position

>> No.713459

Lol you faggot. You have obviously never had a dumbfuck executive threatening your job if you cant meet unrealistic budgets

>> No.713531

Best buy is 9 dollar an hour employees with GMs making 100k, and if your store preforms, the sales floor is making around 10/hr and GMs are making 130k.

>> No.713599
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> Rents out classy cars just for high school reunions?

> everyone is an autistic pleb.

>> No.713640

>America doesn't have a wage problem. They have a stupid people problem
Every country has the "stupid people problem".

>> No.713641

>Capitalism is not a system that anyone designed or implemented. It is merely a description of how efficient markets work.
No. It is a description of how cronyism works.

>Continue being a minimum wage pleb who thinks actually being responsible for something or developing useful skills is stupid because the game is rigged or whatever it is you believe though.
The game IS rigged. Over-regulated markets make the rich richer and the poor poorer; the barrier of entry keeps rising.

Thank government for this.

>> No.713642

>The greek philosophers understood that some people are better than others.
We're all walking dead men. Nobody in that situation could possibly be "better off" than anyone else.

>> No.713887

are the majority of western people actually still buying things they can't afford? Why?

>> No.713895


Except you dont hear people in Poland or Pakistan bitching about how low their wages are compared to the people they work for.

Should I rephrase that to say America doesn't have a wage problem, they have an entitlement problem?

>> No.713903

^This guy has a point though. e.g. think of how much of a stink taxi companies raised once Uber/Lyft came online.

>> No.714050

niggers and mexicans are what went wrong

>> No.714370

Because media is incredibly effective when it saturates every single communication channel a person has literally as soon as they can start communicating.

>> No.714405

>The game IS rigged. Over-regulated markets make the rich richer and the poor poorer; the barrier of entry keeps rising.
>Thank government for this

You know there is such a thing as a free market capitalist economy.

>> No.714435

They should absolutely receive a reward but it'd take a long time to convince me that they currently receive a proportionate reward.

>> No.714462
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This is basically the grocery store chain I used to work at.

>> No.714464

Does pakistan even have free speech? No, they don't.

>> No.714471
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That's just fantastic Omega Emperor of Mankind! I'm glad everything in life has to go through your wondrous brain and it's 100% objective based processing. You put deities to shame you do.

>> No.714501
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I can't wait till all these unemployed drivers start doing something about their obsolescence.

>> No.714621


>> No.714694


WTF does that have to do with anything? Your freedom of speech only applies to government, not your private employer.

Keep bitching you entitled Apple user

>> No.714705

And there are people agreeing to work for $8 per hour, thus agreeing that they are only worth this. I see no issue with this. If you don't like it try to be worth more economically.

>> No.714709


>> No.714712
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>I decide what people are worth in a free market

If you are going to act like that at least talk shit on government salaries. Others are free to pay whatever the fuck they want. Cry about it bitch.

>> No.714716

That's cause we're not on polish or pakistani forums. If we were, we would.

>> No.714717

>I, a single person, decide how much someone should be paid.
>I hate corruption.

>> No.714722


It doesn't exist. All economies are either command or regulated.