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7143466 No.7143466 [Reply] [Original]

Do any anons on here work 7 days a week or used to? How was it?

>> No.7143486

It was ok

>> No.7143528

Haven't worked for over 5 years
t. 28

>> No.7143566

The middle and the left one need to lose weight. Lazy bitches.

>> No.7143589

Done it occasionally when working variable shifts in several jobs, and regularly when I was in the army.

It fucking sucks my good man.

>> No.7143601

1, 2, 3

Fuck 2
Kill 3
Marry 1


>> No.7143609

They are perfect
Especially the middle one
Would marry her 10/10

>> No.7143626

Kill yourself soyboi

t. High test chad

>> No.7143644

> middle one has visible abs
> needs to lose weight


>> No.7143656

So it's not worth the extra cash money?

>> No.7143670

She is just too fat. Just look at the disproportional waistline. What the fuck is that?

>> No.7143697

I worked 3 days part time a week and it was way too much, so I retired.
>21 btw

>> No.7143705

That's what you call abs? She just didn't get much fat around that area. Probably just skinny fat. Bottom is too fat, legs are too fat.

>> No.7143706
File: 190 KB, 1200x945, 3383B420-DD3F-47BA-9DD6-F21E317A8841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically need to kill yourself and free us from your genetic trash.

>pic related is you and your bf

>> No.7143713

yes. Did it for 3 years in my early 20's. It does suck. Worked from 4am-noon on a boars head truck 5 days a week. 2-10 in a hotel 6 days a week. 5am-noon on weekends as a plumbing assistant. Only day off was MLK day for some odd reason for those 3 years. Worked all holidays at the hotel.

>> No.7143732

i work 5 days a week and i fucking hate it

>> No.7143742

it is worth it for the money. That is why i did it. Made more money those 3 years than i ever have working since. Now i am 6days a week in a union job which is great with OT.

>> No.7143828

Fuck you, I've been working my ass off in the gym for 5 years now, so I can have a perfect body for my girlfriend. I don't find lazy bitches attractive who settle for 'normal' weight.

>> No.7143845

Did it for about 2 months, you burn out pretty quick. The human brain requires days off.

>> No.7143906
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Same, but I'm 29.

>mfw I'm going to have to soon if I don't start making gains again soon

>> No.7143929

faggot spotted

>> No.7143960
File: 272 KB, 2048x1366, 1516147323951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly ... i am very emotional , and when i am around with i girl that i like ... i freeze ... and i have low self esteem... I cant fuck a gilr because i am scared of failure... i try 2 times.The first girl was ugly , so when i tried to fuck her i was disgusted by her ...I also thought that human having sex is like animals having sex ,disgusting . The second time i tried with a girl younger than me , she had a lot more experience than me .I tried with her a lot of times ... i had an erectile dysfunction , i was scared .I am not gay , i have enjoyed fapping to trap , but i never more than girls ...I have thougt of suicide , but it will not happen... i suffer every day inside .

>> No.7144003

I can only assume that you guys find them attractive because you're fat as fuck and they are skinny in comparison to you disgusting pieces of shit. Just look at all the fat on the left one. How she's pushing the fat away. I have to puke when I see this shit.

>> No.7144031
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Right this way, Pajeet.

>> No.7144041

reddit:the post

>> No.7144048

That's pretty much what sex is like, dude.

>> No.7144058


>> No.7144069

when I was in the us I worked 7 days for some period of time. And it was around 80h/week
I was making good money and knew it was only temporary so it felt pretty good. I was making more money than good doctors make in my shithole country. I felt like a fucking King
Do whatever is neccessary to shorten your wageslacing period guys. Even if it means working some crazy overtime, at least you'll feel some progress, nothing worse than 9-5 for 40 years with no end in sight

>> No.7144079


I like my women to jiggle when I fuck them, it's homosexual fashion designers who dictate that twiggy women are the most attractive.

>> No.7144093

>legs are too fat
Are you retarded? Women are supposed to have wide hips for birthing. She's biologically perfect for reproduction. You sound like a pedo desu.

>> No.7144123

>Tfw my gf started off with a Dynamite body but now has sausage links for arms
This is my worst nightmare

>> No.7144169

The ideal weight for a woman is exactly between 'jiggly' and 'twiggy'. She needs to have a bit of flesh on her ribs, but not as much as these bitches.

>> No.7144277

In the AF work 7 days a week most of the time have done for the past 9 years. Now I'm 28 my body is ruined and I've wasted the best years of my life. Feel like a change in career. Any advice lol?

>> No.7144341

In the Navy on deployment we worked 12 hour shifts with no days off until we pulled into port once every 3 or 4 weeks. Everyday is like groundhogs day so time flies by. Everyone's mood eased up so it wasn't terrible, still sucked though

>> No.7144366

>he's attracted to the underdeveloped girl on the right
You're either a pedo or so insecure about yourself that you choose inferior women.

>> No.7144419

>I have to puke when I see this shit
you are gay anon, just accept it

>> No.7144578

Men are supposed to be bigger than women. They only reason you'd exclusively be attracted to skinny girls is if you're an underweight skeleton who's smaller than normal healthy girls. You're inferior. At least you're shooting for girls within your inferior league though. The skinny bitch you marry will probably die giving birth. So you won't pass on either of your shitty genes.

>> No.7145017
File: 99 KB, 630x414, IMG_4249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to do dumb shit like wageslave 70+ hours a week is it best to get two jobs or just get a job that pays overtime?

>> No.7145122

Used to, and fuck me I hated myself

I was all about chasing them $$$$ then I got married and realized that the other goys I was doing it with weren't doing it because they wanted to.

They were doing it because their wives were like money pits for no reason. I even married a conservative gal from a decent family. Bitch still cheated on me and spent all my damn money on frivolous stuff.

>> No.7145258

I did the second option and no regrets,

>> No.7145510
File: 56 KB, 720x644, peuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work 40 hours a week, I train for lower league football 15 hours a week and study pretty much the rest of the time. Feels like I am burning the candle from both ends.

>> No.7145660

I work full time as a programmer and then bartend on weekend just to stay sane and force myself to be sociable.

>> No.7145674 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 293x156, cargox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were in Bounty0X (50x - low cap), Verify (20x - low cap), Payfair (100x - low cap), Modum ( 30x - supply chain) and Wabi (20x - supply chain), you must chase CargoX ($7m mcap - low cap & supply chain) is only $14m mcap on IDEX...

Small cap 7M.. good team... PUMP!

>> No.7146008
File: 268 KB, 596x891, comment_f2QuOrdCrhFIWyj3h1j7ZZlR048bzcDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is only single thing proportional in the pic
Thin waist, broad hips dafuq man thats it
Otherwise you amerifats need to get lard off your brains
Pic related is what body of a wife material is supposed to look like

>> No.7146074

Middle if fine (im both ways)

>> No.7146162

Worked 6 day weeks with 12-14h workdays
You really get zoomed into it after a while, the days go evenly, you dont fucking have time for anything else.
Its ok if the money is good though. Made more in a weeks overtime pay than some people do in a month. That was a motherfuck of a week tho.

>> No.7146188

Didnt even have the energy to fap or have sex for most of that job, that is how gutted you get

>> No.7146227

lots of times, it´s the best life to live

>> No.7146266
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1510950569557s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I can have a perfect body for my girlfriend

>> No.7146383

Things that didnt happen.

>> No.7146418

>t. Faglord

>> No.7146436

Horrible. I wanted to an hero.

>> No.7146450

My first year as an analyst I worked proably 12-14 hour days including weekends for $80k before bonuses.

I make twice that now working 35 hour weeks, lol.

>> No.7146466

2 years ago I used to work at Al Udeid in Qatar for a company called Vectrus as a contractor. I was a bus driver, driving the on-base shuttle bus from one end of the base, to the other end. Over there you ain't got shit to do except work so I was on the clock for 10 hrs every day.

>> No.7146482


>> No.7146522

Awefull, at first its oke because you probably wanted a job and are pretty excited going to work.
After a few weeks it isn't so exciting anymore and lost its glamour.
After a few months you're really over it.

But the pay is decent depending on who you work for, which is something but then again. If you work for someone else you should really only do that to make money so you can eventually work for yourself else life becomes a drag.

I sometimes look at the cash registers who day in and day out sit in the supermarket on a chair checking people out... I can't imagine how dull and empty life for them must be.

>> No.7146556

bitch nigga

>> No.7146582

>he would marry fat disgusting Iskra
HAES not even once

>> No.7146602

>fat helps women give birth
Lol retard
Hips is literally bone structure

>> No.7146615

did it for a three month stretch. got sick of the internal politics - just let me do my shit - so quit. the revenue side of the business called me after 3 days of R&R and offer 4x the cash to come back and work directly for them. so worked out in the end.

>> No.7146616
File: 869 KB, 400x265, 1515263038652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working 63 hours every week, not including commute, at a factory.
>contemplating suicide

>> No.7146618

I agree with you. Prefer petite not fridge torsos

>> No.7146621


>9-5 office job m-f
>530 - 11 restaurant job thurs-sun

weeks would just fly by

>> No.7146776

What job anon?

>>7146616 this is my post btw

>> No.7146887

god just imagine the middle one bouncing on your dick

>> No.7146924
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1512788474603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147312

When is it on exchanges?

>> No.7147437

hold https://bankera.live tokens, they're already paying dividends for the 22nd week, if you miss this obvious next mainstream thing in crypto, i feel sorry for you

>> No.7147452

I did it for a month, 70-80 hour a week. It was ok, living on fast food only and wearing the same shit for days because no time for laundry. No friends or gf so didn't miss out anything. Money was nice but tax man raped me.

>> No.7147624

It sucks when you live alone because it's a real pain in the ass to do any sort of errands. Now I work 5 days and go to school on my two off days so you could say I'm still working 7 days a week, but at least with school I have time in between classes to do errands.

>> No.7147765

Agreed. 3 looks like an Asian/Jew hybrid.

>> No.7147788

>I like my women to jiggle when I fuck them
THIS. holy fuck, it's hypnotic...
i start trancing the fuck out and become beast-like when i watch the waves course over her as i pound away...

don't follow slave culture and hunt for sticks, guys... the man of nobler times liked a little jiggle for a reason.
a little bit of chub proves health and at least some prosperity... like girl #2 (obviously not your typical hambeast, just healthy)

>> No.7147886
File: 143 KB, 1245x1660, C5zoE8VUoAAlgSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga please I'll take pic related over your hamburgirls anyday

>> No.7148274

>disgusting boy body
you a pedo or something?

>> No.7148308

Kek. You a chubby chaser or obese bro?

>> No.7148777

I ran two jobs about 15 years ago when I was 17-18. Labourer Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and worked behind the counter at a fish ship the rest of the week.
I did this for about 2 months. It was hell, my body started to evaporate.

>> No.7148849

how many reqs to pump a load in the middle broad?

>> No.7149162


Lol, yes they are money pits, it's best to live minimalized be frugal and save. Save up 20k that's enough to do some serious flipping and investmemts.

>> No.7149379

Didn't 4chan invent fuck, kill, marry?

>> No.7149710

I did at one point. It was almost bearable except when you realize that if you take 2 days off a month you basically have 24 days a year which means you get one year of your life to do what you want while aging 15 years. there are times where it can be the right thing to do (if you are able to save the money and invest in something legitimate with good upside) but it's not a goal. that applies to wagecucking. the ultimate goal as I see it is to work everyday yet never work, basically by doing research and investment. it doesn't feel like work if you like it and yet it makes money

>> No.7149947


You need to connect with your own female side

The X chromosome side

>> No.7149999

First it is like everything difficult. But after a while you do not know what to do with any free time you have. You get brainwashed as fuck.

>> No.7150044

Yes, 100+ hours per week
It is awful
Don't do it

>> No.7150051

do you know what's even faggier than lifting to become chad thundercock and fuck a bunch of women?

lifting for your girlfriend

>> No.7150098


>> No.7150380

WTF do you do anon?