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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7140213 No.7140213 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you guys are actually over-invested in crypto?

23 years old here, placed 60% of my inheritance in crypto

>> No.7140289

When I got into crypto a bit over a year ago I threw in like $440.
At the time it wasn't a lot of money and by far not my biggest asset...
But uh... Now im not sure if I should move some to another investment and play it safe or what, because that $440 has become a significant amount

>> No.7140304

22, About 50% now, peaked at 70%. $380k from high and truly don't give a fuck. No longer look at charts and no longer consider it part of my net worth. Still a half millionaire without it. Net cost is only 50k. Wouldn't have the courage to not give a fuck if it was the full $500k. Make good decisions

>> No.7140347

21 year old i have 71% of my net worth in it, which is not that much. any advice to turn it into more?

>> No.7140387

26, not even using my own money. kek.

>> No.7140405



go fuck yourself. you deserve to have the money you didn't earn taken from you.

>> No.7140430
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i kind of did
am a neet by profession so i dont get much in salary from the government
put basically everything i had every month for the last year
not doing fine in fiat but pretty decent in crypto

>> No.7140435

why are you so salty about inheritance? if somebody saved up their entire life instead using their money and decided to pass it on to somebody else, what's your problem with that?

>> No.7140437

33, NEET, everything I have is on crypto.

>> No.7140483

>60% in crypto
holy fuck anon, sell now

>> No.7140519

>I now have $940!! I’m rich!

>> No.7140526

I just have 400$ invested in. After an initial 150$ investment I made in august when LTC was 46$. I sold one when they were 325$ and put the rest in to other crypto after they dipped to 200$.

>> No.7140556

.t child of failure parents

>> No.7140575

85% crypto
15% fiat

we're still early, these dips that are occuring right now are nothing against what the price will be in a few years from now. invested in solid projects and not in shit coins, so i'm just chilling and looking forward to the next years. cheers.

>> No.7140600

I went in it with money I definitely could afford to lose, now its money I rather not lose but I won't cry if I do

>> No.7140650

70% stocks 20% art 10% crypto. I’d say my portfolio is overall too aggressive for my age (35). You guys that are under 25 and single probably are fine if you are at least 40% traditional investments. You should increase that percentage over time.

>> No.7140691

Same situation, I'm just a happy HODLER by now. I didn't have enough to make a significant impact on my life before we bear'd so I'll just watch it play out. VERY confident we will see crypto truly explode this year.

>> No.7140700

>go fuck yourself. you deserve to have the money you didn't earn taken from you.
Why are you so salty? You realize that even education is based on inheritance most of the time? If you went to school with your parents paying you inherited something as opposed to poorfags that had to pay for their own education.

>> No.7140717

Actually more than 99% in crypto lmao. Went all in with 2k 8months ago, now at 280k

>> No.7140720

doubt.. nothing beats fiat

>> No.7140756

There is no doubt you should move at least half of those gains. Despite what these hype beasts tell you the next couple of years are probably going to suck for crypto. Bitcoin is not worth 20 times what google is worth. There isn’t some huge short term upside in this market in my opinion. There are individual projects that will do well but not hedging is very imprudent as an investor unless you have a logically airtight reason for doing so. And if you aren’t logical as an investor your short term success won’t be your long term
Gain t

t. Oldbro

>> No.7140769


I'm not even close.

I just realized it when I spent more a first class plane ticket than my entire portfolio is worth.

>> No.7140770


Lazy bitter envious socialist faggot detected.

>> No.7140782

95% in crypto

went in about a year ago with $5k, sitting at $375k now

only have $15k cash in the bank

>> No.7140799

i am still all in
went to 950k now down to 400k
everything or nothing for me
2mio minimum

>> No.7140990

>70% stocks 20% art 10% crypto.
What do you mean 20% art lmao...

>> No.7141026

Manga is no art faggot

>> No.7141066

this is biz fuck off with your sound and logical advice

>> No.7141070

Less than 1% of wallets have a value over $10,000. But somehow 75% of /biz/ has over $150,000.

>> No.7141096

well 100% of /biz/ is into shitcoins

>> No.7141133

only have 2% of my assets in crypto (~$20k)

>> No.7141151

75% of /biz/ are crypto hedge fund marketers. Probably more than 75%. I knew bitcoin was on a bearrun when I saw an add on 4chan saying "Click here for advice to buy Bitcoin!

>not click here to learn about "the next bitcoin"

When the opposite of BTC FUD happens---that is, when people start posting threads screaming "BUY BITCOIN!" then you know we are REALLY crashing. That ad I saw made me cash out 50% into fiat. Got my initial investment back, so I'm sleeping better now.

>> No.7141388

Why? Go fuck yourself. I didn't get an inheritance but will leave my children one, because they deserve it.

His parents earned that money. Who are you, or your nigger sisters and brothers to his parents? No one. Who else should be the rightful heir to their belongings?

Communist fuck, I hope your children grow up poor.

>> No.7141451

Invested $500 in november, now it's $400k. That you don't believe me just feeds my ego more. Cashed out 200$k so far, I'm 35 webdev.

>Bitcoin is not worth 20 times what google is worth
When a company sells stock to raise funds it then uses those funds to run the company, if it goes well it pays dividends if not the money can be gone. When you own bitcoin there is no company doing things with your funds and risking them. It's just a decentralized ledger, a trustless way to store value or a reference to something of value. The price of bitcoin isn't a result of speculation about future dividends like with companies which always has a limit, it's speculation about the demand for use of the most trusted trustless ledger which is almost limitless.

>> No.7141535

90% in crypto and 10% checking account. 100% of my crypto is in VEN.

>> No.7141599

?????????????? 100% in crypto, living at home 29year old NEET

>> No.7141660

>Invested $500 in november, now it's $400k
Biz is so pathetic. If you are going to LARP at least try to make it believable.

>> No.7141709

>buy random shitcoin
>it x100
>huur durr im so smart i earned this money

>> No.7141735

taken from you by whom? and then what happens with that money?

>> No.7141737


How much VEN

>> No.7141917


>> No.7141977
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mmm yes tell me again how unbelievable I am. Last two weeks I made around 100k in bear town.

>> No.7142033

I'm the fabulous 25% at 600 €.

>> No.7142084

>>Bitcoin is not worth 20 times what google is worth

google is not worth googles stock price either you dumb fuck.

It trades 27 times earnings.

you are a fucking moron trying to compare a stock to a currency.

>> No.7142118


>Bitcoin is not worth 20 times what google is worth
>comparing apple with bananas

The current state of /biz/ Ladies and Gentlemen.

>> No.7142142

F :-(

>> No.7142173

>mmm yes tell me again how unbelievable I am. Last two weeks I made around 100k in bear town.
You really expect us to believe that you turned $500 to $400k since November? Kys, at least make your larp start with $10k or $20k

>> No.7142177

20 y/o, roughly 90% of savings in crypto. I figured if I go broke, its whatever cuz it really only sets me a year's worth of work behind, so starting work at 21 ain't so bad. Luckily I got into XRB and VEN pretty early thanks to some reddit shills, so I'm still in the green from when I started. I'm not worried about this bear market desu, since it seems we've had one every January for the past several years. I'm also very confident about the future of these 2 coins, so I've been hodling and will continue to do so during the good times and bad times.

>> No.7142234

What is btc’s P/E ratio?

>> No.7142301
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25 yr old her

im all in

either this or suicide

>> No.7142405

99% of my money is in crypto, I'm unemployed, just had parents loan me money for a month's rent

>> No.7142421

>invested ~2k in june17
>sitting on currently 14.*k
>withdrew small amounts so its a bit more overall
>rate of withdrawel, it will take me over 2 months to withdraw and get hit with fees

How the fuck did everyone make six figures? I held like 8 coins and adjusted my stash monthly. No one in our fucking discord who invested less than 5k has made any life changing amount. Although a few guys with 20-30k made some sick fucking gains.

How/where did you guys make this 6 figure amounts?

>> No.7142428

90% lol

>> No.7142429

The price of google stock is based on speculation about future dividends. Their stock price is high compared to earnings because of the monopoly position which should put them in a position to produce lots of dividends in the future.

The other guy was comparing stocks to bitcoin as if it has any relevance to the price. Bitcoin isn't a currency either, it's just a secure, decentralized ledger.

>> No.7142451

5k at 110k , not thaaaaat much but still kills me a bit inside.

>> No.7142461

what about the other 5%?

>> No.7142469

Everything is in and everything is down

I should be getting taxes back this year. Yeeeeeah!!!!

>> No.7142489



>> No.7142510

>How/where did you guys make this 6 figure amounts?
for me it was luck. last december my parents gave me $5500 to put into my roth ira (i'm in college still) but i threw it all into ETH at <$10, and now i'm sitting on almost $600k. haven't made a single trade but i'm going to start buying XMR to sell locally for cash

>> No.7142512

The only people with 6 figs+ in crypto either:
-are larping
-are rich fags playing "investor" with daddy's money
-got in at early 2017 at the latest

If you got in in june last year you *just* missed an enormous alt bullrun which would have taken you over 100k too

>> No.7142516

29, NEET, everything I have is on crypto.

>> No.7142547
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>> No.7142555

when i read these sort of threads i really deep down hope it's a joke. i really hope no one is dumb enough to put all their money into crypto. it's been around 10 years and hasn't changed the world yet. what makes you think another 10 years will make any difference? this shit is scam. pump it and dump it.

>> No.7142570

that's what Warren buffet and the kikes do and you worship them. Just get of your high horse already, you annoying faggot

>> No.7142577

Liberals think blowing money on yourself rather than passing it down is fairer.

>> No.7142589
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>last december

Think your timeline is a little off.

>> No.7142599

god damn it. i mean december 2016

>> No.7142613

I'm all in. The only money I have in fiat is for basic survival

>> No.7142637


fuck you socialist communist nigger poorfaggot failure kys

mad that your junky parents didnt give you a cent because they spent it on crack you stupid pleb?

>> No.7142659

I have no networth as I'm a worthless neet. My dad trusted me with 1k(we're poor) a while ago and I'll give him 50% once I cash out.

>> No.7142676
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I only have $5000 to my name at 22 years old. $4k of which is in cryptos. Also I have a $1000 credit card bill. And my coins are all down. So basically i have nothing

>> No.7142730

No I said you wouldn't believe me. It was still only 1000$ after Christmas so it was actually 1k-400k in 1 month and not by getting lucky on one coin, this is through lots of trades per day.

>> No.7142760

100% invested in crypto

>> No.7142812

100% in crypto apart from food money

I have 2500% gainz since november thanks to raiblocks/nano

>> No.7142823

It's happened in crypto. Going all in or just in on the right coins at the right times making the right trades at the right times.

>> No.7142832

21, got into crypto around this time last year. I started with about 50% of my worth in crypto and now I'm living off my crypto.

Got my degree recently in CS but I'm not gonna wage cuck anytime soon. Working on my own projects and other ways to make money besides my crypto.

>> No.7142873

Owning and operating a node for blockchains like vechain is going to create a new class of wealthy individuals and families in 5 years time. Even though I have a small stack compared to some on here, I expect to be able to quit my comfy day job within the next 2 years.

>> No.7142953

This guy is spot on. Of course faggots on this board will rage

70% of Rich Families Lose Their Wealth by the Second Generation

>> No.7142978

How about poorfags who dont receive inheritance money? What happens to them after the second generation? Kek are they wiped out from this earth?

>> No.7143006


I went all in with money I definitely couldn't afford losing but there is no way that most crypto's I'm invested aren't atleast 5x EOY.

So it's essentially free money. I'm not going to weak hand and lose it all buying high selling low.

Holding 'til this shit moons. Doesn't matter if its 6 months, 1 year or 2 years but it's going to moon like never before.

If there is a world where Crypto will have a future there is no way everyone invested in now won't be a millionaire. Some think that Crypto's are done but we don't even have the tech yet. Just imagine the x's when these companies actually have a working product. It's going to be revolutionary.

>> No.7143007

Fiat: 1.4k
Crypto: 3.5k

Im poor but whatever

>> No.7143009
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crypto is the new rick and morty

fucking losers

>> No.7143019
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>not buying some piece from the next big artist who sells his art to buy heroin
>artist ods
>100x moon mission achieved

>> No.7143031

No he isn't. He's a massive faggot for thinking it's ok redistribute wealth through force instead of letting the lesser families fade into obscurity as is natural. Regress to the mean and what-not.

>> No.7143099

just got my initial investment so literally playing with internet monies at this point

>> No.7143114

and you deserve to have the money you did earn taken from both you AND your potential (but unlikely) offspring

>> No.7143123

fuck my bad, i thought he was calling op a faggot for being so reckless with his inheritance.

OP you should feel bad for squandering your inheritance, but im glad it wasn't distributed to actual niggers

>> No.7143150
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>i want to destroy any incentive for people to work hard and produce wealth
this is why commies starve to death you dumb nigger

>> No.7143167


>> No.7143202

23, 99% of my money was in crypto until yesterday when I took out a few hundred to pay for some upcoming bills since I only had $10 in my bank.

Plan on keeping it like this for at least another year or so.

>> No.7143214

>OP you should feel bad for squandering your inheritance, but im glad it wasn't distributed to actual niggers
Squandering my inheritance? I could have spend it on hookers and blow. How is putting it in crypto squandering it? Its literally not any different to creating a startup and spending the money as capital.

At least consider that I can make a huge amount of money if ever it works out.

>> No.7143235

>99% of people go on biz

>> No.7143237
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>> No.7143314

>t. Tyrone Tayshaun Johnson

Feels good to have successful loving "Parents" plural, not just a skank mom.

>> No.7143378

Dad, why are we so poor? Well children, one day I posted on /biz/ and ...

>> No.7143487
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>you can correlate addresses with wallets
nice anon, tell me how you do it

>> No.7143687

about 20% here, wanna max invest 33%

>> No.7144082
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Inherited 60K. Put 40K in crypto. It is 80K now. No, wait 70K. Wait 69K, nvm 71K

>> No.7144207

I'm 31, 13k was my life savings, 10k went into crypto around October.

At my peak I was like 27k, but now I don't even know. I think I'm at 15k or less during this bloodbath. Kind of scared.

>> No.7144305

literally $239 in bank account unknown amount in crypto

>> No.7144481

neck yourself peasant. you are what you are because your ancestors failed you not because others worked to set up their descendants. blame them and don't be like them or you will wind up a dead commie

>> No.7144998

31 here 3% in crypto(2k). Entered during blodbath and i don't even care if i lose it all. High risk high reward market no time for TA shit literally just went in on 2 coins. I am patient i will see in 2 years if i made the right choices.

>> No.7145955


>> No.7146852

Well you fucked up pretty bad anon.
Never risk your inheritance.
You must be new money.
Well maybe you're no money.

>> No.7147015

Who do I have to kill to get an inheritance at 23?
Oh... right. :(

>> No.7147817

Oh Lord that gif.
Fucking lost it

>> No.7147877
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I quit smoking and buying energy drinks in order to get crypto. It's $50ish a week (about 8% of my income) that I would have been just burning, so the market could literally go to zero and given that I'm healthier now, I'll still be better off. Up to $1200 total investment since november. Inb4 poorfag.

Though I can tell you right now that if I got an inheritance tomorrow I would put literally all of it in crypto

>> No.7147889

>Never risk your inheritance.
By your standards we shouldnt take risks at all. Its more dangerous for people who dont have inheritance money to take risks.

>> No.7147962

>not having 105% of your net worth in crypto

>> No.7148003

I'm just throwing in money whenever the fuck I can because it's all or nothing. I look at charts, I get FOMO, and I throw whatever money in that I can. Once I start breaking even there's gonna be hell to pay, I'll buy my block and then I'll buy my city. Til then I'm just a little bit in debt.

Til then it's nose to the grindstone. Til then I gotta clean my fucking room and make my bed and the gutters need cleaning.... well on that note I'm AFK til I find some more money to throw in

>> No.7148070

I’m 27, I invested around 40% of my paychecks since November. That’s total 40%, not after taking out money for housing and food and shit. But I have enough for rent and good food, that’s it. I am risking a lot, on top of that I have a 401k that takes 15% of my paychecks lol.

>> No.7148141

>Went 100% in, through August to September
>Was up ~11x before JUSTuary
>Now only up ~7x ;-;
Lesson learned, take profits. Don't get greedy and this shit moves in waves not straight lines.

>> No.7148154

I own real estate mainly, crypto holding pales in comparison. Less than 0.1%

>> No.7148267
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fuck off commie scum

>> No.7148457

Money gives you a greater ability to destroy yourself so someone without a lot of money who cannot control themselves doesn't need to be rich.

>> No.7148491

So someone who doesnt have money is perma-destroyed? At least give someone the option of ruining himself than being already ruined lol

>> No.7148530

Barron Trump is eleven years old. He wouldn't even be able to understand the opening pages of Capital. Forgive me if I completely disregard his opinion on things he isn't even old enough to study.


>> No.7148533


>> No.7148580

dumped 50% of my money in crypto

making only 2x until now

>> No.7148742

how the fuck can you be a half millionaire at 22 without crypto faggot?

>> No.7148885

>Invested $500 in november, now it's $400k.
worst larp I've ever seen... Unless you mean November 2012 fucking faggot

>> No.7148932

I had some Gridcoin I mined long ago to use my PC as a space heater during winter. They were worth almost nothing and had no volume. Mined about 5k of it and reinvested in ETH because it looked promising. Got a proper oven and stopped thinking about it until I read the news one day. My family and closest friends don't have to worry about electricity bills anymore.

>> No.7148983

march to june '17, invested 10k in fiat
mostly eth, some btc, some mixture of shitcoins
missed out on btc bullrun (sold on the way to the top) and held some heavy byteball bags and less heavy eth
put 0.02 eth in cryptokitties after everyone said it was over and came out with 17 eth by obsessively breeding and selling thousands of cats for a tiny profit (literally 10 hours a day, spreadsheets to keep track of which cat was breeding with which). one of the best weeks of my life t bh
kept accumulating eth and gaining small % of % on altcoins
now sitting at 105 eth + 10k of fiat for dips + 20k of btc + alts
i've missed on so many moon missions but i never lost big... survivorshipbias might be speaking, but i think the key is to put most of your stack on something reliable and take chances with tiny amounts. never let your greed take over thinking "if i had just taken more from my stack to gamble on this shitcoin...", just work with the profits of your shitcoin trades, compounding interest is powerful enough

>> No.7149090

That's pretty awesome anon, props to you