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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7141050 No.7141050 [Reply] [Original]

So now that crypto is over, it's back to full-time wagecucking for me. I applied to McDonalds for the role of a Full-time Crew Member and they've called me in for an interview. This will be my first job interview ever, so I just need real, useful advice to ace this interview.

>> No.7141121

Tell them how you failed in making gains in the greatest bull run ever

>> No.7141139

Come off as the most average person ever.
>why work here?
I'd like money to feed myself and MacDonalds has always been there for me when it comes to food. I want the chance to pay it back
Videogames and putting together hamburgers

>> No.7141141

What fucking bullrun? All the gains from the bullrun have been wiped away in the last few weeks.

>> No.7141177

the one for the last 8 years

>> No.7141291

>tfw can't even get a job at mcdonalds because I'm 22 and never a job
crypto was supposed to save me from this

>> No.7141785
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>hobbies: putting together hamburgers
OP your job is to seem as dependable yet simultaneously as underqualified for anything better as possible. A hiring manager is looking for low risk employees who won't turn over quick.

>> No.7141860

I started in October and I am still up 4x. The only way to lose money is if you are a complete retard, or you bought in this month.

>> No.7141958

Always tell the truth. If you get stuck on a question just say something like "I'll have to think about that" and pause before answering.

>> No.7142008

If you see your life’s paid work as slavery crypto will not change the fact that you are an essentially worthless human being. mcDonalds is too good for you.

>> No.7142044

god. at least shoot for walmart or target. at least there you can meet chicks and not be a living meme.

>> No.7142072

b-but... i like burgers, anon

>> No.7142098

I worked there for 5 years, it's the only job I ever had lol

>> No.7142117
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>Relying 100% on magic Internet money to prevent starvation

>> No.7142174

enjoy working with loud mouthed niggers.

>> No.7142207
File: 151 KB, 1287x2825, charts4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So now that crypto is over
pic related

pic related

yes. 3 weeks bear market has NEVER happened before in the history of crypto. it is clearly THE END. you guys have perfect foresight, McDonalds is clearly the ideal workplace for you. Finally you get to interact with people of like-kind intellect.

>> No.7142217

or better yet get yourself a CDL and drive a truck. You'll make more in one week truck driving than you will in a month at mcdonalds.

>> No.7142295

Actually this is bad advice. You use the STAR method. It's the only true way to answer employment questions. You can still make shit up if you want but you better use STAR or they will know.
>inb4 what is star
what is google.

>> No.7142702

This is why we need to start a chairity to help the less fortunate /biznesmen. Nobody should have to wageslave in a McDonald's.
I propose we can call it NEETs in Need and our slogan can be "a tendie on every table". Could be really helpful for tax purposes also to donate to chairity.

>> No.7143132

Only to people who have the balls and legitimacy to exit anonymity and give us full details on their financial position.

I myself have 5k in debt which I've payed like 600$ of it and I also have college costs + paying taxes on apartment, water, gas, electricity and all those 3 combined.

>> No.7143613

Yes, they need to give some proof ofc.
There should be a board of the bigger contributors who decides where the money goes

>> No.7143740

I'm 30 anon and can't get a job at McDonald's because it was the only job I had when I was 19 and quit after 2 weeks. Walked out the door in a fit of rage screaming "Fuck" over and over.

I think I have it worse than you.

>> No.7143800


whats this get? dubs squared?

>> No.7143844

It should be some kind of scholarship. If the NEET doesn't have a minimum of gains every month the money os shutdown.
Or at least if he (or she, who knows) is able to hold his portfolio value in a bear market.

>> No.7143897

> make them feel you're the right candidate
> make them feel your worth the paycheck
> make them feel you don't have comfort zone
> make them feel you're hungry

>> No.7143988

get thhe fuck out of here you fukcing newgag

>> No.7144010

fucking hell that is the most i've ever laughed at something on /biz/
Videogames and putting together hamburgers

>> No.7144022


>> No.7144053
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>bought in this month

>> No.7144056

For DigiByte and a couple other good, useful coins it has only begun :)

>> No.7144071
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>> make them feel you're hungry
>Job application with fast food chain

>> No.7144076


if you cant appreciate a mirrored number than maybe you are the newfag?

>> No.7144119

I started end of November and I’m up 12x

>> No.7144141

Wear a red tie, shave your face, get a haircut if you need to. Make sure you have some questions to ask them as well.

>> No.7144316

We can put them to work shilling our coins, that way it will be beneficial for all parties involved.

>> No.7144322

>Why work here?
>I'm looking for a solid first retail job and I'm here 4 times a week anyway.
Treat the hiring manager like you'd treat one of their customers. Be relaxed, have a smile, like you have the job already and the manager just wants to shoot the shit with you for 15-20 minutes. If you don't have a good answer, give a shitty answer and then ask an immediate question, such as:
>So what made you choose McDonald's?
>[answer] duhhrr, I live close by. [/answer] By the way, what do YOU think is the worst part about working here? [wait for them to give an answer, then follow up with] Alright. Well, what's the BEST part about working here? Smile when they smile when they answer a "positive question". Leave on a positive note and you got the job. Ask when you should expect to hear from them, on your way out.

>> No.7144340
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i've ran the calculations and the rarity of a similar get
is at least on par as a quad fag. show some respect

>> No.7144374


>> No.7144378

Looks like I forgot a [/greentext] tag in there.

>> No.7144402
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit i need to call the lottery, my numbers have the same rarity so they should have won.

>> No.7144457

there's literally nothing wrong with being a sandwich artist

>> No.7144608

Bitcoin at 10k$ . Still 1000% up from Jan 17.

It‘s over. Are u guys mentally ill? Just fuck off and ignore crypto

>> No.7144648

You need to interview for a McDonalds job? What kinda first world fancy ass area you live in?

>> No.7144729

No, c'mon that's just dishonest.

>> No.7144990

If you have an Amazon by you, doesn't hurt to go there. It's slave labor, but they don't even interview you. They just want warm bodies.

>> No.7145400


>> No.7145626

when they ask why you want to work for mcdonalds say you heard they have a good training programme.

>> No.7145655


They hire literally anybody, I don’t think you should worry.