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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7138102 No.7138102 [Reply] [Original]

Wageslave here with about $1,500 in the bank. Looking to make some money investing and eventually live off of being an investor.

Where should I start /biz/? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.7138124


>> No.7138208
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Too little too late

>> No.7138245

your only chance now is to invest in a low market cap coin that has never mooned before and hope that you picked correctly so that you can 10x to 100x your initial investment.

Buying and holding any of the big coins like BTC, ETH, XMR, LTC, etc. will never make you rich, or at least not for several decades if ever.

It's a crapshoot, just do a bit of research, pick something that seems solid, and hope it works out. I'd also recommend not spreading yourself too thin. Don't put the $1.5k in like 10 different coins, just put it all into 1 or 2 and then wait.

It's a bearish market right now though, still the odd moon mission happening but it's an uncertain time.

>> No.7138258
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>$1,500 in the bank
>eventually live off of being an investor

>> No.7138263

Get in ICX, VEN, or REQ anon.
You will make in in one year.

>> No.7138287

Put it in BTC at the moment, it is pretty safe and will cause you to spend time looking in on cryptos.
As your understanding grows, you will eventually find some other coins to put your money in, or you might begin to trade - but for now, get a foot in, buy BTC and hold.

>> No.7138341

Step 1: Don’t trust /biz/.
Step 2: Join the discord group.
Step 3: Ask your question there.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit!

https://discord gg/PpD28R4

>> No.7138347

Shit tier advice that will get OP no where. OP either invest in a low market cap coin and hope for the best or play the long con and invest in coins with good long term growth

>> No.7138368
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>Looking to make some money

So is fucking everyone

>and eventually live off of being an investor.

Lol no.

>> No.7138385

shitposting like a god

>> No.7138393

Dont trust pump groups
Dont trust biz
In fact better you dont trust anyone.

Keep investing a large part of your income every month in crypto or you will not make it.

It will probably take longer then you expect because you are a noob and will make lotsa mistakes.

No better time to start learning then now though.

>> No.7138447

yes yes put 232 eth into shadow and get powh'd

>> No.7138449

If you don't know anything about cryptos, odds are he will just put 1500$ in Turtle or Bazinga, and then panic sell, buy some other obvious pajeet scam and rinse and repeat.
My advice was NOT what to invest in, what could make him "eventually live off of being an investor"; my advice was "where should i start /biz/?", where i said holding bitcoin will give him a crash course introduction into Cryptos, which will make him able to make less shitty decisions.

>> No.7138490

maybe op should go to Yahoo Answers

>> No.7138590

True that. Involving money you cant trust anyone.
Buy something like Ethereum or Neo if you must get in now. Then read about the projects.

Never chase moons and buy in at ath

Dont lose money.