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7131872 No.7131872 [Reply] [Original]

I think the root of the problem is that NO ONE USES BITCOIN

There is no practical use for this. Neither corporate nor personal

>> No.7132043

Once you go to darkweb you see that BTC is the only currency used there.

>> No.7132095

thats a small enough market to keep BTC price below $5,000

the normals will leave

>> No.7132459

>The Bilderberg Group funded Blockstream. On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group.

>MasterCard funded Digital Currency Group, which funded Blockstream. Note: Glenn Hutchins serves as a board director for both the Digital Currency Group and the Federal Reserve Bank.
http://dcg.co/who-we-are/ (Archive: http://archive.is/6BLgo )
http://dcg.co/portfolio/#b (Archive: http://archive.is/u9e3n )
>Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC, to push people towards the Lightning Network:
>The Truth About Lightning Network:
>Larry Summers, the man who started the "war on cash" also serves as "special adviser" to the DCG board.

Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC with high fees, so that people will have to use the Lightning Network (a Blockstream project) for everyday transactions.
Result: The Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve central bank, MasterCard, and traditional banking sector have taken over Bitcoin BTC, crippled it, to turn it into a currency system that they control & profit from.
Analysis: Bitcoin BTC has been compromised. Time to switch to another cryptocurrency.

>> No.7132515

so what do you use any other coin that you hold for OP?

>> No.7132535

What is Monero? for 500

>> No.7132550


all you guys trying to promote more shitcoins. NO ONE ON EARTH USES BITCOIN

Since no one uses bitcoin your coins are even less used. making their worth 1000% artificial

>> No.7132585

This is so wrong. There are both darknet and clearnet vendors that accept all sorts of crypto as payment. Bitcore fags need to kill themselves.

>> No.7132609

Well duh, crypto isn't used anywhere outside of crypto. You have a few small local shops accepting it. Other than that crypto is far far away from mass adoption. People are here to make money (real USD/EUR/GBP/JPY money) not fucking internet money LMAO.
Think about it, we compare the value of coins against the USD.

>> No.7132626

What went wrong is that a bunch of bankers hijacked a revolution just like they did with occupy wallstreet.

>> No.7132649

store of value

>> No.7132653

i fear the value wont rise much only coz LITERALLY there is no widespread use for crypto

no sane businessman would accept payment in Bitcoin. FFS it went down 50% in a couple weeks

>> No.7132664
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bitcoin was good/useful at 20$ a coin, the fees make it useless as anything but a gamble and its all going to shit when the general public realize this

>> No.7132684

t. tinfoil hat

>> No.7132690

The only reason it went down in value is because fiat still exists.

>> No.7132698

crypto main utility is for drug dealers, pedos and money launderers, dark net criminals.. crypto has zero real worth which is why its going straight to zero with a few bounces in value because some bald greasy pedo needs his quick fix. Sell now or cry later.. youve been warned. CRYPTO is a SCAM.

>> No.7132728

t. salty no coiner

>> No.7132730

Show me a crypto with low volatility. Nobody can because its a fucking meme

>> No.7132743

Fiat is used for the same shit

>> No.7132753

That's not how you spell XMR

>> No.7132763

the spammers need to start spmaming the mempool again to keep the allusion go.

>> No.7132768


>> No.7132774

>There is no practical use for this. Neither corporate nor personal

Do you get it you stupid cunts?

>> No.7132796
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>> No.7132822
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Well you can still use fiat in every shop. People only buy crypto to make money and they don't wan't to use them because they might go up in value.

>> No.7132839

Yeah, they do. Biggest online computer and it hardware store in UK accepts btc, steam accepts btc. Im sure there is plenty more like luxury car dealerships accept it.

People also use it as store of value as its a fixed supply

>> No.7132860

keep up, all those places have dropped or are dropping bitcoin because the fees are too high

>> No.7132862

Steam doesn't accept BTC anymore.

>> No.7132864

>steam accepts btc.

they stopped!

BTC supporters are dropping like flies. flactuations r insane and there is no regulatory body to keep it stable

>> No.7132943

We really really need Tether support worldwide. It's much more stable.

>> No.7132977

Besides the point bitcoin is not really a small transaction currency, steam is for peanut amounts anyway.

You dont see people going around paying in gold do you?

"Ugh muh gold is better then cos its real"

Gold needs to be stored in a physical and a safe place and is not very easy to transport

>> No.7133005

If a currency can not be both a store of value and micro/very-low-fee transactions.
it is not a currency.

>> No.7133017

bitcoin has no actual value unlike gold just based on speculation, and the reason it became popular in the first place it is now too expensive to use.

>> No.7133118

This, gold also has a lot of use cases in terms of it being a high conductive malleable metal. People build shit with gold. Shit that does things.

>> No.7133154

>Muh need to be physically tangible
>World moves to digital age
You will be left behind refusing to change.

>> No.7133160

So why are you on a crypto board arguing about bitcoin and not on a gold plus 500 traders forum? Seems like you're pretty set in your ideas, dump your btc/crypto and enjoy the amazing gains of conductive malleable metal

>> No.7133176

This is why powh is the future, crypto is about trying to get rich over time, powh is the evolution of crypto investing by not ever planning to be used

>> No.7133192

>crypto goes up
>crypto goes down

Lmao, bankers aren't touching this shit with a ten-foot pole.

>> No.7133232

Shitcoin must die so that Crypto can live.
Fucking tether scam may have killed us already tho

>> No.7133248

Tether is a plague on crypto, get that fiat backed garbage out.

>> No.7133253

it needs to have some kind of use, bitcoin has no use as a currency anymore

>> No.7133265
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>Once you go to darkweb you see that BTC is the only currency used there.

>> No.7133280

It never really had a big currency market so i dont get what youre stressing about.

This board always goes into full kiddie fit when the price drops

>> No.7133282

I agree Bitcoin itself has little use, but there are alts that actually benefit the real world.

>> No.7133300

Wow what happend to this board?
This thread just made me realise that 90% of posters here are newfags
I honestly cant stop cringing, its like watching idiots talk about physics.

>> No.7133312

Unstable currency value and nobody using it because they want to cash out selling to some unfortunate ignorant fella.

>> No.7133319

>There is no practical use for this. Neither corporate nor personal
criminals had a use for it

>> No.7133321

>I think the root of the problem is that NO ONE USES BITCOIN

What do they use?

>> No.7133343

"Real" fiat money

>> No.7133362

Is it real because it is something you can physically touch? Does that make software fake?

>> No.7133378

all normans business are scared of BTC because of volatility in value

why noone created pluggable payment system where the price in BTC is always (real time) adjusted to the real value of the goods being sold according to the fiat?
The seller would get the said amount in fiat.
Byuer paid in BTC/ETH seller reveives desired amount in fiat.


>> No.7133382

Most people crying in this post bought btc over 15k and now foam at the mouth on their first drop

>> No.7133384

it's value come from being an exchange pairing

>> No.7133389

Or is fiat money "Real" because the nice government told you so.

>> No.7133395

You just explained REQ, congrats

>> No.7133411

It certainly helps that you can physically carry it and exchange it without having to rely on a computer

>> No.7133416

why the fuck do you need another coin for that ? you just introduce more FUD into normans minds

>> No.7133417

Even if it was only used for the dark net and criminals that is still a big enough market

>> No.7133429

Except millionaires don't carry it, its numbers on a computer.

>> No.7133438


>> No.7133463


>> No.7133532

Do you pay for all your stuff (food, rent, gas) with cryptos? Of course you don't.
Crypto will never work as long as jews are in control

>> No.7133850

blockstream is literally owned by bankers. Just kys already you dumb faggot

>> No.7133913

what even is a banker

am I a banker? I work for a bank as a programmer

>> No.7134113
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>> No.7134321

Hey guys check out these shitty arguments. If you point out that gold has use cases they will tell me that I am a gold fanboi and should go to reddit.

Bitcoin has no use cases. Gold does.
Gold is thus a store of value while bitcoin is not.

Get fucked

>> No.7134428


Nobody really uses gold either except for shiny nigger trinkets

Go read some economics you fat lazy brazilian

>> No.7134509
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>> No.7134823

>BTC up thousands of percent despite correction
>What went wrong

>> No.7134986
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if bitcoin went down to 50$ you would still be posting its up since 1$ stop worrying

>> No.7135030


t. never been on the darkweb

>> No.7135085

90% of people who bought cheap already sold and bought back in.

>> No.7135148

This, cunts are fucking delusional. Only thing worse is the 1 BTC = 1 BTC meme.

>> No.7135322

It's not.
And less and less people use it and there is more and more service to break pseudonymity.
All the promise of Bitcoin has been lies:

-Decentralized my ass, a few groups can manipulate the market easily. And the new LN and Segmeme craps make it even worse

-Anonymous my ass see:

-Fast, it's not. Using your credit card is 100 times faster.

>> No.7135337

I still think 2020,2030 and 2040 will be big milestones for big ol btc

>> No.7135636


>> No.7135667

No they didn't buy in, they are enjoying freedom and real money like I am. Why would we want to board sinking ship again?