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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7130185 No.7130185 [Reply] [Original]

Is /pol/ still the most influential board on 4chan?

Or has /biz/ taken the crown?

>> No.7130278

What's influential about a bunch of beta cucks chasing ponzi coins and setting themselves up for financial ruin? If /biz actually talk about BUSINESS then it may be anything other than a cesspool of fail.

>> No.7130321
File: 446 KB, 772x1035, 1484893373448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is /biz/ like 80% are polacks

it goes

>i might see what 4chan is
>spend time on /b/ eventually get used to the humour but disgusted by the degeneracy
>migrate to /pol/ learn about how the world really is but get sick of shills porn spam
>then end up in /biz/ trying to fight the jew and make something of yourself. but if pajeets and discorders arnt banned well probs migrate again

>> No.7130329

Talk with respect, people here have literally turned into millionaires over the past year
Money= influence.

>> No.7130342

>migrate to /pol/ learn about how the world really is
>muh jews
>muh darkies
>muh white race
oh yeah you really get it don't you

>> No.7130369

/biz/ is /pol/ + pajeets

>> No.7130382

no, you migrate to pol if you want to learn a bunch of lies meant to make you hate your fellow man and not stand up against the status quo of the rich business owning class

>> No.7130397

no they havent faggot
99% of people here are 3rd world shitters attempting to scam kids with their shitcoins. They are making a few ruppees

>> No.7130402
File: 150 KB, 723x757, 1516622034728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of the cross board posting mate. We hold it down in the threads enough, we don't need new topics started.

Yes but I'm sick of these posts like OP

pic related

>> No.7130406 [DELETED] 

most of the people currently on /biz/ are from /pol/. The only difference is that we had pajeets here

>> No.7130426

You get your news from the super trusted CNN network right? straight from the source!

Who wants to go to an unregulated board with opinions from actual people all over the world.

>> No.7130428

most of the people currently on /biz/ are from /pol/. The only difference is that we hate pajeets

>> No.7130439

Why do you poltards insist everyone is the same as you?

You can easily fuck off back to your board and jerk each other off there.

>> No.7130469

you really think it's all "with us or against us"
CNN is garbage
/pol/ is garbage
everyone is lying to you and circlejerking

>> No.7130492

It's funny actually, everyone on /biz/ hates pajeets but then go like muh go back to your racist board

I'm starting to think that those people are the actual pajeets, only they can hide here without the flag, see right on time >>7130439

>> No.7130504


>/pol/ is one person or opinion

you're a god damn moron if you don't appreciate the aggregation of opinions, ideas, news and so forth

>> No.7130622

I do. I appreciate it more than anything. I get my news from a wide variety of sources, internationally, including:
Die Welt
China Daily
But when you look at /pol/ in general, you see the exact same thing as when you look at far-left SJWs: a bunch of self-important, deluded morons circlejerking over bullshit in order hae an excuse for their meager societal role. The only difference is people on /pol/ are probably higher IQ than the SJWs, but more socially crippled so it's kind of a wash.

>> No.7130652
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At least either of those options have a fucking stance. Centralist retards are the most useless cunts in existence.

>> No.7130679
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>current state of /pol/

>> No.7130756
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>> No.7130771

knew that place was filled with fucking 60 year olds lmao their memes are complete dogshit

>> No.7130793

that's fucking awesome lmao.

>> No.7130882

Probably /a/ and a bit of /tv/. /b/ used to have pull but not anymore. /pol/ is a literal containment board that everyone hates. /biz/ is alright hardly has "influence" though. And is mostly just a way if getting us off /g/ acrual economics or finance talk here is a joke, but that's just 4chan in general. /Sci/ or /hist/ are no better I'm sure.

>> No.7130914

Its more like /x/
/pol/ has greater influence whereas /biz/ is like a pissing contest akin to social media

>> No.7131036

>well probs migrate again

Next stop is /x/. Mark my words, screencap this

>> No.7131075
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When bitcoin goes to 100k /biz/ and even reddit will have more power than /pol/. They are faggot no coiners.

>> No.7131084

Shut up nihilist faggot.

>> No.7131094
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Is there anything more hypocritical in this world than a leftist pretending to like diverity when in reality they hate it?

>> No.7131099

/biz/ is /pol/+/r9k/+/s/

>> No.7131126

I dont think youve ever visited another board

>> No.7131135

Pol was better in 2015/2016 but then reddit came in and ruined it. Theyll do the same thing to biz except it will be funny when they buy into some shitcoins being shilled by indians and lose all their money.

>> No.7131166

based on what?
it's not that bad.

>> No.7131216
File: 128 KB, 448x700, goddamn-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ fucking hates you faggots, every time you stand up and pull shit whole "we are are the true /biz/" shit everyone laughs at you but somehow you think they are laughing with you or something. You know you are a minority right? you know most people aren't reactionary aryan sycophants. The only color that matters is green. Idpol is bad for business, go back, sage goes in all fields

>> No.7131430

if you went to the boards you'd know

>> No.7131477

nah You just seem like a salty delusional /pol/ack.

>> No.7131486

They're the same

>Muh Jewz
>Pajeet in street

Both boards are filled with know it all fags

>> No.7131517

I'm a white nationalist

But National socialism is fucking gay

Embrace national capitalism

>> No.7131547

Hello /r/shitredditsays

Can you assdamaged leftists stop spamming /tv/ with your bullshit?

>> No.7131568

leftist faggots out

>> No.7131596

/tv/ unironically runs /pol/ and your pathetic board

>> No.7131619

> a bunch of self-important, deluded morons circlejerking over bullshit in order hae an excuse for their meager societal role.

That's just human in general, including (you)

>> No.7131672

hello plebbit, now gtfo and go kys

if anything /biz/ is the worst board due to the amount of redditors and normies coming here because of "muh get rich quick indernet moneyz", /pol/ was pretty much the same during the election and ever since, but it still degraded less than this place

>> No.7131741

newfag detected

>> No.7131780


i especially hate the newfags who get triggered on fucking 4chan of all places by words like "nigger". it's pathetic. being a redditor should be a bannable offense

>> No.7131787
File: 11 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and Focus that brain for gains.

>> No.7131815

nah bud I've been here since before moot

>> No.7131841

Most of you dumb faggots didn't even know what crypto was until FOX news started literally shitting it into your mouths, don't get all high and mighty like /pol/ vermin aren't the exact same shit.

>> No.7131858

Salty niggas who fell for the "get good paying wholesome job" meme.

>> No.7131921

This honestly, and even then /pol/tards vastly overestimate their own inteligence. Bunch of retards circlejerking together.

>> No.7131940

fuck off normie scum

as much as I hate "I've been here since X" and "I knew about bitcoin before satoshi" posts I literally did know about it as early as 2013 just because I was a degenerate junkie, now gtfo my board you retarded pleb

>> No.7131954
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty racist because of my upbringing but holy fuck you /pol/tards shit every board up

Pic related sums it up much better than I could put it into words

>> No.7131974

>until FOX news
also not everyone is a retarded as american soyboy, seriously literally kys

>> No.7132116

the normal trajectory is /b/ -> /v/ -> /pol/

>> No.7132130

/fit/ is in there somewhere and /r9k/ is where we go next.

>> No.7132144

Never go to /lit/. They are pretentious twats without an original idea between them.

>> No.7132230
File: 87 KB, 540x546, 1512824740192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


??? You are even worse than pol. Stop whining, and go watch CNN.

>> No.7132268

>but disgusted by the degeneracy

Yeah buddy, here you are playing the moral police on an anime imageboard

>> No.7132290

>but if pajeets and discorders arnt banned well probs migrate again

>> No.7132317

Most people on /pol/ would rather fuck a tranny or a cartoon then ever go near a real woman.

>> No.7132382


>> No.7132438

After making money you migrate to /fit/ to work out on your body to become the best physical version of yourself then you reach /lit/ to become the best mental version of yourself.

Finally you are a well adjusted human being and you leave this place for good only to come back on drunken nights to remind yourself and update the ones who are still stuck here that there is hope.

>> No.7132449

/pol/ was funny when it was 90% ironyposting. Memeing Trump to the presidency also started out as a way to troll the stereotypical leftists, not because Trump has any capacity to lead a nation. Now its just all 60 year old grandmas who learned it from reddit and white nationalists.

>> No.7132635

4chan is full of millionaires, biz is nothing special.

>> No.7132679

>implying both /biz/ and /pol/ won't make the Holocaust real this time

Fucking yids

>> No.7132701

If by influential you mean festering on other boards until people get enough and leave then yeah.

>> No.7132717


/b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

this was my route as well

>> No.7132731

true /s/ is the only other board I visit

>> No.7132744
File: 310 KB, 1920x1371, 95cd3c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please fuck back to whatever cesspool you came from or kill yourselve newfriend

>> No.7132745


>> No.7132746

>reads the New York Times


>> No.7132747

I miss the time when /pol/ was mostly anti establishment libertarians supporting Ron Paul, but then swarmfront and later alt right from 8cuck just had to shit it up with ethnocentrism rather than economical politics.

>> No.7132761

Fuck off back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.7132772
File: 299 KB, 1920x1200, Cute-Anime-Cowboy-Bebop-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we aren't one in the same

>> No.7132800

yup, confirmed redditor normie ass soyboy, please for the love of everything go kys

>> No.7132805

>implying anyone but europeans and east asians can into civilization

You're fucking retarded if you can't see why ethnocentrism

>> No.7132825

Why we're ethnocentric*

>> No.7132837
File: 137 KB, 717x880, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7132882

35 year old oldfag here. I have always viewed 4chan as a whole as the hivemind of the internet. Where we all come to express our ideas freely and without attachment to our identities. So its not that one has ousted the other, 4chan is now influencing the world business wise and politically. That said, it would be nice if we discussed things other than day trading coins. There is so much more to business and entrepreneurship, just everyone keeps chasing the so called easy money :/

>> No.7132890

>someone from Leddit telling anyone to go back to somewhere
Top zozzle

>> No.7132952
File: 797 KB, 679x1345, 1457472307217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to fix this with my projection

> i might see what 4chan is
> spend time on /b/ eventually get used to the humour but aroused by the degeneracy because everybody else also says we are
>migrate to /pol/ while trying to laugh at them for being loony jew haters (we are all equal), look into claims, start hating jews yourself
> realize most of your education has programmed you to turn you into something filthy
> realize most of the people on /pol/ are also filthy and once the good posters left because le Donald, most of /pol/'s posturing is actually marxism itself with nobody actually interested in risking anything for meaningful change
> realize you may need funds from somewhere to act on your ambitions
> while on /biz/ notice crypto is an opportunity for a change of hierarchy in the financial order, pray the new elite will have some understanding about their societal obligations
> get memed to go all in on LINK, disregard the superior product, Mobius

>> No.7132988
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>56% detected

>> No.7133034

Even in the crypto space, I'm surprised by how hard threads about how to use certain coins as a tool tank really hard, almost everyone looks at them as something to trade back into Fiat and there are some serious business opportunities here.

>> No.7133060

>say "go back to /pol"
>Say something /pol/ disagree with
And they still pretend they are different from everyone else.

>> No.7133089

agreed, i threw like 10k into some coins i thought had decent products behind them and just check for long term projects I can invest into as 10% of my portfolio. But while we are talking about this we can be talking about so many different industries, opportunities, etc. All these ideas get drowned out with short term pump/dump threads that are sometimes worse than a cointoss in odds of success.

>> No.7133178

whaterver floats your gas chamber faggot

>> No.7133190

You have fucking stupid opinions that must be buried. Downvoted you into oblivion for you wrongthink, soyboy. Oh, wait..... your comment is still there above mine. See how that works, nigger?

>> No.7133264

Saying "back to le leddit" is the current downvote though, like how people used sage as a way to downvote back when it was public. You're not arguing shit, just burying a post you dislike with shitposting.

>> No.7133404

Stay mad faggot. You got your shit packed by that response.

>muh sage
>muh back to plebbit
And yet your comment is STILL there above mine for all to see. Holy fuck I know you are tying to cope with what a retard you are but give up everyone can see you taking a big fat L right here lad. It’s even more embarrassing than the fact that you are actually a soyboy from leddit.

>> No.7133440


Yup. Plan on moving to /fit/ after cryptogains.

>> No.7133448

Why would I be from the biggest Trumpie site on the internet?

>> No.7133500

>One of them is literally called Stinky-Inky
Thanks, just sold 100k link

>> No.7133638

Millionaires are only influent in third world country like mine. Otherwise they're just glorified middle class that can afford not to work.