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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7130248 No.7130248 [Reply] [Original]

The hype is over.

All the nerds into crypto have been here for months.

All the normies have been here since December/January and are now exiting after their losses.

Older people won't touch this shit because they're smart enough to not invest in a dying trend.

6K in a few weeks.

Common Response:
> This is just like last year, don't worry guys!!!

No it's not like fucking last year. For starters, there were no major future contracts. Right now, there's more volume on Bitfinex and Poloniex than the entire Binance volume as a whole. There will never be a parabolic run ever again. Open up the chart, look at the long term trend, and stop telling yourself lies.

Remember this simple fact: When everyone thinks they're going to get rich off something, it's already too late. When your taxi driver wants to invest in crypto, it's too late. When your friend from high school calls you up talking about how he found a new get rich quick scheme through crypto, it's time to pack the bags, wish crypto a good farewell, and find another way to make money again.

>> No.7130267

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7130288
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I'm going down with the ship, who's with me?

>> No.7130294

Thanks for copy pastaing my post. I don't care though too much.

>> No.7130598

Fuck off faggot you posted this already today saying 6k was today. Guess what crypto is here to stay you stupid fuck go back to shitting in the street you smelly brown cunt.

>> No.7130672

> When everyone thinks they're going to get rich off something, it's already too late


>> No.7130763

The million of people subscribed to Robinhood and the more to come to FairX won't add money, right?

>> No.7130776

whale here, I'll let you in on what's going on. Market is crashing and dropping like a rock now. All the normies that got into this in december and january will sell and exit very soon. It's clearly been a bad investment for them. Once all this money is out we will see the biggest bull run ever. BTC will dip to under $1000. You'll see article after article about the death of bitcoin etc. Then it will surge to $50k in a matter of weeks, you've been warned

>> No.7130797

crypto is a SCAM.. youve been warned

>> No.7130812
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fuck you i saw this thread last night. copy pasting nigger faggot fuck shit

>> No.7130823

poth is the future of crypto

all crypto is is fags trying to get rich and not holding, moving from shitcoin to shitcoin

powh is the ultimate coin, its focused entirely on buying and selling with no intention of being a currency

>> No.7130840

>I won't put my hands up and surrender
>There will be no white flag above my door
yeah, I'm with you

>> No.7130843

Crypto isn't dead.
/Shitcoins/ are dead.
The answer is to improve your portfolio so that you aren't holding worthless junk.
I'm stocking up on coins with actual use cases, like ETH, OMG, UFR, and XRB.

>> No.7130853

Why would it surge to $50k?

If normies stop playing there's no reason for the price to stay over $10k let alone $50k.

>> No.7130860
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Heh by the way I just bought on the dip cheaply while you panic sold my smug pepe I will post masks the fear I have that Crypto is dying.

>> No.7130861

>this thread again

>> No.7130869

What's up with all the negativity? Crypto is here to stay whether you like it or not. There are a lot of projects that have real world usage.

>> No.7130873

hahahahahahahaha nice one pajeet

>> No.7130903

Crypto is going to zero. Sell now or cry later.. youve been warned

>> No.7130920

Lol @ no-coiner OP. Sorry you sold at 9000 and now the bull momentum is back on all coins. In regards to the futures you mentioned, the majority of the previous futures were majority short. This time around, it's majority long. See you with your pink wojack at 25k mid-feb, faggot.

>> No.7130936
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I'm going all in, if this doesn't work I might end it all

>> No.7130946
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>> No.7130958

ITT deluded bitcoin cucks trying to rationalize the impending bitcoin dump back down to 2010 levels. buy back at 1 cent per btc because thats where its heading at this rate. its over.. crypto has been pumped for 2 years now.

>> No.7130978

my goodness a made up pile of data is worthless? o goodness me how ever could they be?

>> No.7130992

Are you paid to spread this low quality fud or are you just a brainlet?

>> No.7131008

Stupid humans,
This is the biggest accumulation in history. Everyone who sold fell for the jew strats again, history repeats itself.

>> No.7131023

Real Wall St./ OTC faggo here. 60% of my clients monies going into crypto. They have no idea how it works. I said I'll create token.
>simple enough
>how much can west invest anon?
Prepare for a new token boys

>> No.7131040

I don't have enough invested that I'll be completely ruined if it all comes tumbling down. I'll be upset, sure, but it's not going to fuck me out of house and home. I'm happy with just leaving my money in.

>> No.7131053
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it's not over. you must find the balance between the cryptos.

>> No.7131055

> accumulation
> tether

lmao at this level of delusion

>> No.7131056

To any intelligent individual capable of rational thought: don't listen to this grotesquely stupid individual. Futures markets have had next to no effect on Bitcoin (less than $10M worth of futures positions open as I write this). Crypto hasn't even really begun to take off yet. People out there who remind you of the dotcom bubble, fail to remember that those who held through the bubble bursting made more money than God. I actually fucking laugh every time I hear the words dotcom bubble. Like, "oh yeah, good call, the Internet was such a dumb idea; can't believe anyone thought it would make them money." If you honestly think crypto is dying: good. Get the fuck out. I don't want you to get rich with me. Dead serious, go work until you're 72 years old, and then "retire." But, to those of you who have the clarity of vision to understand that block chain tech is a new and exciting tech that is obviously here to stay and is going to change the world, hold on to your god damn mother fucking investments, and you useless fucking pussies will be sipping scotch with me, retired, at 48 years old, saying "thank fucking god I didn't sell my crypto holdings like a bitch."

>> No.7131057

Google trends shows that there has been a massive decrease in interest in every crypto related term coinciding with precisely with the recent market crash.

>> No.7131105


If you read my post I said it would crash first, then it will begin to rise again as it did in 2017. Smart normies and others will realize cheap crypto is a good time to buy. This time though it won't stop at 19k, it'll go all the way to 100k by end of 2019

>> No.7131119

cryptocucks trying to make their interest in crypto seem legit when in reality they're doing their best to ignore the 100000 pound elephant in the room that is its just a get rich quick fad.

>> No.7131186

Someone has to hold the bag and sell at the bottom. That will be the December fags. Might take 6 months for capitulation to set in and shake them out.

>> No.7131206


oh look it's this thread again. Salty fucking faggot OP is starting to get worried. Still time to buy back now.

>> No.7131275

Can you explain why crypto is an obvious improvement like the internet was though? Banks can copy anything we have now and make transactions happen just as quickly and cheaply, with no crypto-fiat conversion in between.

>> No.7131357

Delusional cryptocucks don't realise that cryptocurrency is open source so anyone can create it. There's no reason for a bank to buy some overpriced shitcoin when they can create their own

>> No.7131485

Bitcoin is entirely shitter than many other of its forks. Yet it is still the most widely known and arguably used. It's called network effect you piece of shit. I suggest you put six grams of lead between your eyes, you're sort aren't helping the world whatsoever.

>> No.7131670

>People out there who remind you of the dotcom bubble, fail to remember that those who held through the bubble bursting made more money than God.

To have made money your investment had to be in one of the companies that actually did something real, and not the Trons of the dotcom era. Many real companies with great ideas also went under. If you had shares in a company with no working product it is very unlikely that you made more money than God.

You would still have been way richer if you cashed out high and then bought an index fund or something until the shitstorm was over.

>> No.7131709

Fiat has the largest network effect as a currency though. I can't see how cryptos would ever become serious currencies with the volatility. They'll probably remain as scarce collectibles like they are now, le digital gold.

>> No.7131774

over 90% of businesses fail within the first few years. The failure rate for crypto must be much higher. Hardly any of these shitcoins will be around 5 years from now.

>> No.7131775

I'm well off thanks to crypto in the past 4 months. I doubt it will die anytime soon

>> No.7131777

This thread shows why we got a rigged financial system.
Im so triggered, stupid nocoiner sheeples.

>> No.7131794

Banks already have well established customer bases. The cryptocurrency investor demographic is irrelevant to their interests. It would stupid for them to even consider incorporating Bitcoin into their businesses because they have zero control over it.

>> No.7131897

>thanks for the same copy pasta for 48h

Those who blog reply just kys

>> No.7131916

>6K in a few weeks.
It was below 2k when I first bought, and alts were flourishing back then. There's still a chance, anon

>> No.7131945

I have a years salary in crypto, still convinced it is a bubble. But I've already cashed out enough for my current needs, and a years salary will not change my life, so I consider it a lottery with slightly better odds.

>> No.7131959
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>I'm stocking up on coins with actual use cases, like OMG, UFR, and XRB

>> No.7132006

Spreading FUD to buy cheap. Smart OP, pulled the same trick previous time?

>> No.7132062


These posts are probably the dumbest posts in all of biz right now.
Like how stupid do you have to be to actually believe that crypto is ever going to go away? Give me your bags, cunt. You deserve to stay poor. The only time I will ever see you will be when I drive past you in my lambo while you're walking to McDonald's with shitstains on your pants.

>> No.7132193

What is Lightning Network?

>> No.7132272

No, crypto is fine "me too" tokens with fake volume, fake market caps, fake teams and fake use cases with massive marketing budgets are dead.

>> No.7132431

You made the same thread yeaterday faggot at least change the picture

>> No.7132474

LOL you are an idiot if you think it's over. 10 of my nontech friends have posted statuses on FB this week asking how to trade alts. Dumb money is still coming in.

>> No.7132996

fill my buy order, cuck

>> No.7133036
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Lmao how many times have people said crypto is dead. I am holding until I make it or hits 0.

>> No.7133045


Dumb money isn't wat fueled the run except the tail end of it. Whales and their hard forks did.

>> No.7133070

Yep. Either way I'm riding this out.

>> No.7133096

>I am holding until I make it
But it already did. It went from 1k to 20k last year, not counting the altcoins.

>> No.7133141

Getting tired of this shitty pasta during every dip.

>> No.7133161

>please sell I want to buy back in

>> No.7133163

lmao 20k will last you a year tops. that's chump change.

>> No.7133166

>he thinks this is a dip
It will be a "dip" when it goes down from 5k to 3k and then back up

>> No.7133183

20k ain't shit, just wait for GFC2: electric boogaloo
if 1% of global assets find refuge, and they will, we're looking at 100x-1000x gains merely by being part of it

>> No.7133301

>reading comprehension

>> No.7133371

I have 50k. Either I will buy an apartment (I am currently renting) or I will invest in crypto.
I think after spending a few weeks on this board, the apartment is a better investment. Doing basic math comparing total cost, monthly installments and my rent costs, I will have "made my money back" in 14 years and will start being ahead for every month of my life afterwards.

>> No.7133419

I'm all in ETH so what I should do is leave /biz/ and not come back unless it moons (crypto is saved). But I don't have a life so I doubt I will. just

>> No.7133611
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Weakest fud ever. Try harder. I'm not even considering selling for a second.
Short it if you are so sure. Go ahead.

>> No.7133652

topkek, you can't own shit nowadays without shelling out pounds of flesh for the privilege on a regular basis
>14 years
such is the time horizon of a denbt slave

>> No.7134151

See you there bud. Cheers.

>> No.7134216

Be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.7134269

so why are u still posting hear u dumb december boy? get the fuck out of hear. u do not understand a shit about marketdevelopement

>> No.7134294

God-like post, anon.

>> No.7134312

I like this post. What are you investing in?

>> No.7134319




>> No.7134320

Yes, crypto is here to stay. The crypto market isn't though. Most of the projects don't fucking need a volatile speculative market to work.

>> No.7134411

Bitcoin is a giant fuck you to centralized fiat. It's for people who want to hedge against a dying monetary system which has no boundaries on inflation.

>brb price gets pumped from $600 to $20,000 because of a centralized, inflated fiat coin.

>> No.7134505
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I'll be there with you, brother. We will be reminiscing of the old silly times how it all happened on biz.
Future gods and giants are walking this board. Many just don't know it yet.

>> No.7134630

of course u dumb shit. it can not be alltime high everyday WTF EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING SINUS CURVE

>> No.7134673

It's not too late afterall, right?

>> No.7134696

crypto is dead... dejavu!

>> No.7134804

This. Some people secretly hate money. They hate being valuable in life because they dont deserve such thing as being rich, or being valued by themselves. They unconsciously know they are useless in life.

>> No.7134815

When everyone...


Less than 1% are in crypto.

>> No.7134947
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"crypto is dead"
yeah dumbasses like you have been repeating the same thing for the last 84 times crypto "died".
GTFO if you're too much of a pussy to handle the heat and crawl back like a moron in a few weeks with a raging FOMO when the market roar back up

God retards like you make me laugh so hard.

>> No.7134975
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reddit pic for reddit FUD

>> No.7135082
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stay poor faggot, no place for fudders where we're going

>> No.7135868

maybe "crypto" is dead/dying
but BLOCKCHAIN will rise like a phoenix from the hashes of regulation and tether fud.
Invest in blockchain infrastructure. Should I spell it out for you?