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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7126122 No.7126122 [Reply] [Original]

>work as busser
>make about $20 - $25/hour thanks to tips and trudeaus $14 meme wage
>servers make like $30 - $50/hour
>they all complain about being broke
>i have like $18k in the bank

what are normies spending their money on? i have a macbook pro and iphone x and gucci loafers so im not frugal. i dont know what else i want or need i cant imagine spending all of this to be as broke as them

>> No.7126166

They pay taxes for one you insufferable dick wad

>> No.7126194

Most people I know that are broke all the time have a new car (car payments) and eat out for almost every meal.

>> No.7126224

This. Plus Starbucks twice a day plus shitty fucking tattoos

>> No.7126235

>new car (car payments)
This is what kills most people I see who can't manage money. Normie ego doesn't allow them to buy a cheap used car.

>> No.7126257

I wrote down all my expenditures for the week, food adds up big time. Can end up being 400 a week easy if you constantly eat out.

>> No.7126265

Do you pay rent?

>> No.7126304


>> No.7126306

they have kids

>> No.7126319

>macbook pro and iphone x and gucci loafers
please do this world a favor and kys

>> No.7126323

why would someone be so irresponsible to have kids with a sub $2 mil net worth

>> No.7126348

i like high quality products. name a better phone, laptop and loafer that looks as good. you cant

>> No.7126380

>what are normies spending their money on?

car payments
phone bills

>> No.7126393

You don't deserve to make that much wiping dirty tables. You also don't deserve to complain about it.

>> No.7126415


>gucci loafers

You made me Google them. You spent money on that? LMAO.

>> No.7126417

Sounds like you live in vegas. Try becoming a (((server assistant))) if you really wanna make tips

t. server assistant at a club

>> No.7126429


Man you sound like a twat.

>> No.7126431

hender scheme

>> No.7126458

They're probably in a decent amount of debt. Normies are impatient as fuck and love to get goyed

>> No.7126463

>i like high quality products. name a better phone, laptop and loafer that looks as good. you cant
>Better phone
Anything not IOS
Never look good. Cmon anon

>> No.7126506

i live in downtown toronto. 2 roommates in a 3 bdrm condo

>> No.7126551

I get shit on a daily basis for driving my 1999 Honda Civic. I bought it new in 99 and it still works great. Paint is starting to fade/peel but other than that the thing is as good as new. Has been 100% reliable for 17 years now.

All my friends can't understand why I don't get a new car I don't need. My commute to my job is less than 5 minutes. Why the fuck would I want to pay several hundred bucks a month for something that I'm going to drive 10 minutes a day?

>> No.7126614

Tattoos, credit card use, movies, name brand clothing, weed and liquor and cigs. . Also gas and any faggot who thinks buying any car made past 2000 is a good idea.

Enjoy your plastic toy

>> No.7126617

I can't lie, I did the same thing when I got my first real 'high paying' job. Bought a brand new 08 STi with 500/month payments, that and the 170/month insurance for being 19 years old was insane. Luckily I realized how stupid I was being in less than a year and stopped being an idiot financially.

>> No.7126657


>> No.7126701

I know a normie who makes bank working at a bar, is in his early 30s, has no money.

>get paid a ton of cash at the end of the day
>get off work, drink
>go to the bar thats open late to industry workers
>drink, buy some weed
>sleep at a friends
>wake up, go get breakfast at some restaurant/bar/cafe with drinks
>save up to buy a car
>spend it on a trip
>save up again to buy a car
>spend it on some weekend trips
>5 years later
>same pattern

>> No.7126718

you are legit either like 67 years old or the most boring sack of shit to ever walk god's green earth

>> No.7126812

You would never say that kind of shit to anyone in person faggot cuck. Not even a 3 year old, so congrats on the big boy speak. I smoke weed btw but these are the things that keep us poor

>> No.7126819

He's not wrong though.

>> No.7126856

fuck yeah

A few mods as well but nothing ricer. Just some suspension, wheel, tire, intake upgrades etc. I don't pretend the car is fast, but the mods were definitely an upgrade over stock. Over the years when things like shocks, brakes etc. needed to be replaced I just replaced them with performance parts.

>> No.7126878

lmao do you like henry rollins?

>> No.7126991

Ironic, so much spent on escaping their pathetic existence only to go nowhere

>> No.7127276

My money making rate is shit but if ever get a spare 10k I am investing it in gold fuck vacations. Vidya isn't even worth it anymore. Any other /biz/Bros preorder kingdom come? I haven't bought a game in ages hoping it's halfway decent

>> No.7127338


>> No.7127365

I steal all my expensive clothes. I steal most of my meals. I buy alot of booze and coke and do alot of driving and you can't steal gas.

>> No.7127422

Stem cell stocks will wreck golds returns in the next 10 years....don't get me wrong gold will do gangbuster numbers, but the times they are a changin

>> No.7127462

wifes son

>> No.7127593

I still need to learn stocks and which online broker to pick. I'm working 12 he's a day so I don't have to time to research it. Is fidelity a good brokerage? Appreciate the tips

>> No.7127649

Lots of people take expensive "novelty" trips surprisingly frequently

>> No.7127752

damn that's still expensive.
If you were in Montreal you could have a very comfy appartment by yourself for $750

>> No.7127759
File: 251 KB, 394x396, 1507397626464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder the same thing, normal people make money dissapear. If you gave me 500k id retire like a king for life.

You give the average person 500k its gone in a year.

it astounds me. If I was single and no family 200k would retire me for life, I am always astounded by the way people waste.

>> No.7127940

I don't disagree, but I'm just curious how you can possibly retire off of 200k...is your home paid off?

>> No.7128112
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 1508709023916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i work in a shitty warehouse job that kills my back for 7.5 (10$) pounds per hour

>> No.7128245

Drugs and alcohol anon. How many people do you know that drink multiple times a week? Even 1 night on the drink adds up fast. Also death by credit cards

>> No.7128408

Most of them rack up credit card debt and finance things like cars and furniture. Not to mention stupid shit like cigarettes and paying for hard alcohol at a bar, and eating at restaraunts constantly. Then they get Netflix and Hulu AND amazon prime “because they are cheap” along with the highest phone service bill that isn’t unlimited, and then they go over the limit 4 months out of the year. They will also eat only about half the food they buy. They are quick to drive extra distances for no reason, when they could have bunched their travels together into one trip. They’ll pay Comcast $150 a month for cable and then order directv Sunday ticket on their brand new iPad. And if they ever have any extra money lying around after all the bullshit, they’ll feel so proud of themselves for having the extra few grand that they will say “I deserve something for working so hard” and buy themselves a $2400 mac book or some stupid shit despite already having a working computer.

In case u didn’t notice I fucking hate normies

>> No.7128485

Ever been to missouri? a small town apartment is 400 a month utilities paid.

lol Then food is cheaper and heck you can get a small farm house or house in a small town for less than 30k and use a wood stove get free wood for heat, and use very little electricity most run off wells so no water bill etc etc.

>> No.7128513

Where do you live?

I'm a mover and I make 9 an hour. After rent and stuff I don't have alot leftover.

>> No.7128521

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7128543

Ever been to lithuania?
A capital city apartment is 250 a mont utilities paid.

yes it's true. it's also pretty nice and aesthetic , not too bad a place to live, if you don't actually have to have a job in lithuania because wages suck here.

>> No.7128557

nothing funnier than a barhand or barista riddled with $200 tattoos. makes my sides hurt as I order water and don't tip them

>> No.7128563

Get a skill or something, and if you already have, apply it.

>> No.7128568

Oh I see...I live in Cali so 200k would not last very long and I am very frugal too.

>> No.7128577

the real question is why countries give these people the right to vote

>> No.7128586

I live off rice and beans and brew my own coffee. My friends make fun of me constantly for it but are all drowning in credit card debt. Enjoy your fancy cuisine!

>> No.7128609

you are RETARDED if you're spending $400/week on food.

This is why people are poor.

>> No.7128657

normies are debtslaves, easily tricked into credit cards, hire purchases, high interest mortgages, high interest fine consolidation etc etc. Most normies probably pay 50-75% of their pay just on loan payments. They have been shackled by the jew

>> No.7128667

is this an insult in poorfag land? enjoy going to shitty shows with your six roommates

>> No.7128718

yeah same i meet up with about 6-7 people regularly and go to restaurant so i dint feel bad about just getting water

wish i put eating out money in eth when i saw it at $8 FML I was too young

>> No.7128741

the best part is the lot of them are socialists

>> No.7128895

funny how these millenial socialists are the lifeblood of capitalist consumerism

>> No.7128990

Bro how the fuck do you make that much as a busser. I work as a delivery driver and live at home and make like 13/hr tots after taxes/expenses (gas, car maintenance) and can barely save more than 1k/month for cryptos.

>> No.7129064

well like i said the minimum wage in ontario is $14/hour now. its a high volume fine dining restaurant does $3 million sales annually and bussers get a % of the total sales.

>> No.7129083


KEK i got a 2001 clean as fuck S500 with 150k miles. Paid $3,000 for it. I see normies with these gay as fuck modern cars that are plastic as shit and they are dropping 3+hundred a month payments.

>> No.7129088

Most spend it on bars, clothes, gadgets, and vehicles as soon as it hits their bank account. I never understood peoples fascination with payday either since I always had a 2 or 3 check buffer minimum in my account until I tagged along for some bar nights and saw what an ungodly amount of money they pour into them constantly.

>> No.7129251

99 civic is master race material.

>> No.7129277

When I delivered I was making 80k/yr. All my life was work though. Look for a medical courier job and become extremely time efficient and learn to get people to sign fast, aka being genuine and friendly.

>> No.7129327
File: 38 KB, 647x340, joe-rogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well no because
*brings mic closer*
every bank in the world will use chainlink yeah
theres this lil pudgy russian dude Sergey Nazarov or however you say it thats trying to do something with banks that will bring them together
*inhales deeply*
i mean how does that even happen
this is the shit you dont think about

>> No.7129364


400 a week barely even seems possible lol. The fuck, I buy whatever I want and overspend like crazy and I only spend about 150 a week

>> No.7129391


Lietuva is comfy. I'm Brit but my gf is Lithuanian.

Would move there permanently if income from investments exceed salaried job.

>> No.7129432

Not going out for a month kills the normi. They can't do it even if it means living comfortably knowing you have some money for emergency.

>> No.7129439

Here in the U.K. most people are spending about 30-40% of their income on mortgage or rent payments due to asset price bubble and greedy boomers.

On top of that 95% of cars sold now are on Mr Shekelstein's PCP finance plan.

>> No.7129455

Does he have a podcast with a cripto guy?

>> No.7129616

I've been away with mil for 4 years, rocked into my home town last week. Caught up with some old mates and was horrified by their bar/recreation/etc expenditures. Some of them are blowing 25+% of their fortnightly wage on a single night.

Not for me.

>> No.7129874

Just to clarify, what do you guys define normie as?

>> No.7129924
File: 594 KB, 1100x1500, 20073055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who wants 3D women.

>> No.7129959

You could do better, son.

If your commute takes only 5 minutes, that means you could probably do the same distance on bicycle in 10-15 minutes for free.

And if you bought it new then it has considerably depreciated.

>> No.7129966

yeah, Andreas Antonopoulos, is a bitcoin entrepreneur, he also serves on the advisory boards of several bitcoin startups and serves as the Chief Security Officer of Blockchain.

>> No.7129973

This is why I don’t believe in tipping

>> No.7130102

>high quality products

Low quality cables, earbuds that sound no different than cheaper earbuds, etc.

>> No.7130357
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 1514151699229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a $2400 mac book despite already having a working computer
My sister did this despite already having a working pc that she never even touched and got only a few months prior(surprise surprise she never uses the mac book either its literally a fucking paperweight), she also bought herself a brand new phone and despite having more than four times the money I have she made me pay rent last month because she was broke. She even spent hundreds of dollars on super expensive christmas presents while she was asking me to pay rent.