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7124229 No.7124229 [Reply] [Original]

Some fucking dude just got destroyed by sending 232 eth to POWH shadow.

Fucking crypto is always so entertaining. Just tossed 10$ into normal POWH before everyone piles into it

>> No.7124267
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fuck that noise.



>> No.7124297
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you are so fucking lame, no one's gonna buy, just save your gas. here is a screen shot of this dude getting fucked

>> No.7124330

Needs more R.I.P's in the comments

>> No.7124339


>> No.7124414

I just tossed a few out by mr.johnson. Might as well honor those failed tx's with a comment too

>> No.7124596

Wont the hardfork just fix this?

>> No.7124609
File: 538 KB, 320x240, mike-jones-dissapoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hardfork? hahaha

>> No.7124631

Cool website.

>> No.7124642

If you guys want to know what happened....

Go to read smart contract, you will see that "reserve" = 115792089237316195418029001632089845036668699831288073378681090919681116870265

that is 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
In hex

Basically a number (negative zero) got casted to positive huge number... signed -> unsigned int

>> No.7124720

So the eth developers are fine with 870eth being stuck in a smart contract forever?

>> No.7124753

>t. mindlet

Dude more than 1 million eth are stuck because of the parity multisign fiasco, 900 eth aint shit

>> No.7124803

Original POWH:
var numEthers = getEtherForTokens(amount);

Shadow POWH:
var fees = (uint)(getEtherForTokens(amount)/10);
var numEthers = getEtherForTokens(amount) - fees;

Int overflow from that cast destroyed the contract and left $1M dollars in limbo forever.

This nigga literally changed 1 line of code and fucked the entire contract, way to fuckin go, there's literally no way he can fuck that worse. Even exit scamming would have been better, at least he would have been competent.

>> No.7124903
File: 320 KB, 632x813, Profit has axpired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Even exit scamming would have been better, at least he would have been competent.

at least this dude could've pumped my damn shitcoins or something

now the money is all GONE

>> No.7124977

But think about it. By removing that much eth from the global supply, forever, it makes the value of everyones eth go up! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7124980

get in here boys, we're going to the moon-


>> No.7124982

Dude is this real? It’s impossible to get any out? I sent an ETH fuck

>> No.7125070

yes, check the contract right now. these values are clearly fucked: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9f4fd6c336388f2ab7dc7bbe4740ae7b88b880d7#readContract

And if you look at all the transactions, everything fails... bummer for you, but someone lost almost a quarter million dollars.

>> No.7125071
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I'm a POWH dev
JUSTed myself out of 9ETH
Worth it for the LULZ

>> No.7125080


Which POWH got fucked? Do you meant the green one? Or are we talking about the new ones?

>> No.7125119

the new, purple one broke... the green one should be fine for now... hopefully there aren't any other errors in these contracts hahaha

>> No.7125156

Indeed, original self-sustaining green one is a go.

>> No.7125184

>because of the parity multisign fiasc

>> No.7125216

only the shadow fork got fucked, the original (green one) is working fine

>> No.7125302

Of course all of them put their money without anyone reading the code before hand. That'S one of the best autistic moves of 4chan

>> No.7125380

lmao muh ETH is the future.
one bug can fuck up a whole smart contract with this shitty technology. what a shitcoin

on a sidenote, why dont they just open a new fork and grant the public adresses that sent in the same amount of tokens they got in the shadowfork by premining them?

>> No.7125396


>> No.7125442

cause then they don't have the 900 eth to back-up the tokens you idiot

>> No.7125556

just stick to the clones with unaltered code like that one 0x04129cff7d79a652256c73b1407f34828e79a4de

>> No.7125597

THey cant do that unless they pay 900 eth to everyone. Powhcoin doesnt really exist, it just the eth stuck in a smart contract.

>> No.7125641
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>> No.7125671
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I really hope nobody lost more than 10% of his portfolio ;_;

>> No.7125729


Ok, that made me laugh lol.

>> No.7125744

Of course one line of code can fuck up the entire code that is the fucking point of a code you brainlet

>> No.7125747


I put in 7 eth and withdrew

I then did it again 2 hours later, what the fuck, how did he fuck shit up? Eth is going in and out of the contract every damn second.

>> No.7125771

The original one is still working fine, just the "shadowfork" version got fucked, because these cunts were too greedy

>> No.7125788

> 1+1=3 broke math
> damn math is complete garbage, it can't even handle 1+1=3

>> No.7125836

did they literally forget to dot an "it" or what?

How could this happen. I saw the earlier technical explantion,

but I am wondering if they just didn't paste the code right or something? The first one worked... so shouldn't the second one?

>> No.7125899

They modified the code with the intention to make even more eth with dividends..

>> No.7125953

what do you guys think? will we see that money again?

>> No.7125970

i know but that seems pretty fool-proof. How did that end up fucking 232 eth guy

>> No.7126022

from the shadowfork page:
"To put it in Laymans terms, the eth is all stuck in the contract because the robot that was giving it out thinks its going to take infintie gas to divvy out negative dividends caused by a programming error on a single line of division."

>> No.7126053

because every participant "trusted" the scheme contract dev lol ... and no one checked the code before throwing eth in .. anyway most of the participants wouldn't have spotted the bug

>> No.7126345

Sucks but probably better now than later on instead of having a bigger clusterfuck.

>> No.7126350

I dont know solidity and my coding is a bit rusty but in the line

var fees = (uint)(getEtherForTokens(amount)/10);

he casts (getEtherForTokens(amount)/10) to int, uint is unsigned int, and can only store positive numbers including 0, some weird transfer fees resulted in a negative or very small number that when casted to unsigned int caused a overflow error, crashing and causing the contract to self destruct, hence all 800ETH +are lost forever

>> No.7126407
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>> No.7126538

look at the upcoming shit contract they are beta testing on ropsten without verified code lol then for sure they modified the shit out of it as well

>> No.7127419


i understood that reference my ami/g/o

>> No.7128314

Are shares considered tokens?

pretty confused since I tried using the CASHOUT func to get into shadow, got my dividends but I'm still holding some coins.

>> No.7128391
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You're welcome

>> No.7128592

That a cast can crash a smart contract is so poorly designed... In fact that they can have exceptions at all...

>> No.7128624


>> No.7129409

Uuuhhhhhhrrrrreeeeerrrrmmmmm what

You are retarded. This wasn’t a clone and was a memorial thread to the one that broke cause of shitty code