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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7120093 No.7120093 [Reply] [Original]

you guys buying the dip? it's actually not that much of a dip

>> No.7120145

Disregarding those that keep LINK on exchanges, if you own more than 40k, you're in the top 100.

t. 67k stinky linky

>> No.7120237
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>> No.7120353

not true. wallet at 100 has 400k link.

>> No.7120406

with 67k you would be rank 532-537

>> No.7120456


Fuck...I'm retarded :-(

>> No.7120513

Sitting on 50k. If I liquidated everything I could have 300k. But, I think it's not time to go all in yet. Maybe once some other good coins start to recover from this dip.

>> No.7120584

Dropped out of top100 faster than Chainlink

>> No.7120610

I did. I advanced from first lieutenant to captain today. 25,270 LINK strong.

>> No.7120725

Got promoted to corporal today. Hope it dips a bit more, can't afford another 500 at this price lol

>> No.7120736


nah i'm already in the top 560 of link holders so i'm comfy as a motherfucker

>> No.7120883


gonna grab another 2k tonight

>> No.7120986

This is what the average LINKie sounds like


>> No.7121780

Goddam that accent is spot on

>> No.7121871

down to the music in the background amazing

>> No.7121956

Getting promoted to 2nd lieutenant soon

>> No.7122027


Post ranks? I got promoted today too, wanna see where I'm at.

>> No.7122119
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>> No.7122121

Just entered 45k club... ranking still the same tho :(

>> No.7122151

At least youll be a wealthy retard soon

>> No.7122154
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literal children

>> No.7122270
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Forgot the last rank for you.

- Rajeesh: 0 LINK

>> No.7122316
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wrong image

>> No.7122668
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You poor soul, rip.

>> No.7122695
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Sergey Nazarov
Nazarov became a platoon commander in the Dzerz youth Division of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs specalising in cryprography. Originally recuited from the Nashti expatriate community, he was assigned to the 4th Company of 4th Regiment, where among his duties was the protection of kremin foreign policy communications in transit to foreign embassies using electronic media. In 2009 he became an informant when he was recruited by the MVD's FSB counterintelligence section and in 2010 he was officially transferred to the Third Chief Directorate of the FSB, Military Counter Intelligence. Later that year, after studying for a year at the Novosibirsk Military Counter Intelligence School, he became an operational officer and served in FSB military counterintelligence where he has worked on seconment from the Russian embassy in Washington.

Sergey began his cover career building peer-to-peer marketplaces, going on to the investment team at FirstMark Capital. He joined the cryptocurrency revolution in 2011, and believes it has the ability to change the way societies distribute wealth, enforce contracts, and share critical information with their citizens

>> No.7122740
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There's no pain when you hold LINK, regardless of the market price.

>> No.7122761
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>> No.7122764

buying the dip today i now have 55k link

i've been in since ICO never sold a single link. dont plan on it any time soon

>> No.7122788

if you don't have a top 500 wallet then consider yourself a fucking private.

>> No.7122864

Imagine this being a bear year.

All those desparate souls would flock into select few projects that deliver.
If main net gets delivered in such a market, LINK can go parabolic in a matrer of weeks

>> No.7122895
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>> No.7122927

this entirely. this correction will eradicate all the shit coins in the market today. moving this year a beautiful year to be in solid, reliable, and deliverable cryptocurrencies

>> No.7122948

I cant believe people bought this garbage over mobius

>> No.7122964

Yes I did.

>> No.7122993
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Thanks friend

If anyone wants a cringey fucking meme army pic, post your name and rank (post with a trip if you want)

>> No.7123017

I'm waiting to receive some money through Paypal and it will take a couple of days, I'm kinda pissed.

>> No.7123021

If you're not a general you're a private. Yeah no

>> No.7123036

I like this project more

>> No.7123066

Because chainlink came out first and it better than mobius in every way

>> No.7123070



>> No.7123091

Its not. The only reason you people care is because of memes and you have an emotional attachment. Use the rational part of your puny brain.

>> No.7123093

moved whatever I had left in ripple gains and got to 8k, not gonna be as rich as some of these anons tho

>> No.7123095

I have 40k myself. Thinking of making that 50k

>> No.7123106
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*tick tock tick tock*

>> No.7123141

i only ever invested into link. it stands out from the rest.. something about link is mystical

>> No.7123190

Bought 3k in October
Put my REQ gains into link to get to 5k
Daytrade it up to 10k in 1 month.

I would trade it up more, but trading is hard psychologically. You can't sleep properly, you can't concentrate. So I decided to stop cumulatin once I hit 10k

>> No.7123195 [DELETED] 

Maybe post why mobius is better. Rationally mobius let's the management of data be c ontralized which makes it vulnerable to Sybil attacks. Chainlink has a defense against Sybil attacks because every aspect of data management is decentralized. Chainlink allows data requests to originate from on and off the blockchain. Mobius does not. I also heard that mobius plagiarized part of cha unlink whitepaper no source on that though.

>> No.7123250

too many chiefs!

>> No.7123273

Maybe post why mobius is better. Rationally mobius let's the management of data be centralized which makes it vulnerable to Sybil attacks. Chainlink has a defense against Sybil attacks because every aspect of data management is decentralized. Chainlink allows data requests to originate from on and off the blockchain. Mobius does not. I also heard that mobius plagiarized part of chainlinks whitepaper no source on that though.

>> No.7123289

god, this thread is cringe

>> No.7123349

The whole comunity is cringe.
A bunch of lost ppl aspiring to get rich as if it means smt.

>> No.7123353
File: 148 KB, 1745x1067, 1516794174537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you're actually completely retarded I'll spell it out for you: mobius is a joke. Nobody on /biz/ actually takes it seriously, it's a meme.
It's completely centralized and not blockchain agnostic. It ONLY works on XLM and nothing else. There's already a fuckton of centralized oracle solutions available out there and nobody cares about them because centralized oracles are not sufficient to make smart contracts usable in the real world.
To expand on the non-agnostic part: even if mobius, hypothetically, was decentralized, it still would not be used anywhere over LINK because it only works on XLM, which means every corporation, every client, every bank would have to change their own ancient systems to facilitate it. LINK is middleware and agnostic which means it's completely plug and play no matter what you use.

So there you go. Just in case there's newfags lurking I've explained it to everyone.

>> No.7123369

Same was said about eth

>> No.7123460

I wouldn't say mobius is completely centralised. Chainlink is completely decentralised. Mobius is only partially.

>> No.7123549

To expand the data retrievasl is decentralised but the management of the data is centralized. This is why chaainlink is still better though. Everything is decentralised.

>> No.7123618


100% correct, not to mention the guys running mobius are lisping idiots. Just watch a video of them talking, these guys are in way over their heads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r44z0vd7n8&t=734s

Most of the mobius shilling is being done by bored linkies trying to shake out weak hands and gullible people. Look at the first image in this thread from earlier.


>> No.7123639
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I've seen this sort of thing all the time with small cap biotechs with upcoming catalysts. People pump up the price before a conference or an FDA ruling. Then noobs jump buy into the hype and jump in thinking they are geniuses without realizing that the impending news is already factored into the price.

Once the conference / ruling occurs the price either quickly spikes down around 10-20% in the case of the good, but expected news, or gets demolished 50+% by bad news.

I think in the case of LINK we have to prepare for the worst case scenario. The slack and twitter pages have been a graveyard. No news. The price rising up over $1.00 simply due to BTC spiking to $20,000. This is clear if you look at the market as a whole.

If you think there is going to be some massive reveal about partnerships with huge multinational banks you are hopelessly delusional and should seek immediate mental help.

Look at his past history. At the Bitcoin Super Conference he discusses Smartcontract technology outside of get rich quick Token sales. Sergey is notorious for remaining silent on the LINK tokens. He's going to spend the entire time talking about different possibilities smartcontracts have in government and developing countries. He will probably never mention LINK by name outside of the logo and mention of decentralized oracles.

SXSW his audience is rated medium and his photo isn't added to the website. The topic is: Can we replace lawyers? Again, he's going to focus on smartcontracts and the possibilities it has in government, the legal system, and global trade. If you're relatively new to ChainLink, this is what Sergey does. He is way more focused on what the technology can do for the world. Not making his token holders profits.

The whole point of LINK is stay tied to 1 USD just like tether. Its not an investment. Its a fucking token used to pay for a utility. It has no use outside of the smart contract environment. Just read the fucking white paper.

>> No.7123712

now this is quality FUD pay attention pajeets

>> No.7123722

Im talking bout biz and crypto in general

>> No.7123724
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>the guys running mobius are lisping idiots.
Not to mention the low-test voice and mannerism the founder has. Disgusting.

>> No.7123764
File: 551 KB, 750x1334, pajeebius shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I think there might actually be real people out there on /biz/ that believe what they're typing and buying mobi.

>> No.7123789

Chainlink receives information via centralized channels, mobius is the opposite

>> No.7123806

hahahaha reposting LINK FUD disguised as a mobius shill

>> No.7123815

That explains why every time a mobius thread is created, at least the first 5 posts are mobius shills.
All from the indian telegram.

>> No.7123822

Lol no. Sold all my Linkies and bought mobius.

>> No.7123828

Newbs have to learn that you gotta sell the news. Otherwise, who will buy our bags?

>> No.7123829
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I'm holding on to my 50k stack, but also shorting the fuck out of BTC short-term.

100k LINKies here I come.

>> No.7123882
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Decentralized APIs, you say? Pray tell, explain how they work.

>> No.7123888

Stop. We want the retards to buy Mobius.

>> No.7123889

>The whole point of LINK is stay tied to 1 USD just like tether. Its not an investment. Its a fucking token used to pay for a utility. It has no use outside of the smart contract environment. Just read the fucking white paper.

Mate, the accumulation period is over.

>> No.7123954

>It has no use outside of a future Trillion dollar industry
Shit. Just sold 100k.

>> No.7124113

Nope don't lie to me

>> No.7124153

Is Mobius the Jeb Bush of oracles?

>> No.7124192

i bought another 1k. I know, poorfag. But it brought me just below 10k. Happy hodl.

>> No.7124279

If you're still making one i'll take it; my name is "THE Specialist"

>> No.7124280
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Can anyone vouch for the theory that mobius plagiarized part of the link whitepaper?

>> No.7124385 [DELETED] 

Sergeant major moomoomilk

>> No.7125398

Why do some of the top wallets have a second group of "Chainlink tokens", like 50mil each, sent out on september 2017, along with some random Finndev sending a token with "JEW" as the symbol?

Kind of nervous tbqh...

>> No.7125453
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Inb4 shadowfork

>> No.7125545
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The jew tokens were made by a troll and sent to Sergey's token wallet.

>> No.7125550

When LINK moons, how long do you think the wojak/"I told you so" threads will last? Months?

>> No.7125625

In all likelyhood link will crash to 17 cents and everyone will make fun of us right before swift announces a partnership and we blast off to $10 in one night and keep going the nexf morning.

>> No.7125650
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If all crypto suddenly crashed towards zero I would still unironically not sell my linkies

>> No.7125665
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>> No.7125700
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>> No.7125717

It's just a fucking discord larp. I've been here a long time and I've never seen a chain link thread like this.

>> No.7125750


+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>> No.7125804

I loved selling my $1.20 Link, dumping it back on you linklets.

>> No.7125802

Captain Dinglehopper

>> No.7125822

If you were here in November tons of people had link balances between 50k and 100k. There is a guy who post here that has well over a million link.

>> No.7125834

>Believing the million link larp

>> No.7125843


I'm about as upset as if someone "dumped" ETH on me when it was $4.

>> No.7125849

"dumped" his 300 link

>> No.7125906

A few of them posted proof. I know one of them shares his picks with a group of rich anons

>> No.7125941

I know the founder of docusign and know that he likes link. Partnership

>> No.7125958

Underrated. I love this guy. Nice to see you added music

>> No.7126011

K disco larp

>> No.7126014


My dad is the founder of docusign and I can confirm he won't shut up about smart contracts

>> No.7126034

I was the guy talking to you in that one thread you said this. All the dots are connecting. All these highly credentialed individuals from different sectors support Chainlink, it's truly an enthusiast/insider coin. Only real blockchain nerds get it, and typical normie investors don't because they're just in this space for the money. Can't wait for the oracle network to be up and running.

>> No.7126076


Because everyone's larping and no one ever shows proof

>> No.7126152

25mm link here lol i pawned my grandma for it and made 250 ico accounts

>> No.7126260
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>> No.7126305

This particular trader has closer to 1.5m link now.

>> No.7126612

I just popped my ChainLink cherry, 8,359 buy completed.

>> No.7126644


nice try, officer

>> No.7126891

Thinking of dumping all of my FUN for LINK. Not sure though.

>> No.7127005
File: 1.32 MB, 320x240, Check em.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link 1000 q2 2019

>> No.7127006

how low how low how low y'all think it's ganna go?