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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7119132 No.7119132 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who has been in here since 2014<

how serious is this? you all have been through some shit so what's the relative FUD level here and are you worried? i've only been in since last april and have held through the FUD since then, i'm looking for a historical gauge though

>> No.7119184


>> No.7119192

Been here since 2014 in the BTCE trollbox days.

This is one of the bigger crashes obviously but it will recover, and the bear market won't last years - I'd put max half a year to a year

Patience is key

>> No.7119228

It's a pretty big dip
They happen before pretty big pumps
It might go on a while longer until the whales are done accumulating
But it's too much of a cash cow to end just yet ;)

>> No.7119272

>2014 is old

2007 oldfag here. Pool is closed due to AIDS.

>> No.7119281

Not worried at all. The summer was worse imo.

>> No.7119320

there is nothing new in crypto. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in crypto today has happened before and will happen again.

>> No.7119334

yeah, that's what i was thinking so i'm glad to hear it from someone who's really been with this shit. been sticking to a DCA schedule i don't plan to stray from until it really looks like things are getting going again.

>> No.7119340
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Not an oldfag but I know a fair number. Their opinion was pretty uniform in that this was just an especially brutal January slump. Fortunately it was a great time for me to enter the market because normies panic sold and I got solid coins and massive discounts. Bear markets are the friends of poorfags.

>mfw my portfolio's down like 20% over the past few days but I don't give the faintest of fucks because everything I bought, I bought with the intent of holding for at least 6 months

>> No.7119383


I don’t know. MT Gox was big, but it recovered. But there was no regulation back then. As market cap climbs, governments get involved. I think it will most likely recover, but the 10000% moon days are probably over.

>> No.7119401


I'm not really any oldfag but I have been into crypto for about 3 years and I think it's just gonna be a shitcoin purge. This is actually a good thing, we need less pajeets and scams and more good projects. Those will be left standing. Some are already exit scamming due to losing money.

>> No.7119408

with buy walls of 2000 btc around 10k$ coming and going I don't worry at all

>> No.7119420

He's talking about in crypto you dolt.

>> No.7119459
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>> No.7119504

it will definitely become harder to find those 100x coins. as long as it doesn't become standard for ICOs to have a 100m+ hardcap, i think it's still there. i've got my long term holds, now i'm just looking at lower cap ICOs that seem decent and have yet to hit exchanges

>> No.7119565
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Shill me your coins, o wise one

>> No.7119603

dont wanna alarm u but ive been here since 2009.. and i just sold to fiat

>> No.7119684

It's a bear market you know

>> No.7119686

do you think I should buy into crypto tonight?
as a poorfag I've been lurking for weeks waiting for the right time to jump in

>> No.7119715

4k would equal 2014 levels of hopelessness. And thays what we need. Pure wretched hopeless, where pink wojak threads dont even exist.

This board was a desert after 2014. Thats when you accumulate.

>> No.7119734
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Wait until BTC is in the 8k range or eth sub 1k.

>> No.7119769

Ayyyy those were the days. I still have a wex account. Was still day trading on BTC-e when the feds came in dry, lost far more than I should have. Still have those stupid tokens on there. I'm just chilling, not selling but probably going back to work to keep myself from day trading my stack down

>> No.7119800

you got it

>> No.7119811

this bear market is nothing.

>> No.7119817

serious. we need to get to despair levels before a rebound. plan accordingly.

>> No.7119944

the $ amount is larger but % swing isn't anything new. i'm holding through it same as before.

>> No.7119959

Yeah but can you triforce?

>> No.7119960

kill yourself before it's too late

>> No.7120003
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Ive been in crypto since early 2011, this feels like nothing really. Bought more bitcoin because I always buy during dips, one because it doesnt really bother me and two I need it for a crypto related business I run so I still profit no matter what happens.

People are overly emotional which will lead to more gov scrutiny or regulations so theres that. Crypto needs more self-policing, scam ICOs should never be able to hit exchanges if exchanges actually put in effort to research. Facebook banning ICO ads will dampen things a bit, some people dont realize what a juggernaut facebook is for online advertising and the effect of normies constantly seeing crypto ads while their on facebook on their iphone. At least google still allows ads (and phishing pages sadly).
>ive been hearing a lot about crypto lately, normies say from being bombarded with ads/media about crypto

I fucking wish the market would bounce between 400b-700b for half a year or so. Would give plenty of time for stuff to stabalize as far as businesses, exchanges, let some ICOs fail to deliver, shake out weak hands, etc.

No one actually knows whats going to happen though and crypto remains one of the more interesting things you can be involved in.

>> No.7120154

Damn I miss BTCE, that was a fun site to use. Been here since 2013, I agree that this is a pretty big crash, but it doesn't feel as bad as the 2013/2014 bubble crash. We're probably going to continue to go down for a while but I highly doubt the downtrend will continue as long as it did after the 2013/2014 bubble. But yeah, it might be a year before we test 20K bitcoin. And there are even more cryptocurrencies now than there were back then, so that adds a different element of people wanting to buy those to get rich quick. Granted, there were a good amount of shitcoins back then that shot up during the bubble and if you look them up now they are pretty much dead.

>> No.7120348

Q1 is always a rough time of the year.

>> No.7120357

>crypto since early 2011
Then you must be rich then. Why are you buying more bitcoin?
Mr Larper

>> No.7120436

Won't happen. Too many normies are in, futures exist, Wall Street is in, government is in. This is fucking different from 2014. Crypto is mainstream now.

>> No.7120444

I've been here since 04 kid.

>> No.7120652

what's your overall asset allocation? not just talking about coins either, but i'd love to know what cryptos you're holding these days.

>> No.7120667

such a fucking FUD storm. But when you see stupid fake news affecting the price so much you know this market is still very young. IM NOT SELLING

>> No.7120776
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It's already too late

>> No.7120825

Not very serious
Just another bump in the road. Media have realized they have more influence over the market than anyone else. Let them finish the fud cycle and prepare for a bullrun that will make 2017 look like 2015

>> No.7120864

serious question: how concerned are you guys about this transfer of wealth if blockchain is fairly adopted? early bird gets the worm and everything else...

>> No.7120892
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When they kill the dollar crypto will explode
just have £10K of crypto BTC/LTC/etc and you'll be good for life in a few years
Tether is a test run for a USD replacement
it's coming soon

>> No.7120963


>> No.7121001

i almost bought some bitcoin the very early days it was released.
that doesn't really qualify me as a guru, but here's my take.

digital scarcity is here to stay as a store of value. Why would I move all my ethereum to cash when I can send Ethereum anywhere I want in 10 seconds for $2 where I have to wait 4-10 business days for cash to go anywhere?

Utility tokens have a bumpy road ahead as investor expectations and speculation outpace value created. but I still expect more businesses to use a token based profit model, as it is more efficient than going the stock route.
currency coins have a bumpy road ahead as they all suffer from many of the same problems
>poor scalability
>centralization or high premined ownership
>high competition
>untested, unhardened, especially for newer scalability tech

at the end of the day, you always need to be asking yourself, what is the competition like, and what is my coin like? Take ripple for example, great tech, and people said banks will just build their own tokens, you know, instead of making Brad Cuckington the supreme ruler of Earth with $10 Ripple.

Well guess what happened? JPMorgan coin now exists. Are banks going to use it? Who knows. Ripple has been "testing" with lots of banks, but none of them have fully committed to using it. What's taking them so long?

As an investor, maybe you believe they will use it, and they're just slow because regulations and yada yada.... but you still have to admit there are no banks currently using ripple, and that''s a huge downside risk.

I've cashed out 10%. Still holding my long term picks.

>> No.7121148

Not really convinced on utility tokens yet though, especially those targeting everyday consumers. You are basically expecting them to be skilled enough to:

>Buy BTC
>Register on an exchange
>Buy the utility token
>transfer the utility token
>Use the utility token

Plus all the volatility in between doesn't make it a very viable method. I can see businesses use it but no way that consumers will do this.
Maybe in 50 years when you grow up with an exchange just like I did with internet.

>> No.7121164
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>> No.7121169

>I've cashed out 10%
fkn virgin coiners chill out and get a grip

>> No.7121223


I don't know, verge and others have some normie-friendly features like messaging etc

>> No.7121265

May I ask what your long term picks are?

>> No.7121433

Its in my post.
>I need it for a crypto related business I run so I still profit no matter what happens
I'm buying with client funds, not with my own personal money and since I have to buy regularly I just buy the dips. If you are just starting and want to be rich, bitcoin probably isnt the place to start unless you have a lot of money to work with.

Also if you think more than a small handful of the guys who bought in 2011 are rich, you bought into the narrative crafted to get more people into cryptocurrency.

>> No.7121507

holding just a tiny bit of CND, testing it out.
If its picks end up winning, I'll pick up more.

>> No.7121513

This is the thing that's holding crypto back honestly, even getting to the point of being able to buy BTC has proven to be a fucking huge hassle for me, maybe it's because the easiest sites to use like coinbase and gdax don't make their services available in my country.

Until crypto becomes as easy to use as paypal a lot of these currencies won't reach their full potential.

>> No.7121688

Point is is that it could work but then these businesses can't do ICOs

>Purchase crypto directly from website of the business
>functions as credit on the network

But as I said, these companies wouldn't be able to do multi million dollar ICOs and likely most of them wouldn't exist aswell.

>> No.7121716

Not sure why I wrote ''Point is''
Its not really the point, its an option.


>> No.7121726

You are fucked

>> No.7121787

I really like these oldfag threads. I wish all of /biz/ was Oldfags Only. The oldfags are far more articulate & less whiny

>> No.7121874

bought my first coin in 2010. First "invested" at $90 in 2013.

Not worried at all. The market needs housecleaning. Tether, bitconnect, scam ICOs, useless tokens. Fuck even BTC is a shitcoin now. Need a crash for BCH to retake the name.

Still a believer but I think ETH might take #1 until real BCH development rolls out. I believe in decentralized, censorless, consensus money so I'm mostly in BCH but I realize that is pretty fucking revolutionary (and the world might not be ready/even want that) so I diversified in other public ledger projects like XLM, REQ, and LINK.

>> No.7121916

I remember when this board was /biz/ and not /btc/. Is anyone else still invested in lithium here?

>> No.7121939

>tfw I literally sold all my BTC around 4-5k right before the beautiful bull run you see here
Oh god please make it happen.

>> No.7122033
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if by here you mean crypto, then yeah.

2010-2011 fud, now that was some scary shit. I didn't buy in back then because no amount of money was worth becoming a felon and I didn't have a fake ID to register for liberty reserve with (over TOR) so I could buy e-gold to trade for BTC. I didn't mine because I was already using my electricity (and cooling) to grow medical. Also because I hadn't gotten bitcoin-qt set up over TOR on a burnable device. I was definitely overly paranoid in general back then.

but yeah, as soon as I'm done calculating my tax burden the rest of my cash is going straight back to GDAX.

I would fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE it if bitcoin dropped back to 5k. I'd fucking take out loans. I sold off 2-3 btc at 5.5k and when we kept going to 7k and up i knew in the bottom of my heart that I was never going to get those bitcoin back. It's still not going to happen.

Even if BCH flips BTC BTC won't fall to 5k this year.

>> No.7122077

I was a sub-1000 poster here, if you're still in crypto for anything other than laughs you're actually retarded.

>> No.7122162

fucking tether fud, man. got me too.

>> No.7122225

why would you say that?

>> No.7122230
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>2007 oldfag here. Pool is closed due to AIDS.

Like fuck child. So bored of faggots quoting that

>> No.7122278

Why would I say what?

>> No.7122294

>I would fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE it if bitcoin dropped back to 5k. I'd fucking take out loans. I

Now stupid are you. BTC is done its going to zero.

>> No.7122303

if you're still in crypto for anything other than laughs you're actually retarded.

>> No.7122334

>why would you say that?

Maybe because it is true

>> No.7122343

Perhaps I should say if "you're still here for anything other than laughs"

>> No.7122402

unironically laughing as my money burns away
But i knew the risk, and i have hope for the future

Bitcorn will hopefully get shit on and stay around 1k, and something like ETH will take its place.

>> No.7122411

make sense

>> No.7122503
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>> No.7122529

That’s not how utility tokens will work and you pretty much revealed that you don’t know a fucking thing. Literal brainlet.

>> No.7122552

anything to back up your prediction?

>> No.7122570
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Oldfag here. 1 of 30 of my BTC usb miners as proof. Scariest drop was the 1100 high of December 2013 down to ~200 in 2014. Sold off half my holdings like a fucking idiot. Could be half a million richer now. Still hold some. HODL on.

>> No.7122628

late 2010 here. I got in when it was worth pennies. this is fine.
crypto doesn't give a shit about you, and has no problem keeping you underwater for years.
this is not the dow jones where it HAS TO keep going up no matter what or it's a world-ending recession. nobody's going to bail crypto out.

things got a little out of hand in 2017. expect a commensurate hangover.
meanwhile, you'd better hope the underlying tech goes somewhere useful.

if it does, you'll probably see another stupid price spike in a couple of years.
if not, it'll keep on creeping down slowly over many years.

either way, that should give most of the dumb bullshit out there a chance to die, and I will light a candle to the Great Old Ones when they do.

>> No.7122692

I still hold some FANG thanks to a God tier oil worker anon who told me back in late 2015 that they had just secured a heap of leases

>> No.7122757
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Listen to this fag, anons.

>> No.7122805

It's really not that bad. A month ago roughly I was stunned with the gains I'm sitting with after the dip. So I'm still happy.

>> No.7122822

charge your phone faggot

>> No.7122858



>> No.7122912

suit yourself, fudster

>> No.7122940

ok now that I agree with. but add shilling. and tasteful porn.

I definitely have never come here for advice

>> No.7122956


/biz/ is only a few years old

>> No.7122958

>meanwhile, you'd better hope the underlying tech goes somewhere useful.
i feel like this is almost guaranteed at this point. welcome anyone to argue otherwise

>> No.7123082

Bought in 2013. The ecosystem has changed, I can't see a collapse like in 2014.

>>7122628 is right but I have faith, all it takes is 2 or 3 projects to really get a foothold and confidence will start to return. There are a lot of projects going live in the next 6 months.

>> No.7123111

>Yeah but can you triforce?

No one can ever since moot (who?) broke it.

>> No.7123247
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We going to sub 9K. Don't be weak anons. If you sell you're a faggot.

>> No.7123346

If you believe it's a bear market, it will become one

You will create self fulfilling prophesies

>> No.7123414

Was just gonna say the same thing. Actual content as opposed to idiotic memes

>> No.7123561

guys how do i triforce

>> No.7123604

watch me whip
now watch me nae nae
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watch me whip
now watch me nae nae

>> No.7123710

Guaranteed by what, LN?

Fuck off.


>> No.7123747

that's because we're all adults now.

well, as much of an adult as a someone that goes to 4chan can be

>> No.7123793

lol ok

>> No.7123841
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>since 2014

>> No.7123918
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>> No.7124046

Been trading crypto since 2013. The whole market has changed and there will be no collapse. I think this bear market is only temporary and we'll be back in a bull market in 4 weeks.

>> No.7124079

same as it ever was
same as it ever was
same as it ever was

>> No.7124184

>BTC usb miners
how much did a single one of those make per day when it was released? in btc

and how much did it cost

>> No.7124231

Did you guys see the ICX partnerships just announced? Apparently Bloomberg and Forbes aren't as bearish on crypto as 4chan
Oldfag optimism validated sooner than expected

>> No.7124322

Been in since about june of 2014.
Did some mining back then.
Only a few weeks on a coin that eventually netted me around 5 figures or about 50000 coin. I had jack shit invested in this entire market when I left. I think it might be time to leave it alone again but I can afford to say that. I'm holding everything I got and whatever happens happens.

>> No.7124351

I was here the first hour this board was created, but haven't lurked it long term.

>> No.7124443
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About 40% of my portfolio is in ETH for some stability and highly likely returns. My remaining alt split is 20% XLM, 20% NEO, 15% ENJ, and 5% FUN. They also strongly recommended WTC, but I consider myself over diversified as is so I can't bring myself to buy any.

I actually consider the most interesting of those coins to be ENJ. And ENJ kinda flies under /biz/'s radar which gives me some additional confidence in it. Of course it helps that I'm an indie game dev and understand exactly what ENJ's trying to do and how to implement it on a technical level.

>> No.7124527
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Been here since April 2013

This isn't really anything desu, just a minor correction. It was bound to happen after the insane bull market we've had since May 2017

I expect bull market to start in March at the earliest, August at the latest

>> No.7124691

The technology isn’t going away. DCA what you can afford over the next year and stop checking Coinbase every ten minutes. Companies with good technology AND an actual product will do well. I’m a big fan of BaaS going forward, as I feel this will cause the next big wave of adoption. HODL. Oh, and buy ARDR because you’re stupid if you don’t.

>> No.7125621


r u magic man>

>> No.7125727


Enter in Request Network......

>> No.7126222

Req is a meme

>> No.7126479
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>> No.7126571

This is wisdom.

>> No.7126693

All the concerns u listed are laughable. Any amateur can quickly fix those issues up.

Quick reliable transactions globally to anyone with a smartphone?

THATS the key. The rest is just easily solved cosmetics.

Xrb basically is all cosmetics with none of the core. Thats why its a scam.

>> No.7126876

Lol. Bruh. I held until fucking Mar. 2017, then sold all my btc. If i didnt use that money to buy eth i wudve killed myself.

>> No.7127061


Sigh. Ur falling into the same pathetic that made the announcement possible in the first place.

Mass media is the emperor with no clothes. Only idiots think crypto needs forbes and bloomberg more than they need it.

Forbes and bloomberg see this as a chance to boost hype and revenue in a world where every quarter they solve worse. Without crypto, bloomberg would rapidly head towards antiquity

And thats coming from someone that actually uses that piece of shit called the bloomberg terminal.

>> No.7127101

Now THIS is subtle shilling

>> No.7127232
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It's not subtle, they asked me to shill the coins I bought. I just explained why I bought them.

>> No.7127662

Been here since 2012. This is worse than MtGox. This is an extinction level event for 90%+ of alts. Not sure Bitcoin itself will survive. Ethereum will but value will go down at least 50% back to pre-december levels

>> No.7127859

Pics or it didnt happen

>> No.7127955

I'm not worried at all. Not one bit.
There's a lot of scared normies and a fuckton of moonbois shitting their pants and making tons of noise, but in the end it's just noise.

You'll be fine anon. Of you didn't sell, stay put, it will be all right inna couple of months.

>> No.7128364
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He is not

>> No.7128367

>I would fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE it if bitcoin dropped back to 5k. I'd fucking take out loans.
You and anons like you are proof that this market isn't done for.

>> No.7128448

You are fucked

>> No.7128459

How do you just "cash out" hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars instantly into fucking fiat? Fucking liar.

>> No.7129008

The underlying blockchain concept is not going anywhere. If you read Niall Ferguson book on money you'll see these new (I cringe at the term) disruptive financial innovations come along once a generation. They cause a massive stir, a massive bubble, correct to more realistic prices providing comfort to Normans and then begin wider acceptance. Yes there was a dot com bubble but after the dust settled, FAANG companies arose and are worth billions. The sw will happen with block chain based financials.
Who knows what will be left standing but in five years time, you can get your bollocks to a barn dance some form of cryptocurrency will exist and it will make the pissy little projects out now look like MySpace.

>> No.7129108


I think what we really need to look out for are coins that will be issued by Facebook or Google or Microsoft. Imagine when companies can issue their own currency just like nation states. This is some futuristic stuff, why wouldn't it come to this? They have every incentive in the world to do this.
It remains to be seen how governments respond but so far they have all been fairly timid and I dont see any real reason why this would change when Facebook makes their own coin.

>> No.7129154

hello darkness my old friend

>> No.7129612
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Anon if you want a historical gauge you shouldn't be looking for the opinions of anons on /biz/. You should be looking at human history itself

This isn't just an investment, this isn't just some cool new website that came out, this isn't some great new company with a good product

This is a fundamentally new form of reliable financial information transmittance which is our first true order-of-magnitude-level improvement upon the fiat and precious metal based currencies we've been using for the past thousand years

This is programmable money, this is indestructible money, this is uncensorable money, this is decentralized money - free from the grasp of centralized authorities

Anon I can go on and on here but if you understand, you understand, and you are already obsessed and realize how big this is. This isn't just a good company to invest in like Amazon, this isn't just a cool new product like the iPhone, this is another level of financial infrastructure entirely, equal in significance to the development of written language for keeping track of financial transactions

I can ramble for hours here but if you don't get the point you don't get it, and if you do you do. Fucking HODL anon, that's all I can say. Don't let any FUD convince you otherwise, this is NOT going away, period, this is GOING to transform humanity, it's impossible for it not too, the cat is out of the bag, thank you Satoshi, literally one of the true saints of this world on par with Norman Bourlang and Jesus Christ himself in his transformative power to bring human society closer to a globalist utopia

>> No.7129640

This is bigger - this isn't once a generation - this is once per intellectual revolution. The 21st century is going to be recorded as the century of decentralized governance in the far future - this is bigger than anything we have ever witnessed

>> No.7129931

I was thinking this but didn't want to sound too invested, otherwise I'd be shouted down as a shill.

>> No.7129996

Fuck it, who cares what they think. Most of these retards just want money. This is bigger than money, and that's why it's such a great opportunity to make money. This is far bigger than any of us imagine, this is the recurring theme in crypto - all of our price expectations are constantly exceeded, even Satoshi himself was skeptical that this would even work at first. Satoshi unleashed a beast that even he didn't fully understand through one genius idea - PoW based consensus.

This is just the beginning, crypto will 100% be entrenched into every aspect of our lives in the coming decades, in a way that is so all-encompassing that most people won't even realize what it is, it will just be yet another deep underpinning of society whose implementation you can ignore while still utilizing

The blockchain is the bottom layer, smart contracts are the next layer - this is still the fucking beginning to an extent my words aren't even fully explaining

>> No.7130069

Yeah I can triforce


>> No.7130575

bro i dont wanna burst your bubble but the blockchain in itself IS a smart contract implementation. I think smart contracts notion have. been existing since the early 90s

>> No.7131254

Y helo thar

>> No.7131305

My dick is a smart contract fagit. Now go away because the pools closed bitch...due to motherfucking aids fagit.

>> No.7131310

2012 here.

this is fucking nothing.jpg

>> No.7132097

Yeah basically this.