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File: 354 KB, 630x686, ethpyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7118085 No.7118085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


pays out 10% dividends for hodlers on both sell and buy!

>> No.7118107

contract code will be posted 30 mins before launch + exit code does work like "original"

>> No.7118187

Why not earlier? something is fishy here. Does anybody have more info? Is this legit? Need more info up in this bitch

>> No.7118188

hope it makes it

>> No.7118362

well it will do what stated but idk what else.

>> No.7118400

I'm not convinced, also the main powh chain will get more eth flow for now

>> No.7118463

but the bar of entry there is already pretty high dividends are bigger only needs to get a little big to see prof

>> No.7118563

I might invest some after i wake up and check up on the proggres, will the price chart and all that be made for this Scheme too?

>> No.7118657

no idea but i'm staying up so I hope it takes off.

>> No.7118679
File: 232 KB, 1071x1347, 1515128345476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wait! This just started! Get In!

The sequel will be even better!


>> No.7118725

Sketchy that the code is only going up 30 minutes in advance. Why not now to give more time for review?

>> No.7118807

Please post contract code for review and I'm down to shill. I like the branding

>> No.7118832

just bought some

>> No.7118843

Guys, let's be realistic here.

If I decide to put $100 into this coin within the first 10 minutes it opens, how much money will I have 72 hours from now?

Any testimonials from users of the original PoWH coin?

>> No.7118858

30 minutes is plenty time

>> No.7118884

youll make more than if you dont. just be early

>> No.7119145

because usually those contracs have public functions to buy in early.

the contract is probably already released and public. But we don t know the name yet. Some people might have already guessed it right and are currently massivly investing into it.

>> No.7119162

Do I invest in ETH Pyramid or Shadow PoWH?


>> No.7119201

contract is NOT posted anywhere on the ethereum network. no early buyers

will post an hour before to make yall happy

>> No.7119315

previous post you said 18eth ground floor

does that mean that you have put 18 eth already in?

>> No.7119533

no, i have not. contract is not even deployed.

>> No.7119566


So the only difference between this and PoWH is dividends on sales?

>> No.7119638

This one allows reinvesting of dividends to avoid panic, which is nice. First night of PoWH, everyone panic sold and it crashed when people started taking dividends out (to probably rebuy). It never mooned for this reason, we may have something here.

This smells a bit more refined than the other shitclones

>> No.7119901
File: 99 KB, 166x391, trollface5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for this shit to start

>> No.7119949


PoWH Shadow inc soon, no chance any copycat projects like this one stand a chance against the OG devs

>> No.7119977

only use the real one niggers https://powhcoin.com/

>> No.7120004

More info on PoWH Shadow ?????? How do you know its same devs?

>> No.7120011

everyone excited about this dumb shit deserves to lose all their money

>> No.7120046

og devs didn't even create the original code. this guy did https://test.jochen-hoenicke.de/eth/ponzitoken/

og devs are literally creating another one that's essentially the exact as the "first" because they missed out on their own project

>> No.7120054

Hey Guys - while you are waiting, why not do a quick double or triple? PoWH3 is on the climb. Will get to 0.13ETH/token if it duplicates yesterday's mirroring of PoWH (currently 0.02)


>> No.7120082

If it adds value to the original concept which is slightly lacking, I am down to give it a hold.

>> No.7120110

The thing I'm finding interesting about this token is the name is normie friendly. If a normie sees "PoWH Coin" they're not going to know what it is and will be too lazy to do research. Seeing "EthPyramid" is easy to understand.

>> No.7120111

Ahhh.... Thanks - that makes sense

>> No.7120143

This shit can't be self-sustained. Just think for a moment.

>> No.7120169

EtherNumbers is normie friendly.

>> No.7120236

EThnumbers is a clone. This one has improvements, the dev talking about the roots to us, no premine. It might not be OG but it seems like a legit alternative and not a get rich quick knock off

>> No.7120361

What will the initial or early price per token be?

>> No.7120384


You lost the momentum though, don't expect it to grow as POWH did.

>> No.7120388


>> No.7120454

get your shit together!
the url https://ethpyramid.com/resources/ returns 404!

>> No.7120469

It says you can purchase coins with your dividends. Can you also cash out coins into dividends as the original? Does that allow unlimited transfer between coins and dividends without the money leaving the total pool size? Are dividends in any state always guaranteed?

>> No.7120552

I think the 404 is on purpose, while not graceful I think it's a good way to say "The contract is not online and you're not going to guess the file name"

>> No.7120872
File: 11 KB, 255x197, poof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing, the ethpyramid.com contract will have a backdoor that will allow the devs to exit scam, running of with the fomo funds that will just pile in from all you normies and biztards that do NOT have solidity programming knowledge to read the contract code.

>To properly decode a contract of this nature it will take a few hours, that's all they need to have a few hundred ETH with the hype train building...

Source: Senior Solidity Programmer.

>> No.7120911

Using solidity makes you a fucking mind reader? Holy shit!

>> No.7120927

the only source you need to know that beforehand is being a witch

>> No.7120932

Shadow is not a clone, it's a fork of the original.

Which one to invest in isn't even a question, dude, fuck clones

>> No.7120947

ethrocket, is this code going to be compiled or will be we able to easily read it? Will it be heavily obfuscated, or simple like PoWH?

>> No.7120973

except it's just a rumour

>> No.7120974

If it takes you more than 30 minutes to go through some solidity code for a pyramid scheme then you are a fucking retarded dev.

>> No.7121009

He's been testing it throughout the day, his testnet wallet is https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x15e91ab6eb76138e97b23abfd5b321c5c6148910
He hasn't posted the source code yet though

>> No.7121042
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1516031005464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solidity is complicated and there are many ways a clever developer could code an exit scam into a contract.

>> No.7121070




>> No.7121072

So it is premined for 3 ETH, or is all that just a test?

>> No.7121082

Solidity has the difficulty of javascript.
Go learn C you fucking brainlet.

>> No.7121125

holy fuck legit fork is live

>> No.7121136

>tfw in 2 hours powhcoin will crash because of ETHpyramid which means its dividends time .

what a time to be alive.

>> No.7121144


initial token price?

>> No.7121149

imho even if he has loaded it up with 5eth beforehand it's okay

that's IF the source code proves to be safe, and IF the site is trully superior to the OG one with the direct reinvest dividends function

nothing wrong with him making a few bucks.

>> No.7121162

thanks for being transparent. I'm in the uk and staying up for this project. How much minimum I need to enter.

>> No.7121179


Unlike you I make $300k a year as a Senior Solidity Programmer and actually know what I am talking about.


>> No.7121184

Not really.

There's no premine as far as I can tell, the newest contract has like 0.1 ETH. But it's running on testnet right now

>> No.7121215

This one is still cheap as fuck to get in. Make some divs while waiting for midnight.

>> No.7121245

Lol I bet bud

>T. Masters in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.

>> No.7121250
File: 75 KB, 750x500, 23nnvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But POWH Shadow just released, what are you guys waiting for?
From the same devs of ORIGINAL POWH.
Modified to benefit strong hangs.

>> No.7121272

doesn't mean people are not able to code complex ways to break the contract


>> No.7121303

omfg I'm jumping ship see ya guys good luck

>> No.7121310



>> No.7121325


>> No.7121342


>> No.7121346

That is a scam pajeet!!

>> No.7121366


Congrats on the participation reward little johnny! Mommy is very proud!.

>> No.7121372

lool fake.

>> No.7121408

its a scam i have money in so buy

>> No.7121430


cheap as fuck rn desu. you could probably pop in an eth and make it big in a few days as people PnD this

>> No.7121432

contract source for shadow. its legit.

>> No.7121453


this is the OG devs with the OG fork that pays dividends when people DUMP.

Source: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9f4fd6c336388f2ab7dc7bbe4740ae7b88b880d7

Now the only thing ethpyramids has over it is a direct button to reinvest dividends, which I don't think is enough to dethrone the first mover. Choose whichever floats your boats.

>> No.7121495

How does it already have 200 ETH tho....

>> No.7121590


>> No.7121616

show me proof.

>> No.7121645


Baseless FUD

>> No.7121822


>> No.7121829

learn to lowercase fucking cuck

>> No.7121856
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1497558311437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> OG Devs
> 1 Hour Old
> 10% Dividends when buying and selling


Get in here bros.

>> No.7121865

Will this one pump like the last one did?

>> No.7121873

some people don't deserve money

>> No.7121875

Putting 0.5 ETH in shadow fork and 0.5 ETH in this one, we'll see which is better

>> No.7121908

the OG one is bleeding, smart money migrate to the shadow fork. Open both tabs and check them yourself.

Dev's twitter: https://twitter.com/PoWHCoin

>> No.7122029

listen to this or stay poor

>> No.7122062

it's hosted on the same website you mong

>> No.7122085

Before I even saw my coins i already had a shit load of divs. Shadowfork is the new god.

>> No.7122095

it says itself that it's super secret.

>> No.7122160

I'll throw an ETH into this. Hopefully it does better than the other one somebody posted in this thread.

>> No.7122258

>not keeping money in both

As soon as the OG dips a significant amount, normies will start buying in.

OG is the normie coin, shadow is the insider coin. Both can make you money.

>> No.7122320

Who has the contract address for Shadow?

>> No.7122342

an endless money machine.

>> No.7122388


>> No.7122394

>this is the OG devs with the OG fork that pays dividends when people DUMP.
>Source: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9f4fd6c336388f2ab7dc7bbe4740ae7b88b880d7

>> No.7122400


>> No.7122415
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>> No.7122431

double that actually

>> No.7122478

ethpyramid is a better long term hold. has an actual new feature by reinvesting dividends + better name.

>> No.7122504

you act like anyone else cant add the same features. i like ethpyr tho.

>> No.7122515

do you think shadow was just killed by one guy putting insane amounts of eth into it? People are going to shy away when one person is 50% of the value.

>> No.7122545

that's probably the dev. long time hold i think.

>> No.7122550

Nah senpai he got in late. Hasn't even gotten close to a return on his $. Will still pump

>> No.7122612

uh...What is everyone's divs lookin like?

>> No.7122632



(4.334032648133355e+40 USDT)

Shares Worth

(7912.94 USDT)

>> No.7122640

The shadowfork is 80% loss on sale. How does Ethpyramid handle this? Its obviously to account for the additional dividends.

>> No.7122644

like 6 trillion dollars

>> No.7122685

Cant cash divs out lmao

>> No.7122719

Shadowfork just busted? giving me a crazy good buy price.

>> No.7122742
File: 70 KB, 522x783, Ainsley_Harriott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7122806

Whats going on guys im so confused.

>> No.7122807


nvm, website just keeps bugging out.

>> No.7122843

Another one started:

>> No.7122867

link to web page

>> No.7122921

are they real i think its a glitch.

>> No.7122947

Just cashed out and got no ETH back.


>> No.7123008

transaction probably failed check it

>> No.7123081

How do I know this one with the countdown will be real if 5 just popped up?

>> No.7123089



>> No.7123113


>> No.7123144
File: 4 KB, 421x112, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7123159

lol shadow actually WAS having problems

I mean, I bought 166 coins for 1 eth.

>> No.7123183

"OG devs" my ass lol they literally do not know how the smart contract functions.

they ripped it off of some guy and now they fucked up

>> No.7123236

soon we have new 1

>> No.7123307


Pump This While Its Down

Ex pz early money

>> No.7123314

The clone ethernumbers.co is only at 1.3 ETH balance, completly on the ground floor.

>> No.7123319

Wait what? You seriously got more coinsthan you were supposed to?

>> No.7123382


The buy price was .006 and the sell was .3xxx or something like that before the crash.

>> No.7123392

Ok seriously though? What just happened?

>> No.7123440

Waiting for a hard fork.
This is all FUD and is part of the game. Just sit back, panic, and pretend you just lost everything.

>> No.7123457

It ded, $1,000,000 lost lol wtf

>> No.7123493


>> No.7123514
File: 248 KB, 576x500, 1483996503447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So OP, now that Shadow Fork has been raped, how do we know the exact same thing won't happen with your service?

>> No.7123575


Crash is fake panic inducer.

>> No.7123580


There is your proof bud.

>> No.7123629

Yep, excellent question - though it seems even the original devs don't know why they crashed the bus?

>> No.7123631

Lol painfully obvious. The devs have planned all of this out, what do you think they were doing all day today? They got bored of the OG and are trying to spice things up

>> No.7123638



>> No.7123675


except the account has lost 0 eth, even with 10,000 exit transactions.

>> No.7123737

Everyone has weak hands and this proved it. PoWH study complete. Thank you for participating everyone!

>> No.7123759






>> No.7123776


>> No.7123930

I like the people responding to the twitter post now knowing he is referring to shadow and not the original.

>> No.7123941

Has the creator of EthPyramid released his contract yet?

Can you stay in here until he does to show us if he can exit scam or not?

OP is silent right now, so I don't know what's going on.

>> No.7123995

holy shit all my moeny

>> No.7124017

Supposedly, he will release in 5 minutes?

>> No.7124029

yeah I'm waiting about

>> No.7124106

where tho?

>> No.7124145

Will release my source code soon. To prevent EthPyramid from facing the same fate, doing more tests to ensure that balances are adding up correctly. This MAY result in an hour delay until official release.

Thanks yall

>> No.7124160

So you guys aren't talking about the shadow fork? Blast I really just got fucked out of my ETH didn't I. (the crash happened within five minutes of my deposite good lord)

>> No.7124173

There is a link for it on the website - not working yet...

>> No.7124220

It's alright if you have an hour delay as long as you give at least a full hour for people to review the code.

>> No.7124241
File: 77 KB, 512x507, fucku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving all these weak handed cuck betas
get fucked

>> No.7124246

A link for what? I tried to withdraw straight from meta but it didn't go through. I imagine at this point I might as well just stay put. But I heard ppl were able to withdraw and deposit still whats the deal?

>> No.7124325

less than an hour

>> No.7124328

The link for the Smart Contract for EthPyramid - may be delayed an hour dev just said

>> No.7124386

No he said the token sale will be an hour late. He hasn't specified yet when he's releasing the contract.

>> No.7124403


>> No.7124422

Please do, don't make a dumb mistake like the original POWH.

>> No.7124491

I'm attempting to use the "escape" clause for ShadowCoin. Only threw in 0.005 ETH, but still wanting my money back if I can.

Original PoWH is where it's at.

ShadowCoin PoWH withdrawal instructions. I have no idea if this works or not.

"PLEASE SAVE THIS SOMEWHERE SAFE If for any reason this website goes down, you can utilize the personal exit scheme: open up a transaction in MetaMask, send 0 Ether to the contract with a 150k gas limit and include "0xb1e35242" under Additional Data. This is the getMeOutOfHere() function on the contract and will cash you out of all tokens and dividends."

>> No.7124540

this could blow while thats down.

>> No.7124570

Just tried a transaction and nope, it's gone forever.

>> No.7124573


Its dead dude. check the site its been updated. you are currently boned.

>> No.7124578

I put in a full ETH. Jesus Christ. Looking at the smart contract the amount looks the same as when it went down though. If it gets back up and running is there any benefit to staying on?

>> No.7124586

pretty sure it doesn't work. I tried sending it a few min ago and the tx failed for me. if you get it to work though let me know.

>> No.7124602
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, aadws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7124633


>> No.7124670

O.M.G. The guy that put in 232ETH....


>> No.7124738

EthPyramid Creator here.

Will release on the testnet to check that the entire smartcontract DOESN'T FUCK UP like Shadows.

Will post to https://beta.ethpyramid.com soon for a test version.

>> No.7124800


>> No.7124832

I've got some money in the original. I'll probably throw some into this one as well. Ground floor and all.

Just gotta keep the market from getting too liquidated or even fewer people win.

>> No.7124847
File: 151 KB, 1330x625, phew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I caught the website before the text fix

>> No.7124848

Here is your proof. This is their key: 0x0ad1d5c80D56803C75fDD8e6D00Ec6248074F3F2
Just invest and you'll see.

>> No.7124874




>> No.7124949


it's a testnet contract. on the realnet, the contract doesn't exist. learn the difference.

if you want to beta test with fake eth, head to https://beta.ethpyramid.com with ROPSTEN testnet.

get free ETH on ropsten here: faucet.ropsten.be:3001

>> No.7124957


>> No.7124958

Testnet ffs

>> No.7125001

what are the rules in this one compared to PowH?

>> No.7125011


>> No.7125055

Shadow having problems is the golden ticket for Ethpyramid.

Dont fuck it up.

>> No.7125101

So is anyone testing? I am not sure where to send the test ETH to?

>> No.7125145

I've dropped like 40 eth into test.

>> No.7125149


use the site bro w/ metamask on ropsten.
you gotta select it to use ropsten network.


>> No.7125153

That's exactly what I'm thinking. Pretty much ALL FAITH has been lost in PoWH now. If EthPyramid isn't an exit scam and doesn't crash, it could SURPASS PoWH coin.

Impossible to think about, though.

>> No.7125178

is this happening on test net or main net? when do I send my money?

>> No.7125218


a fucking men.

was too late to jump on the shadowfork bandwagon, but that was no doubt divine intervention. Ethpyramid will be THE ONE, I for one am going ALL IN.

>> No.7125223

will this still launch in 20 minutes?

>> No.7125224
File: 18 KB, 228x217, 1492566393045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the logo spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise?

>> No.7125225

Testnet. DO NOT send real Ether.

>> No.7125244


Official Launch may be delayed if test does not go well. 1 hour perhaps? Check the timer on the https://ethpyramid.com/ site. Beta is for testnet.

>> No.7125246

no, OG powh is fucking lit still, dumbfucks got shook on the fork, this will be the competitor that will slowly draw from powh, beautiful harmony of snek gains and infinite floors

>> No.7125250

Got it - test ETH requested and waiting...

>> No.7125282

I am testing now. Got a github?

>> No.7125288


delusional OG powh bagholder trying to break even. Gotcha

>> No.7125306

Are you on twitter?
Been working the test net and specific use cases.

>> No.7125325

If the dude is from the very, very, beginning, he'll be doing quite well and has already broken even, or is close to do so.

>> No.7125359
File: 163 KB, 840x272, Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 8.40.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testnet fucked. Pic related

>> No.7125371

Tried to place order for 2.5 out of 3 test ETH I received - order failed. Tried again with 2 ETH, went through - not sure why?...

>> No.7125372
File: 231 KB, 1200x978, p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 posters in this thread
this clone will be BTFO

>> No.7125395


>> No.7125403


this still costs gas? what the fuck

>> No.7125412


>> No.7125416


That is exactly what I saw on the shadow before it went down.

>> No.7125419

I saw that same thing for a second, and it was a glitch like this on pricing that kept me from buying into Shadow PoWH (luckily!)

>> No.7125437

come on back in bud

>> No.7125441

Try this one

>> No.7125463

Official Discord discord.gg slash 6KyTbUp

>> No.7125485

i'm testing the smart contract on test it doesn't let you cash out , the transaction goes fine but you never receive the ether

>> No.7125488

Reminder that this guy lost $245,000 on Shadow PoWH.
Time for him to go down to the rope store, in my opinion.

>> No.7125490

Obviously not yet.

>> No.7125498

Strange, seems to be working for me

>> No.7125591
File: 158 KB, 818x266, Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 8.47.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UPDATE - Seems to be a little hiccup. It fixed itself after a minute or so. Just tested selling tokens and dividends and it worked fine.

UPDATE UPDATE - As I was writing this however, it did it again. See attached.

>> No.7125612


Show contract so we can fix

>> No.7125622

FFS, someone who made bank fucking hire somebody with a brain to code this contract so we can resume the bull market

>> No.7125623

Same for me.

>> No.7125646

We need a professional to code a damn competent Ponzi scheme

>> No.7125652


Yup, the shadow was doing exactly that. Back and forth multiple times and the white screen of death. For a second there the shadow had details saying a single line of code was looking for an infinite gas or something like that

>> No.7125680


>> No.7125687

Wish I was at that level of coding. Still a newbie and that's what in part my classes are for.

>> No.7125696

"Contract threw an exception and everyone is stuck HODLING, the meme accidentally became a reality. You're all going to have diamond hands until the ethereum network dies.

To put it in Laymans terms, the eth is all stuck in the contract because the robot that was giving it out thinks its going to take infintie gas to divvy out negative dividends caused by a programming error on a single line of division.

The only way to have this fixed is to have a hard-ethereum fork to before the contract existed, which means you're going to have to contact eth devs.

If you want to pay respects, the contract is here. https://etherscan.io/address/0x9f4fd6c336388f2ab7dc7bbe4740ae7b88b880d7

We know it's a fuck up, so here come join the Discord and get a JUST tag so we know that you were JUSTED along with the rest of us,

We'll go through a careful revision and bring everyone in the discord into the ground of a fixed shadowfork

Stay in touch, we'll carry you guys out of this"

>> No.7125703

Anyone who is a Solidity expert – help me work out the kinks of this smart contract. Dividends are working fine.

Come into Discord. discord.gg slash 6KyTbUp

>> No.7125710
File: 520 KB, 1195x742, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 10% showing between buy and sell, dividends kicking over into scientific notation now

>> No.7125713


>> No.7125741

lol solidity fucking sucks. why couldn't they just have made the math ops non-retarded.

>> No.7125743

whats the discord for this PoWH anyway

>> No.7125748

Well fuck I was hoping this one would succeed.

>> No.7125752

PoH ????

Proof of ... Hands? pls fix this

>> No.7125808

why trust somebody that cannot code?

>> No.7125810


>> No.7125813

Beta build is up on discord. come and join to audit.

discord.gg slash 6KyTbUp

>> No.7125829


>> No.7125853

Looks like the same issue that POWHShadow had. The issue was in this function, I think:

function sell(uint256 amount) internal {
var fees = (uint)(getEtherForTokens(amount)/10);
var numEthers = getEtherForTokens(amount) - fees;
// remove tokens
totalSupply -= amount;
balanceOfOld[msg.sender] -= amount;

// fix payouts and put the ethers in payout
var payoutDiff = (int256) (earningsPerShare * amount + (numEthers * PRECISION));
payouts[msg.sender] -= payoutDiff;
totalPayouts -= payoutDiff;


Specificially, the

var fees = (uint)(getEtherForTokens(amount)/10);
var numEthers = getEtherForTokens(amount) - fees;

Section. Think the division + casting it to an int caused an overflow for some reason.

>> No.7125860

this shit is broken

>> No.7125874

is this some kind of satirical joke on EOS?

>> No.7125911
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Another error:

Should we have been able to sell? I couldn't sell tokens I had invested, or withdraw, when I tired to Reinvest, Got this Meta Mask error, then spawned about 20 more MetaMask windows all with different information...


>> No.7125923

Can we delay the official EthPyramid rollout for at least another 4 hours. Got some shit to do but don't want to miss out on being an early bird

>> No.7125943


I believe it should be casted to a uint256 instead.

var fees = (uint256)(getEtherForTokens(amount)/10);
var numEthers = getEtherForTokens(amount) - fees;

>> No.7126002

looks like it might be DOA

>> No.7126010

Doing a peer audit on the code to make sure everything goes out smoothly. This is the reason for the beta test.

Thanks yall for helping out!

Join the discord

>> No.7126021

Someone smart can make us all a lot of money.

>> No.7126033

If this works how much yall throwing at it? I'm thinking .5ETH but already feel retarded. I spent 1 ETH on ponzimons though (barely made it back)

>> No.7126052

uint and uint256 are aliases in solidity

>> No.7126074

about .5 myself

>> No.7126130


1 eth.

>> No.7126153

.5-1 for teh lulz

>> No.7126192

uint should be fine. It's just an alias for uint256

>> No.7126245

So what could cause the overflow? The contract seems insolvent and dividends are now displayed as sci not floats

>> No.7126253

just buy powh you faggot.

stop shilling your knockoff ponzi.

>> No.7126291

shutup nigger id rather not invest in something by the same guy who just lost $900k of other peoples money

>> No.7126334

Started with 2.5ETH, cashed out at 5.9, so I am well up between PoWH and PoWH3. Missed cashing out at the top tonight, but only by 3/4ETH.

I'd like to be back into the PoWH, but it popped right back up before I did (distracted by all this), and now is as high as I sold for. PoWH stayed up too, surprisingly. Apparently *I* am the one with weak hands! :-)

I'd like to have it all back in somewhere...

>> No.7126343

Just lost all my eth on powh shadow. bought more and going all in on this thing. better not fuck up like powh did.

>> No.7126372


>> No.7126373

>just buy powh
>second version of powh scammed 900k
top kek

>> No.7126396

because your shit was weak and you pulled out
shoulda held
its going up again

>> No.7126446


>>doesnt know what shadow is

>> No.7126452

this thread has shown the contract has coding issues

why the FUCK would you double down?

>> No.7126464

shadow was a test for weak hands

>> No.7126483

Because everyone is in the discord trying to fix the code. Once the fixed code is released, the contact will be good.

>> No.7126486


>> No.7126487

The error was caused by the added 10% on the sell side causing a unit overflow.

>> No.7126491

So EthPyramid has the same error like PoWH shadowfork?

>> No.7126496

New Beta deploying.
Please try and duplicate bug and if it does occur, please send me your address! It'll help with debugging.

Just want this launch to go smoothly! Help out with dev in the discord


>> No.7126502
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>> No.7126518


No this is legit. You can join the discord and hep fix the code

>> No.7126519

>Division on integer literals used to truncate in earlier versions, but it will now convert into a rational number, i.e. 5 / 2 is not equal to 2, but to 2.5

seems like when it divided the result may have been a float and then it was hard casted to uint, and that's just not going to convert very well

>> No.7126532

No it was likely a division error

>> No.7126535

It wasn't a "bug" btw, the scammers wanted to siphon eth off the contract but fucked up

>> No.7126548
File: 868 KB, 960x540, PoWHclassic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not switch back to the original, without the fear of future forks?https://powhclone.com/index2.html

>> No.7126568


No they were just stupid

>> No.7126588

the original what? the original clone was powh3

>> No.7126600

If you could just arrange a crash, I'll be right there!

>> No.7126643

THANK YOU, Anon - I missed that he typed that pretender. About half of what I made was in PoWH3. Love those guys!

>> No.7126682

face it faggots, only good one is the original, it'll still blow up since shadow is gone again. get in before reddit does. they said bitcoin was dead after mt goy too

powh is gonna be a meme thats around for the next few years, get in here faggots

>> No.7126708

Just give it a day to fix it before release. People need to be convinced you fixed the faulty code.

>> No.7126717

Lol, it's already sitting at 15 ETH, who would be dumb enough to buy into that? Even their shilling is piss poor.

>> No.7126731


if you really want to get this off the floor fix your code and wait 3 days and give a good release

>> No.7126761

fuck yes, exactly.

>> No.7126770

I never said that you should buy it, but he's spreading false information saying that his panjeet clone is the original clone. His is like the 7th.

>> No.7126798

fucking lit

>> No.7126810

fix what? the greed? :D the change was made with the intention that the devs make even more

>> No.7126817


>> No.7126820

I was thinking the same but I kind of like everyone coming together to analyze, understand, and fix the contract AND test it all under cover of night

>> No.7126898

I'm in Europe and you guys are keeping me awake the whole night. I know how this works, you will deploy the fucking thing just as I give up and go to sleep, right?

>> No.7126928

anyway OP give another discord invite, the one you gave is expired

>> No.7127065

Discord invite :
discord.gg slash 6KyTbUp

#dev channel to help

>> No.7127228

joined, best tip I can give you OP is to release in a 2-3 days and make sure you bug proof your code

also make the memes before release

>> No.7127360

Yeah, I'd like to be able to be here for the launch, AFTER it can be demonstrated as fully tested. Way too late now. Off to bed, g'nite all

>> No.7127376


Please delay. Need to sleep. Also my confidence is shook

>> No.7127452

Please make sure everything works.

>> No.7127464

weak hands faggots get back in the original if you wanna get in before reddit
next month this shit will be the hot coin meme everywhere

powh is all crypto is, its get rich quick shit, someone just distilled it into its purest form without the promise of it ever being real currency. powh original is revolutionary and dropped after shadow failed

>> No.7127491

>faulty code
>3 other ponzis launched today

>> No.7127534

Just fucking cashed out on you son, and eth pyramid is where the wealth will be little pajeet.

>> No.7127584

Nobody will trust that shit anymore after tonight’s events. Are you fucking serious? 1 million $ frozen in a ponzi contract fucking lol man
Get some help for your gambling problems
A fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.7127595


Devs aren't going to be ready to launch for a while they are still figuring out the shadow mishap.

>> No.7127638

I lost a grand on shadow within ten minutes of deposit. Life is weird. Definitely not touching these again.

>> No.7127654

These forks and them having faulty code is teaching /biz/ some lessons.

NETWORK EFFECTS YOU DUMB NIGGERS. The time you spent creating clones could be spent shilling the original to get it to Bitconnect levels. If you dimwits understood network effects you'd realize how dumb it is to make so many fucking clones

>> No.7127663

weak hands fgt

>> No.7127670

they should send 50 ETH of the profits to the 232 ETH guy

>> No.7127682

Someone care to update me. Saw powhcoin popup but not followed this shadow stuff and whatever issues have happened since. explain plox

>> No.7127745

All good, I can wait. Fuck powh, I now shill eth pyramid anyways

>> No.7127750
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>> No.7127776

I agree. Dev being first one in could easily do it. I'm tempted to send a bit as the a whale easily kept the first one from completely crashing and is helping with liquidity.

>> No.7127847

if op can't even code his own website why the fuck would anyone trust his ability to fix a broken solidity contract

if you're pajeet just put your effort into getting the OG more well known

>> No.7127873

Are shares considered tokens?

pretty confused since I tried using the CASHOUT func to get into shadow but I'm still holding some coins.

>> No.7127890

clones are the ultimate test of weakhands
even the creator was weakhands, trying to improve it

>> No.7127952

If the NEETS could understand how their NEETbux work you'd think they'd put some effort into shilling the OG to start tripling and quardupling their neetbux

>> No.7127983

Listen here anon, when this is up and running, every powh thread I will be there fudding and shilling the true pyramid. Understand that anon

>> No.7128026

but pajeets are dumb and greedy

they aren't satisfied with just shitting in one street so they shit in another street and another and soon all their streets are shit and everyone is covered in shit